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Everything posted by Karagee.6830

  1. Ok I'll bite. When has the situation been 7% of the playable elite specs take 40%-50% of the slots in your average raid party? To even get a tandem of 2 professions clearing 40% of the spots on average, you need to go back to 2017 pre PoF (druid and berserker) when you had a grand total of...9 elite specialisations...
  2. There has never been a time when logs showed 50% of raid parties on average being filled by 7% of the available elite specs. Until the 28/6/22 patch that shoved mechanist and firebrand down everyone's throat. So even if what you say is partially true, this is clearly and by far the all time low for GW2 in this respect. Don't make the rookie mistake of using theoretical meta compositions, like the ignorant people at ANet: use the actual average composition numbers which reflect the average skill of players. Nobody cares if stacking catalysts is the meta when only 0.02% of parties can and will use that strategy: when this was meta, we had a much much larger specialisation spread, because that reflects the reality of what is achievable by average players given the state of each specialisation at any given time. When specs are balanced for the average player, you see the spread as doing 1-2k dps more or less in a raid encounter is going to be immaterial and so you will take the spec you like the best or you can get the most out of. The actual situation right now is the exact opposite and it's not because some spec does 10k more dps than any other, but because 2 spec do comparable dps with significantly lower effort and bringing a lot more utility to their party largely for free. I rest my case.
  3. And guess who isn't going to be affected by this skill rewarding change? 11111111111111 players. So what's going to happen when they start pressing some button and interrupting the AA chain? They will see no tangible benefit and go back to autoattacks. Complexity goes completely against the spec design. Yes nerf AAR and when 0 APM mech does far less than 25k in every single setup, including kit and mace we'll talk. 20k dps by doing literally nothing but moving around is sufficient to kill every normal content in the game.
  4. They are wrong because making 2 specs out of 27 completely OP in PVE will just alienate a lot more people than forcing people to press 2 buttons instead of no buttons. sPVP is in a similar predicament, just not as bad, because for all the screaming, willbenders and harbingers in pvp are not used by 40% of players... And mechanist after the 30/6 nerf, will now keep getting nerfed exactly because of this. I'll get my popcorns ready for the salt when that happens again and again. I guess I am like balanceman, oh dear.
  5. Exactly you mechanist lovers are a bunch of people who like to have everything handed to them and chose this spec for how easy it is. And they play it because it requires no skill whatsoever and gets the job done. Basically there's dumbing down the game and then there's mech, there, all alone. The Catalyst nerf just shows that balanceman and his great overlord josh davis, or whatever his name is, have no clue what they are doing. They just needed to adjust one or 2 things so that stacking catalysts wouldn't matter and poof the speedrunners would have moved to something else. Regarding fb: qfb still does more damage than many other pure dps specialisations in an actual fight. Cfb rotation is easy and at least 2 of the utilities can be flipped to provide help for the encounter via stability, reflections or whatever. Firebrand has been around for a long time, now I suppose you are going to tell us that people playing fb exponentially increased with EOD, when people with just that expansion can't play it? 25% a raid comp on average is composed of firebrands after the patch. That's 2.5 people out of 10 in a group....and you don't need 3 firebrands ro provide quickness to the whole party....
  6. People who don't understand classes shouldn't be using benchmarks for anything, this is the simple truth. Mechanist and Firebrand are benching so low that raids are full of them also in dps roles (and obviously support too) while higher benchmark classes are virtually nonexistant: why do you think that is? Must be masochistic people handicapping themselves to make things more interesting. Think about what you are saying for a second: you say FB and Mechanist have been nerfed, their damage on golem is very low and suddenly you have loads of people switching to FB and Mech dps for raids and strikes. And your reaction is...mechanist and fb are in a bad place as their benchmarks are down...
  7. I have to say I very nearly reported @Josh Davis.7865 for impersonating an ANet employee as there should be no planet in the universe where a post like this coming from the game director who promised explanations would be realistic... You'll get banned for misuse of the report system if you do report him this way, so don't do it.
  8. Possibly remove balanceman from the team and balance mechanist for real. I you want to have mechanist as the class of choice for people otherwise incapable of playing the game that's fine, just a) remove all utility from it unless the player is playing support (which should also be nerfed and forced ro make choices and give up something via traits but I digress) and b) make it good enough to clear content, but below every single other specialisation that actually requires people to push buttons. Thank you.
  9. No, you said that people were either lying or clueless. Now explain how mace did 32k (we all agree on this I hope, 31,953) and rifle 25k in your mind. I already explained what happened with mukluk's video and since I can't locate the logs from those 2 days, I had to change tactic. There is no strawman, only a different approach saying that established weapons for which we have the logs from those days were doing 32k dps (mace) and 30k+ (flamethrower), but you want us to believe that rifle was doing 25k in the same conditions (only autoattacks). Mukluk was almost certainly not optimised in terms of range, build and utilities. Nobody is going to take you lot seriously until you prove rifle is 7k+ dps short compared to mace. Because all of this happened in the span of 2 days, we can't go out and replicate the benchmark numbers from then, but we can replicate the difference between mace and rifle, so we'll be waiting for your contribution for the mech cause. You mechs will be getting more nerfs because you are delusional about the state of affairs and that is before we even begin to discuss why a spec with a ranged weapon doing 25k casually unoptimised dps just with autoattacks and a ton of utility has no place in the game. You have been found out and called out by the rest of the community, too bad you won't be able to p2w for much longer, but the hard truth is: you shouldn't have been put in this position to begin with.
  10. You are still going for the strawman. Classic. I have nothing against holo and scrapper, don't lump mechanist together with them so that they won't nerf you because somehow nerfing mechanist would have an impact on the other specialisations as well. Yeah, go on, go back to engi forums where you can happily make the case to buff rifle because it does 12k less dps than mace to like minded individuals and slander people applying common sense. Bye.
  11. To be quite honest, my understanding of the 'design commentary' and 'design notes' it's to provide some background on why the some changes were made, not to repeat that the changes had been made. We already saw that on 28 June: what's the point of a duplicate post? Of course, many changes from that patch are impossible to justify rationally, we all understand that, but if he wanted to come clean he should have just be open that some errors were made and give us the rationale for the changes that had some decent reasoning and thought behind them.
  12. hahaha we should have known better folks. There is z.e.r.o. explanation for reasoning behind the majority of the changes and the most contentious ones are simply ignored altogether. Person JD 2 weeks ago said we have done A and B (patch notes). Then said we will provide the reasoning and strategy behind change A and change B. Today we get more of we have done A and B.
  13. Not really, I have always and exclusively talked about mechanist, but you have preferred to try to muddle the water and try to paint me as someone having a problem with the changes to rifle in genearl, including holosmith/scrapper, when my beef is entirely and exclusively with the mechanist. Question for you, why do you think we didn't the same benchmarks and videos for rifle holo and scrapper for pve purposes? Because they weren't a problem. Mechanist was. And Mechanist is even more of a problem considering the utility it can bring in a pve setting. The Mukluk's video was a honest mistake because I didn't watch it in its entirety and just went to the comments once it was clear it was just autoattacking unbuffed. The comments mentioned the 24k mark so I assumed it was unbuffed as the first part of the video was. This does not excuse your pathetic attempts to say that rifle is 8k dps below mace in a similar setting (32k v 24k) or 12k since you've been throwing around this 20k dps mark. Irony indeed, you couldn't make this stuff up. We understand, you guys can keep whining and moaning that the bad non-engi players (and also holo/scrappers who don't like mechanist) are out for blood for no reason whatsoever, when every single normal person see the video of a mechanist doing literally 32k with just autoattacks and sees plenty of reasons why this is not balanced nor smart. But yeah, if you put your two great minds together, I'm sure sooner or later you will come up with a perfectly reasonable explanation on how mace afk was doing 32k, but rifle afk was doing 20k or 24k. Just know that until you do, you have z.e.r.o. credibility. I would suggest a quantum theory explanation...and until then I will be here reminding everyone how you guys said mace was doing 32k and rifle 20k (or 24k in case of mr.whoeversay25kislying), so they can understand for themselves how full of it you two are.
  14. You can call that no-wvw week. Who has got diamond without dying once in a week?
  15. No you don't need to consider any of that. What you need to consider is that if you move to do mechanics or the boss moves, a melee dps will have some downtime and you won't. You are welcome
  16. I do. Why would I need to actually do a rotation when I can play something that allows me to cook, go to the toilet or watch tv while raiding? Also you are clearly overestimating players. A lot of people aren't capable of getting close to the benchmarks, all those people will play...rifle mechanist. Listen, I will use the same argument that engi players used to justify mechanist being completely OP. It's a matter of player skill if you can't hit those numbers or a matter of knowledge if you are using a subpar build: the class is OP, the player not so much. Besides that what can I say other than player skill? In fractals you don't have all the boons and the enemy does not have 10 conditions, so you are already twice removed from a golem scenario, potions, AR etc also alter your damage and stats, so I'm not sure how relevant this is. And exactly 25 elite specializations will thank ANet for finally doing some balancing. Everyone except mechanists and firebrands. I'm a fractal god and I play exclusively firebrand in fractals and I have nothing to say to people who do not understand why firebrand is so OP and why the patch has done nothing to reduce how OP it is.
  17. This is all true, it's obvious that this not being melee and not having to manage absolutely anything (and in fact you could put some other skill on auto, so it goes off cd and you just spam 1) this would comparatively do much more dps in actual encounters than most other builds, but we are at a more basic level of misconception here. We are trying to debunk the claim from engineer diehard fans like @Kuma.1503 and @Tails.9372 that the criticism for rifle mechanist after the patch was greatly misplaced and terribly wrong and the nerf from Anet was totally unjustified (paraphrasing from engi threads), because we have no record of people optimizing for the golem and using the best possible setup. However unfortunately we do have a record of people doing 32k afk dps on mace in optimal conditions and therefore even their pitiful attempts at deflecting, degrading the level of discourse and avoiding the very relevant issues you mentioned, by saying that afk rifle was doing 20-25k at best, are also blatantly ludicrous.
  18. I think, even if it wasn't 15:1 but something in the middle like 17:1 it would still go a long way
  19. At this point we need the explanation for banners and the crit traits for warriors and eles for entertainment, if nothing else. You owe us some entertainment @Josh Davis.7865
  20. What I would like to see is: do the rotation on a 10 million golem then take the minimum and maximum value in a certain time interval and use that as benchmark. Because of the nature of dragon slash, I guarantee there will be people not able to understand that if you hit 5 trash mobs with 5k hp for 200k in a raid encounter, the dps meters will show 1 million damage when 25k would have been just as quick to kill them all. They will be so in awe and outraged for this amazing dps compared to other builds doing 25k-150k in a similar situation when a) it wasn't really needed and b) it's simply a matter of bsw being the only elite spec with a skill that hits so hard and does so much overkill (useless) damage. In fact, I don't even think it's possible to quantify the overkill damage from a dps log, other than in very specific scenarios.
  21. I think bsw is probably ok in spvp, but when I saw Costa's bench I knew people were going to take the number without context or common sense. The next thing they will say is: well if you can't hit those numbers it's not because bsw is not good, it's top dps!!! it's you who are not good enough. Ignoring all the basic facts that sbould be considered alongside the benchmark number (which is debatable in itself because the number would be 2k lower if the golem wouldn't allow overkill damage). And I get that for other bursty classes the benchmark is higly dependent of where the end of the log is in relation to the rotation burst, but most people simply can't go beyond the actual number.
  22. Because we are awesome and possibly the last server in EU with a decently sized community that refuses to yield to Anet after being treated like lepers year after year after year. I never ever understood why they can't just make us like Baruch Bay and they have to double shaft us constantly while everyone else get shafted only once in a while and never double shafted (BB is permanently open).
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