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Posts posted by razaelll.8324

  1. @Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

    @Trevor Boyer.6524 said:I've been saying it for awhile now:
    1. Tie rating/badge system to AT seasons that begin and end with monthly AT..

    Why rating should go to ATs, as far as i know ATs are running only at specific hours and also you cannot soloQ for them, i am against that , becuase forcing people to be at the game at specific hour in order to compete for rating is not good idea in my opinion. Also i prefer to have the soloQ option, forced to make a team everytime when i want to do ranked is not very healthy for the game specially for new people, as example WoW can be used, it does not have soloQ, people there are asking for it from years and a lot players are leaving the pvp becuase they are spending more time in searching for people in LFG that actually playing the game(one of the reasons i left WoW) also there are other issues related to the teamQ only ranked pvp.

    In short in my opinion based on the experience which i have in pvp in many other mmorpgs ranked pvp should not be connected to the ATs .

    About the rewards i prefer to be able to gain gold from ranked because in that way i am not forced to do content which i do not want for gold, but even if it is removed thats not a big problem for me personally.

    Then you can form a team like all of the other competitive players if you really care to compete in less reward more rating based environment.

    I'm sorry but it just needs to happen at this point for those of us who want good competitive games again, and have the rating actually mean something.

    Thats the problem mate, i dont want to stay hours in LFG as in WoW, and WoW has much bigger player base and you still have more hours in LFG than actually playing pvp. YOu have ATs at the moment so you can have your "true" competitive experience there, no need to ruin rated pvp, for those of us which are playing more casually (which i believe is much more ppl than the high end AT players).

    TeamQ only, has a lot of problems of its own, i can give couple of examples if you want:

    1. People will mostly search people with higher rating than them in LFG and shunt people with lower rating,
    2. People will accept you in group only if you play meta build or comp specific build and reject you if you dont,
    3. People will leave after 1 lost match, so you will have to again spend time in LFG in order to replace.

      All of this problems are seen in WoW (which i repeat has much bigger player base) and people are leaving because of it, From the last report which i have seen 42% of the WoW player base stop playing (just in about 2 month period) and very big part of that is because of the pvp and LFG related issues.

    Last month of WoW playing i spended around 100 hours in the game and 60-70 hours were just waiting in LFG searching for teammates , i dont want to experience that anymore, thats why most of the WoW PvP community are asking for soloQ from years, specially the new and casual people , because they are suffering the most from teamQ only system, so i suggest lets learn from other game's mistakes instead of doing the same mistakes which are did there, which would lead to even worse results in pvp participation.

    From what is seen in WoW easily can be concluded that teamQ system only ,work good only for hard core players and it is very punishing from casual and new players, thats why i am strongly against removing soloQ from ranked or making ranked games only at specific hours. About the rewards in ranked as i said i prefer to be able to make gold in ranked pvp, but if they are removed that wont stop me from playing pvp since thats the content which i enjoy the most.

    Please dont get me wrong i am not saying that the current system is the best, just from what i have seen teamQ only system is much MUCH worse.

  2. @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:I've been saying it for awhile now:

    1. Tie rating/badge system to AT seasons that begin and end with monthly AT..

    Why rating should go to ATs, as far as i know ATs are running only at specific hours and also you cannot soloQ for them, i am against that , becuase forcing people to be at the game at specific hour in order to compete for rating is not good idea in my opinion. Also i prefer to have the soloQ option, forced to make a team everytime when i want to do ranked is not very healthy for the game specially for new people, as example WoW can be used, it does not have soloQ, people there are asking for it from years and a lot players are leaving the pvp becuase they are spending more time in searching for people in LFG that actually playing the game(one of the reasons i left WoW) also there are other issues related to the teamQ only ranked pvp.

    In short in my opinion based on the experience which i have in pvp in many other mmorpgs ranked pvp should not be connected to the ATs .

    About the rewards i prefer to be able to gain gold from ranked because in that way i am not forced to do content which i do not want for gold, but even if it is removed thats not a big problem for me personally.

  3. @Kuma.1503 said:

    @UNOwen.7132 said:Thief is bad. Its not played for that reason.

    I dont know about ATs since i still didnt played one yet, but in ranked (g2-g3 rating) i see thief in almost every game. I mainly play Core condi necro and i get destroyed by DE thiefs without having much chance to do something to them.

    Yeah... that's pretty much as bad a matchup as it gets for core necro 1v1. DE and Ranger are going to be your hardest counters. Best to play with your team if the enemy has one. They're not as useful as you in large scale fights.

    Yep i understand that, but they look good in +1 and small scale fights since it looks like they have very high burst and they can aways choose their fights, because of their mobility and invisibility. Anyway my point is that i think thief is not that unplayed as @UNOwen.7132 claims.

  4. @JTGuevara.9018 said:

    @JTGuevara.9018 said:Between the shoddy glicko matchmaking system, the bots, the community toxicity, I cannot fathom why people still continue to play this at all, even for fun. I left this sinking ship at august of last year and never looked back.

    My point is this:
    It's time to wake up and smell the coffee, folks. It ain't getting better, it's time to move on.
    If people want pvp, they go to the older mmorpg titles .

    Well from all of the mmorpgs on the market which I have tried , gw2 has the best pvp in my opinion. Thats why i play it and i believe many other people too...

    If you dont like it , i think nobody forces you to play it...

    To any new players which happens to read this, dont trust any sorce like this (including me) just try it by your self and make your own judgement.

    If what you say is true then...that is just SAD. If
    is the best pvp that mmorpgs can offer, then just stick a fork in it. Wrap it up. Move on. Also, you say "don't trust any source like this (including me)" but then yet advise to "try it by yourself and make your own judgement". So which is it?...

    Personally, I would rather be _direct_when I make a case to new players. To me it's take my argument as is or leave it. Simple as that.

    @"Crab Fear.1624" said:When players say Gw2 has the best combat, best pvp...this is all I hear

    And goodness gracious....that man needs a therapist...

    I advice everybody to dont trust too much different people's opinions specially when it is without any reasoning behind it and i advice everybody to try it out if they want to, so they can judge it by them selfs not by the words of someone else

    I started playing gw2 from about 2 months ... If i just believed the forums (and post like yours) i wouldn't try it, but i did and so far i love it. The game is great in my opinion especially for causal players and very new player friendly. So if you want to help new players try to be objective and describe what your opinion is and why, insead of "
    It's time to wake up and smell the coffee, folks. It ain't getting better, it's time to move on.
    If people want pvp, they go to the older mmorpg" , because such statements neither help new people , neither the game.

    I cannot fathom why people still continue to play this at all, even for fun

    What are you trying to achieve with that question? People play it because they like it .... Simple as that

    A few things.

    --One. So, you support the pvp. Be honest and upfront about it then. Take a direct stance. Don't take a vague stance like, "Don't trust anyone's opinions..." but then disagree with me. Again, which is it?

    --Two, I'm not trying to be "objective". Such a thing does not exist with people. People are not objective, they have their own opinions and interests, even the so-called "objective" ones.

    --Three, I posted this out of curiousity and laughs, after not posting on the pvp forums in like a thousand years bewildered that people actually still play this.

    --Four, I'm not trying to help anyone or the game. I stopped playing pvp almost a year ago, I could not care less about it, I've played it for years(8) and arguably more than I really should've. To new players, like yourself, I only give a warning: don't expect great, if any, improvements. Enjoy it while you're new and don't get that invested into it. The decline of pvp is long-term and has been and is a consistent pattern over the years.

    @"Grand Marshal.4098" said:

    And goodness gracious....that man needs a therapist...

    You simply are not acquainted with Mr Tyler 1 that's all. xD

    But in response to the original video poster, that's totally what happens.

    The only thing that guy needs to be acquainted with is a professional for addictive playing habits and a bad temper.

    You came with some form of expectation and assume miraculous changes would ever take place. That's not something which will ever happen in this game, have yet to see that happening in any that I've played. (The base of any game always remained the same for consistency, it's normal but you're making it sound like it isn't.)

    What kind of improvements or change is there to expect with the foundation already laid out? What kind of decline, you mean bleeding players over a powercrept mess? The lack of intervention? Statements are just as vague, PvP is not in the far side of negativity just yet although it isn't in the positive either, actions taken however does bring back value into it that you shouldn't expect any players to take in a good light because everyone was used to the mess that it was much before.

    It's safe to say that the playerbase here is not good at adapting.

    I have assumed
    I already left.
    What do I care about improvements and expectations? I don't understand how you came to that conclusion. To the extent that I had expectations, they only mattered back when I was still playing. All that I have said is: pvp is in a terminal decline. Simple as that. No more and no less. But to be more specific, yes, decline is because of powercreep mess as well as all the other reasons I've said in the OP(toxic community, shoddy matchmaking system, etc.).

    It's in your statement, that nothing has really changed and it's just a downward spiral. I don't see how Anet could make it any different from the very beginning.

    is your point of contention then? That you never had expectations but I did? Well...sorry about that...sorry for expecting better out of a service I paid for, I guess... Back when I played I had modest expectations, nothing too "wild", but that's in the past. Again--
    what does it matter?
    Look, if you're going to defend the game...
    defend it
    . Don't come at me and nitpick my statements.

    I'm not, the game was never meant to change from what it began as, that's all I'm saying.

    What would "you" expect to change anyway is the real question, if you expected something. What did you expect, what could they do better if there's anything that's in their power to is more like I'd ask from you.

    where you're wrong. No online game strives to "never change", gw2 pvp is no exception, that's called being stagnant. A game that never changes loses players and money. And a stagnant game means a dead game. That is just the point blank reality. What we have are
    changes, changes for the worse, which lead people to leave towards better games.

    Old people leave and new people come , thats the way it is.

    As i said previously if you dont like it noone forces you to play it.

    My point is this:
    It's time to wake up and smell the coffee, folks. It ain't getting better, it's time to move on.
    If people want pvp, they go to the older mmorpg

    Thats is the statement which i disagreed with, because its actually the opposite, people like and play gw2 because it respects their time (casual friendly) and the pvp is better than the pvp in other mmorpgs.

    Can it be better? - Ofcourse it can

    Is there more balanced pvp in a fantasy mmorpg? - not to my knowledge and i have played and tried many many mmorpgs.

    Edit: actually to be fair i can think of just one but it is medieval mmo without fantasy elements with mount and blade like combat system but it is still in beta(early access) with very small budged and player base, but it very very different type of mmo which i dont think can be compared to gw2 since it is not a fantasy as i pointed out.

    So you disagree. Fine! That's all you needed to say!

    I did multiple times.

    I will dispute that though. pvp in gw2 may be the best out of the pvp in mmorpgs, but that's not saying much.

    Hehe it is. Having th best pvp in the genre is not something to be neglected in my opinion.

    It still fails in terms of pvp. Other games and genres simply do it better.

    Give me a example of mmorpg with better pvp please. Or can you please elaborate on what it exactly fails?

    As far as respecting time goes, that is a very basic thing that should go without saying in any game you play. That's a really low bar.

    Well it is not this days , not much mmorpg respect your time at all.

    From what you wrote so far i think you dont tried many mmorpgs, which is fine. But the reason i started writing to you was the way you state your opinion like everybody should agree with it. Well despite your dislike about the game , other people still like it for what it is so that is the answer of the question in the title of your post.

    Please dont get me wrong i am not trying to start a fight neither to offend you in any way. Just trying to say that your initial post was a bit offensive (for the people which enjoy the game ) and not very true in my opinion.

  5. @JTGuevara.9018 said:

    @JTGuevara.9018 said:Between the shoddy glicko matchmaking system, the bots, the community toxicity, I cannot fathom why people still continue to play this at all, even for fun. I left this sinking ship at august of last year and never looked back.

    My point is this:
    It's time to wake up and smell the coffee, folks. It ain't getting better, it's time to move on.
    If people want pvp, they go to the older mmorpg titles .

    Well from all of the mmorpgs on the market which I have tried , gw2 has the best pvp in my opinion. Thats why i play it and i believe many other people too...

    If you dont like it , i think nobody forces you to play it...

    To any new players which happens to read this, dont trust any sorce like this (including me) just try it by your self and make your own judgement.

    If what you say is true then...that is just SAD. If
    is the best pvp that mmorpgs can offer, then just stick a fork in it. Wrap it up. Move on. Also, you say "don't trust any source like this (including me)" but then yet advise to "try it by yourself and make your own judgement". So which is it?...

    Personally, I would rather be _direct_when I make a case to new players. To me it's take my argument as is or leave it. Simple as that.

    @"Crab Fear.1624" said:When players say Gw2 has the best combat, best pvp...this is all I hear

    And goodness gracious....that man needs a therapist...

    I advice everybody to dont trust too much different people's opinions specially when it is without any reasoning behind it and i advice everybody to try it out if they want to, so they can judge it by them selfs not by the words of someone else

    I started playing gw2 from about 2 months ... If i just believed the forums (and post like yours) i wouldn't try it, but i did and so far i love it. The game is great in my opinion especially for causal players and very new player friendly. So if you want to help new players try to be objective and describe what your opinion is and why, insead of "
    It's time to wake up and smell the coffee, folks. It ain't getting better, it's time to move on.
    If people want pvp, they go to the older mmorpg" , because such statements neither help new people , neither the game.

    I cannot fathom why people still continue to play this at all, even for fun

    What are you trying to achieve with that question? People play it because they like it .... Simple as that

    A few things.

    --One. So, you support the pvp. Be honest and upfront about it then. Take a direct stance. Don't take a vague stance like, "Don't trust anyone's opinions..." but then disagree with me. Again, which is it?

    --Two, I'm not trying to be "objective". Such a thing does not exist with people. People are not objective, they have their own opinions and interests, even the so-called "objective" ones.

    --Three, I posted this out of curiousity and laughs, after not posting on the pvp forums in like a thousand years bewildered that people actually still play this.

    --Four, I'm not trying to help anyone or the game. I stopped playing pvp almost a year ago, I could not care less about it, I've played it for years(8) and arguably more than I really should've. To new players, like yourself, I only give a warning: don't expect great, if any, improvements. Enjoy it while you're new and don't get that invested into it. The decline of pvp is long-term and has been and is a consistent pattern over the years.

    @"Grand Marshal.4098" said:

    And goodness gracious....that man needs a therapist...

    You simply are not acquainted with Mr Tyler 1 that's all. xD

    But in response to the original video poster, that's totally what happens.

    The only thing that guy needs to be acquainted with is a professional for addictive playing habits and a bad temper.

    You came with some form of expectation and assume miraculous changes would ever take place. That's not something which will ever happen in this game, have yet to see that happening in any that I've played. (The base of any game always remained the same for consistency, it's normal but you're making it sound like it isn't.)

    What kind of improvements or change is there to expect with the foundation already laid out? What kind of decline, you mean bleeding players over a powercrept mess? The lack of intervention? Statements are just as vague, PvP is not in the far side of negativity just yet although it isn't in the positive either, actions taken however does bring back value into it that you shouldn't expect any players to take in a good light because everyone was used to the mess that it was much before.

    It's safe to say that the playerbase here is not good at adapting.

    I have assumed
    I already left.
    What do I care about improvements and expectations? I don't understand how you came to that conclusion. To the extent that I had expectations, they only mattered back when I was still playing. All that I have said is: pvp is in a terminal decline. Simple as that. No more and no less. But to be more specific, yes, decline is because of powercreep mess as well as all the other reasons I've said in the OP(toxic community, shoddy matchmaking system, etc.).

    It's in your statement, that nothing has really changed and it's just a downward spiral. I don't see how Anet could make it any different from the very beginning.

    is your point of contention then? That you never had expectations but I did? Well...sorry about that...sorry for expecting better out of a service I paid for, I guess... Back when I played I had modest expectations, nothing too "wild", but that's in the past. Again--
    what does it matter?
    Look, if you're going to defend the game...
    defend it
    . Don't come at me and nitpick my statements.

    I'm not, the game was never meant to change from what it began as, that's all I'm saying.

    What would "you" expect to change anyway is the real question, if you expected something. What did you expect, what could they do better if there's anything that's in their power to is more like I'd ask from you.

    where you're wrong. No online game strives to "never change", gw2 pvp is no exception, that's called being stagnant. A game that never changes loses players and money. And a stagnant game means a dead game. That is just the point blank reality. What we have are
    changes, changes for the worse, which lead people to leave towards better games.

    Old people leave and new people come , thats the way it is.

    As i said previously if you dont like it noone forces you to play it.

    My point is this: It's time to wake up and smell the coffee, folks. It ain't getting better, it's time to move on. If people want pvp, they go to the older mmorpg

    Thats is the statement which i disagreed with, because its actually the opposite, people like and play gw2 because it respects their time (casual friendly) and the pvp is better than the pvp in other mmorpgs.

    Can it be better? - Ofcourse it can

    Is there more balanced pvp in a fantasy mmorpg? - not to my knowledge and i have played and tried many many mmorpgs.

    Edit: actually to be fair i can think of just one but it is medieval mmo without fantasy elements with mount and blade like combat system but it is still in beta(early access) with very small budged and player base, but it very very different type of mmo which i dont think can be compared to gw2 since it is not a fantasy as i pointed out.

  6. @"Widmo.3186" said:You played WoW, right? I will just leave you with a story, imagine that some1 played in ATC and wintraded game, every1 knows that and there are proofs. Well, in ANet story that persons team got month suspension from the game. Thats it. They kept their rewards (title) and accounts. Thats the competetive level of the game nowadays

    That is what happens in WoW currently too. Win trading, boosting, imbalances in much larger scale , waiting for hours just to find a teammate which leaves after 1 game , waiting months for an issue to be addressed and so on ...

    People there pay real money to get boosted in ranked pvp and blizzard doing nothing about that..

    edit: There is a bug in the game which is know for over an year reported countless of times (game braking bug in pvp) and at the last AWC that bug happened and a team probably lost the match because of that bug , people in the live stream chat started spamming about the bug and blizzard just started muting or banning them and the bug is still not resolved. (This is a tournament in which you get real money for winning not just game rewards).

    The community there are asking for some specific changes which they want and the company director goes out in public and say " you think you want that , but you dont" , instead of trying to understand why the community is asking for this changes....

    What i am trying to say is that Blizzard is way worse in how they handle their game in my opinion.

  7. @Widmo.3186 said:

    @Widmo.3186 said:This 'best combat system' sentence should be put right below 'Guild Wars2' on top of the forum site, the most often used argument.I mean, I agree, its good. But wouldnt say best, its different, it works, nice. There are other mmo's with different combat system but that doesn't mean theyre bad, just different. Pick your poison. Anyway as tyler1 video said, if you need to stick (addicted) to a game only because it offers combat system that you like the most and meanwhile company is straight forward killing it, its kinda yikes if u ask me. Stay stronk

    I wonder what makes you believe that i am or the others playing the game are "addicted" ... I like the combat system, i like the game, it relaxes me after work and i am having tons of fun in it thats why i play it. For me it has the best combat system and the closest thing to a real balance which i have seen in a mmorpg. If you dont like it then find something which you like and play it, simple as that.

    Did I say that YOU are addicted? I said 'IF you', which means that doesnt apply to everyone, but some people. Trust me, I know tons of people that have already left, or still stay around, that only reason they play gw2 is because of the combat system. Addiction was used as a quote from the video, but during many talks with other people that word was used as well, ppl get addicted to gw2 cuz they have no other options, they dont like WoW casting time, BDO p2w etc. so their only option is gw2 and waiting for new upcoming (hopefully) options.You have fun playing the game? Wow bro, nice, keep it up and have fun!

    I simply asked what makes you think that way, never said that you claim i am addicted, maybe i didnt asked my question properly , excuse me for that. Also as far as i know playing the game because there is no better option doesn't mean addicted.

    Also i would like to ask what makes you believe that anet are "killing" their own game?

    I see you have 2 stars and barely 100 comments. I know how it feels for new guy to play gw2, it actually looks like the best game and will surely bring you joy for quite a few months. Problem starts with older players that just got bored or frustrated cuz of balance or lack of content issues. Stick around buddy, see decision making (or rather lack of it) from ANet side and you'll understand

    Well i dont know is it the best game or not because that is subjective. It is casual friendly and thats what i like , i dont have to grind tons of hours just to be competitive in pvp and the pvp system it self is interesting in which personal skill have great value which is what i want from pvp . There is plenty of content to experience , overall it suits what i search in a mmorpg.

    Stick around buddy, see decision making (or rather lack of it) from ANet side and you'll understandDecision making in big companies is aways a problem , because the prime goal of a company is to make profit and that does not aways aline with what is best for the player base unfortunately (good examples of that BDO,WoW, ArcheAge e.t.c.).

  8. @JTGuevara.9018 said:

    @JTGuevara.9018 said:Between the shoddy glicko matchmaking system, the bots, the community toxicity, I cannot fathom why people still continue to play this at all, even for fun. I left this sinking ship at august of last year and never looked back.

    My point is this:
    It's time to wake up and smell the coffee, folks. It ain't getting better, it's time to move on.
    If people want pvp, they go to the older mmorpg titles .

    Well from all of the mmorpgs on the market which I have tried , gw2 has the best pvp in my opinion. Thats why i play it and i believe many other people too...

    If you dont like it , i think nobody forces you to play it...

    To any new players which happens to read this, dont trust any sorce like this (including me) just try it by your self and make your own judgement.

    If what you say is true then...that is just SAD. If
    is the best pvp that mmorpgs can offer, then just stick a fork in it. Wrap it up. Move on. Also, you say "don't trust any source like this (including me)" but then yet advise to "try it by yourself and make your own judgement". So which is it?...

    Personally, I would rather be _direct_when I make a case to new players. To me it's take my argument as is or leave it. Simple as that.

    @"Crab Fear.1624" said:When players say Gw2 has the best combat, best pvp...this is all I hear

    And goodness gracious....that man needs a therapist...

    I advice everybody to dont trust too much different people's opinions specially when it is without any reasoning behind it and i advice everybody to try it out if they want to, so they can judge it by them selfs not by the words of someone else

    I started playing gw2 from about 2 months ... If i just believed the forums (and post like yours) i wouldn't try it, but i did and so far i love it. The game is great in my opinion especially for causal players and very new player friendly. So if you want to help new players try to be objective and describe what your opinion is and why, insead of "
    It's time to wake up and smell the coffee, folks. It ain't getting better, it's time to move on.
    If people want pvp, they go to the older mmorpg" , because such statements neither help new people , neither the game.

    I cannot fathom why people still continue to play this at all, even for fun

    What are you trying to achieve with that question? People play it because they like it .... Simple as that

    A few things.

    --One. So, you support the pvp. Be honest and upfront about it then. Take a direct stance. Don't take a vague stance like, "Don't trust anyone's opinions..." but then disagree with me. Again, which is it?

    I took a direct stance which is the oposite of yours, i support the game and i dont hide it, that does not mean people should believe me, they should try it by their selfs and make their own judjements. So what exactly you dont understand here?

    --Two, I'm not trying to be "objective". Such a thing does not exist with people. People are not objective, they have their own opinions and interests, even the so-called "objective" ones.

    Doesnt look like you are stating an opinion more like making a unfun joke. Ofcourse objective exist, if you cant be objective thats your problem.

    --Three, I posted this out of curiousity and laughs, after not posting on the pvp forums in like a thousand years bewildered that people actually still play this.

    Yes people play it not because they are adicted but because they like it simple as that.

    --Four, I'm not trying to help anyone or the game. I stopped playing pvp almost a year ago, I could not care less about it, I've played it for years(8) and arguably more than I really should've. To new players, like yourself, I only give a warning: don't expect great, if any, improvements. Enjoy it while you're new and don't get that invested into it. The decline of pvp is long-term and has been and is a consistent pattern over the years.

    I heard that in every single mmorpg i played, there is aways a vocal minority which is not satisfied. I dont play the game for what it could be but for what it is, so i dont expect anything.

    And goodness gracious....that man needs a therapist...

    You simply are not acquainted with Mr Tyler 1 that's all. xD

    But in response to the original video poster, that's totally what happens.

    The only thing that guy needs to be acquainted with is a professional for addictive playing habits and a bad temper.
  9. @"Widmo.3186" said:This 'best combat system' sentence should be put right below 'Guild Wars2' on top of the forum site, the most often used argument.I mean, I agree, its good. But wouldnt say best, its different, it works, nice. There are other mmo's with different combat system but that doesn't mean theyre bad, just different. Pick your poison. Anyway as tyler1 video said, if you need to stick (addicted) to a game only because it offers combat system that you like the most and meanwhile company is straight forward killing it, its kinda yikes if u ask me. Stay stronk

    I wonder what makes you believe that i am or the others playing the game are "addicted" ... I like the combat system, i like the game, it relaxes me after work and i am having tons of fun in it thats why i play it. For me it has the best combat system and the closest thing to a real balance which i have seen in a mmorpg. If you dont like it then find something which you like and play it, simple as that.

    Also i would like to ask what makes you believe that anet are "killing" their own game?

  10. @Raiden The Beast.3016 said:

    @"KrHome.1920" said:

    An opener with the build above will deal:922 [weapon strength] x 2915 [power] x 1.8 [backstab multiplier] x 2.64 [crit multiplier] x (1.05x1.07x1.1x1.07x1.15) [trait multipliers] / 1867 [light armor] =

    10,403 damage

    No might and no vulnerability are in the calculation above. These can easily further increase the damage. And I ignored the havoc specialist trait for obvious reasons.

    Yeah 8k is completely unrealistic. <3

    The problem with the average teef main is that he picks a skillbar of defensive skills, two defensive traitlines and a utility weaponset ... and then he complains about not dealing damage, while ignoring that he plays an uncatchable build, which in his opinion doesn't matter.

    how kitten dare you not use every single defensive trait imaginable on thief.You sir are braking ToS, its clearly stated that thief in pvp is not allowed to use offensive traits!

    Ah yes, because thieves are totally using every defensive trait (hence why they're not using their
    defensive traitline, acrobatics), and totally not using every good offensive trait available. No Crit Strikes are not good. There is a reason even when people were playing double burst core, they were not using crit strikes. Its about as useful as Illusions is on core shatter, to put it in the perspective of a class you do actually understand.

    U rly try to go against this anti teef nonsense, try to argue, try to explain.

    But u will never be succesfull vs this hating teef community, vs these fakenews.

    After they killed core and DD they will hate on DE now ...

    In every mmo the most hated class is the class which has a lot invisibility and mobility

  11. @JTGuevara.9018 said:

    @JTGuevara.9018 said:Between the shoddy glicko matchmaking system, the bots, the community toxicity, I cannot fathom why people still continue to play this at all, even for fun. I left this sinking ship at august of last year and never looked back.

    My point is this:
    It's time to wake up and smell the coffee, folks. It ain't getting better, it's time to move on.
    If people want pvp, they go to the older mmorpg titles .

    Well from all of the mmorpgs on the market which I have tried , gw2 has the best pvp in my opinion. Thats why i play it and i believe many other people too...

    If you dont like it , i think nobody forces you to play it...

    To any new players which happens to read this, dont trust any sorce like this (including me) just try it by your self and make your own judgement.

    If what you say is true then...that is just SAD. If
    is the best pvp that mmorpgs can offer, then just stick a fork in it. Wrap it up. Move on. Also, you say "don't trust any source like this (including me)" but then yet advise to "try it by yourself and make your own judgement". So which is it?...

    Personally, I would rather be _direct_when I make a case to new players. To me it's take my argument as is or leave it. Simple as that.

    @"Crab Fear.1624" said:When players say Gw2 has the best combat, best pvp...this is all I hear

    And goodness gracious....that man needs a therapist...

    I advice everybody to dont trust too much different people's opinions specially when it is without any reasoning behind it and i advice everybody to try it out if they want to, so they can judge it by them selfs not by the words of someone else

    I started playing gw2 from about 2 months ... If i just believed the forums (and post like yours) i wouldn't try it, but i did and so far i love it. The game is great in my opinion especially for causal players and very new player friendly. So if you want to help new players try to be objective and describe what your opinion is and why, insead of "It's time to wake up and smell the coffee, folks. It ain't getting better, it's time to move on. If people want pvp, they go to the older mmorpg" , because such statements neither help new people , neither the game.

    I cannot fathom why people still continue to play this at all, even for fun

    What are you trying to achieve with that question? People play it because they like it .... Simple as that

  12. @Lucentfir.7430 said:

    @Shao.7236 said:And on the other side you have players if not many top 10 that says GW2 has the best combat no matter the balance. It's okay, it ain't for you. You can go back to whatever makes you happier.

    GW2 has the best skill based MMO combat system in the genre, next to BDO from what I hear(but I can't speak for BDO since I haven't played it), i don't think anyone who's played it for a decent amount of time can deny that. Though don't confuse the top 10 lists as an indication sign of game state well being. Being on a top 10 combat system list doesn't mean it's doing well or in a healthy state. Frankly people that played before want to come back, but the direction the game has been heading in, is a big contributor why people won't, plus word of mouth(or text).

    BDO is way more unbalanced and very very very pay to win.. the combat system there is very interesting , but its an corean mmo unfortunately.

  13. @JTGuevara.9018 said:Between the shoddy glicko matchmaking system, the bots, the community toxicity, I cannot fathom why people still continue to play this at all, even for fun. I left this sinking ship at august of last year and never looked back.

    My point is this: It's time to wake up and smell the coffee, folks. It ain't getting better, it's time to move on. If people want pvp, they go to the older mmorpg titles .

    Well from all of the mmorpgs on the market which I have tried , gw2 has the best pvp in my opinion. Thats why i play it and i believe many other people too...

    If you dont like it , i think nobody forces you to play it...

    To any new players which happens to read this, dont trust any sorce like this (including me) just try it by your self and make your own judgement.

  14. @Arheundel.6451 said:

    @"razaelll.8324" said:Can someone help me out please. I am playing mostly core condi necro . How am i suppose to fight deadeye thief with riffle when he comes out of stealth do 13k dmg in 2 seconds and then goes back in stealth and then the whole thing repeat it self.



    Here is example of the damage which i take... I have no mobility to outrun a thief he destroys my shroud in 3 -4 hits max then inviz and the same thing again.

    Am i the only one which think that such big damage should not be combined with invisibility and ports , if yes please help me out to figure out how to deal with it.

    Thank you in advance!

    -Just use the cloud to buy time and re-position yourself to LoS him-You can't really play aggressively against a DE if he knows what he's doing...you need to play smart-DE is a pain to deal with but you don't have to die to it...my build doesn't guarantee you victory, it gives you a fighting or running chance

    Thank you very much!

  15. @Axl.8924 said:I dislike the kinda threads that tries to get something nerfed because it counters a playstyle.

    hide behind wall and or get a ele or someone to give you either magnetic aura or use poison cloud.

    I dont want it to get nerfed i asked just for advice

  16. I wanted to share a fun game which i had with you. The interesting part is that i didnt had any bots in my team.


    3 people of my team just decided to go for the enemy boss, but they needed 1 more second to kill it.

    Have a great day!

  17. @Psycoprophet.8107 said:

    @Cynz.9437 said:@OP: just as guards are bane of thieves so are thieves are bane of necros. It is not a match up you supposed to win easily (unless you are scourge and just soak all the damage up). Hug walls (and yes, every map/point has walls; if you have issues with it, tell us on what map), abuse shroud 5 and marks on their general location. Corrosive cloud might be an option if you see them on enemy team. If you have support on your team - HUG them.

    3.3k -3.6k SS is not high depending on set up. Do you know what they run?

    Thank you very much for the replay!

    The map was djins dominion, and i was fighting at the right point (which was close for our team) i tried to use the pillars there as much as possible but they were just not enough to force him to come to me. i guess just the build counters mine hard.

    Unfortunately i don't know what build he had exactly, i could see that he is deadeye with riffle.

    I think u came to the right conclusion here and unfortunatly the builds kit just has answers for most of what ur build puts out in the same way ur build likely does for others, just the way it is. Best thing u can do is play DE ur self for few hrs than just do ur best with what u learned and the terrain.

    Yep very good advice thanks!

  18. @Cynz.9437 said:

    @Cynz.9437 said:@OP: just as guards are bane of thieves so are thieves are bane of necros. It is not a match up you supposed to win easily (unless you are scourge and just soak all the damage up). Hug walls (and yes, every map/point has walls; if you have issues with it, tell us on what map), abuse shroud 5 and marks on their general location. Corrosive cloud might be an option if you see them on enemy team. If you have support on your team - HUG them.

    3.3k -3.6k SS is not high depending on set up. Do you know what they run?

    Thank you very much for the replay!

    The map was djins dominion, and i was fighting at the right point (which was close for our team) i tried to use the pillars there as much as possible but they were just not enough to force him to come to me. i guess just the build counters mine hard.

    Unfortunately i don't know what build he had exactly, i could see that he is deadeye with riffle.

    Generally yeah, you would be a sitting duck on point vs rifle thief. He may not come to you but he wants the point so you can abuse that - focus the damage there. If the point belong to enemy, i wouldn't fight for it as necro. Necro is a team fighter not a side noder, someone else on your team should be doing it tbh. If the point belongs to you, you just rotate between pillars and point. If he is off point, hug pillars, if he is on point, put pressure there. Try to fear him when he is revealed, shroud 5 also hits through walls(pillars) as far as i am aware. Don't use lich form vs them.

    People keep forgetting that conquest is not about kills really but about holding points. You don't have to kill the thief, you just need to force him off point.

    Thank you for the advices!

    The problem i have with this is it is killing me in 4 seconds if there is no pilar close to me even when i have almost full shroud.

  19. @Shao.7236 said:When DJ happens, it forces reveal of themselves. It's typically at that point which you should also be attacking, using terrain to force them close may be useful but remember that their Malice is never consumed until they hit their target, so it's always worth dodging the biggest attack rather than the rest.

    Kind of a bad mechanic since the latter before to build up Malice hurts just as much, you're stuck in a never ending loop of forced damage and only dodging DJ while they have the potent hard CC that you can't see coming either.

    Thank you very much for the replay!

    Yea i definitely need to become better in seeing and dodging DJ, but even when i did he just invis and wait his CDs and come back....

    I tried to immediately chain fear him when i see him but just he out damaged me hard.

    in 1 vs 1 if the terrain is not in my favor i dont think i have any chance to beat him and the problem is that i cant even run from him since he has much higher mobility then mine, thats why in my opinion high mobility should never be combined with invisibility

  20. @Cynz.9437 said:@OP: just as guards are bane of thieves so are thieves are bane of necros. It is not a match up you supposed to win easily (unless you are scourge and just soak all the damage up). Hug walls (and yes, every map/point has walls; if you have issues with it, tell us on what map), abuse shroud 5 and marks on their general location. Corrosive cloud might be an option if you see them on enemy team. If you have support on your team - HUG them.

    3.3k -3.6k SS is not high depending on set up. Do you know what they run?

    Thank you very much for the replay!

    The map was djins dominion, and i was fighting at the right point (which was close for our team) i tried to use the pillars there as much as possible but they were just not enough to force him to come to me. i guess just the build counters mine hard.

    Unfortunately i don't know what build he had exactly, i could see that he is deadeye with riffle.

  21. @Leonidrex.5649 said:

    @"razaelll.8324" said:Can someone help me out please. I am playing mostly core condi necro . How am i suppose to fight deadeye thief with riffle when he comes out of stealth do 13k dmg in 2 seconds and then goes back in stealth and then the whole thing repeat it self.



    Here is example of the damage which i take... I have no mobility to outrun a thief he destroys my shroud in 3 -4 hits max then inviz and the same thing again.

    Am i the only one which think that such big damage should not be combined with invisibility and ports , if yes please help me out to figure out how to deal with it.

    Thank you in advance!

    dodge DJ.use terrain to make him come to you, best case scenario when you can both hide AND hit him through walls.shroud 5 revealstry to fear him ASAP as it might force thief to shadowstep early.dont lichform, they can proj block you hard, btw you have both wurm and spectral-walk so you have plenty of mobility

    Tried all of that and still he out damage me hard and i cannot kill him. Terrain is very dependent, not every map has good terrain to kite a thief

    they can proj block you hard, btw you have both wurm and spectral-walk so you have plenty of mobility

    Only if i have both out of CD , but that happens if the worm is not .... no way escaping so it is either kill him or die from what i have seen so far

    Even when i dodge DJ, he is hitting me for 3.3k -3.6k SS ... which is pretty high dmg, then he can go invis leave the fight and come back when he has his CD back on ...

  22. Can someone help me out please. I am playing mostly core condi necro . How am i suppose to fight deadeye thief with riffle when he comes out of stealth do 13k dmg in 2 seconds and then goes back in stealth and then the whole thing repeat it self.



    Here is example of the damage which i take... I have no mobility to outrun a thief he destroys my shroud in 3 -4 hits max then inviz and the same thing again.

    Am i the only one which think that such big damage should not be combined with invisibility and ports , if yes please help me out to figure out how to deal with it.

    Thank you in advance!

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