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Posts posted by Lucy.3728

  1. 40 minutes ago, Mangovnik.7416 said:

    In light of the recent addition of the Dragon Descendant's Helm, I have come to the reasonable conclusion that we need dragon pants that will turn Charr's tail into a dragon tail. As long as there are no such pants in the game my immersion is ruined, enjoyment of the game is none, and the frequency of thought of uninstalling increases every moment.

    My thoughts exactly after I added the bat wings to my new Draconian and saw the fluffy tail, that's a no go. We have the claws, but we need the tail.

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  2. 9 hours ago, Labjax.2465 said:

    Isn't introducing a new type of legendary that has its own internal form of progression rather than being, well, legendary a major usability concern and going to create an immense amount of confusion and identity crisis of gameplay systems going forward?

    Was thinking about that too. I don't like it when a system gets splitted up into more systems/subsystems.

    Either all legendary stuff will get treated like that with the update, or none.

    9 hours ago, Labjax.2465 said:

    Doesn't the legendary relic not being a full legendary mean the compensation isn't really the same as having what people already had that was taken away? (e.g. like taking away an apple, then promising you'll give back a fresh one with a large bite taken out of it?)

    I think, after knowing the ever complaining community here, that offering stuff like "compensations" and such is a mistake. Anet can never satisfy everybody, most will always want more/different. Never satisfied no matter what they offer.

    If Anet wants to change something in their game, for progress and future adaption, they should do it and ignore the whiners. Because there is no difference if they do it or don't do it. But it is less work if they do it.

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  3. On 1/25/2024 at 6:32 PM, firedragon.8953 said:

    Considering everything, this seems very fair.

    Very fair?

    You get a free legendary relic for just having 1 (one) legendary rune and you consider is very fair?

    It is unbelievingly generous.

    Very fair would be to have to have 6 legendary runes for a free legendary relic since it is about the effect of the 6th rune.

    On 1/25/2024 at 6:53 PM, GalenWolffit.3842 said:

    So those of us who crafted a 7th legendary rune in anticipation of the additional progress towards the legendary relic are SOL? 

    Man, you have a legendary rune on your breather now, be happy. And you crafted before the raise.
    It's not like it is completely useless... just almost 😛

    And be glad you don't want to craft a rune now... 800 gold.

    On 1/25/2024 at 7:03 PM, Omega.6801 said:

    "Legendary relics will work a bit differently than other legendary equipment, in that players will need to unlock new relic effects for future expansions in order to make use of them with their legendary relic."
    So Legendary means nothing. Cool. Thanks a lot ANet.

    I hope that means I only need to buy future expansions and not actually have to do annoying stuff in pve.

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  4. 7 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

    If you have a disabled espec trait, you are no longer that espec, but a core class instead. It's not just a case of your dps going down, but your whole playstyle may change. Not to mention if you were using espec-specific skills,those would get disabled as well. And if you do not have the weapon mastery from SotO, your weapon would stop working too.

    That's not too good, considering that almost noone beyond f2p players runs core classes after getting to level 80.

    Nothing of that has to do with my suggestion.

    My screenshots even show a specced player.

    And the weapon master is a story unlock and doesn't have anything to do with traits. Even with zero traits you can use specced weapons, can't you?

    • Confused 1
  5. 3 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

    The gold infux from vault seems to have a much higher impact than anything before.

    But the items that are more expensive now like t6 mats, ecto, mc had longer phases before, in gw2 history,  of that value. Even higher peaks.

    • Like 3
  6. 2 hours ago, kharmin.7683 said:

    I think that this would be a horrible idea.  This would essentially wipe out anything other than core builds in central Tyria.  I don't see that being in Anet's best interests.

    I don't see how this wipes out anything, but reduces dmg a bit from overpowered players on lowie maps.

    Also how is there a difference whether you have an empty spec trait or an empty core trait?

    Every lvl 80 veteran player will still do way too much dmg from power creep.

    Level 1-15 maps: https://i.postimg.cc/h48chLyp/gw056.jpg

    Level: 15-25 maps: https://i.postimg.cc/J0QLg8D9/gw142.jpg

    Level 25-40 maps: https://i.postimg.cc/cCWWXCHR/gw221.jpg

    higher maps have everything unlocked.

    And you'll be still better off than the real newbie who struggles his way to better equipment and mobility and traits (real newbies dont even have specs yet).

    • Haha 1
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  7. 13 hours ago, DoNotAimAtMe.3510 said:

    In which order is advised to play the dlcs and season?

    The game will do that for you.

    You start with the core story, then the game will automatically continue and start season 1 etc.

  8. 17 hours ago, Danikat.8537 said:

    I'm not sure what it would take for Anet to make it more effective without causing problems for players. I don't think it would be a good idea for it to disable traits for example,

    I think an easy way is to disable the traits on starter maps, for every player 20 levels above that map's max level..
    Enable the first set of traits on the next level of maps and so on.
    It disrupts build synergy and reduces damage from rotations. I'm not sure how noticeable it is for damage reduction.

    I see the power creep from newly released stuff as the main problem.

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  9. On 3/27/2022 at 8:43 PM, livstrid.5023 said:

    How come is the predator allowed to add you to his list, and you are not allowed to say no?

    Would you like it better if the tab gets removed entirely and you wouldn't see how many and who put you on their list?
    (It's not like you are being stalked, you are being added to their friends list - do you stalk the players on your friends list)

    • Like 1
  10. What about the most obvious? The backpiece.

    When I switch between my builds (different armor too), then I can either choose to have enabled everywhere or disabled everywhere.

    Weirdly enough it is same with other armor pieces that can be visually en-/disabled, they are even tied to different tabs, but either I enable it for all or disable it for all. That is esp. very limiting for head pieces.

    When I switch to my fully body armor berserker set I want it enabled, when I switch to my rather fur showing condi set I don't want the headpiece to show.
    No way I can have that atm.

    • Like 2
  11. I like that idea.

    Although it won't make me play minion necro more often since it is just something visual. Depending how it looks (I'm not for cute, I rather like creepy for the undead - undead Choya army :3) and costs I'd buy skins nonetheless.
    Seeing how many jackal skins I bought just because they were so cool (fox skin pack 🥰) but I rarely use the jackal... says enough. 😞
    One of my MM is a little 'sacred but humble' themed, so maybe some themed minions to that. I'd buy it just to complete the theme xD https://i.postimg.cc/PJqs1SLT/gw303.jpg

    And I'd love other mech skins. I don't even like that sickly green color.
    I'd rather have one looking like the Jet Alone from the NGE anime. https://www.google.com/search?q=Jet+Alone

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  12. On 1/16/2024 at 11:04 PM, ZenonSeth.5739 said:

    But getting to events in time before they are wiped by a bunch of glow in the dark sparkly rainbow dragon high level players is pretty much impossible.

    It's the power creep ppl complain about.

    And the downscaling system doesn't affect everything (like it ignores traits, so I heard).

    On 1/16/2024 at 11:04 PM, ZenonSeth.5739 said:

    Even with a raptor, that champ gets wiped before I can reach it

    If you choose closest waypoint and raptor away from there you should be able to reach it in time (if there were no campers at that point). Unless your raptor is not skilled (no wide jump). Then you're doomed until you play PoF and skill your mount or Anet changes something. First one is in your hands.

    • Sad 1
  13. 1 hour ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

    The consequence seems to have been that WvW has had 2.65 million kills+deaths this week, which I do believe is a record (I think the last beta week had 1.8 million, but I have seen 2.3 million for one of the other weeks).

    And how many less kills when winterdays was?

  14. 2 minutes ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

    People excludes people, not language.


    Whatever consequences a language barrier cause remain real however you name it.

    I name it: excluded by language barrier.

    If this game was in Chinese, I wouldn't play it... because of the language barrier.

    • Like 1
  15. How many players can an alliance take?

    When it remains an alliance war (the wvw) on who-cares-about-the-world-name-then-anymore, then it'll give the game name a reason (Guild Wars). First time since 10,7 years. 🤣

    But I'm against this beta for language reasons. As long as there's no working fix in that regard, there's no chance for this from me. It excludes people. Therefore I'm against it.

    • Like 1
  16. On 1/15/2024 at 5:39 PM, Vasdamas Anklast.1607 said:

    Of all kinds, always. Barely any variety remains on WvW these days. Time to address them like mesmers perhaps?

    What server?

    I don't notice any more necros than usual.

    Eles everywhere. Mesmers everywhere. Thieves everywhere. Necro everywhere. Guards, Warriors, Rangers, Engis... everywhere.

    So, every class is everywhere. But rev. Not enough revs everywhere.

    • Confused 1
  17. On 1/15/2024 at 11:49 AM, Atrom.1564 said:

    Just as you are allowed to run around in a zerg and kill some npcs, other players are allowed to solo roam and gank you. No need to feel entitled. You could also opt out of WvW and play some PvE, if you don’t like it

    Typical self-centered reply.

    You make it sound like there are many people who like being gankend in wvw by roamers.

    But I think no one likes being ganked by roamers.

    Shall everybody stop wvw then and play pve and leave all wvw maps to the roamers?

    Is that you suggestion? Because that is the consequence of what you said.

    • Haha 2
  18. On 1/14/2024 at 11:39 PM, Leaa.2943 said:

    Well PvE people came to WvW sat on siege or repaired walls until there was no supplies left and we lost the keep because of that. WvW is a teamplay thing, you wont always get rewarded, but helping your team is what makes WvW great. And we do not want the rewards back for reparing walls and gates because PvE people abuse it to the fullest. 

    Actually we do want them back.
    And I doubt you lost a keep because of missing supps. We still  have that situation of no supps often enough esp. when the objective is often under siege... from both sides. I can't say that we lost a keep because of lacking supps. Lacking supps is an every day business for me. When we lost an objective it was for other reasons.

    Been playing wvw for 4 years and sure it was slightly annoying when ppl drained the supps just for the sake of participation. I remember it being annoying in sm, and only sm.

    However, it wasn't annoying enough to fk up the whole defence event system.

    Instead of disabling, enable getting participation from dolyak escort again, like it was 10 years go. Then those pveler can do that and everyone is happy for the supps. But I guess ppl complained about other ppl escorting dolyaks all the time.

    Oh, and when there's a hole in the wall, there are still ppl closing it, draining the supps from sm, even when the treb is still present.


  19. Explored Seitung today and I got this map change pop-pop 3 or 4 times.

    When I explored the meta started and I took part in it.

    What can you do when ppl leave the map after the meta for metas on other maps? Nothing but close the instance :s There's still an hour time. And you can minimize  the popup. I only switched the map every time I got the popup in case of events, I wanted other ppl to take part in them and almost empty maps may not give me that.

    Hilarious is when it comes before a meta and you're in a rather full squad.

  20. 9 minutes ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

    Not helping repair gates or walls or clear siege from objectives after a defense, just because you don't get "participation" for it.

    Since participation got removed, repair is not wanted. If you want something, put up a reward. It's so simple.

    I get a reward for loading up a ruin, 10x. Totally boring, but I do it.
    But demolishing hostile siege, repairing... fking nothing.

    Other points yeah.

    Squad discipline in open squads is lacking too. Ppl running way ahead of the commander, ppl running way behind the commander, ppl chasing enemies (and getting ganked), ppl throwing random siege.

    But when I read the title, first thing that came to my mind,  are actually those solo players, aka roamers, harassing other people who didn't ask for that and don't want to play with or against them. They force themselves on other people for sole selfish reasons.

    Go spvp, tyvm.

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