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Posts posted by razaelll.8324

  1. @KrHome.1920 said:

    @razaelll.8324 said:Even with sic em ranger i cannot kill good thief in 1vs1 because he has more mobility and just run awayYou give yourself the right answer. You can not build for killing a thief. This class can always run away and reset the fight. You have to play around its strenghts.

    You are doing it right, when your thief encounter starts complaining that you have either too much sustain or he lacks damage. That's the moment when his mobility becomes irrelevant and he fails to adapt (e.g. rebuilding for more damage but less mobility).

    I am not complaining just asking for advice how to beath a proper thief in 1vs1You did not understand my posting. Please read it again!

    No one said, that you would complain.


    You are doing it right, when your thief encounter starts complaining that you have either too much sustain or he lacks damage.

    I am sorry but i dont understand this. Can you elaborate please?

    Edit: i got what you mean thank you for the advice

  2. @KrHome.1920 said:

    @razaelll.8324 said:Even with sic em ranger i cannot kill good thief in 1vs1 because he has more mobility and just run awayYou give yourself the right answer. You can not build for killing a thief. This class can always run away and reset the fight. You have to play around its strenghts.

    You are doing it right, when your thief encounter starts complaining that you have either too much sustain or he lacks damage. That's the moment when his mobility becomes irrelevant and he fails to adapt (e.g. rebuilding for more damage but less mobility).

    I am not complaining just asking for advice how to beath a proper thief in 1vs1

  3. @"Sifu.9745" said:"Dampening is a stacking debuff applied to all players in the Arena every 10 seconds. Each stack of Dampening reduces all healing and damage absorption by 1%. If neither team has won after 20 minutes, the Arena match will end in a draw."

    Dampening in WoW works only in ARENA DEATHMATCH. In battlegrounds there is no Dampening. The PvP in GW2 is capture and hold so such mechanic does not work for this game mode.

    Also the dampening in WoW was introduced because of the slow paced combat, so if every team in a deathmatch perform everything perfectly no team can win , because nobody can kill nobody , thats why this change was introduced so the teams will eventually kill someone and win the game.

  4. @RedAvenged.5217 said:

    @"UNOwen.7132" said:

    Boy, we wanted bringing down damage was the goal, it was done. Clearly we have to bring the latter of healing as well because SHOCKER they've took a step by step process to make sure they're not nerfing anything for no reason. It shouldn't come off as a surprise that untouched stuff (Healing/Sustain skills + Healing Power) is overdoing it, however that we're complaining about the removal of amulets when nobody is using Sage/Avatar is a pretty sad fact. Maybe you should get over there and nerf every single healing skills in the game that over perform one by one so that Mender/Marshal's never OP but the Sage/Avatar are even more useless.

    Who is "we"? Its certainly not the playerbase, given how overwhelmingly negative the reception of the february megapatch ended up being. For that matter, there was no "untouched" stuff, it just turns out when you lower damage by a lot, healing of any kind is going to be too good. Especially if you keep doubling down on powerdip and nerfing more and more damage.

    Are there any statistics of how many people approve and do not approve that patch, because it looks like you believe that everybody dont like the February patch but i have seen many which actually do. I dont think a vocal minority on forums is representing the whole pvp cominutity.

    Please dont get me wrong i am not saying is it good or bad since i dont know what was it before that mega patch, but in terms of combat pace i really enjoy it at the moment, i am just curious why are you so curtain that none approve the February patch?

    Didnt people asked for damage lowering down since people were dying too fast ?

    I’d overwhelmingly would agree, personally, that the ‘feb’ patch was the worst ever. Making stuff useless has not made anything more fun yet and that’s what the patch did in addition to a power dip.

    I also noticed that a lot of people came back to the game for this patch and every single one said it was the worst patch ever and all the experienced players generally agree it was terrible.Note: that just what I noticed among people I know and see which would be basically all high level competitive players on Na and whomever I know from Eu on discord.

    Thanks for the info!

  5. @UNOwen.7132 said:

    Boy, we wanted bringing down damage was the goal, it was done. Clearly we have to bring the latter of healing as well because SHOCKER they've took a step by step process to make sure they're not nerfing anything for no reason. It shouldn't come off as a surprise that untouched stuff (Healing/Sustain skills + Healing Power) is overdoing it, however that we're complaining about the removal of amulets when nobody is using Sage/Avatar is a pretty sad fact. Maybe you should get over there and nerf every single healing skills in the game that over perform one by one so that Mender/Marshal's never OP but the Sage/Avatar are even more useless.

    Who is "we"? Its certainly not the playerbase, given how overwhelmingly negative the reception of the february megapatch ended up being. For that matter, there was no "untouched" stuff, it just turns out when you lower damage by a lot, healing of any kind is going to be too good. Especially if you keep doubling down on powerdip and nerfing more and more damage.

    Are there any statistics of how many people approve and do not approve that patch, because it looks like you believe that everybody dont like the February patch but i have seen many which actually do. I dont think a vocal minority on forums is representing the whole pvp cominutity.

    Please dont get me wrong i am not saying is it good or bad since i dont know what was it before that mega patch, but in terms of combat pace i really enjoy it at the moment, i am just curious why are you so curtain that none approve the February patch?

    Didnt people asked for damage lowering down since people were dying too fast ?

    Alright, didnt find the one from right around that patch, but here is one from June:
    58% in favour of pre-patch.

    And one from November:

    63% in favour ofpre-patch.

    Thank you for the links and the info

    It would be nice if more people voted there since i think that is too small portion of the pvp player base

    To a degree, yes. They asked for slightly lower damage. They didnt ask for powerdip like we got. And even then, people asked for lower damage on specific builds, not across the board.

    I understand what you mean, thanks again for the info!

  6. @"UNOwen.7132" said:

    Boy, we wanted bringing down damage was the goal, it was done. Clearly we have to bring the latter of healing as well because SHOCKER they've took a step by step process to make sure they're not nerfing anything for no reason. It shouldn't come off as a surprise that untouched stuff (Healing/Sustain skills + Healing Power) is overdoing it, however that we're complaining about the removal of amulets when nobody is using Sage/Avatar is a pretty sad fact. Maybe you should get over there and nerf every single healing skills in the game that over perform one by one so that Mender/Marshal's never OP but the Sage/Avatar are even more useless.

    Who is "we"? Its certainly not the playerbase, given how overwhelmingly negative the reception of the february megapatch ended up being. For that matter, there was no "untouched" stuff, it just turns out when you lower damage by a lot, healing of any kind is going to be too good. Especially if you keep doubling down on powerdip and nerfing more and more damage.

    Are there any statistics of how many people approve and do not approve that patch, because it looks like you believe that everybody dont like the February patch but i have seen many which actually do. I dont think a vocal minority on forums is representing the whole pvp cominutity.

    Please dont get me wrong i am not saying is it good or bad since i dont know what was it before that mega patch, but in terms of combat pace i really enjoy it at the moment, i am just curious why are you so curtain that none approve the February patch?

    Didnt people asked for damage lowering down since people were dying too fast ?

  7. @Lucentfir.7430 said:

    In my opinion for casual play and multicharacter playing GW2 is better option, because there much less grind required in order to be viable in the high end content (in terms of pvp you dont even need to level and farm gear). For hardcore play WoW is probably the better option because it has more content..

    Congratulations, you see my point. Casual playstyle. So basically you could play RPG and that would be the very same. Theres no endgame, ANet just abandoned it. Sad thing is that it isnt only about PvP or WvW, its about PvE too. All you can do when they release new 'content' is to do it in one day and then just grind achievs or whatever, sometimes timegated. Thats it, just like you would play solo RPG.

    I am doing raids every week and fractions almost every day, with friends and so on. Same thing which you would do in WoW, dungeons or raids. All people which i know in gw2 are doing fractals or raids , its just not that time consuming as in WoW so i dont see where is the difference between the games in that matter?

    The difference is that WoW have more difficulty levels of same content and the dungeons and raids are designed to be more time consuming, which means that you are forced to spend more hours in the game and makes it more casual unfriendly (not always a good or bad thing depends on the point of view). WoW have more collectables in that regards i would say that wow is much more like playing Solo RPG after you finish mythic 15 and raids , which are finished also very fast after expansion release .

    You're new there's a lot of old content for you to do, take it from someone that has near 23k hours logged into this game and has played every facet of Gw2 to death. The content is finite. you'll hit that point eventually, but for the time being enjoy it. Once you hit that point you'll see what we're talking about and the many gripes of Gw2.

    Ofcourse it is finite , and i dont argue with that, what i am saying is that the content is finite in WoW too, and the WoW content becomes boring the same way as in GW2. The only difference which i see is that the endgame content in WoW is more casual unfriendly than the one in GW2 , but updated more frequently than the one in GW2

    Once you hit that point you'll see what we're talking about and the many gripes of Gw2.I hited that exact point in WoW (which is one of the reasons i left WoW)

    So i believe i understand you pretty well, the only thing which i disagreed is that WoW is doing better way too keep the player base and that GW2 end-game content is "non existent" which is not the case in my opinion. What WoW is doing better in my opinion is to hype up the player base to return for few months and then leave again.

  8. @"Cal Cohen.2358" said:Hi everyone,

    Tomorrow’s release will include a few PvP balance changes, some of which we discussed in our post two weeks ago. We’re back again to provide some context behind these upcoming changes. We’re still evaluating the impact of the previous PvP balance update, but at the end of this post we’ll talk about a few areas we’re keeping an eye on for future updates.

    4/6 Changes to Build Items and Support Heals

    • Removed Mender Amulet from the PvP Build panel.
    • Removed Marshal Amulet from the PvP Build panel.
    • Added Sigil of Transference to the PvP Build panel. In PvP, this sigil grants a 20% increase in outgoing healing effectiveness.
    • Elemental Bastion (Tempest): Increased heal scaling from 0.4125 to 0.55 in PvP only.
    • Selfless Daring (Guardian): Increased heal scaling from 0.6 to 0.9 in PvP only.
    • Call of Valor (Warrior): Increased barrier attribute scaling from 0.5 to 0.82 in PvP only.

    As previously discussed, we removed Mender and Marshal amulets from PvP and added Sigil of Transference to compensate for the reduction of allied healing to support builds. While Marshal is currently overshadowed by Mender and not as much of a problem, we wanted Transference to be powerful, and we were concerned with how high it could push outgoing healing in combination with a 1000 healing power amulet for builds that are less reliant on the extra health that Mender provides.

    Removing Mender amulet serves 2 purposes: it forces high-sustain side node builds into more aggressive amulets, and reduces the self-sustain of support builds. Mender amulet side noders are much more prone to stalemating fights and generally slowing down the pace of the game. Similarly, by reducing the self-sustain of support builds, we hope to see an increase in kill potential in fights and a general increase to overall pace. We still want support builds to be able to support their allies well, and targeting their self-sustain lets us keep a lot of their other skills at the same power level.

    Our goal with Sigil of Transference is to keep support healing to allies around the same level that it currently is with Mender. Elemental Bastion, Selfless Daring, and Call of Valor stood out as three sources primarily used by support builds that are most heavily impacted by the removal of Mender, and so we’ve preemptively bumped up the healing coefficients to bring their allied healing with Avatar amulet and Sigil of Transference closer to where it is currently. Looking over other allied heals, some sources will heal for a bit more than they currently do with Mender and some will heal for a bit less, but overall output should be similar. We’ll keep a close eye on healing values as the meta develops without Mender and will make further adjustments as necessary.

    4/6 Changes to Scourge

    • Sand Cascade: Reduced barrier attribute scaling from 1.0488 to 0.77 in PvP only.
    • Sand Flare: Reduced barrier attribute scaling from 0.75 to 0.45 in PvP only.
    • Desert Empowerment: Reduced barrier attribute scaling from 0.77 to 0.62 in PvP only.
    • Harbinger Shroud: Reduced barrier attribute scaling on detonation from 2.0 to 1.65 in PvP only.
    • Transfusion: Reduced pulse heal scaling from 0.1 to 0.08 in PvP only, when the Scourge specialization is equipped.

    Scourge has continued to show strong results in both ranked play and automated tournaments, providing strong defense to itself and allies through barrier generation and healing while also creating a good amount of pressure through boon removal and damage. While Scourge sustain is affected by the removal of Mender amulet, given the current power level of the build we were concerned that the move to Avatar amulet alone wouldn’t be enough to bring it in line, so we’ve made additional shaves to the healing power coefficients of some of Scourge’s barrier generation and Transfusion.

    Feed from Corruption is the most notable omission from this list. It’s a very powerful trait, granting Scourge access to a wide range of boons in potentially large quantities to enhance both its defensive and offensive potential. We are considering reducing some of the stronger boon applications in a future update, but we want to see how the removal of Mender and the reductions to healing and barrier coefficients play out first.

    Looking AheadWe’ll be evaluating the impact of tomorrow’s changes in addition to the recent March update on the side node meta and support builds. We still want dedicated support builds to be a viable option, and we’ll be paying close attention to how the meta develops following the removal of Mender and the addition of Transference.

    Sigil of Transference has the potential to enable stronger healing from non-support builds that can afford to run Avatar or Sage amulet and may end up being too powerful for an individual sigil. We’re not opposed to enabling this type of build, but if they end up pushing dedicated supports completely out of the meta then we may reduce the outgoing healing granted by Transference and roll more outgoing healing into support traits or support runes to create a greater tradeoff for non-supports.

    We’ve also considered the possibility that moving support builds from Mender to Avatar amulet could end up making them too squishy due to the reduction in self-healing. This is something that we’ll evaluate on a case-by-case basis, but we’re prepared to make further adjustments as necessary to find the right balance between squishiness and support power. This could involve buffs to more selfish survivability skills, or possibly further increasing outgoing support potential to justify the level of vulnerability.

    That’s all we have for today. Thanks for reading, and we’ll see you in the mists!

    -The Systems Team

    Hello, I am really glad to see that you are doing some frequent adjustments to the pvp. I am still too unexperienced to give a constructive feed back on the changes, but i am happy to see that you are doing some frequent changes , please continue to do so.

    Have a great day and thank you for your work!

  9. @Widmo.3186 said:

    In my opinion for casual play and multicharacter playing GW2 is better option, because there much less grind required in order to be viable in the high end content (in terms of pvp you dont even need to level and farm gear). For hardcore play WoW is probably the better option because it has more content..

    Congratulations, you see my point. Casual playstyle. So basically you could play RPG and that would be the very same. Theres no endgame, ANet just abandoned it. Sad thing is that it isnt only about PvP or WvW, its about PvE too. All you can do when they release new 'content' is to do it in one day and then just grind achievs or whatever, sometimes timegated. Thats it, just like you would play solo RPG.

    I am doing raids every week and fractions almost every day, with friends and so on. Same thing which you would do in WoW, dungeons or raids. All people which i know in gw2 are doing fractals or raids , its just not that time consuming as in WoW so i dont see where is the difference between the games in that matter?

    The difference is that WoW have more difficulty levels of same content and the dungeons and raids are designed to be more time consuming, which means that you are forced to spend more hours in the game and makes it more casual unfriendly (not always a good or bad thing depends on the point of view). WoW have more collectables in that regards i would say that wow is much more like playing Solo RPG after you finish mythic 15 and raids , which are finished also very fast after expansion release .

  10. @Widmo.3186 said:

    Im not saying its doing good, but definetly better than gw2.

    that is subjective, i personally prefer fractals instead of WoW dungeons and gw2 raid instead of wow raids i find them more fun for me.

    Subjective would be if I said 'I enjoy playing WoW more than gw2'. Or 'gw2 is better game than WoW'. Saying thats its doing better than gw2 means it isnt necessarily better game, just in better state in terms of keeping playerbase. But Ive already noticed that you literally must put your very own personal opinion everywhere, even if its out of context, so its fine.

    What is the problem you have with me stating my opinion?

    just in better state in terms of keeping playerbase.Thats something which i disagree with, the higher player base does not necessarily means that they are better in keeping the player base. WoW lost 42% of its player base over 2 months period, according to some statistics which you probably already know ...

    The player base might be higher just because more people like tap targeting combat instead of action based , WoW in my opinion is doing very poor job of keeping players playing the game, because of the gearing system, pvp balance , borrowed powers , mandatory contents and so on, but i agree with you that gw2 would be in much better state if they added/updated their content more frequently and thats something which i advocated for in other posts too.

    but I know tons of ppl that are leaving gw2 for wowwell i know a lot of ppl which also do the opposite (me included ), without official statistics and numbers which show how much people leave/transfer exactly , such sentences are just pointless in my opinion. ofcourse there will be people which leave gw2 and go in WoW and also the oposite depends on what they are searching for in the game. In my opinion for casual play and multicharacter playing GW2 is better option, because there much less grind required in order to be viable in the high end content (in terms of pvp you dont even need to level and farm gear). For hardcore play WoW is probably the better option because it has more content.. Overall both games a great and have their own positivities and negativities

  11. @Lucentfir.7430 said:

    Im not saying its doing good, but definetly better than gw2.

    that is subjective, i personally prefer fractals instead of WoW dungeons and gw2 raid instead of wow raids i find them more fun for me.

    Good for you continue having fun with it. I've experienced both, I've done higher than Mythic15+ before, and I used to do Fractal CMs frequently when I was more active. Fractals and raids suffer from eon long droughts of content. After you've done them all, there's not much to look forward too until after a year+ of waiting for one additional new fractal(you haven't hit this point yet). Also Fractals have a glaring flaw of not really having enough themed rewards/cosmetics for the amount of time it's been out as a replacement for dungeons. As far as my opinion goes, WoW does raiding experience better than Gw2, and at least production of repeatable PVE content(M+) better, along with rewards.

    I also experienced both i played every singe WoW expasion. For the content it self maybe, blizzard add new raids fairly quickly bit the dungeons are added only on full expasion so every 2 years, in term of gameplay experiance i personelly prefer gw2 since i am tired of all of the waiting and timegated stuff in WoW and the huge problems with the lfg system (which prevent you from enjoying the content you like to), but that is my personal point of view, please dont get me wrong i am not trying to force it .

    Have a great day!

  12. @UNOwen.7132 said:

    Once again, gonna call doubt. Core condi necro has around 30k hp, doesnt it? A thief can do maybe 10k in 5 seconds, so how are you getting killed in 5 seconds? Nvm the whole entering shroud thing,

    My build has 24k hp and i will make a log for you next time when i fight thief in 1vs1

    Go ahead, and dont fudge the numbers.

    I have no problem to say when i am wrong in something mate

  13. @Daddy.8125 said:

    @"Xentera.4560" said:I’m honestly getting sick of all the threads about “pls nerf x”. How much more boring do u want this game mode to be?!!Scourge was nerfed repeatedly for the past 3 years to the degree of almost being unplayable. The reason u see it more often now is because anet also nerfed everything else. It’s becoming a boring, frustrating, viscious cycle.How bout instead of any more nerfs we balance some underperforming classes?

    Games with 2-3+ scourges are making the game boring. It makes the comps repeatitive.

    Variety is the spice of life.

    And the solution to that is buffing everyone else, not nerfing Scourge. Were already in horrible powerdip. Lets not double down on it.

    What you mean?. I see people killing others in seconds in some cases.

    Maybe if they're afk Glass Cannon Eles, but for regular players? Not really, they don't die even if they use their active defense poorly.

    The issue is because of builds such as scourge heavy damage comps are rarely used. Once nerfed it's likely we will see more burst mesmers etc etc opening up and the higher burst and damage comps.

    "Heavy damage comps" are rarely used because they don't exist. The highest a glass cannon can do is medium damage.

    But a glass cannon thief build or mesmer build can still blow someone up. It's just Ur basically useless when people are stacking scourge and tanky brawlers.

    They can't. A thief will have a hard time bursting someone for even 50% of their HP (and will usually have to be content with 25-35% as a glass cannon), and Mesmer can only just barely crack 50% now. Mesmer wasn't played since February ever, for a reason.

    Also your concept would put alot more pressure on the balancing comparitively. Rebalancing 99% of the professions would likely lead to another proffession being over buffed.

    If the alternative is to keep increasing powerdip, hurting the game more and more, thats still worth it. Alternatively admit the february megapatch was an unmitigated disaster, and revert everything since and including it.

    What you talking? I'm a revenant using the current renegade build and I've had a thief kill me in seconds. And that isn't even as a glass cannon build lol

    Gonna call hard doubt on that.

    You say 5k. Yet there's proof there's a thief build that can do 11k. The reason it isn't used is because they'd get blown up seconds after using it if another enemy showed up.

    There isnt. One guy did the math, but his math had a number of errors, in reality the max you can do realistically is around 8k with a completely unplayable build that will almost always do a lot less damage because its damage modifiers turn off.

    The current renegade build has 16922 health. Glass cannon mesmer as 15k hp.

    The Renegade build also has an extra 600 armour, and a number of damage reduction traits. On you, the standard 5k backstab turns into a 3k backstab. Hence the hard doubt.

    Your looking at classes that even Ur thief damage can 3 shot.

    Lets ignore that Renegade can't be 3-shot, or even remotely. There is one other issue. Thief can't use backstab more than once per fight, realistically. Almost all of their damage comes from that. They can "3-shot" you in the same sense a Warrior can 3-shot you with 3 eviscerates. In reality, thief does a 5k burst, and then does probably around 2k DPS before running away.

    If your three shotting people. U aren't "medium damage"..

    Good that no one is, and not even remotely.

    The problem is how hard some of these builds can bunker that's the issue. Not the damage output.

    The damage output is the issue, most builds arent even bunkering that much.

    I've been dropped by thief's very quickly several times there's no hard doubt about it. The games pace feels pretty fast most situations

    Once again, with your build, Im gonna call doubt. Even the glassiest thief, fighting you when youre not fighting back, will probably need 10+ seconds to kill you. If you fight back, they cant kill you at all. So your idea of "being dropped by thieves quickly" is nonsense. Unless you meant to add "when I was on 20% hp". The game pace feels glacially slow in all situations. CMC even mentioned it in the patch notes as their big problem.

    We don't need to run around with every proffession 2 shot bursting one another. That's not "skillful". Being able to spam 1 faster then another player just means u can play a flashy game of snap.

    Thats the beauty of it though. That isnt what happened. What we had was the
    of being 2-touched. But you rarely ever got 2-touched. The average fight lasted 30 seconds to a minute. Its much like fighting games. High damage forces you to play as cleanly as possible with as few mistakes as possible, if you make a mistake, you eat a lot of damage. That is skillful. Its why fighting games are such a hard genre. Now? You can make mistake after mistake, since damage is so low, you cant really be punished for that. And since damage is so low, you just spam off cooldown. That is indeed skillless.

    If your butchering people faster then they can react. It's no longer skillful. And it seems like that's what you want in the game which is ridiculous.

    Again, didnt really happen, the threat was there, but it was just a threat.

    WoW is currently quite litterally bleeding to death currently for introducing the PvP meta you proclaim this game needs.

    I dont play WoW, but Im gonna go out on a limb and guess that youre completely misrepresenting the situation. Aaaand its not. Seems the general consensus is that the meta isnt ideal, but its better than the low-damage tank meta they had before by a mile. Gee, I wonder why.

    Plus, yknow, GW2 PvP is currently quite literally bleeding to death for introducing the PvP meta you proclaimed this game needs.

    Didn't say the game needed the current meta. And no it isn't bleeding to death for introducing the PvP meta.

    If you believe this games biggest reason for quitting is it's PvP meta your wrong I'm afraid.

    I said the games PvP, not the game in general.

    In WoW the reason the PvP meta is killing the game is because BiS gearing for PvE content is currently earnt by PVP.

    Which is an issue with the design, not the PvP inherently.

    I am not misrepresenting the problem. Lol. WoW on SL launch was heavily over the Top. As the characters were balanced with borrowed power in mind. Borrowed power which hadn't been unlocked.

    There's a litteral video taking the p*ss out of WoWs SL pvp because of how one shotty it is.

    And there are many more of people enjoying it, and many more of people dunking on the low damage metas before because of how trash they are.

    And my build is the build on metabattle lol. I dunno how far up the PvP ladder you are. But I'm afraid your gonna have to accept the fact that yea maybe Ur correct under perfectly played circumstances these classes aren't doing this.

    Again, this isnt a matter of gameplay. Its straight up not possible. If you're playing the metabattle renegade build, backstab will hit you for around 3k-3.5k. Then, his highest damage skill will be shadowshot, at at most 2k a pop, and he can use it twice. And then he just has autoattacks, which hits for around 2.2k over 1.68 seconds. So if within 3 seconds, he can barely take you down to 50% if you do literally nothing, how is it killing you "within seconds".

    Take a silver/gold game and these players aren't playing perfectly. And mistakes or lack of utilising defensives properly will mean u die faster.

    They used to mean that. Nowadays, they dont. You can make mistakes as you wont, you still wont really die outside of being outnumbered.

    And no. WoW has a certain population of the playerbase who like the current what they call "fast meta". And it isn't. WoWs lead Dev went on call with one of the bigger wow players and said it's OTT but they don't want to overnerf it.

    WoW isn't "fast meta" it's become twitch reaction based. Something a mmorpg litterally should NEVER be introducing.

    If that is the case, its an easy fix. But what I do know, is that the by far most hated, most unpopular metas in WoW are the low-damage ones like we have in GW2 right now. The ones considered the most skillless.

    Go look up WoW Boomkin PvP convoke the spirits.

    This ability fires 16 spells at full damage over 3 seconds at 0 resource usuage.. you can also manage it as it won't target CC'd players so can cc one and then convoke the other for a strong ST burst.

    Look up the 3 rogue Arena team.

    The team that is considered so bad, its not even tiered? Great example.

    Really? 61% profit loss, 50% player loss, forums on litteral fire?

    Do u read arena forums on wow? Because I do.

    Clearly not if you think triple rogue is anything more than a garbage-tier meme team.

    "meme" team playing at the highest rating .... imagine if a 5 scourge team was at AT finals ...

    8.3 was a "fast meta". SL is a twitch reaction 1 shot burst roulette. The vast majority think it needs fixing. And blizzard are also addressing it. Just not fast enough.

    The vast majority also still think its significantly better than low damage metas.

    I wonder what are your statistic which prove that "vast" majority think its better? WoW pvp is terrible at the moment an many many people left (me included) and are leaving because of it and because of the LFG and gearing systems.

    Fights in gw2 are like 20 seconds long in most cases that I've experienced. While in wow Ur looking at 10 minute duals in wow.

    Fights in GW2 last 20 seconds if one player is outnumbered. If neither is outnumbered, they can easily last an infinite amount of time with no resolution.

    Wows "slow meta" which was dampeningAnd it was 1000x worse then gw2 is currently.

    I'm a wow player lol. If I felt the game was that slow paced. I'd likely notice given the fact I experience both.

    WoW has had metas as slow as GW2s current meta before as well. They were
    . Because they're trash.

    WoW slow metas are much much worse and borring than gw2 "slow" meta

    No ones saying gw2 PvP is perfect. Spoiler no games is. But it ain't that bad either. And removing bunker builds gets what u want anyway.

    It is that bad. If it wasnt, it wouldnt have had so many players leave that matchmaking fails to work properly. And no, it doesnt. Because some of the "bunker" builds have just been regular glass cannon builds with just the survivability they get from skills and heal skills. And that was too much. Nerf that, and you just further reduce skills.

    Saying "It is that bad. " does not make it bad, it only show that you dont like it

    Theres vastly more proof that Players Dislike SL then there is supporting the concept that players do like it, the games Hemoraging massively. Ion has Stated he thinks its OTT. Engagement is Dropping from the game. the Forums are a absolute kitten of players with arraying complaints and NO ONEs happy with the balancing of current WoW. Litterally. More balancing complaints in 1 patch of SL then there was in over HALF of legion. go Total the numbers if u want.

    Watch Belluar that Tracks numbers, Watch Towliee who gets inside information. People are Mad AF About every part of WoW currently and blizzard are Terrified.

    Ur arguments sound about the same as What was going on in WoW in dampening meta, the problem is. theres a MILE Difference. between being able to 1 v 1 in a Reasonable amount and timer. and Thieves just 2 shotting u from stealth like we see in WoW during Sls inital Release.

    U proclaim they were hated. While SL currently has one of the ALRGEST drops, meaning SLs current systems are by far the QUICKEST TO BE HATED.

    SL did everything PvPers asked for. and its still bleeding HEAVILY. its lost 50% of its playerbase And that numbers only raising, its lost 61% Of Profits, its only raisingf. People on forums Are unhappy with the PvP theres only more names joining that List. Cause guess what. u can only smack a 1 shot macro so many times for a 50/50 on who hit it first before it gets boring AF.

    I’m intentionally ruining other’s arenas and experience in World of WarcraftPvP sounds fun /sI am done with thisI tried, I really tried, goodbye gameRogues./ gameBlizz enoughDie in 0.1 sec - I should line itBest frostmage WORLD quitting wowAlts unplayableApril Fools’ over - NERF ROGUES

    Sorry, top posts of the arena Forums going on.. want more? i can give u 5+ Pages of this.. lmfao NO ONES POSTING ANYTHING GOOD, the white knights arent even defending it anymore.

    why do you write this to me mate? i agree that WOW i bad and i left it to play GW2, maybe read my post again?

    think i quoted the wrong player apologises lol.

    no worries mate, i think you wanted to quote the same guy i did :D

  14. @UNOwen.7132 said:

    @"Xentera.4560" said:I’m honestly getting sick of all the threads about “pls nerf x”. How much more boring do u want this game mode to be?!!Scourge was nerfed repeatedly for the past 3 years to the degree of almost being unplayable. The reason u see it more often now is because anet also nerfed everything else. It’s becoming a boring, frustrating, viscious cycle.How bout instead of any more nerfs we balance some underperforming classes?

    Games with 2-3+ scourges are making the game boring. It makes the comps repeatitive.

    Variety is the spice of life.

    And the solution to that is buffing everyone else, not nerfing Scourge. Were already in horrible powerdip. Lets not double down on it.

    What you mean?. I see people killing others in seconds in some cases.

    Maybe if they're afk Glass Cannon Eles, but for regular players? Not really, they don't die even if they use their active defense poorly.

    The issue is because of builds such as scourge heavy damage comps are rarely used. Once nerfed it's likely we will see more burst mesmers etc etc opening up and the higher burst and damage comps.

    "Heavy damage comps" are rarely used because they don't exist. The highest a glass cannon can do is medium damage.

    But a glass cannon thief build or mesmer build can still blow someone up. It's just Ur basically useless when people are stacking scourge and tanky brawlers.

    They can't. A thief will have a hard time bursting someone for even 50% of their HP (and will usually have to be content with 25-35% as a glass cannon), and Mesmer can only just barely crack 50% now. Mesmer wasn't played since February ever, for a reason.

    Also your concept would put alot more pressure on the balancing comparitively. Rebalancing 99% of the professions would likely lead to another proffession being over buffed.

    If the alternative is to keep increasing powerdip, hurting the game more and more, thats still worth it. Alternatively admit the february megapatch was an unmitigated disaster, and revert everything since and including it.

    What you talking? I'm a revenant using the current renegade build and I've had a thief kill me in seconds. And that isn't even as a glass cannon build lol

    Gonna call hard doubt on that.

    You say 5k. Yet there's proof there's a thief build that can do 11k. The reason it isn't used is because they'd get blown up seconds after using it if another enemy showed up.

    There isnt. One guy did the math, but his math had a number of errors, in reality the max you can do realistically is around 8k with a completely unplayable build that will almost always do a lot less damage because its damage modifiers turn off.

    The current renegade build has 16922 health. Glass cannon mesmer as 15k hp.

    The Renegade build also has an extra 600 armour, and a number of damage reduction traits. On you, the standard 5k backstab turns into a 3k backstab. Hence the hard doubt.

    Your looking at classes that even Ur thief damage can 3 shot.

    Lets ignore that Renegade can't be 3-shot, or even remotely. There is one other issue. Thief can't use backstab more than once per fight, realistically. Almost all of their damage comes from that. They can "3-shot" you in the same sense a Warrior can 3-shot you with 3 eviscerates. In reality, thief does a 5k burst, and then does probably around 2k DPS before running away.

    If your three shotting people. U aren't "medium damage"..

    Good that no one is, and not even remotely.

    The problem is how hard some of these builds can bunker that's the issue. Not the damage output.

    The damage output is the issue, most builds arent even bunkering that much.

    I've been dropped by thief's very quickly several times there's no hard doubt about it. The games pace feels pretty fast most situations

    Once again, with your build, Im gonna call doubt. Even the glassiest thief, fighting you when youre not fighting back, will probably need 10+ seconds to kill you. If you fight back, they cant kill you at all. So your idea of "being dropped by thieves quickly" is nonsense. Unless you meant to add "when I was on 20% hp". The game pace feels glacially slow in all situations. CMC even mentioned it in the patch notes as their big problem.

    We don't need to run around with every proffession 2 shot bursting one another. That's not "skillful". Being able to spam 1 faster then another player just means u can play a flashy game of snap.

    Thats the beauty of it though. That isnt what happened. What we had was the
    of being 2-touched. But you rarely ever got 2-touched. The average fight lasted 30 seconds to a minute. Its much like fighting games. High damage forces you to play as cleanly as possible with as few mistakes as possible, if you make a mistake, you eat a lot of damage. That is skillful. Its why fighting games are such a hard genre. Now? You can make mistake after mistake, since damage is so low, you cant really be punished for that. And since damage is so low, you just spam off cooldown. That is indeed skillless.

    If your butchering people faster then they can react. It's no longer skillful. And it seems like that's what you want in the game which is ridiculous.

    Again, didnt really happen, the threat was there, but it was just a threat.

    WoW is currently quite litterally bleeding to death currently for introducing the PvP meta you proclaim this game needs.

    I dont play WoW, but Im gonna go out on a limb and guess that youre completely misrepresenting the situation. Aaaand its not. Seems the general consensus is that the meta isnt ideal, but its better than the low-damage tank meta they had before by a mile. Gee, I wonder why.

    Plus, yknow, GW2 PvP is currently quite literally bleeding to death for introducing the PvP meta you proclaimed this game needs.

    Didn't say the game needed the current meta. And no it isn't bleeding to death for introducing the PvP meta.

    If you believe this games biggest reason for quitting is it's PvP meta your wrong I'm afraid.

    I said the games PvP, not the game in general.

    In WoW the reason the PvP meta is killing the game is because BiS gearing for PvE content is currently earnt by PVP.

    Which is an issue with the design, not the PvP inherently.

    I am not misrepresenting the problem. Lol. WoW on SL launch was heavily over the Top. As the characters were balanced with borrowed power in mind. Borrowed power which hadn't been unlocked.

    There's a litteral video taking the p*ss out of WoWs SL pvp because of how one shotty it is.

    And there are many more of people enjoying it, and many more of people dunking on the low damage metas before because of how trash they are.

    And my build is the build on metabattle lol. I dunno how far up the PvP ladder you are. But I'm afraid your gonna have to accept the fact that yea maybe Ur correct under perfectly played circumstances these classes aren't doing this.

    Again, this isnt a matter of gameplay. Its straight up not possible. If you're playing the metabattle renegade build, backstab will hit you for around 3k-3.5k. Then, his highest damage skill will be shadowshot, at at most 2k a pop, and he can use it twice. And then he just has autoattacks, which hits for around 2.2k over 1.68 seconds. So if within 3 seconds, he can barely take you down to 50% if you do literally nothing, how is it killing you "within seconds".

    Take a silver/gold game and these players aren't playing perfectly. And mistakes or lack of utilising defensives properly will mean u die faster.

    They used to mean that. Nowadays, they dont. You can make mistakes as you wont, you still wont really die outside of being outnumbered.

    And no. WoW has a certain population of the playerbase who like the current what they call "fast meta". And it isn't. WoWs lead Dev went on call with one of the bigger wow players and said it's OTT but they don't want to overnerf it.

    WoW isn't "fast meta" it's become twitch reaction based. Something a mmorpg litterally should NEVER be introducing.

    If that is the case, its an easy fix. But what I do know, is that the by far most hated, most unpopular metas in WoW are the low-damage ones like we have in GW2 right now. The ones considered the most skillless.

    Go look up WoW Boomkin PvP convoke the spirits.

    This ability fires 16 spells at full damage over 3 seconds at 0 resource usuage.. you can also manage it as it won't target CC'd players so can cc one and then convoke the other for a strong ST burst.

    Look up the 3 rogue Arena team.

    The team that is considered so bad, its not even tiered? Great example.

    Really? 61% profit loss, 50% player loss, forums on litteral fire?

    Do u read arena forums on wow? Because I do.

    Clearly not if you think triple rogue is anything more than a garbage-tier meme team.

    "meme" team playing at the highest rating .... imagine if a 5 scourge team was at AT finals ...

    8.3 was a "fast meta". SL is a twitch reaction 1 shot burst roulette. The vast majority think it needs fixing. And blizzard are also addressing it. Just not fast enough.

    The vast majority also still think its significantly better than low damage metas.

    I wonder what are your statistic which prove that "vast" majority think its better? WoW pvp is terrible at the moment and many many people left (me included) and are leaving because of it and because of the LFG and gearing systems. According to some statistics 42% of WoW's player base left the game in the last few months

    Fights in gw2 are like 20 seconds long in most cases that I've experienced. While in wow Ur looking at 10 minute duals in wow.

    Fights in GW2 last 20 seconds if one player is outnumbered. If neither is outnumbered, they can easily last an infinite amount of time with no resolution.

    Wows "slow meta" which was dampeningAnd it was 1000x worse then gw2 is currently.

    I'm a wow player lol. If I felt the game was that slow paced. I'd likely notice given the fact I experience both.

    WoW has had metas as slow as GW2s current meta before as well. They were
    . Because they're trash.

    WoW slow metas are much much worse and borring than gw2 "slow" meta.

    1. in WOW you are doing some noticeable damage only when you have your CDs and most of the damage CD are 45+ seconds cooldown which makes the game play slow and just about trading CDs.

    No ones saying gw2 PvP is perfect. Spoiler no games is. But it ain't that bad either. And removing bunker builds gets what u want anyway.

    It is that bad. If it wasnt, it wouldnt have had so many players leave that matchmaking fails to work properly. And no, it doesnt. Because some of the "bunker" builds have just been regular glass cannon builds with just the survivability they get from skills and heal skills. And that was too much. Nerf that, and you just further reduce skills.

    Saying "It is that bad. " does not make it bad, it only show that you dont like it, in my opinion GW2 pvp is awesome , of course there are some issues which need to be addressed , but its far from bad

    Once again, with your build, Im gonna call doubt. Even the glassiest thief, fighting you when youre not fighting back, will probably need 10+ seconds to kill you. If you fight back, they cant kill you at all. So your idea of "being dropped by thieves quickly" is nonsense

    I play mainly core condy necro and thief can drop me in 4-5 seconds if i dont use my utility and defensives properly, which happened to me multiple times.

  15. @Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

    @Trevor Boyer.6524 said:I've been saying it for awhile now:
    1. Tie rating/badge system to AT seasons that begin and end with monthly AT..

    Why rating should go to ATs, as far as i know ATs are running only at specific hours and also you cannot soloQ for them, i am against that , becuase forcing people to be at the game at specific hour in order to compete for rating is not good idea in my opinion. Also i prefer to have the soloQ option, forced to make a team everytime when i want to do ranked is not very healthy for the game specially for new people, as example WoW can be used, it does not have soloQ, people there are asking for it from years and a lot players are leaving the pvp becuase they are spending more time in searching for people in LFG that actually playing the game(one of the reasons i left WoW) also there are other issues related to the teamQ only ranked pvp.

    In short in my opinion based on the experience which i have in pvp in many other mmorpgs ranked pvp should not be connected to the ATs .

    About the rewards i prefer to be able to gain gold from ranked because in that way i am not forced to do content which i do not want for gold, but even if it is removed thats not a big problem for me personally.

    Then you can form a team like all of the other competitive players if you really care to compete in less reward more rating based environment.

    I'm sorry but it just needs to happen at this point for those of us who want good competitive games again, and have the rating actually mean something.

    Thats the problem mate, i dont want to stay hours in LFG as in WoW, and WoW has much bigger player base and you still have more hours in LFG than actually playing pvp. YOu have ATs at the moment so you can have your "true" competitive experience there, no need to ruin rated pvp, for those of us which are playing more casually (which i believe is much more ppl than the high end AT players).

    You said you are playing casually so you probably aren't deep enough into the community to recognize how much match manipulation & botting is happening in the ranked mode solo/duo only. If you had recognized it, you'd be agreeing with me once you realized solid 5 man queues full of humans is the only way to stop garbage match making.

    TeamQ only, has a lot of problems of its own, i can give couple of examples if you want:
    1. People will mostly search people with higher rating than them in LFG and shunt people with lower rating,
    2. People will accept you in group only if you play meta build or comp specific build and reject you if you dont,
    3. People will leave after 1 lost match, so you will have to again spend time in LFG in order to replace.

    Looks like you don't run ATs often, if you ever have at all. Nothing you've said here is even remotely true.
    1. No one searches higher rating than them in LFG because LFG groups are labeled things like "Plat +" and everyone in the Plat + community knows each other, so if people join who are not Plat +, they get kicked. If people join who you don't know, you badge check. Same goes for w/e LFG you post. It's actually rather easy to form a team for AT in the LFG. If you had ever tried it even once, you'd already know this.
    2. No one boots anyone out based on "meta builds" they boot people out based on the merit of your personal reputation and/or current rating.
    3. People don't leave after 1 loss. In all the time I've spent in ATs, which is a lot of time at this point, I've seen that happen maybe twice. Maybe it's a problem for "Anyone Join Groups", but groups who are even Gold + do not have this problem. People at Gold + levels who join an AT know what they're getting themselves into beforehand. They are joining not for big rewards but rather for good games, and they have an open willingness to get trashed by Plat + teams because they want to learn and get better. <- This is the difference between yolo/duo gamble dice throw ranked reward casual play, and competitive AT team play. And might I add HOW MUCH LOWER the toxicity is in AT play for this very reason.

    All of this problems are seen in WoW (which i repeat has much bigger player base) and people are leaving because of it, From the last report which i have seen 42% of the WoW player base stop playing (just in about 2 month period) and very big part of that is because of the pvp and LFG related issues.

    Stop comparing this to WoW. What's going on here is nothing like WoW. It really isn't.

    Last month of WoW playing i spended around 100 hours in the game and 60-70 hours were just waiting in LFG searching for teammates , i dont want to experience that anymore, thats why most of the WoW PvP community are asking for soloQ from years, specially the new and casual people , because they are suffering the most from teamQ only system, so i suggest lets learn from other game's mistakes instead of doing the same mistakes which are did there, which would lead to even worse results in pvp participation.

    You should actually try LFGing an AT team in GW2 instead of assumin everything is like WoW. You'd see that the LFG AT team will fill up usually within about 2 or 3 minutes with a Gold + listing. You go Plat + and it starts turning into 10+ minute organization through LFG. You go Plat 2 + and then it begins turning into a 20+ minute organize sometimes requiring personal invites to fill the roster.

    I also think it's hilarious that you say "we should learn from other games" yet you literally said "WoW's population is much higher. WoW does not have solo queue pvp." Did it ever occur to you that the reason why GW2's population was so low is because the conversion to solo/duo drove people off with the problems it created? If you had been an avid player all of these years and had somewhere near 20,000 games played, you'd already recognize this fact. Many players up and left GW2 pvp when they realized how much math manipulation solo/duo ranked brought into the game.

    If you don't know what smurfing, synching, throwing, multi box botting, win trading is, you have no idea what's going on my man. The leaderboards are ruined in GW2 because of all this. The solo queue mode you love so dearly as a casual player is almost entirely responsible for enabling these problems. If you don't understand why, well that's a topic for a different thread.

    From what is seen in WoW easily can be concluded that teamQ system only ,work good only for hard core players and it is very punishing from casual and new players, thats why i am strongly against removing soloQ from ranked or making ranked games only at specific hours. About the rewards in ranked as i said i prefer to be able to make gold in ranked pvp, but if they are removed that wont stop me from playing pvp since thats the content which i enjoy the most.

    And that's why I said that the hardcore players can go do their 5 man in ATs, and then everyone else can go to Unranked with Ranked rewards for their mixed queue system. You aren't understanding that the suggestion I propose would help players like yourself. It would put the try hards in a different fish tank where they are trying to compete for clout of rating and badges and MAT wins. Everyone else can have fun making their gold and getting pips for shards and w/e in Unranked that has Ranked rewards shuffled to it.

    Look man, it sounds like you want to compete for rating which is why you argued against me to begin with. But honestly, if you don't want that rating enough to take 3 minutes form a team through an LFG to help support the purpose of the rating actually reflecting real player skill in a 5 man environment rather than a bunch of dice throw gambling in yolo/duo, maybe you shouldn't be worried about rating at all. Because the rest of us want a system that means something again, where matches are clean.

    Solo queue is casual man. Rating has no place in a casual environment full of bots and synch queue match manipulation. Sorry but it doesn't.

    Rating/Badge system needs to be slid over to AT monthly seasons that begin and end with MAT. Ranked rewards can be slid over to Unranked.

    Please dont get me wrong i am not saying that the current system is the best, just from what i have seen teamQ only system is much MUCH worse.

    You haven't seen anything. You keep referencing WoW and saying things that if you had ever played a 5 man team even once, you'd know weren't true. I mean, say what you want man. Just stop making assumptions about what's going on in GW2 based off of WoW. These are two very different lists of problems.

    I dont have time atm to reponce to everything , but i will a bit later, but i want to mention that personal attacks as " you dont know nothing" do not back up your point but only show that you dont like people disagreing with you, if you cannot back up your point with facts or logic dont even try.

    I will respond to everything a bit later, but lets keep the conversation constructive.

    I simply pointed out things you claim that are wrong. It's not an attack if you're just being corrected on things that everyone else knows is true.

    Look man, no one criticizes this game more than the guys in the pvp subforum, we get it. But a lot of what you are saying is just not accurate. It seems you're creating a hypothesis on GW2 based on your experience with WoW. Literally anyone who runs an AT or two every couple of days can see this in your post.

    Arguing with me here will not be constructive to anything other than some itch you have to do it. So this will be my last post to you.

    Oh and one more thing. I did not say "You don't know nothing". I said "You haven't seen anything" . <- Consider the difference in emotional inflection between these two catch phrases, and that maybe you are seeing what you want to see and not necessarily what something actually is. What you did here is very similar to you arguing with me about the practicalities of how the AT community works, as if you had these facts that you KNEW, but in reality it is quite clear that you lack experience & immersion time participating in organized team play in GW2, which you pretty much stated this yourself in your own response. And you know what? That's perfectly fine. Just don't argue facts about something like that from the sheer standpoint WoW hypothesis only. literally everything you've come at me with has seriously been a hypothetical comparison to WoW. I mean.. yeah alright, w/e.

    Do what you want man..I simply pointed out things you claim that are wrong.You didnt back up your claim with anything, which do NOT prove me wrong , but only shows that we disagree with each other, how did you prove me wrong exactly?

    Solo queue is casual man. Rating has no place in a casual environment full of bots and synch queue match manipulation. Sorry but it doesn't.looks like you dont know the difference of ranked and unranked.

    lack experience & immersion time participating in organized team play in GW2,i never stated that i have experience in it. I stated that teamQ only system probably wont be that good as you think it will be , because of reason which we already saw in different games(not only WOW every mmo with just teamQ has this problems so i dont think GW2 will be any different). It does not work in games which are much bigger than GW2 , what exactly makes you believe that it will be different in GW2?

    If you don't know what smurfing, synching, throwing, multi box botting, win trading is, you have no idea what's going on my man.all of this is happening in WoW which dont have soloQ , so yea looks like teamQ is not the answer to that either. Also as far as i know there was some cases of win trading in ATs too...

    Bots are not in pvp because of soloQ , but because they can gain easy money (gold)from it, so removing rewards will definitely help in that regards, so no need to remove soloQ to get out the bots

    Arguing with me here will not be constructive to anything other than some itch you have to do it. So this will be my last post to you.

    so you dont even want to read my point of view and my arguments , which only prove that you just dont like people which disagree with you. Good , then certainly the conversation with you is just pointless.

    I just hope GW2 developers dont listen to you blindly. You have very good suggestions in other posts, but this one is not one of them in my opinion.

    Have a great day and be healthy mate!

  16. @Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

    @Trevor Boyer.6524 said:I've been saying it for awhile now:
    1. Tie rating/badge system to AT seasons that begin and end with monthly AT..

    Why rating should go to ATs, as far as i know ATs are running only at specific hours and also you cannot soloQ for them, i am against that , becuase forcing people to be at the game at specific hour in order to compete for rating is not good idea in my opinion. Also i prefer to have the soloQ option, forced to make a team everytime when i want to do ranked is not very healthy for the game specially for new people, as example WoW can be used, it does not have soloQ, people there are asking for it from years and a lot players are leaving the pvp becuase they are spending more time in searching for people in LFG that actually playing the game(one of the reasons i left WoW) also there are other issues related to the teamQ only ranked pvp.

    In short in my opinion based on the experience which i have in pvp in many other mmorpgs ranked pvp should not be connected to the ATs .

    About the rewards i prefer to be able to gain gold from ranked because in that way i am not forced to do content which i do not want for gold, but even if it is removed thats not a big problem for me personally.

    Then you can form a team like all of the other competitive players if you really care to compete in less reward more rating based environment.

    I'm sorry but it just needs to happen at this point for those of us who want good competitive games again, and have the rating actually mean something.

    Thats the problem mate, i dont want to stay hours in LFG as in WoW, and WoW has much bigger player base and you still have more hours in LFG than actually playing pvp. YOu have ATs at the moment so you can have your "true" competitive experience there, no need to ruin rated pvp, for those of us which are playing more casually (which i believe is much more ppl than the high end AT players).

    You said you are playing casually so you probably aren't deep enough into the community to recognize how much match manipulation & botting is happening in the ranked mode solo/duo only. If you had recognized it, you'd be agreeing with me once you realized solid 5 man queues full of humans is the only way to stop garbage match making.

    TeamQ only, has a lot of problems of its own, i can give couple of examples if you want:
    1. People will mostly search people with higher rating than them in LFG and shunt people with lower rating,
    2. People will accept you in group only if you play meta build or comp specific build and reject you if you dont,
    3. People will leave after 1 lost match, so you will have to again spend time in LFG in order to replace.

    Looks like you don't run ATs often, if you ever have at all. Nothing you've said here is even remotely true.
    1. No one searches higher rating than them in LFG because LFG groups are labeled things like "Plat +" and everyone in the Plat + community knows each other, so if people join who are not Plat +, they get kicked. If people join who you don't know, you badge check. Same goes for w/e LFG you post. It's actually rather easy to form a team for AT in the LFG. If you had ever tried it even once, you'd already know this.
    2. No one boots anyone out based on "meta builds" they boot people out based on the merit of your personal reputation and/or current rating.
    3. People don't leave after 1 loss. In all the time I've spent in ATs, which is a lot of time at this point, I've seen that happen maybe twice. Maybe it's a problem for "Anyone Join Groups", but groups who are even Gold + do not have this problem. People at Gold + levels who join an AT know what they're getting themselves into beforehand. They are joining not for big rewards but rather for good games, and they have an open willingness to get trashed by Plat + teams because they want to learn and get better. <- This is the difference between yolo/duo gamble dice throw ranked reward casual play, and competitive AT team play. And might I add HOW MUCH LOWER the toxicity is in AT play for this very reason.

    All of this problems are seen in WoW (which i repeat has much bigger player base) and people are leaving because of it, From the last report which i have seen 42% of the WoW player base stop playing (just in about 2 month period) and very big part of that is because of the pvp and LFG related issues.

    Stop comparing this to WoW. What's going on here is nothing like WoW. It really isn't.

    Last month of WoW playing i spended around 100 hours in the game and 60-70 hours were just waiting in LFG searching for teammates , i dont want to experience that anymore, thats why most of the WoW PvP community are asking for soloQ from years, specially the new and casual people , because they are suffering the most from teamQ only system, so i suggest lets learn from other game's mistakes instead of doing the same mistakes which are did there, which would lead to even worse results in pvp participation.

    You should actually try LFGing an AT team in GW2 instead of assumin everything is like WoW. You'd see that the LFG AT team will fill up usually within about 2 or 3 minutes with a Gold + listing. You go Plat + and it starts turning into 10+ minute organization through LFG. You go Plat 2 + and then it begins turning into a 20+ minute organize sometimes requiring personal invites to fill the roster.

    I also think it's hilarious that you say "we should learn from other games" yet you literally said "WoW's population is much higher. WoW does not have solo queue pvp." Did it ever occur to you that the reason why GW2's population was so low is because the conversion to solo/duo drove people off with the problems it created? If you had been an avid player all of these years and had somewhere near 20,000 games played, you'd already recognize this fact. Many players up and left GW2 pvp when they realized how much math manipulation solo/duo ranked brought into the game.

    If you don't know what smurfing, synching, throwing, multi box botting, win trading is, you have no idea what's going on my man. The leaderboards are ruined in GW2 because of all this. The solo queue mode you love so dearly as a casual player is almost entirely responsible for enabling these problems. If you don't understand why, well that's a topic for a different thread.

    From what is seen in WoW easily can be concluded that teamQ system only ,work good only for hard core players and it is very punishing from casual and new players, thats why i am strongly against removing soloQ from ranked or making ranked games only at specific hours. About the rewards in ranked as i said i prefer to be able to make gold in ranked pvp, but if they are removed that wont stop me from playing pvp since thats the content which i enjoy the most.

    And that's why I said that the hardcore players can go do their 5 man in ATs, and then everyone else can go to Unranked with Ranked rewards for their mixed queue system. You aren't understanding that the suggestion I propose would help players like yourself. It would put the try hards in a different fish tank where they are trying to compete for clout of rating and badges and MAT wins. Everyone else can have fun making their gold and getting pips for shards and w/e in Unranked that has Ranked rewards shuffled to it.

    Look man, it sounds like you want to compete for rating which is why you argued against me to begin with. But honestly, if you don't want that rating enough to take 3 minutes form a team through an LFG to help support the purpose of the rating actually reflecting real player skill in a 5 man environment rather than a bunch of dice throw gambling in yolo/duo, maybe you shouldn't be worried about rating at all. Because the rest of us want a system that means something again, where matches are clean.

    Solo queue is casual man. Rating has no place in a casual environment full of bots and synch queue match manipulation. Sorry but it doesn't.

    Rating/Badge system needs to be slid over to AT monthly seasons that begin and end with MAT. Ranked rewards can be slid over to Unranked.

    Please dont get me wrong i am not saying that the current system is the best, just from what i have seen teamQ only system is much MUCH worse.

    You haven't seen anything. You keep referencing WoW and saying things that if you had ever played a 5 man team even once, you'd know weren't true. I mean, say what you want man. Just stop making assumptions about what's going on in GW2 based off of WoW. These are two very different lists of problems.

    I dont have time atm to reponce to everything , but i will a bit later, but i want to mention that personal attacks as " you dont know nothing" do not back up your point but only show that you dont like people disagreing with you, if you cannot back up your point with facts or logic dont even try.

    I will respond to everything a bit later, but lets keep the conversation constructive.

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