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Everything posted by Karagee.6830

  1. I'm going out on a limb here and go for a risky guess: because their wvw isn't the kittening desert and outnumbered fiesta that EU is. Just a guess.
  2. People who want to nerf damage make me laugh. There have been builds that are nearly unkillable in roaming situations, so we need to make them completely unkillable? If you nerf damage, you better be nerfing sustain and boons across the board as well or the only people who will die in wvw outside of blob and ktrain kills are pvers doing dailies.
  3. What does this even mean? A ranged dps is not better because it does damage from distance all the time. If there was a minimum range to use skills then fine, but that isn't the case and ranged dps will comfortably sit with the group in melee. The difference comes in when you need to switch targets and move or when the targets move or are spread out: in these situations a ranged dps will simply have more damage uptime and the same exact boons as a melee dps.
  4. Yeah unless you were defending or got there right after an attack got repelled (or it's still going on but the attackers won't beat the timer) you almost have no chance of getting objective defender by repairing a wall. You would need to know where an not-fully-repaired wall is AND wait for an enemy to contest. It's easier to hide and gank one or two people in a camp you own, than waiting for that. Killing players is dogshit wxp (unless it's some special person: I got 3k+ and 5k+ wxp for killing some dudes in the past, maybe they were Anet guys, no idea), repairing walls is also dogshit wxp compared to capping, expecially of you can maintain the killstreak bonus, so...for example if you wait and repair the lake or briar tower wall (which are as close to a supply depot as it gets) and miss out on the spawn camp nearby, you will be significantly worse off wxp-wise. To incentivise fighting they would need to make loot bags more frequent and more rewarding, but wxp wise it will never be better than capping because it would be much easier to exploit.
  5. You only get objective defender when the timer is up, so within 2.5 mins from someone knocking down the wall or contesting the keep/tower. No participation reset after the timer is gone.
  6. In the time you do 5 trips to repair you can take a camp, kill 6+ guards and 2 donkeys
  7. Were you online last night (Sunday) at 2am? Because it appears we are back to normal where blobadon has an organised, zone-blob that dominates and does what they want in every map they want in those time slots. They are about to win the 5th consecutive skirmish while controlling the whole scoring and putting Gandara in last place in each of those skirmishes. Looks like par for the course to me...
  8. Wanna try the Gandara way? No link for 8 months instead? Give all the german and french to us. Except JS, nobody wants to play with them
  9. What we should be discussing now is whether warriors able to maintain 100% quickness with no boon duration would be able to take some of the qfb slots in raids and strikes. Tbh they should do this and nerf it when they nerf both FB and Mech in October. I'd be pretty confident even in that scenario FB would win out the quickness slots.
  10. Sounds standard reality for Gandara 8-10 months a year...and people complain because it happens to them 1 week. Try a diet of that every week for 8 months and tell me it's ok to leave servers in that state (and closed to transfers at the same time) for such a long time. Well: 1) alliances are only part of teams, even if they have the full 500 member maximum 2) the logical direction for alliances is...stacking not spreading. With alliances people will want to ensure they play when there are other people playing, both to get top pips and maximise gold/karma/xp etc. People without an alliance will meet and eventually join one with significant representation in the slots they are active in. Aside from 'social' alliances, stacking at alliance level is the way to go. And if 1 alliance clogs a time slot on its own, that alliance will downsize, split or whatever but people will still stick together with others playing in the same hours.
  11. Give us any server of your choice, but no more 8 month stints without link. I will say this though: FR is usually paired with Gandara or Desolation despite the languange difference, so the algorithm or Anet's numbers clearly show it is the lowest or one of the lowest populated servers, period. When I started playing WvW I dix roam with 4-5 guys from FR. Almost all of them were between 7k-8k rank and that was over 2 years ago.
  12. The same Gandara has been without a link 16 months in 2 years? SFR has been T1 for 4 straight months. Gandara would be perfectly happy to have a link and be T1 (or choose our own opponents at lower tiera) for 4 months and and then be unlinked for 2 on a rotation. It would be a massive improvement. Or at least make us like BB and keep us unlinked but open to transfers...
  13. You enjoyed your T1 for 2 straight linking periods. Which other server should have been unlinked? I agree that all full and very high servers should be unlinked and opened on a rotation so we all have to suffer through this for 2 months a years.
  14. Cormac plays 2 nights of the week for 6-8 hours. He doesn't play other nights. On a typical day of the year, with Gandara closed and with no link, you will find Cormac open tag defending home and EBG for hours and hours while his numbers dwindle as he gets stomped by larger groups. That's literally his whole gameplay as commander when we are outnumbered (and we usually are outside of T5 when we have no link, which is...always). He is ALWAYS there though, through tick and thin and let's be realistic it's been dire like 90% of the time for the last 2 years. Now Gandara has a link and was open for a week so got more players. Is it surprising that other commanders from other servers start losing fights and people log out, just like it happens 90%+ of the time to him, and when Cormac has nothing to take or defend on hbl or ebg (or for tactical reasons) goes to enemy borderlands? Have you ever played BB when they have multiple large groups roaming enemy borderlands throughout the night? Either way, Cormac is not the problem, the problem are the smaller groups that screw you hard while he's the lightning rod defensively or offensively. I used to play with those groups btw, haven't logged due to the unbalance patch. Now go back on Monday...
  15. You do realise that Gandara had next to no representation outside reset and evening weekends and no commanders? Please come and teach is how to blob with no tags, I beg you. Now that we had some transfers and have a link, we are in the same boat as everyone else.
  16. You were too good at roaming at night when you played. Alas, every decently sized server should rotate in purgatory, plus you got also the beta coming in this linking period.
  17. Did grouch or solar dm you? I could care less for the half assed underhanded unapologetic 'apology' by this Ruby person. We need the people responsible for the repeated blunders to either apologise publicly or to be addressed internally by Anet, which should then tell us which decisions were taken (e.g. solar is no longer working on balance and is now the printer/coffee boy and we have created the position of president of operations grouch will report to and will have to get written approval from, before making any decision with an inpact on the game). Anything is better than the kitten grouch and solar produced in 5 months of work. When you start from a negative value even numbers like 0 or 1 will seem like an improvement. Because they are. The problem is context is also relevant and other classes are running at much higher values.
  18. Let me just say that on SC's discord you can also find plenty of people who are not as smart or knowledgeable as you seem to think they all are, by virtue of being there. And I will stop here, before the usual weird mod targets me again for the most creative reasons without suffering any consequence.
  19. Let's also conveniently forget that core guardian has a 1200 range instant teleport every 40 seconds that is also a stun break which, if movement or mechanics really are a problem, can be slotted instead of signet or mantra.
  20. Mage and Warrior are 2 classes exclusive to GW2, it would be a miracle if more than 0.01% of new players brought in by steam pick those. Oh, wait. You know, with grouch and solar at the helm, I wouldn't be surprised if we end up with warriors being viable only as condi dps with a bow and a torch and Eles only viable as power dps with swords and daggers.
  21. It's irrelevant what theoretical golem benchmarks are. All that is relevant is class representation. That is what the average player beating bosses in the content uses. The rest is fluff. If average people killing bosses in raids, or even statics, were able to play Catalyst anywhere close to the level speedrunners were, class representation would have shifted and you would have seen it ballooning. Cfb and qfb were perfectly viable in all content including raids. All firebrand builds have access to the same utilities and most people played qfb not because cfb wasn't viable but because the drop in performance against a full dps cfb was pretty low and allowed other people to take different support specs without having to provide quickness. Cfb has also been the easiest spec by far to solo Fractal CMs and they have been everywhere in that content since power builds were nerfed into the ground because people like grouch and solar struggle with the meaning of the word 'balance'. I'm frankly surprised there is someone, anyone complaining about the state of dps guardian tbh, in this patch, the previous patch and the n patches before Eod...
  22. Too little too late and we still have to see how all of this translates in-game. Mainly we need @Josh Davis.7865 to formally apologise for the June balance patch and not send a minion to do it for him and to clarify what steps have been taken to ensure that either Mechanist and Firebrand will be brought in line and possibly below all other hybrid and support specs or the other 25 specs will be boosted above them. Having enjoyed an unbroken run of being massively overtuned since Eod came out (Mech) or even longer (FB - albeit not as overtuned+braindead as Mech), they should definitely be in line to be second fiddle to everything else. Edit: Having thought about this a little, a simple message stating that himself, solar and cmc no longer have any say or role in balance patches would probably be enough. I think the rest would follow seamlessly.
  23. Hahaha, now you decided that LI and HI is not a relevant or desirable distinction. Moving the goalposts out of convenience as you go along? You can do all the scenarios you want in your fairyland. Until one of those materialises (e.g. Anet crushes mechanist into oblivion) we will talk about the situation as it is now. It is very reassuring that you know that a) Anet will nerf overtuned builds and b) Anet will do what they say. So far we have seen them buffing already overtuned specs (in relative terms to other specs if not absolute) and implementing designs that lead in the opposite direction compared to their stated goals in the patch notes, as this has been pointed out over and over in the comments. I do not know that, I do not vouch for someone who has done such a shoddy job, shows no accountability and does not admit his mistakes and honestly I do not believe they are capable of doing any better, let alone want to do better, because nothing they have said and written in the last 2 weeks leads me to believe that either is possible.
  24. So is this specific instance of low effort build the same in the more general context of class and spec balance the same as others? Not unique, you say. Please provide an example so we can compare it to the overall class/spec balance and distribution.
  25. It's a guild with a funny symbols, why do you care? Do you think I'm lying? If so, just ignore me and move on. Ah yeah he only has 43k subscribers, those are rookie numbers.
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