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Posts posted by Lucy.3728

  1. 4 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    No, it wouldn't, if you actually play the game, changing the stats shouldn't be a big deal at all. And btw, if you want to go for the endgame, you can still do that even without min-maxed "meta" builds.

    I struggled with ascended minstrel equipment, actually I still am. Still collecting for the last piece from the ascended wvw armor because that's easier and cheaper to obtain than bother with the core stats armor and the mystic toilet.

    And wvw meta has 3 support slots that wear minstrel armor (out of 5 in the subgroup). It's a high demand stats combination.

    edit: And I'm not talking about my main account. That one can afford whatever. I'm talking about new accounts.

    • Confused 3
  2. Hello, it's been over a week now since we got the new defender lords to test in keeps and I don't have any numbers but only my experience and the feedback of the players I play with: they have become easier.
    The fact that the defiance bar only appears at 75% means that everyone is already dealing so much damage without having to struggle with CC that the defiance bar is gone super quickly and it doesn't feel like it makes any difference whether it's there or not. And the one at 25% sometimes doesn't come at all or is gone so quickly that nobody notices.

    I don't know what it feels like when you're defending. I'm not that crazy and stand at the lord when the opponent is on him. And so far in our attacks, no defender has stood by the lord, whether there were 10 or 50 of us.

    How is it with you? Your experiences?

    edit: Things I find annoying about lords: knock backs and the knock down shower that the SM lord does. But the knock back from the lords is predictable and therefore you can deal with it. It would be better if it wasn't predictable, not such a simple pattern.
    If there were a group of 10 on the lord and the lord kicked them away unpredictably, in all directions, that may help the defenders more than a heal on the lord. Then the defenders might be able to pick out 1-2 people.
    And the defiance bar should at least be there from the start. It takes time to deal with CC first.


    • Confused 2
  3. 22 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    Probably because it's another type of "catch up" element for new players that soto introduced and not something that's intended to be the main source of your ascended gear. I don't see how changing stats in mystic forge is supposed to be a huge deal at all.

    Then it'd make sense to offer meta stats and not stat combinations that are not used anymore (except for Wupwup and Zoja).

    I think it's the f2p player access denial thing.

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  4. 18 hours ago, fourhim.3584 said:

    I'm pretty sure the Ascended weapon chest option has all stat choices, doesn't it?  I remember I got Celestial weapons from it.  If so, it's not that they don't want to give these stat options to players on their armor.  It looks to me more like they forgot to.

    You get all stats that even Tequatl drops. Not more. Wupwup (celestial) is one of it. And beside Berserker the only other useful stats combination you can use nowadays in end game. The rest is outdated, useful to salvage for the dark balls for legendary stuff.

    • Confused 3
  5. On 3/28/2024 at 12:35 PM, urd.8306 said:

    The gvg mentality killed it.

    In the absence of a proper GvG stage (see GW1), they have to abuse the WvW for it. 😞

    It's too late now anyway. The people who have a different definition of wvw than me are now the majority.

    After nerfing my dps meta class out of meta, I too switched to support and just fill the boonball 😑
    (when there's no hard content I still play my old wvw char - fk the meta)

  6. On 3/28/2024 at 3:28 PM, uberkingkong.8041 said:

    It's not like GW1 was doing poorly and forced to switchover.

    I remember region districts being more and more deserted and the left players either hoped there are ppl in their region or they switched to the international district, which always had ppl... but international.

    That's when I started to lose interest in GW1 and switched to Aion.
    Like I started to lose interest in PvE because of the international mega servers and deleting all the region servers. I mainly play wvw now which still has my region. But with the world restructuring that may change too and I'd lose interest in GW2. A GW3 may be good then.

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  7. 9 hours ago, Roy Marks.7689 said:

    Riverside (DE), Fissure of Woe (EN)


    I like our Far Shiverpeaks linking.
    The first reset they had an awesome night watch and with them we reached t1 - even when we didn't play much with them together, each kind of stuck to their own (mostly due to language and discord/ts preferences). I liked it.

    I remember FoW being worse as ally than as enemy because I've to read their endless stream of garbage on team chat.

    • Haha 2
  8. 5 hours ago, Thea Cherry.6327 said:

    limit the ability to transfer to 1 in 6 month

    I like that.

    And ppl that stay on their server for at least 1 year get a buff. Or a title that changes color with the years of loyalty (since colored titles seem to be a thing now 🤮) and gets removed/reset after a transfer.

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  9. 23 hours ago, duskpoo.1824 said:

    Because no one had to do that in 2021 last time they ran this event

    Maybe not in 2021, but in 2020 I bought all seasons up to IBS chapter 2 for gems... with in game gold. When it was on sale. My acc is as old as GW2 too but I had a break of 7 years.

    That is as much for free as anything you buy with any in-game currency in this game.

    Sure a year later it was given away xD But I won't complain about that is was given away. I'd complain that I had to play the GW2 story in a kitten up order and didn't care about anyone because I didn't know anyone because apparently they were introduced in some season I didn't have back then.

    • Sad 1
  10. 2 hours ago, Zera.9435 said:

    If you can fly with a skyscale, then you can swim underwater in all 3 dimensions.

    But I hate flying and getting attacked from all directions too.

    There's no difference.

    It just rarely happens when flying.

    And flying is just a tool to get faster from A to B and not something I do merely for fun. If I could teleport wherever I want I wouldn't touch the skyscale anymore.

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  11. On 3/24/2024 at 9:17 PM, XSevSpreeX.2143 said:

    I care less to show off my titles because I don't know what I did to get 80% of them.

    I use titles that fit the character and don't care where they're from.
    Like the bloodbound title for my loyal Charr from the blood legion.

    I even created character names in thought of a title or searched through my titles to get inspiration for a fitting character name.
    Makes only sense in German though.

    Sometimes that didn't work, like I dropped the shadow of a shadow title because it is such a hassle to achieve... but I had already the fitting character :s

    • Like 1
  12. On 3/24/2024 at 5:26 PM, SoftFootpaws.9134 said:

    i still can't believe that its been over a decade since we were given the title "champion of orr" in the personal story, yet never actually receive it.

    Was about to say that.

    When I did the story and was told by the last king that I got that title from him I was like 'yay, let me enable it' and it wasn't there xD 😞 ;_;

    The Kodan merchant in Lion's Arch finally got an own name... time for a title for the Orr rescue too. I mean I was the Prodigy of Shin Jea before I even put a paw on Cantha... just because of money. And I don't even want such an undeserved title.

  13. Hello

    I wonder how difficult it must be to reach rank 6 on Dry Top.

    Lots of people, every event done.
    Last one was done too (the beetle collecting one) but had a timer of 50 secs (for ppl to give him their beetlestuff) until complete but the sandstorm came in 26 sec.

    There was an eventless time of like 2-3 minutes where we all waited for something to pop up somewhere.
    What the...?

    (Also half the achievements for the bonus event weekly seem to be bugged... the jps don't count, the Silverwastes meta didn't count either)

    • Like 2
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  14. The wvw dailies and weeklies are the same as usual.

    1 hour ago, DeanBB.4268 said:

    What do you mean by "logged?" Kept track of them? For what purpose?

    Probably the problem of pve players getting pve daylies/weeklies of expacs they don't even have.

    What I noticed is, that my accounts that don't have SotO have all special task highlighted too. Before they had those tasks, that required SotO, visibly deactivated/disabled (like it still is in the reward tab).
    I see that as a change for the worse 😞

  15. On 3/9/2024 at 10:14 AM, Revolution.8425 said:

    Many abilities from the Shiro, the Demon and the Dwarf are NEVER used because of the exorbitant cost of resource and often along with the fact that they offer near nothing in PvE or PvP

    I mostly play power herald (dwarf/dragon) with gs and hammer in wvw zergs and I use every utility skill on dragon and dwarf but the chain (on dwarf), not because of costs, because that's more a one on one skill and not for situations where I switch enemies often. If I come across 1on1 I use the chain too.

    On 3/9/2024 at 10:14 AM, Revolution.8425 said:

    Renegade utilities are slow, uninspiring and

    ...and only few. I mean I cannot choose skills. There are exactly as many skills as empty slots. -.-

    That's shabby.

    On 3/9/2024 at 10:14 AM, Revolution.8425 said:

    Worst part is that I can't find people that mainly use this class.

    It's difficult.

    I switched from ranger to rev as main class about 3 years ago.

    But I mainly play wvw and only little pve (open world/story).

    Either you have fun with a style and class or not. It's like with food.

    For example I wonder how anyone can play thief. No matter what spec, that class is boring at best and awful at worst.
    I also don't like guard, I know how versatile that class is. It's the weapon skills I guess. I often don't like them or they are too slow for my liking.
    I rather play a tedious mesmer than an easy guard xD

    • Like 1
  16. I played renegade in wvw this weekend (solo, small teams, zergs organised/unorganised), since it was listed to make it attractive for pvp, but it was underwhelming.
    Anyone else?

    Renegade got buffed, and a new mechanic was added but in the same breath it got nerfed as well.

    My usual power herald (gs+hammer) is still better to play in wvw, and it fell out of meta months ago.

    • Like 4
  17. 20 hours ago, Krieger.1238 said:

    Hello! I only have 2.5g and not much unlocked.

    Then stay berserker geared until you have more money or tradeable items.

    Do the vault tasks (daily and weekly), you can trade those points for gold, mystic coins (sell them) and ascended equipment (incl. wupwup = celestial). Do the leyline anomaly too, drops a mystic coin which you can sell.

    Btw, berserker gear is fine for wvw if you play with at least 10 others or even a squad. The gold isn't the problem for the selectable stats gear from the wvw vendor, its the badges of honor. Those come only from playing and the beginning is hard, since you won't even have autoloot or the mobility other players have.

    The short run is the vault and its rewards. The long run is wvw.

    • Like 2
  18. 22 hours ago, disForm.2837 said:

    Running 1 squad of 50 as a single group or 5 groups of 10 is basically the same thing

    More than one squad has more variety.

    I play every early morning with the same guild and when we hit 50 we often split and form 2 squads. Either we stay on ebg and one squad runs clockwise and the other counter-clockwise or one stays on ebg and the other goes somewhere else where needed/wanted.

    It's fun.
    If needed we come together again. And it is easier to assign a role to a squad than to subgroups - by design (or fail by anet if you want)

    Running in a 50 blob is no fun and if you don't even meet something that can challenge it is is boring too. A smaller squad has better chances for content since almost everything runs from the tidal wave.

    We have more fights with a blob of 20-30 ppl than with 50-60.

    10-20 is my comfort size (if there isn't heavy resistance/annoyance that would require more quantity).

    The heavy lagging starts when the queued full server blobs meet on one map.

    • Confused 2
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  19. How about reducing squad size? Like 25. That's 5x5 groups. Enough for a squad.

    I could play 30 minutes EBG after reset today before the lagging started and I left wvw to save my mood. That's 20 min longer than what I expected (from experience). I guess something was done after all.

    Also I'm for more reduction of visible effects than what's already possible. Some are certainly important to see but many aren't.

    1 hour ago, WizardBro.4510 said:

    I hear the excuse (WvW has always been this way.)

    The lagging?

    I have it since the last beta. Didn't have it before and I loved 3 server blob fights in sm (before).

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