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Everything posted by Karagee.6830

  1. I have counted the people on forums wanting mech nerfed and those who say it doesn't need a nerf. I was being generous in my assessment. There, I fixed that for you to better express what you meant.
  2. My guess is that for whatever reason (don't ask me why, I think they are far off the mark on this) they hope that some of the changes coming on Tuesday will make some other build competitive against power mechanist in the pug meta. i.e. they hope some other afk or semi-afk, possibly ranged build will emerge to contend. Unfortunately that does not seem likely at all, because dps mechanist is way way overtuned and simply fiddling with the weapon coefficients isn't going to get you there. Because the source of problems with Mech are not the actual weapons...otherwise all engi builds would be in a great place or at least viable.
  3. You understand you are the 'rando' here, don't you? Because you have a different opinion on the issue than 80%-90% of the playerbase. Now, thanks to the fact that 80%-90% of the playerbase uses common sense, you have just seen a new post by grouch that says they have reassessed their balancing philosophy PRECISELY to address the pug meta and what the average party in gw2 does, in direct contrast to how they have operated in the past and in line with that common sense, but you choose to ignore this information completely. You don't see the problem here, do you?
  4. Well if you don't want to listen to common sense from multiple people on the forums what can we do? We'll see you in the next patch Obtena. One of us will be right surely, because either mech dps stays the same/is buffed or it is nerfed. So unless they greatly buff all other classes AGAIN and substantially to provide equally performing afk builds or a nerf is definitely coming to reduce the weight of mechanist in the pug meta.
  5. I explained to you why they haven't...yet. Try re-reading the comments and I'm sure you will understand. And yeah having 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 dps mechanists (on top of the 1-2 support mechanists) is not stacking. I agree.
  6. He seems to think those are all support mechanists.
  7. If you think power dps mech isn't being stacked in pugs and average level groups you are either playing another game or are completely delusional. They haven't addressed it because they hope that buffing everyone else will sort this out, but everyone knows, this isn't going to happen. They have been shooting at random with this patch hoping that something sticks. When mechanist goes from 26% to 20% largely because of a reduction in the number of people playing the heal support build and the dps stacking remains intact, then they will act. It also beggars belief that they did this experiment with Engineer, the single least picked specialisation of all time, especially for new players. I guarantee the majority of the steam players will not pick engi and will pick up warrior, elementalist, ranger etc instead. Normal classes that are a staple in MMOs and people can understand from a lore a design standpoint. And while Elementalist might be ok, and ranger is probably ok, I wanna see these people realise they have to play some weird spec in bladesworn or play with bow, arrow and torch as a warrior in endgame content. The warrior changes are further proof they aren't well aware of what they are doing.
  8. If new players coming with Steam will be told to reroll engineer, level again 1->80 and also buy EoD to play raids...I don't see many sticking around. Therefore, it's a very real problem and it points clearly to Mech being nerfed and core (which core weapons' skills are part of) being buffed (not for Engi, unlike everyone else, they already got their buffs nearly 2 months ago)
  9. Well, you can think what you like. It's something they appear to say they will focus on since it's almost certain that dps mechanists outnumber Virtuoso (another easy and largely ranged spec) by a significant margin. So if they focus on the ACTUAL pug meta then dps mechanist in it's current form will be the first to go. After all they just buffed autoattacks on a bunch of classes, so there is no need for Mechanist to dominate the meta because it provides something easy to use, when they made (in their eyes) a lot of other classes much easier to use for mouse clickers.
  10. It's dps IS broken considering even a 'harder' rotation requires you to press 3 or 4 buttons and is low intensity. There is no other build in this game that gets 90% of the maximum achievable dps (benchmark rotation) with a low intensity build and around 75% just by autotattacking (i.e. pressing NO buttons).
  11. People stack rifle and mace mechanist, because they require no skill to play. And because they require no skill to play, the gap between the theoretical benchmark and the actual performance for Mechanist is significantly, and I stress significantly, smaller than for everyone else. In addition to that rifle Mechanist is also ranged, so you don't even need half decent positioning and movement for dps uptime. T.O.X.I.C.
  12. First nerf dps mechanist, then we will talk about firebrand. Firebrand, OP as it is, has HALF the representation of mechanist and historically, while always featuring in the meta, it has never reached those levels.
  13. Yeah based on the post that say they will look at ACTUAL average raid composition and ACTUAL average performance for balancing, it stands to reason that Mechanist is on the chopping board right now, ready to brought in line with everything else, starting with the patch after 23rd of August. Anyone who doesn't see the stacking of dps and dps/alac mechanist or uses support mechanist as a ruse to continue plaguing the community with this utterly toxic specialisation is either blind or in bad faith.
  14. Took you guys long enough to realise this, but it's a welcome change of mind on your part. Now we will eagerly await some very substantial nerfs to the most toxic specialisation in the game: Mechanist. Thank you.
  15. It depends where the starting point is. And since mechanist has the largest representation in raids ever seen (even compared to HoT when the elite specs were 9 and not 27) I'm pretty sure that nerfing to the ground and bringing down to the average level of other especs are completely interchangeable statements.
  16. Nah, it's just that these devs haven't got the faintest clue, so they are randomly shooting in the dark hoping they hit something. I think 60%-70% of these buffs are useless, 20-30% will improve actual viable builds and the remaining percentage will affect the meta. They made so many changes that something will stick and people will forget that 70% of this stuff is still complete unusable garbage, not least because it's not just coefficient but skill and trait designs that are at fault more often than not. At least they were smart not to apply this in spvp because if they mess up there, like they have done in pretty much every patch, they will have more PR nightmares on their hands.
  17. Not sure what you have been reading. People have been adamant that mech should be nerfed to the ground. Including many engi mains.
  18. Or, you know, tune the cc skills so that they don't do single digit damage in other game modes. Just saying. It's pretty clear to me that only quickness condi berserker in pve is going to be viable and pretty much nothing else.
  19. So because of incompetence the way this works is: a) let's boost all basic weapon skills instead of looking at why some traits are broken (both too good and too bad) b) let's do it for pve only so if we mess up we can always nerf after a couple of months, while the other game modes wait for years c) we have no balance philosophy and no plan or goal, we are just boosting coefficients here and there and hope for the best If boons are such a problem because they affect group composition too much, here's a novelty idea for you: remove all or part of the boons (i.e. make them personal buffs) or enable them by default for all. Here you go, we sorted the mess you created and still refuse to address properly 6 months into the expansion for you.
  20. They could have a stat ignoring part of the enmy armor and boosting power damage from hits that way. However introducing something as big as this is for an expansion, possibly an important and long episode of living world (like the end of a season) not some random patch. So years away.
  21. You wouldn't have fixed anything: you would have added some participants to the beauty pageant, but there will still be only one Miss ANet winner. And btw we also know the competition is also rigged in favour of some contestants, as there are no accountability or standards within the balance team. The leaks and ensuing statements clearly showed that. When people will realise that the fewer specs you need to compete against to provide boons and the lower the role compression, the higher the diversity in groups probably will be too late. When you had 2 classes providing alacrity, those classes were taken irrespective of damage output or other utilities. Yes, one was superior to the other and had a larger representation but both were very welcomed in any party. The only way to give relevance to all is not balancing the dps and giving the same boons to every class, quite the opposite. What you need is to be selective in what groups of specialisations can bring to the table in an organised group. And if some boons are too strong, so that you never ever think of tackling content without them (that means that the specs having access to it will be more sought after), then you nerf or remove the boon itself.
  22. I mastered the afk 0 apm mechanist build, aka solar's deranged and twisted wet dream in 1 second (the time needed to make sure autoattacks are automatic). And because the afk build was too easy and only required you to figure out how to set 1 skill to go off on its own, now they have decided to increase the complexity...by making you set also pet's skill to automatic.
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