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Noah Salazar.5430

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Everything posted by Noah Salazar.5430

  1. Most ppl after 18y old that work prob will answer as yes cuz -cost of life you can buy new pc in 1-3monts of work And even if you got hight cost of life most shops offer 1x10 up to 1x30 rates with 0% cost Ps. Steam deck + mouse + keyboard prob will be able to handle gw2 too Also never buy mac's cuz its scam writed from back
  2. Remember also rifle turret got 20s cd while rocked turret 40s, if boss or mobs kills your turret, rifle turet back faster But if you need more cc rocked turret is ok
  3. I once killed 16 zerg solo on lord, thay was not nice to me in pm
  4. It culd be nice option to be able link your gear, for now you can use only discord bot for that 😕
  5. You will can name your meha-golem that you will drive in next elite kapp
  6. Go flametrower and firearms tree for juganaraut Then go alchemy and take boon potion and quickness potion Last go bomber tree for more hp and fury from explosion (flametrower 2 cause explosion ) If want i can link you leveling build for easy game
  7. Welp quick heal scrap needs only 73% boon dura, your not even need full harier anymore, and can take magi for more hp and healing stats About quick dps it still need a little buff in terms of dmg, its ok up to t3 fractal or strikes, for raids you got quick mirage or cqfb as quick scrap lack some dmg yet In future harbringer necro will do dps quicknes, as his ult is op and dmg super good yet he can range dps
  8. 300li holo/scrapper main here Yes dps scrapper is ok but on some bosses holo is beter pick like secound boss in w1 wher you need max dps posible to skip mechanic or on bursty bosses holo is better too For fractals until you go cm, scrapper its super good as on top of dps you provide some superspeed and its good for speedrun and you can take bulwark or purge gyro for support losing only 1k dmg Quick heal scrap is good in raids and super good on fractals, you dont provid adional stats and aegis but insted you bring alot of healing and condi cleanse, but dont forget to take runes of pack to provide fury (until your have alac mirage as mirage brings fury compare to alac rene) Also remember most class have self 50% fury uptime expect of reaper wher he have none so only runes of pack are fine and in raids fury will overlap from druid/tempest
  9. You can ask random person at lion arch to come with you for help (his lv and gear will be scaled to lv of story, so its not like he will one shot evrythink) be also sure that your gear is not 2-5lv lower (weapon is most importent) and you can dodge by presing v
  10. Squaeky Hammer as toy You will can use it to hit someone in head evry 15s Person that got hited by it will have that duck who fly around your head for 5s I bet many ppl wuld buy it for around 450-650 gems to spread love in tyria
  11. Actuaaly not a bad idea Pull insted of push, fury and buring stacs But it can cause bit povercrip as atm you have pulsing fire on flamethrover 4 and bomb 2 , as well suply drop spawning flame turret
  12. I think you misunderstod me, im atm 300li raid player, and im full aware of limits of this class, thats why im reqest/fredback to buff team fury uptime knowing that fury from other healer(druid/firebrand/tempest) will overlap to my pt, but still 55% max fury uptime from runes of pack causing problems sometimes(if you split), and taking turret for fury cost too much as you need bulwark gyro (team stability) blast gyro (team might ) elixir gun (hgh trait+stationary heal team might and 50% regen)
  13. But its personal fury, i was mean to add 5ppl fury ( so one pulse of blast gyro boon 1,25s of fury x4 times aoe on top of might) to buff "suport" role of heal quick scrapper and dmg quick scrapper that can have only 55% fury uptime thx to runes of pact
  14. Go ask ppl to chose dif color then you and you can cosplay power rangers 😄
  15. Hello I wuld like to sugest adding 5s fury to blast gyro atm quick scrapper and heal quick scrapper can only boon max 55% of fury if thay hava runes of pack (if 100% boon duration stats) or by removing elixir gun that is too importent to remove, taking turret insted that cause alot of probles as in wvw your mostly mobile and in pve that turet can easly die (rest utylity slots you need for gyro in order to upkeep quickness or for stability), thers yet charr race ability that grants fury but its kinda too opresive to changing your race in order to boon resonable amount of fury 😕 By this buff i hope to improve scrapper fury uptime from max 55% to max of 85% not causing problems with fury anymore 😉 Good alternative culd be also ading 2s of fury to hgh alchemy trait What you think about it ? Is that buff nesesary in your opinion having in mind that most classes expect of reaper have 25-50% self fury uptime? What wuld be your alternative sugestion?
  16. As engi main i wuld like to see a jetpack, or ading that function to a glider
  17. Warrior need buff, i'm tired roasting that class with Flamethrower as Scrapper 😕 The only 2 times i got suprised fighting vs Warior was that rifle build that oneshoted me before dmg reduction patch, and once when i pity on warior too much so he took me by suprise as full zerker xd I think that class need bit more survability buff on https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Fatal_Frenzy ->Toughness From -300 to -150 That way you can chose 20% dmg or +150 Toughness
  18. @kobe.3150 Hello Scrapper+Holo main here with +250li (a bit of raid experience) Here is build i used in old days to lv up, worked fine http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PeQAQlFwsYdsFWJO8LfJPA-zRQURUQ3LhQUIcxhlABWAeML6ZGB-e ->Flamethrower have 425 range auto attack thats alows you to kite mobs ->Also as "boosted" character you prob got exotic solider gear, throw it to trash-kun as it's make you tank while doing 0 dmg 😕 Whats most importent you need looks on? ->Juggernaut while your on your flamethrower your geting more stronger and also no one can stun ^^(as long you have stability that is refreshed evry 3s) ->Backpack Regenerator while your on your flamethrower(or any other kit) your geting pasive self-healing ->Big Boomer using your "2" skill on flamethrower is "explosive" that trigger that trait givings you some pasive self-healing ->Short Fuse using your "2" skill on flamethrower is "explosive" that trigger 4s fury for you ->Blast Shield evry time you press "v" you will get small temporary hp (barrier) after you hit someone after that dodge cuz ->Dolyak runes while wearing 6 of theam your geting pasive healing that help you survive ->Sigil of Celerity if you stun/push someone (3 on flamethrower) you will get Quickness Now have fun exploring basic maps from all tyria ^^ Your rotation is: ->spaming 1 -> sometimes 2 for fury and pasive healing (on flamethrower) -> turn for rifle 3+5 for aoe burst, then back to flamethrower -------->What next?<---------- You have 2 options to go : Holo or Scrapper (in future also one more) -> Holo doing alot dmg, but he can overheat hurting himself, also is super glassy -> Scrapper is 2/3dps 1/3 tank, chosing scrapper you will have easy mode while exploring hot and pof expanshons , as 15% dmg you do turning to barier huh your attakcs not even hurting me For open word i recomend you Scrapper Here is my build i use : http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PeQAIlRwcYQsGWJO8LvtWA-zRQURo3loggUIcxhlABWAqNL6ZGB-e with this build you will be super tanky while having 25might stacs, perm fury, perm quickness Your Rotation is 111111111 2 for fury boon 5 for Quickness cuz Sigil of Celerity and all gyros off cd (whenever thay up) -> for fractals up to tier 4 i recomend Scrapper : https://lucky-noobs.com/builds/scrapper-power as you provide inaf dmg now after buffs (33-34k) rotation is super eazy as you do hammer+ granades 2 when your cd on hammer 2 off (as Electro whirl got 6s cd, and Shrapnel Grenade got 5s cd) and you can provide alot superspeed to team witchout much effor or switch for aoe Quickness if your team don't have any support around tier 1-3 fractals -> for raids i recomend Holo rifle https://lucky-noobs.com/builds/power-holosmith Reson is compare to fractals you got timer on bosses to kill them, and on some bosses you need that adional dmg numbers or evryone die if your team don't bring inaf damage, good egzemple is Gorseval on wing 1 pro tip, if you starting learing holo i recomend swap granades for rifle turret that way you just do holo mode then rifle 3+5 then bombs 2+1 spam until holo mode is ready 😉 Also presing Suprise shot evry 8s And most importent tip: if you plan go raids, search for small/medium Trening raid guild, thay will teach you all starting from wing 1+4 and cuz of smal/medium size your will have always spot ^^ Progresive Trening raid guilds are also good choise as ppl ther play evry 7d togheter and only free spots rotate, you will have much more fun in trening raid squads as you will can even bring off-meta class and ppl will be more friendly to you ^^ Here is my kp : https://killproof.me/proof/GRNv/tokens 85% are obteined by progresive raid trening guild, as thay lerned me all, then i helped carry other ppl that joined after me ^^
  19. magi with concetration culd be nice as well Healing pover++ Concetration+condi dmg+ vitality+
  20. Buff You can start with heat terapy instantly after dismounting that mostly will help you in hot pof maps to tank some dmg vs harder mobs I also recomend for you open word quickness scrapper it will get buff on quickness uptime soon by converting your 10% pover to concetration on kinetic accelerators here is build i run http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PeQAIlRwcYQsGWJO8LvtWA-zRQYRo3loggUGhlABWAqNL8fGB-e here is exotic version : http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PeQAIlRwcYQsGWJO8LvtWA-zRQYRieXUEEFQhwFHWCEYBo2sQ5ZE-e full berserker, only hammer+leggins solider (so your taking -25% to -30% less dmg) perm 25might, perm fury, perm quickness(3s per superspeed), long regen from supply drop, and 5%dmg from swifness on runes of pack and also 45%+20%(fury)+15%hight caliber+10% bleeding= 90% crit chance around 13-15k solo dps Im able to solo pof bountys with it (expect of legendarys as solo im runing out off time ) build rotation : 11111111111111 sometims 2 for fury, 5 for quickness, gyro off cd xd
  21. Check holebrack runes Pover stats, boon dura for your prot boon and -10% condi dura and dmg It work well on flamethrower scrapper also cuz you can take adional -20% condi dmg and got bigger barier from alchemy tree
  22. Idk despend, in raids wher you needed jump with mount to be faster on plarform it killed your 75% pre-heat opening so its racher good change. Its bad change for drms and open word tho, as you was benefiting from reset combat but in same time scrapper is much better for open word and cm drms So until your masohist that play as holo in open word its good change same for wvw as you can jump of mount and instantly burst someone
  23. Why you not join private squad? (not try to be offence just curious) for dragonstorm i always join tought lfg and not got that problems you mentioned as commander have adional rights to lead team making sure evryone consider inaf effor for team, for public dragonstorm most afkers are alts of ppl that made dragonstorm on mains before To be honest before thay added dragonstorm i not even knowed thers "public" option i always did strikes by lfg and thinked its standard and public is only to check how fight looks like , same with drms wher you cant even active cms ther until you join as group xd From bottom of my heart i recomed checking private squads, maybe your fun will back as you will have totaly diferent experience I can say most fun i had doing it by 10ppl squad but bigger squads are fine too ^^ Yes im medium skilled player 250li+ and usualy making squads by myself if thers not any in lfg, i like helping other pll and never reqire li as commander even for boneskiner or 2-3cm run on frozen steel ^^
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