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Everything posted by Mell.4873

  1. I agree with everything you said, I'm just letting people know what the most likely class is too one-shot them, a priority list of sorts. I don't include some classes especially Chronomancer's, Thief's or Willbender due to them having mobility so their potential comes from hit and run tactics. They can outright kill you too so they could be one-shoters too but if they don't, they flee. I also agree this is balance 🙂
  2. This applies to both lists. I'm focusing on the tools those elites or classes have at there disposal. Untamed can be tanky while other times it can be a one-shot build. I mean I run a Carron Axe Ambush build. Even though I have alot of Vitality It is built to one shot players. Same logic applies to Scrapper, they have skills/traits that can make them tanky but most people play it with berserker and one shot people but ultimately it doesn't count. When you see X do X. Core Guardian is always played as a Support so avoid wasting skill on it untill all the one-shot builds die.
  3. The problem with his builds is they often I involve a somewhat silly rotation. It often uses precise positioning or movement skills. Most of the time you can't expect player to cartwheel around the target when doing damage.
  4. Basicly the nerf affected primarily Condition Mesmer builds and it's not really fair that the one of the main reasons to play Mesmer was removed. The culprit does seems to be bosses that attack to quickly and as much as this is design floor that Confusion exploited I propose a better solution. Put an internal cooldown on skill activation damage. Let's say 1 second and the buff the damage to the level of other conditions. This intern allows the Boss encounters to be the same and would still give it a unique purpose which is while an enemy is not in a stun/exposed state Confusion damage is very useful. Much like how Torment is the opposite in a thematic sense.
  5. Well there is a relic that give you Vigor but it not like Mirage is worth playing at the moment. But if we see some buffs then it might be okay. Seems the confusion nerf is main culprit, if they buff that alot of the the Condition Mesmer issues go away. (Virtuoso is the on exception since It has no Confusion)
  6. Yeah you can't que pets skills, and yes you do notice this alot on Untamed. Spamming is your best option. I believe the player can que up to 3 skills but pet can only que 1 so anything else gets left out.
  7. Its been great in the new metas where you have to fight two or more Legendary enemies at once.
  8. @Beddo.1907 Lol, I have no clue what Vitlog is on about. Two main-hand Axes with cycling Axe ambushes is my best OW PvE build right now. The synergy with Celestial or Hybrid gear is amazing. Easiest 20k dps I have.
  9. Yeah, as the Class becomes more popular more of PvP masses will pick it up which will intern make them more killable. It should not impact the fact that this is still a problem. I mean the Elementalist situation was different since it did require at least a good knowledge of the Elementalist toolkit to use, but not Soulbeast.
  10. Yeah, I don't seem to have issues unless its Plat level players operating the Soulbeast but that was true before this one-shot build. For the most part it is extremely easy to avoid, even with stealth I just start spamming AoE on myself since I know they are trying to sneak up on me.
  11. You know what I kind of agree, with the advent of all these one-shot builds. We have seen the return of both support and brawler builds. Some Classes Like Warrior, Elementalist and Guardian are just inherently tanky and don't need extra stats but other fall behind since they lack defensive tools, mainly the Medium Armor classes.
  12. Again you are playing a god dam Willbender. Your entire kit is built around damage immunitys and mobility. Just leave and use Reversal of Fortune or Renewed Focus. Then turn around and one shot him. I have seen Willbenders do this a lot especially in WvW roaming.
  13. Honestly though outside of a few outlying issues like the Pig Maul coefficient. Soulbeast is fine, it's honestly really fun to see them burst into you only for you turn around and one shot them. In a strange way Healers and Brawler/Bunkers have returned to the Meta since so many people have been dying the one-shot builds.
  14. @Firebird Gomer.9563 The stuff I left out is kind of irrelevant, it is completely up to you. The pet I normally run is the Blue Moa since it grants me another Protection source and some nice aoe healing. You can't use other weapons, this only works becouse Axe is a hybrid weapons with good upfront damage. Anything I left out you can change, this is an more what I use build not a guide. I haven't unlocked all the relics yet but anything that gives you more condition damage will work. Relic of the Fractal is probably the best. Relic of Akeem can also work since you have a few CCs. Again not to important. Dont under estimate Tofu. It's one of the easiest to farm and best stat buffs in the game. There are plenty of little mobs you can cleave to get the buff in most PvE fights. Let Loose really shines with two of the same weapons equipped. 2 Longbows is another great combination especially with something like quick draw.
  15. I did comment that but didn't elaborate. But if I did elaborate your reply is pretty much what I would say. For the most part I do play ranged becouse I do end up soloing it on Pugs, well normally not the CM. If done properly being ranged does not give you any advantage over Melee. Same with most fights in the game.
  16. Here is a new List, These Classes you should never target in a team fight or duel under any circumstance unless you are a one-shot build yourself. Avoid these Elites: Core Guardian Herald Vindicator (Rare but still tanky) Elementalist (all of them) Warrior (all of them) Druid (Core Ranger sometimes)
  17. Again, I'm not saying I have problems dealing with these builds. It is the wider player base that does. I mean its common practice for a DH to leave his traps on point then leave and if you lack damage immunity then bye bye to all your health. Like I have been saying I give my team a priority list now and I also tell them what to avoid even using skill on especially during a team fight.
  18. My understanding is the T1 is the Legendary Armor but then it can be modify like the 3rd generation Legendary Weapons making them T2. So maybe we can get dragon infused Legendary Armor.
  19. I mean that is the other potential one shot build (zerkers especially) so you shouldn't complain to much. The main reason I didn't include Scrapper is becouse it has some defensive options so it isn't always a one shotter. In terms of what you can do, stealth and chain CC are your best options. The biggest threat to all these one shot builds is being focused. Opening with stealth and leaping thought your electric field is pretty much garrientied to one shot them especially with Zerkers. You probably know all this though.
  20. I mean bunker still exists. Primary if the form of Willbenders, Warrior and Elementalist. (Vindicator to but I haven't seen one of those in a while) They can be played bursty but they have alot of damage immunities and people tend to run some survivability on them.
  21. Honestly most Professions can use Celestial since they can all provide either group Quickness or Alacrity (self-boon in this case). The only real except is Power build that can't reach 100% critical chance or Condition builds that do better on Ritualist like Specter. My most favourite is Celestial Untamed since it can provide me with consistent Stability stacks.
  22. Even with CM 100 the best strategies are to stack in Melee so you can cleanse conditions. Most melee classes have a leap or teleport to re-engage so playing ranged doesn't give you any inherent advantage when you split. Unless your group is bad and you end up soloing it.
  23. I mean their traps are invisible so unless you saw them being placed it's hard to tell where they will burst you. Once you step in them, you essentially can't leave and will die especially on classes, with few invulnerabilities. A good DH will always hide when the place them so you can't even send your pets into dispel them so it is essentially a cat and mouse situation.
  24. For the most I don't have a problem with the Meta. I have even taken it upon myself to give a priority target list at the start of the match. Its more my team leaves or the enemy.
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