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Everything posted by Karagee.6830

  1. 20k=32k 2=3 1=99 #anewkindofmath #makeithappenAnet And please let's ignore some more the other 20 specs which got shafted, because context does. not. matter.
  2. lmfao is that Ben Carson or Boris Johnson speaking? I mean yeah the details don't matter lol. Firecracker, nuclear-bomb, fundamentally the same thing: all explosive devices.
  3. Aoe-boost? What? Do you even play the game? I already told you one of my guilds (which included players with fastest times on some of fractal CMs) has decided to play other stuff instead of indulging Anet following the patch. What more do you want? MightyTeapot makes a living off the content he creates. MightyTeapot is fearing for his income and rightfully criticises the patch and design decisions at every opportunity (from what I know, not that I'm a subscriber or watch his content so...).
  4. I mean I thought we clearly established I quoted you correctly or you wrote something you didnt mean, which you never said you did. So... Now who's misrepresenting? Are you going to say that a build doing 32k dps on autoattack while a large portion of other specs achieve similar or worse results isn't a new situation? Hahaha. Ok please do tell us which build has previously benched 31,953k dps without pressing any button.
  5. No people leave pve because THEIR class does less damage than 0 APM mechanist, despite challenging gameplay and they have no interest in being pigeonholed into playing boring classes that require no skill. You might have missed that while they were buffing Mechanist 0 skill builds, they also nerfed all power builds, completely obliterating soulbeast (then patched in the most boring way possible that also require no skill) and warrior and nerfing or not fixing the majority of other classes and specs with problems.
  6. Their argument is valid to this day and it is...that there is no incentive for these people to learn anything else if these builds are too strong. Because someone able to play a difficult rotation on one class is likely to be able to get into a different class and still play it at a decent to good level. Someone that requires him to do nothing or very little, will not have the same flexibility, will not learn, it will be carried if not forever at least for a much longer time and part of the desirable in raid groups is flexibility in covering multiple roles depending on who's available. I couldn't give a kitten about what MightyTeapot does. He thinks this patch was dogshit, literally the worst ever by Anet and Mechanist was way overbuffed, so I'm not sure what's your brilliant idea calling his opinions into this debate.
  7. It affects everybody when people leave because they are dissatisfied that 1 specialisation does more damage afk than 20 others while masching buttons. This is why I'm here. It was better when the discussion was with people denying Mechanist was doing that much dmg to be honest, at least we could talk about something concrete, even though we disagreed, and not inconsequential faff.
  8. not sure what you're even talking about. No kp are required for T4. No kp are sometimes asked even for CMs. Nobody in T4 LFG asks for specific classes except...hfb. Normally you would have people asking for alac, hfb and dps (or cdps/pdps) or if they have a ham, then quick and dps, sometimes people will go without 100% quickness or alacrity. CMs lfg is....the same!!!!! other than people asking for kps.
  9. Then you'd be kicked for lying and don't know the mechanics of the encounter not because you play a subpar spec. This builds existed before Eod, you just didn't have content creators giving them a lot of visibility. So it's not a 3 months thing. The fact they realised they buffed this too much, they squeezed the gap between skill floor and skill ceiling too much and then nerfed it in a hurry is a good thing, that may keep (a part of the) more experience players on the fence rather than having them quit altogether, as many others have already done.
  10. I don't demand you do anything. You can go make yourself a coffee or a sandwich for all I care. I don't have requirements for your role or build: it's T3, it's pointless for me to demand anything from others. It's bad T3 players that demand stuff from others while everyone is failing at mechanics etc.
  11. You are commenting on a thread post balance that is discussing AFK AUTOATTACK builds, not LI, literally 0 APM and you say LI builds exist and being promoted, but no it's clear you never said anything about anyone promoting anything. The English in that sentence is bad, I can give you that, but 'being promoted' can only refer to 'the fact' that LI builds exist or to 'LI builds'. In the end whether it's one or the other is immaterial, you absolutely cannot claim you never said Anet is pushing for this or that I'm misrepresenting what you said.
  12. You gonna stop trolling at strike 3? I mean you said you didn't want to engage about 20 messages ago. You never ever ever ever said that. whoopsies
  13. I mean I suppose you could pay me the equivalent in gold for the rewards: gold, relics, karma, spirit shards etc (including the bonuses from fractal god) and I would be indifferent. You happy to do that to protect the cesspit of toxicity that is often T3?
  14. nope that is the other guy's opinion, which I was actively disputing. I said let's do a poll about reasons why people get kicked (which included both) and he said no. Ding, ding, ding. Bingo! Yeah and you don't need 1 build to do 32k afk for people not to be kicked from raids. This is just bs of the highest order and always has been. People get carried in GREEN gear in raids. The difference is this was doing more damage than many high intensity builds while being literally 0 APM. And the fact that this is not part of Anet vision is that it's been nerfed after 2 days. Nobody has any problems with LI builds doing 20k+ dps, but 32k is another story and this was not a LI build this was literally 0 APM, which does not qualify as LI, it's an afk build.
  15. Ah not a fan of inclusion I see. Think of it as me, giving freebies to you, without saying anything or asking for anything in return. I am not a toxic player, I genuinely like to help people and the majority of players in T3 are clearly still learning how to play their builds...which is why the level of toxicity by players who can't even play their class very well is frankly upsetting. This is what I'm also trying to say to the other guy: assuming that elite players in GW2 are toxic is wrong and at the very least would need some data backing. My experience is there are fewer elite/good players being toxic in groups even as someone is underperforming than subpar players being toxic in a similar scenario. I did T3 only for the weekly rewards tbh, so if you don't like it please take it up with the devs who introduced those.
  16. The problem is, you haven't said anything other than Anet is pushing LI builds to further inclusivity, without explaining how alienating experienced players who main 20 other specs is going to achieve that. You seem to think that collapsing the skill ceiling onto the floor (mech at 32k 0apm) will somehow lead to experienced players being more open to take people who have never done 'endgame' content before. They should be happier to carry these people because they are doing a little bit more damage than before? While Anet is actively sabotaging the classes and builds they like? This is some parallel reality. If instead you think that this change will lead to 10 inexperienced players who never set foot in a raid to suddenly start grouping together, then ok, hahaha, I'd like to see that.
  17. hahaha, so you think this is what buffing afk mechanist to 32k was all about? Yup, delusional. still waiting for your explanation on HOW dumbing down classes and boosting autoattack damage and builds will lead to more inclusion in raids of all places.
  18. Strange, I've never had anyone complaining about this. Are you one of the toxic ones? Hey a suggestion: rush T4, even outside CMs there are fewer toxic players there and most know what they are doing so nobody needs to feel smarter and run his mouth at his team mates.
  19. T3 is by far the most toxic area of fractals and it's not even close. Don't worry I usually went in by myself and cleared on my own, did bosses on my own until the party filled up if it filled up. I don't need other people to do T3 with a few exceptions and certainly I don't need people using the chat to interact with others in a toxic way.
  20. Then as I said about 30 comments ago you are definitely in the wrong thread and completely off-topic. And of course you don't need numbers, because those will prove all you say is just your opinion and catering to a minority. I haven't logged in since before the patch, on purpose, to hopefully force some shake up in the organisation, but I'm perfectly happy using my time on other things if nothing changes.
  21. Ask Anet to release some numbers. All you say is conjecture and opinion, anecdotal is better than that any day of the week and twice today.
  22. The health of the game does not need players to be inclusive, it needs players to...play. And all of this is reducing the number of players who play. If you want to cater to a minority of people who can't play and shaft everyone else please let's have Anet say it clearly and openly. Making fake claims that bad players are regularly not getting carried and tolerated by better players is such a weird and untrue claim to make about GW2 that is beyond absurd. Alas, you refuse to even consider quantifying the problem, so you must be trolling or trying to get to 100k posts for whatever reason.
  23. It's like saying 100,000 people have been kicked for being toxic but I know 10 people have been kicked for not using meta builds so it's a real problem than Anet clearly needs and wants to address. And I would content the ones who were kicked for having subpar builds almost invariably have also been toxic, unresponsive or lied about their role/ability. Are you trolling?
  24. Hence I proposed to make a poll, so we can see who is living in fantasyland between us. Would these work for you? have you seen players getting kicked from a pve group because a) they were using a spec which is not meta; b) they were performing poorly or worse (both dps-wise, support-wise, not keeping boons up, mistiming aegis/barriers or stab or other roles like kiter, pusher etc); c) they did not communicate when that was a stated requirement for joining or failed to answer the party leader multiple times; d) they joined a group and failed to provide something requested in lfg (i.e. a specific class or kps); e)they were toxic or annoying in the chat. Multiple answers allowed You happy with this, need to expand, is some of these points leading? I will guarantee e) will be significantly higher than any other option.
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