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Everything posted by Karagee.6830

  1. How about walls repairing automatically every 50 or 60 donkeys? Right now walls will fully repair on upgrading to T2 and T3, but I'm suggesting to disconnect 2 mechanics: the upgrades (cannons, bigger walls, mortars etc) and the walls getting fully repaired. This would allow also for more tactical gameplay around T3 keeps, because as a consequence they would get periodically repaired
  2. Did I stutter? What was your position on repairing walls again?
  3. No more bandwagoning mass transfers every 2 months and no more servers closed for 13 months. The current system of medium, high, very high and full server population with standard transfer prices needs to change. Just assign different values of gem transfers depending on population. Gandara is the most populated? Slap a 8k gems cost to transfer there and 0 to the lowest populated server: in a year people can save enough to pay 8k to move there if they really want or their guild can help them out with the gold needed. More importantly you MUST recognise that transfers are exclusively for WvW and every transfer involves one less active player for one server and one more more acrive player for another server. So you also MUST have a system where once transfers in the same direction start, the tranfer cost increases. A bit like budget airlines charge for seats on their planes. The 1st transfer can pay 1800 gems, but the 100th should pay 8000 not 1800, even if it is a couple of days later. And while you're at it, also act to the other end: FREE or near free (100, 200 gems) transfers to the lowest populated servers until you start seeing big flows. Finally if you are unsure about the actual population numbers, then be more conservative and apply more drastic increases to transfer population numbers. Surely all of the above is not rocket science and you can have 1 employee doing the initial heavy lifting and then dedicate a couple of hours a week to manage the system. You don't even need a dev to do this, some marketing person probably can run it as well. And if for some inexplicable reason you are unable to do this, please let us know, so that we can put our souls to rest that the current garbage system will continue until alliances. So probably for years.
  4. And that's why I'm skeptical and think B is a much bigger problem than people think. If you are unsure whether server A or server B has a bigger population (considering even active people don't always play the same amount of hours every week) then you can't properly encourage people to go towards one or the other. But yeah I feel like the current system does absolutely nothing and most notably allows big mass transfers to the same servers which are not even the least populated. If they fixed that (with steep cost increases for transfers once more people keep transferring to high or very high servers) we could check if things improve at least in T1.
  5. I have no idea who those 2 were, unlike when we hunted and killed MightyTeapot a couple of times (nothing strange happened). Maybe they were cheaters with a bounty on their head or some other unknown bug. It's a better explanation than anything you have provided, including server desync giving the same amount of xp for 3 people in 3 different time zones (although I'm willing to entertain this discussion if you explain how that could work for 3 players a d be triggered by kills). Also I can't recognise Anet employees, but allegedly they have some tag and none of us noticed anything weird or unusual from those 2, until we killed them.
  6. You don't recall because they never have. Jugs of wxp only drop from boxes and boxes can only be bought either from sigurlina in the guild hall or from gizmos. And you need to double click them to get the wxp. The discussion was sidetracked because I casually mentioned that I got a massive amount of wxp from 2 kills, which couldn't be explained and never happebed again. And yeah, instead of moving on people decided to explain to me how you get xp in wvw or how boxes of wvw supplies work... Now, some bug is possible, like that other guy was saying, server desync or whatnot, but 3 people in 3 different time zones in the same party all got the same wxp on a kill and nobody has provided an intelligent explanation.
  7. Hahaha, you keep insisting? Go on the wiki. Check acquisition of those wxp swigs and jugs etc. that you linked. They ONLY come from the box of wvw supplies, there is nothing else granting wxp that way. Haven't checked myself, as I'm sitting on the beach replying to you 2 nobel candidates on my phone, but I'm willing to bet anything the only source of jugs etc are the boxes. Besides think about it: I have played wvw mostly roaming for an average of 2 hours per day, every day, for a year and a half in my last stint and what I mentioned happened...twice. On killing an enemy. If swigs and jugs of wxp dropped together with (or instead of) large loot bags from enemies, people who play in zergs would routinely see them.
  8. Mabi, I was trying to say that every matchup has a similar imbalance except for one, where the stronger team has got a similar amount of victory points. This is the first week of relink, doing these comparisons make no sense, you know it, I know it, most people know it. We need to wait until teams move up and down. I just entertained the discussion because the point was made that we were dominating our match, when we had skirmishes even this morning where we were getting 3rd place points and Piken had 95% of the pie. My view is that if they wanted they could just make transfers waaaay more expensive...or cheaper to encourage flows towards lower populated servers. This would means that after they see 30 people paying 1800 gems to go to server A, the next 30 will have to pay 5000 gems and then you lock the server mid week if the flow continues despite all of that (but I think there must be a level where people will refuse to pay to transfer to their top choice destination). Of course if you lower map caps it would brute force more balanced matchups and obviously it would be great for any server that is generally outnumbered (not least because you may be able to defend home or eb by pulling everyone to defend in such a scenario), but you will have so many people crying about queues on forums from higher population teams that it would be unsustainable. Peak time and reset would be a nightmare for some teams. So that would need to be accompanied by free transfers to low population servers and, again, some smart dynamic pricing of transfers to balance the population. I see 2 problems: A) I don't think Anet is truly able to implement dynamic pricing to the extent needed and react quickly enough (even in a simplified system where the first 10 transfers cost 1800, the next 10 2200, then 2500 up to a point where the server locks automatically); and B) I am very very doubtful that Anet is counting wvw player hours correctly. If you ask me, balance of population factors heavily in their algorithms. And if they can't count population and player hours correctly, no matter what you do, you will never be able to balance things properly.
  9. Wow another who doesn't know how boxes of WvW supplies work smh. In wvw, unlike in open world, you will never see jugs of wxp, because they get opened automatically after you have clicked on the box. That is what the wiki means. Sometimes I wonder why people who don't know how things work and can't even understand simple wiki entries decide to post on forums. Check acquisition on the wiki and see if you can figure it out on your own.
  10. Sigh lol, you played for years and you don't know how they work? They are consumed when you double click the box lol. It means that if you get lucky and it drops the jug, you immediately get 5 ranks, it's just you don't have to also double click a jug after you double clicked the box of WvW supplies. Understand? It's very simple really. These last posts are truly, truly mind boggling. Why would you do this to yourselves? Lmfao.
  11. The.box.needs.to.be.clicked.to.get.the.xp. I.use.it.when.world.ranker.is.daily.and.I.cba.playing.for.the.usual.amount.of.time.and.just.want.to.do.the.dailies.quickly. I.have.loads.of.those.I.keep.exclusively.for.that.reason.
  12. Pretty much. I have to say that as a small group roamer, mostly during off-peak hours, sometimes we willingly give up a paper or T1 keep on an enemy borderland (i.e. we dont defend it on purpose), so that we can take it back especially for daily keep. We have even waited on a roof in inner bay (all marked) a couple of times until the lord could be attacked again. We obviously killed the guys from the capping party who had an issue with us waiting there. We also always fully repair and wait for everyone before moving to the next target if we are alone defending, but if there are more people not in the group and they move immediately to the camp (or to a lesser extent the tower) nearby, it's hard to stay back and miss on the xp.
  13. Irrelevant. I use boxes of WvW supplies from sigurlina or gizmos (I have all of them) myself and they don't magically trigger on their own after a kill and...as you can see they are round numbers. As I said, in our case it was NOT round numbers it was something like 3160 or 3620, something like that (I can't remember the actual number, should have screenshotted these 2 cases). Same for the 5k although that was close to 5k flat. Good example of someone not understanding the topic up for discussion and trying to explain to me something obvious that any WvW player who has played the game mode seriously, even for a short period, would know. You need to actually click on the box to get the xp, so just we're all on the same page and we're not doing a Solar, i.e. reading the wiki and trying to figure out things from there.
  14. Well one thing is killing players while trying to take an objective (eg both go for south camp held by 3rd team) another is hounding the same spawn camp in 10-12 people for hours like JS people do. All invisible as well. You know, these people stay there even if you contest their keep on the other side of the map or their garrison or take other camps... I'm going to mark the date, when we play these people and hunt them down like they deserve, now that we'll have numbers. Ah they are paired with Deso...
  15. Oh yeah, we forgot Willbender and Harbinger are not guardians and necros after all... I assume we're not talking about zergs since scrappers, fb, scourge and possibly even dh are all meta afaik.
  16. I think they are planning to let you leave your character to roam open world on its own while you work or sleep for map completion, folks. Good change! kitten, I just realised probably mech will be able to solo champions and world bosses in this afk mode.
  17. Ah the 'special' type of insult after the condescending explanations. I see, I see... Ok how many people experienced the same exact amount of xp due to server desync? The other 2 people I was playing with when that happened immediately following kills, not randomly, are americans (in different time zones from each other) while I'm in Europe. Ball back to you, dawn of time player. Did it happen (twice) to you after killing players and did multiple people in your party experience the same amount of xp from this server desync? Or let's just forget all you said, following my tangent comment on kills xp you took issue with because you think you are somehow smarter than everyone else, when you seem to know less, and go back to discuss wall repairing. Shall we?
  18. Yeah I'm okey. You have been in the game for years and joined forums in January. Yuo okey? There was no explanation, take it at face value. If you don't know why this happened and it hasn't happened to you, your hypothesis is no better (and most definitely worse) than those of players who have been playing wvw for years every day. Okey? Also this is irrelevant to the discussion in this thread. I only said this thing happened to me and other people in my party and they knew it happened to others simply to say for some weird reason some kills give abnormal amounts of wxp. For me, it has been rarer than precursor drops and you have never seen this clearly.
  19. I know what the wxp is from all possible things you do in wvw, including finishing enemies etc. That wasn't it and it wasn't a round number, either. 3 of us got the same amount for killing those players. No guildmissions as those are done on Friday, not when we roam in a small group. We came up with that explanation only because there wasn't any explanation. Please try again, I'm sure you can do better than saying I don't know how wxp works (which is certainly disrespectful) or it was some sort of bug (which it might have been, but then multiple people got the same exact bug, with the same exact value twice, so keep that in mind).
  20. When you get orange swords (fight) or contest swords (possible enemy attack) sometimes it's too late. Water camp can be already flipping when it appears to be contested because you can pull all the guards without pulling the supervisor. Most towers and keep have like a 30 seconds grace period before they appear contested. For T3 sunnyhill/woodhaven even with a radar you may realistically have around 30 seconds to save it depending on how many catapults are being used. The reality is: repairing is a subpar use of time for roamers, most people on my server will repair regardless, but if you are trying to maximise your boosters you shouldn't wait.
  21. I know all of this, what is your point? These people we killed were on the open field while roaming, not even near an objecrive if memory serves me right, and we all got xp. Other guys in my party said they had heard about this happening but had never seen it themselves. We all got the xp. It was like 2 years ago probably and never seen anything like that ever again.
  22. Nah people in my roaming party also got it, which is why we thought it was something like that.
  23. Your little whiny post was about how a server which has been mistreated for YEARS at a level NOBODY else ever experienced (because it wasn't just unlinked, it was also being permanently closed at the same time) is now outblobbing other servers which requires no skill (assuming that's even true, you make it seem as if that's relevant for Gandara only). I tried to explain that Gandara had no tags and was outnumbered 90% of the times when we had no link and your retort was that we had a 30+ point advantage and a score...similar or worse than other servers leading in current matches. If you prefer to live in your own fantasy land, please do, but do not insult anyone's intelligence. Yes, the team fielding more average players on maps will win most matches, nobody is disputing that, that was EXACTLY why Gandara was complaining being without a link+full and outnumbered 90% of the times for 8 months (aside the from other unlinked server not named BB or the lone team that bandwagoners gutted with transfers). This oublobbing Gandara, you are complaining about, has spent 8 months in T5 not able to get out of it because BB will greatly outnumber any unlinked server and the chances of beating BB or a linked server in those conditions are next to 0.
  24. Still not enough, 1111 builds should do less than 20k (plenty to kill any content bar some CMs) and Mech still has way too much utility. NERF NERF NERF Mech and FB.
  25. I'm not complaining. Now. I was refuting the whining from other people who, unlike the last 8 months, have been outnumbered for a couple of nights by our usual tag on Friday and Saturday (night) when we have accumulated a 30+ advantage. In any case, for you weirdos, here is the list of winning servers and their score in victory points right now not counting the ongoing skirmish. T5 (last tier of EU) Gandara 215 VP T4 Piken 214 T3 GH 223 T2 FSP 200 T1 FoW 210 Now go cry somewhere else.
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