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Everything posted by SakuraJD.4720

  1. WELL, after many days, and a stupid amount of... nevermind, im not even gonna finish that thought. your thing worked. it's downloading now.
  2. Already using a completely different path, different hard drive entirely even, with over a Terabyte of space available.
  3. the title really is pretty much the meat of it. I have two machines, and I want to run the game on my older one, just to split up some resources, but the W7 one just wont install. completely fresh install, firewall is allowing it, im running it as admin, temp files are cleared, plenty of space exists, but the installer just will not download anything. it stalls immediately on "downloading update 0kb/0kb" and goes to "errors detected, retrying" but never advances.
  4. Would it be a crazy idea to implement any levels youre working on, right now, as a sort of 'Bug Tester' event? like, story-wise, it could be Moto's been working on levels for ages, but has been running into problems left and right, and lets us help test them, in their unfinished state? other than that...I think I like Storm Top, if only because the music has this great 'uphill climb' sound to it that gets really intense as it goes on.. really exciting stuff.I think for the weekly vendor, maybe a black lion key for 50 bubbles or something could be nice.i'd love to see new levels as anyone else would, but how about SAB themed mount skins.. that could be really fun... like a Shortcut Eagle for a Griffon, or a Beedog for the Skyscale, since they can both hover.... and the 1 skill would even be like the queen bee's attack where she fires bees at you...
  5. QoL for me at least, would be vastly improved if you created farmable methods for obtaining ultra-rare drop cosmetic items, gated behind difficult to farm items. as an example:Chak Egg Sac, but account bound.Purchasable from the Merchant after Gerent for the cost of 1000 Chak Eggs.currently the only way to get these eggs is to do the Gerent and a few other events, with the only way to really farm them being Caches throughout TD, which of course need Keys(Chak Acid)Merchant could also sell them in various Colors, so people could have Blue or Green lightning trails. maybe even make some sort of crazy variant unlockable by trading in all 7 colors that makes a Rainbow trail come off of you.with the need for the Eggs going up, and their account bound nature, there would be no money trading hands, so it would be entirely up to the player to obtain. would also make the map more active on a more regular basis as the need for Keys would skyrocket, causing more players to complete events more. another example could be for the Vial of Aurillium costing Auric Ingots, though those are crafted and would inevitably skyrocket the cost of Auric Slivers. but its jsust an example.
  6. we will most likely have a huge underwater area when we eventually go to fight the sea dragon (which is still unnamed) which was exactly what i was getting at. but until we DO get that, i say no. as of right now, with what we have available, no. if things change, i might.
  7. Honestly I think we're kinda good on mounts. Griffon for high speed flying and getting around wide maps with tall tower like structures.. beetle for large flat open maps.. jackal is great for tight spaces and short distance bursts, raptor is good for that too. springer for climbing most stuff, Skyscale can do that too, while also being really good at moving around areas with large gaps without the need of stamina(like the raptor) and generally just the best afk mount since you can hover in place forever. Skimmer is great at moving over water, but if we needed ANY mount right now, it would be a Swimmer, to move faster UNDER water. everything else is covered well enough, and squeezing in another to anything else would basically be niche. but i also feel that if you added in a swimmer, all those swim speed upgrade infusions you put in would get devalued, since.. honestly, if we got a swimmer mount, we'd only need those infusions when in combat underwater. i suppose if you did add a swimmer. it would be because of massive underwater content, which would mean we'd be MORE Likely to be in combat underwater, so it might even out.. but yeah, thats my opinion.
  8. yeah, same. asked why they couldnt. its not like its my fault it happened. i mean, this exact situation is why customer service exists.. when a problem occurs that is entirely not our fault, its to assist us in fixing it. like buying food only to get home and find the internal packaging was damaged... its not their fault, thats a problem they couldnt have foreseen, so you replace it. but yeah, just waiting now.
  9. happened about 5-7 minutes prior to this message. then a network error on any character i tried to log in as. upon logging back in, entire meta reward was rolled back. sure glad i didnt get a chak egg sac this time, i'd have been livid that it was stolen from me.
  10. i still have to grind 1000 kralk ore and powdered rose quartz, so i personally dont mind a little more waiting. i think once its been a week, i might get upset.
  11. well looks like its been patched. now just gotta wait on that ticket.
  12. once a full set of 1 weight of the tier 1 is obtained, theres invisible text on the achievement "go to traveling trader in dragonfall and pay 5 gold for the achievement unlock"rather obnoxious hidden small gold sink.
  13. yep, same shit happened to me. i crafted 6, did 4 different events no problem, but then event 5 was Ley champions. i killed 2 of them, so the game decided to eat BOTH of my final encapsulators. didnt find out until i was fighting the boss of the Specimen Chamber for my 6th. already submitted a bug report, and i better get a refund for it.
  14. they shouldnt have used RNG for this. its like using a dice roll in dnd, its poor planning. they should have used a Token system. every world boss drops a token, and then you can go to a merchant who sells each of the items for like 250 tokens EACH, but its an account bound version. that way people could actually work towards getting an item they truly want and would use, and not just to make a quick buck. but then again, why would they ever reward hard work and effort, right? and to answer your question, i didnt get anything (probably obvious)
  15. Has anyone made the suggestion of just making the Warclaw utilize the masteries of the Raptor in PvE? I get it, its a wvw mount, but i'd like to run around on my big kitty, and not basically be penalized for it. I mean, its actually slower than the Raptor... I would suggest a mastery you have to get in PoF, like as an addition to the Raptor mount line of Masteries.. could take 4 more points, and just be like "The Warclaw now benefits from Canyon Jump, and moves faster in Tyria." or maybe even just its own Mastery in the PoF tab. i dont mind the 1 skill not being much more than just a big spike of damage, just the fact that its slower and has like, no leap, when cats are very well known for pouncing and leaping... eh, anyway... a Mastery for Warclaw to make it function similarly to Raptor(when it already kinda does anyway) but ONLY in PvE, would be great.
  16. Personal Appearance Tonic not really sure on the name, but the idea being that it could be a Novelty/Combat Tonic you can set to the appearance of one of the characters on your account, then, on other characters, use the tonic to look like the preset you chose. I can see this not being a thing because of character slots, total makeover kits, etc, but with the inability to change race/class, people may like to make a character to play the alternate races' storylines, and maybe even grew attached to the character, and maybe just want to LOOK like their Main or something, while still keeping the other character's progress.. i can also see it being an issue with maybe taxing the server by making it recall 2 appearances from an account at the same time, or possibly an issue with saving the appearance or something... not really sure about what kind of impact it would have, since in my head it would just be interacting with the same account it was already interacting with to begin with.. i suppose to limit this, it could have a cooldown on saving a preset. but it would basically work just like any Combat tonic, changing the base appearance and armor to the saved appearance, with the weapons being whatever was already equipped. voices could change with the tonic to match the race/gender of whatever they change into, though not influence dialogue and story, obviously.. this could also be a fun way to allow someone to wear heavy armor as a light armor class, simply by making a clone of their Main in an alternate armor class. and since all races and genders already have the ability to wield each weapon just fine, there wouldnt be any animation issues.
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