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Noah Salazar.5430

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Everything posted by Noah Salazar.5430

  1. it's 1k per sec so you upkeep 4-5k of barier permamently with my build yet still have 45% boon dura for perm 25might/alac -> Scourge will not compite with you as thay not provide quickness/alac it's not as like i mentioned, your role is halac Scrapper/firebrand will be as quickness dps ---------------------------------------------------------- So to avoid confusion My idea is to replace healing for "barrier" to compare med blaster do around 1600 heal per s Bandage blast 6-8k heal Vital burst 3-4k heal You replace med blaster for Barrier blast Badage blast for Barrier Burst (7.560 barrier) Vital burst for Barrier signet (5060 barrier) Also you replace f1 (bandage self) for Healing turret that is 5 ppl aoe heal on top of water field and blast with 2k healing stats you will aoe 7-13k with it (despending did you trigger Medical Dispersion Field)
  2. Hi what you think about that build? http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PejAk6lZwaZuMPWKeqTbRVA-zxIYwoh/MqWBkuEwuzS7bWA-e Team comp reqiured: +qfb/qscrap -> Your role : halac -> Idea: Barrier disapper after 5s -> Gameplay: your full 3 auto taking 1s (with quikcnes) means 1023(barrier)x5=5112barrier per cycle -> Stats: full magi to max barrier ammount -> Runes: Superior rune of Rebirth for max healing stats and for 15% boon dura Adional options : Your main role is to "heal" with barrier But cuz you maxed your healing stats and hgh trait Super elixir and Elixir shell will be super effective healing turret that will aoe heal for 7k (+50-60% from medical dispersion field if your hp will be lower then 100%) and aoe condi clease as well I chosed Shift signet, soo your mech will get quicknes from qfb alowing mech to bring more aoe might -> Worth mention that regen gives you +250 healing stats so spam that 2 on mace (+50 heal share if your hp is less then 100%), means if your low on hp, your healing turret, Super elixir, Elixir shell will heal your allys for 50% more) -> Other postives : On yourself you got 25k hp + 12,5k barrier, and 4k barrier from Emergenxy Elixir if your hp drop to 33% and if your hp drop to 0% Superior rune of Rebirth will negate your death and give insted barrier Also becose your hp is hight, your meh hp is hight as well (35k)
  3. i recomend change your rifle turret for bulwark gyro it's only 500-1k dmg change for for sustain and aoe stability for your team (if you stay with team you will get instantly 8k barrier) if it's not help change trait https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Explosive_Temper to https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Blast_Shield that will up your hp from 14,112 to 16878 (also your barrier that is max 50% of your hp will rise from 7052 to 8439) so it's like 3k hp change in cost of other 2-3k dps Alternative option to save that trait is chaning your weapon stats to valkyrie and amulet to assasin that way you exchange 5% crit and 50 power for 2k hp and 1200 max barrier http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PejAIJlRwgYasDWJO2LvteA-zxYYhw5vDKYEFQZUbBURCY7BIgNwrhCzAA-e
  4. Have you triet bring it to technical/pc fix service? Thay may have much more experience to tell you whats up
  5. Leaping (hammer 3) or blasting in posion field makes aoe https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Poison_field it's super good on drms or fractals mob fights as mobs hits your team for 50% less dmg
  6. Core engi have 5 traitlines: Firearms-> dps (power/condi) Explosives-> dps (power) Inventions->support (boons/utylitis) Alchemy -> support (boons/utylitis) Tools -> Mobility The only problem is with Tools traitline in my opinion most core engi skills are condi based so condi traitline culd be much better then mobility one, i wuld suggest to rework tools traitline to full condi one
  7. yes it's just overlay like taco evry addon is greey zone (means not supported by anet)
  8. but why i recomend work on perceive your personal value once you make up your own opinion about yourself you will not care much about opinion of others as whos knows you better then you yourself (feedbacks are still ok tho, but you are deciding that) trening will also help if your shy person You need give yourself question, did you want other ppl to hear you out if answer is yes, then go on, make your opinion, once you give it one or twice, more times will make you more experienced and you will need less curage to do that 😉 Commander is not leading ppl, his giving his opinion how to solve problem, and other ppl taking that sugestion I was commanding with mentor tag few times, and ppl not folowed commander that randomly taged up but me insted, as my sugestions on map chat was better, and even if ppl debout me on start, once thay notice i'm profesional thay stick to me Notice that some ppl can test you by asking some stupid questions, but it's becose thay want put thay trust on you, and thay checking your mentality (by thay instinct)
  9. Don't back old LA, i left my debets ther, i don't want repossession man hunts me once again ...
  10. buy 18slot bags from auction house thay cost around 3g, and you can buy them even as f2p tools are ok once you new to have few silvers more, later on ghatering is mehh, cuz all mats your geting doing meta events in drizzlewood map, or you buy them for gold from doing other activitis try use quickness boon, it's makes you cast+perform actions 50% faster for engineer it's Elixir U, and https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Superior_Sigil_of_Celerity once you use 4 on rifle or 3 on flamethrower i not recomend using granades/bombs on erly lvs when you missing quickness Flamethrower+https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Juggernaut makes you immune for cc on erly lvs thx to stability Also have aoe blind on 5
  11. => Follow hearts on your lv, also buy gear from hearts for karma, that way your gear will be always updated to chalange, if you still strugilng buy some gear from auctionhouse, dont rush hearts 2-5lv highter then you => when you press v, you can perform evade that negates all dmg for 1,5s => if you move around enemy by "orbwalking" alot skills that mob casting will miss you => don't use gear with mixed stats if posible (go focus condi dmg (viper) or power dmg (berserker), some vitality/armor parts for more defense is also good if your not gamer (maruder/knight/solider) to compenstate your lack of skill It's group event, until your not advanced player, solo is not sugested take http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PeTAQlFwqYdMLWJW+SfA-e and use orbawlking then you schold be fine before he hit, his rising his arm, then bam after 0,5s Same with charge, he throws his hammer first, then 0,8s after he charge https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2RiEZZxpu1w&ab_channel=VPK
  12. Can that that hair style be modificated to that one ? in my opinion it's looks more nice
  13. @Gibson.4036i mean, if you have preqursore then you just use https://gw2efficiency.com/crafting/calculator/a~0!b~1!c~0!d~1-30694 i strongly recomend to buy preqursore for 120-170g (or highter despend what you aim at) as it's usualy 50% cheaper then crafting Also you skiping long list of achivment list thx to it, and can only use mats list insted i usualy try craft 2 leg weapons evry two week
  14. Usualy it's right, but don't forget gw2 have mostly casual community that not have hight demands look on new cool 4 maps and fluffy tengu (that you can't play) inaf for most ppl I pre-purshed cuz Mechanic elit spec bought me
  15. @alphaprim.9316 had same issuse in past it's not pc issuse What caused problem? -> some files must be corupted while you donwloading new patch/expansion if you have not stabile net and windows 10 sometimes you can lose pakiets in win 7 it's not issuse but on win 10 for some reason sometimes it can cause your character not load/black minimap/ no textures If for some reason for that moment you will not wait till your character fully upload (after tp), it can cause problems that your char will not uplaod at all (if you mounted up and moved far) until you relog Same with black think, if you change map after it next map will not upload and you will need leave game, then your "donwload" stuck on 0% If you had problems above that it's prob net problems I got wifi that have mirco discounets, and sometimes i got similar problem to you I waited till my game was fully downloaded, and i not play with game donwload think in same time When i changed internet provider it's helped for me
  16. I chosed mele sylvari, as it work to my smart/clever alignmen, and i like solving problems that way
  17. like title said mech is too hard to control, and require constantly presing "come back" for support abilitis 😕 we wuld get as 1 mele mech auto, as 2 Rocked punsh with 2amo, as 3 Spark revolver , as 4 Discharge Array, as 5 Jade Mortar Barrier Burst wuld be Barrier signet toolbelt skill Crisis zone wuld be Healing signet toolbelt skill Explosive Knucle wuld be Shift Signet toolbet skill And so on
  18. I have idea to add new county flag to pull it wuld be country flag with happy face that wuld mean that party/squad is cool/casual oriented with goal to have fun/rp racher a bench race What we rly lack is managment for more of casual players as more often thay not confident inaf to make groups for themselfe or not know that thay join groups that looking for someone more experienced, so adding flag will solve some of that problems, as thay will feel more safe to join groups/squads with that flag What do you think about that idea? Will it motivate ppl to be more friendly like with mentor tag or commander tag for shake of helping others?
  19. What schold be change thay schold add flag with happy face to county flags, that wuld mean party is more cool/casual oriented, same flag with gaming pad, for more hardcore partys that way alot of ppl wuld avoid miscomunications
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