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Posts posted by razaelll.8324

  1. 9 minutes ago, crewthief.8649 said:

    Being chilled, crippled, slowed, or weakened is objectively un-fun. When you fight basically any Necro build, you will spend most of the fight with one or more of those condis on your character. Let’s not even talk about zookeeper MM specs and whether or not they’re fun to play against...


     The point is, yes, fun is subjective to a point, but there are many objectively un-fun aspects to fighting a Necromancer. I am of the opinion that it (Scourge) should be adjusted because it is too effective for the amount of effort required. 

    "Being chilled, crippled, slowed, or weakened is objectively un-fun."  - how are this "objectively unfun"?
    They are conditions which can be cleansed which makes them interactive, so you can interact with this mechanincs.

    Also if this conditions are unfun then the same can be said for stability, superspeed , might and so on, i mean no offence to you but so far it looks to me that you just dont know how to deal with necro, not that its "unfun".

    i think that "objectivly unfun" is something which you cannot interact with as getting damaged from stealth or getting 1shoted from stealt. Conditions which can be cleansed are not "objectively unfun", they might be unfun for you specificly

  2. 17 minutes ago, Leonidrex.5649 said:

    imagine if they made a class that can tag an enemy

    when you tag them, they are greyed out and are forced to afk untill the game is over, you cant move or do anything, they cant move or do anything.
    As it turns the game into 4v4 its " perfectly balanced " but forces people to afk.
    Is it balanced? technically, is it fun? kitten no, change it.

    At the end of the day its a game and it should be enjoyable, and some things should not be allowed for the sake of... yes, FUN.
    Like decap druid, bunker scrapper and tank meta in general. 
    You will find people enjoying brainless decap, and happily play 500 games a season, knocking people with LB on repeat for 5 hours a day, but vast majority finds this kitten boring.

    the main problem with such a design is that it disables a player from playing the game, so i dont thing this example really serves your point.

    Can you please elaborate on what exactly makes Necro unfun for you?

  3. 15 minutes ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

    I believe people are annoyed by the fact that some professions win with less effort at equal rating, which may be true but completely irrelevant in the end. I used to think like them but I changed my approach, I stopped trying to fight the whole narrative...now I embrace it for the sake of my own sanity.


    This company clearly doesn't care how much effort a class needs to compete against others, as long as that class is played enough in that gamemode, with that said can we confirm that current necro is a disaster of class design?....absolutely, but accepting the truth won't change anything so people should stop hoping for the best.


    I am not trying to fault you, people will call you names regardless of what you play ..as long as you win...I am talking from personal experience.


    Necro is considered unfun to play against which is sadly true, but unfun to play? hell no...I love playing necro in wvw, especially with trailblazer/settler stats

    "I believe people are annoyed by the fact that some professions win with less effort at equal rating, which may be true but completely irrelevant in the end. I used to think like them but I changed my approach, I stopped trying to fight the whole narrative...now I embrace it for the sake of my own sanity."

    i completely agree with that. There will aways be professions which are easier than others.

    For me there are classes which are much more unfun to play against as mesmer or thief, because their whole design is uninteractive, but they are not that viable at this point and they probably need a bit of buff.


  4. 13 minutes ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

    Yes you enjoy the mechanic because it's intuitive, fast and approachable without much thought behind don't tell me that you enjoy the mechanic because it uses green lights....


    People play a profession depending on how effective it is, their mind will then associate the idea of fun with that profession...it's like real life where the majority of people go after professions based on moneys and the human mind associate money with comfort and a better life

    "People play a profession depending on how effective it is"

    effective is the key here, people play necro not because its easiest class but because its very effective currently!

    I play weaver, supprot guard, ranger (3 different builds), revenent (2 different builds), because the same reason they are effective and i have fun because they suit my playstyle, not because they are easy

    But the thing i responded to was the "fun" part. The person said that necro is unfun and i disargee with that, and simply pointed out that "fun" is subjective.
    Is the necro the easiest class ? Yes , i agree with that.
    Is the necro  that OP and easy to play ,in regard of beating better players than you ? No the class is good as the person using it, as i pointed out silver rank necro has no chance against plat player.

    Edit: Also i disagree that scourge need another nerf, because scourge by it self is not a problem, the synergy between scourge and healer is the problem here in my opinion and the ress potential

    • Like 2
  5. 7 minutes ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

    Please try to explain what you find fun when playing necro....it's fun because you're getting results with the least amount of effort , people get offended by that truth and always try to come up with their own irrational reason.



    "it's fun because you're getting results with the least amount of effort"

    It is true that necro is probably the easiest class to play, i dont argue with that, but i dont play it because of that i play it because i like the class mechanic. I like the amount of presence which i can give to my team depending on the composition played with and played against. I like the plays which can be done by the ports (worm + spectral walk) and how you can turn the fight around if you play correctly.

    My best results are with support guardian which is not exactly low effort. 

  6. 7 minutes ago, Leonidrex.5649 said:

    yes and no, 99,9% humans can agree that watching paint dry is boring, but I bet there is someone brain-damaged that somehow finds it entertaining, in general. necro doesnt offer anything 
    its not much different with necro, people play it cuz its easy class that plays itself.

    Could not disagree more with that statement. I play necro because i am finding it fun to play, not because its easy. I play also guardian , warrior , ele , revenant and ranger.

    "its not much different with necro, people play it cuz its easy class that plays itself."
    There is no class which play its self, and the class is as good as the person using it, a silver rank necro wont win against plat player, so that statement is simply wrong

    necro as everything else has counters...

    • Like 2
  7. 2 minutes ago, Leonidrex.5649 said:

    at this point being boring and sucking all the fun out of the game is necromancers class mechanic and identity.

    boring and fun are subjective terms. For you necro might be boring and unfun, for me thief is boring and unfun to play with and against. But class balance should not be based on such subjective terms

    Edit: the synergy between Core support guard and scourge really makes them hard to kill and even if you down 1 of them the other one ress very quick. I think here the main problem is the ressing potential

    • Like 2
  8. I think it also depends on the region in EU i dont see much bots even in gold and most of the games i did this season were very enjoyable for me, i have aroud 300 games this season. I started from silver 3 and currently floating between plat 1 and gold 3. Probably its worth mentioning that i play most during prime hours so this might be another reason not seeing bots

    • Like 1
  9. On 8.05.2021 г. at 8:53 PM, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:


    Yup and it's far beyond "handing out suspensions" or "banning people". At this point something needs to change with solo/duo only ranked. The entire format of solo/duo only is as if it was designed purposely to encourage, support, and reward match manipulation.


    I've said it several times now, gonna say it again:


    * Move ranked rewards to unranked

    * Move ranked rating system/badge icons to short AT seasons that begin and end with MATs.


    There are so many reasons why this would make everything so so much better.



    I support you fully on fighting match manipulating and win traders,but i am strongly against ranks to go to ATs. Everybody should be able to queue for ranked at every minute of the day, ATs are at specific hours and i dont thinks it is right to force people to play at very specific hours for ranked.


    Anet please do something for the afkers, wintraders in ranked, they ruin the whole game for all of the rest people in the match.


    Have a great day!

  10. @UNOwen.7132 said:

    @Khalgir.3862 said:Sure, remove the Trapper Rune and give DH good survivability.

    If you think DH is lacking good survivability then you're playing it wrong

    Do not really have any troubles as a power coreguard vs DH on g3 and p1. Rangers just obliterate the DH.It is now just about stealth and kiting; that is the only reason why they are good. If you remove it, then the only option is to go with Valor, but you will have your damage deducted.

    So, the DH will need to use "defensive" traitline to get more sustain at the price of it's damage? Are you serious about even thinking to complain about that?

    It's because playing the game is too hard. Most have been conditioned to think they can survive forever while doing insane damage. We've come this far just to have more useless complains. It's "slowing" down the game to remove damage that instant kills.. Wow who would have known, but when we had instant kills there was no build variety at all outside anything that.. You guessed it, could survive forever and do insane damage.

    Wdym, ever since the february megapatch, the game has been the easiest it has ever been. Just turn off your brain and spam off cooldown. The lack of damage means you cant ever be punished for any mistakes, and worse yet, because of the lack of damage, spamming everything off cooldown
    is not even a mistake
    . And no, we had great build variety pre-patch. Its now that build variety is severely lacking.

    It's always lose/lose with the devs and I feel sorry for them.

    Its not though. The february megapatch, and every change afterwards, was just a mistake. They could've just not made the megapatch. Or after seeing how overwhelmingly negative the response was, they couldve reverted the whole thing, admitted it was a mistake, and gone back to the drawing board. That wouldve been a "win" as you put it.

    No, that's just you. You and a handful of other loud voices have been waging this crusade, but I, and quite a few others, are of the opinion that the direction with the Feb patch was a good one. Whether everything SINCE then has been done well..... that's another topic.

    As multiple polls here, and player numbers in PvP have shown, its not "just me". In fact quite the opposite, its just
    enjoying the new patch. We have had multiple polls about the february megapatch since. The best it had was 55% voting that it was
    , 45% that it was good, and that was right after it came out. Now? Its somewhere between a 66/33 split in favour of pre-patch being better to 75/25 in favour of pre-patch being better. Sure, there is a loud minority, including you, that believers the february patch was better, but the majority of players think its significantly worse. Its why player numbers went into an extreme downwards spiral right after it was implemented.

    And I have no idea how much of a pretzel you have to twist your brain into to arrive at the conclusion that longer cooldowns = more spammy.

    Its not terribly complicated. Spammy isnt about how often you can use it, but if you use it off-cooldown, or not. Sure pre-patch cooldowns were shorter. But you couldnt just use them off cooldown. You had to wait for the right opportunity to use them. If you didnt, you died. Now? Damage is so low that both mistiming cooldowns can't really be punished, but also you just straight up cant wait, your damage is already low, delay it more and you might even fail to kill with a +1. So you use everything off-cooldown. Thats spammy.

    Too little ppl vote in this poll to use them as a reference and also they show that ragnar is not the only one which enjoy it so your claim is not very correct in my opinion. Dont get me wrong i dont pick a side because i never played before the patch but the claim "
    enjoys after patch" is simply wrong

    Actually, for the approximate population PvP has, the polls had enough people voting to be possibly representative. Now granted, you could argue that forums inherently have a bias, but typically that bias is in favour of those who like the game, since the others just, yknow. Leave. But again, thats not the only reason we know. Playernumbers dwindled.

    As for that, I just used his hyperbole and turned it around. Its not meant to be literal, it wasnt meant to be literal when he said either.

    Usually the people on the forum are the one which have a problem with the game and complains....

    This is a popular misconception. Usually the people on the forum are the ones who are engaged enough to post here. Sure, a fair few will complain, but ultimately theyre still playing the game, and they still care for the game. The people who have enough problems with the game that they leave? Well, they left. Theyre not gonna be posting here, or participating in polls. This is a huge section of the population youre missing in the polls, and they would all be posting on the overwhelmingly negative side. IF they didnt leave.

    I didnt said they are not engaged, i said they have problem with the game and if you check the posts you will see that the majority are complains for something, so no its not misconception. Also there are many many people which are posting here without even playing the game and they said it by their own..

    The majority of
    are complaints, but if you look at polls, a lot of them are people who dont regularly post. Lurkers, as we call them. Theyre the silent majority, and theyre the type to be engaged and also often more positive. And there are a few, yes, mostly people who left. But theyre a small fraction of those who left.

    Also the population of the pvp and the game is much much bigger then 200 ppl poll so that number is too low

    Polls don't need to have as many participants as people involved. You don't poll all 300 million americans, you usually poll a tiny fraction of that. Statistics help here.

    I didnt said all need to be involved but when less then 1% of the population is involved in a poll it makes it irrelevant

    Nope. If you want a poll to determine something about the population of america, with a 99% confidence level and an interval of 1 (i.e. 99% chance that its within 1% of the value you get in the end), you only need a sample size of about 17000. Despite the population of america being roughly 300 million. Statistics are a funny beast

    And quite often they are manipulated and wayy off thats why they are irelevant.

    also on the poll which has most ppl voted 200 + the % was closest.

    Uh, no? The biggest one would be this:
    . Its the least close, with against the current state being voted 5 times as much as in favour. Granted, its not about the patch specifically.
    This is the second-biggest one, and its also far apart.

    My bad then i didnt saw this one

    Anyway my whole point was that you dont need to exaggerate the poll results to "nobody enjoys the pvp after the patch" because that is not the case

    Its again, called hyperbole.That was the whole point no need to hyperbolize it

  11. @UNOwen.7132 said:

    @Khalgir.3862 said:Sure, remove the Trapper Rune and give DH good survivability.

    If you think DH is lacking good survivability then you're playing it wrong

    Do not really have any troubles as a power coreguard vs DH on g3 and p1. Rangers just obliterate the DH.It is now just about stealth and kiting; that is the only reason why they are good. If you remove it, then the only option is to go with Valor, but you will have your damage deducted.

    So, the DH will need to use "defensive" traitline to get more sustain at the price of it's damage? Are you serious about even thinking to complain about that?

    It's because playing the game is too hard. Most have been conditioned to think they can survive forever while doing insane damage. We've come this far just to have more useless complains. It's "slowing" down the game to remove damage that instant kills.. Wow who would have known, but when we had instant kills there was no build variety at all outside anything that.. You guessed it, could survive forever and do insane damage.

    Wdym, ever since the february megapatch, the game has been the easiest it has ever been. Just turn off your brain and spam off cooldown. The lack of damage means you cant ever be punished for any mistakes, and worse yet, because of the lack of damage, spamming everything off cooldown
    is not even a mistake
    . And no, we had great build variety pre-patch. Its now that build variety is severely lacking.

    It's always lose/lose with the devs and I feel sorry for them.

    Its not though. The february megapatch, and every change afterwards, was just a mistake. They could've just not made the megapatch. Or after seeing how overwhelmingly negative the response was, they couldve reverted the whole thing, admitted it was a mistake, and gone back to the drawing board. That wouldve been a "win" as you put it.

    No, that's just you. You and a handful of other loud voices have been waging this crusade, but I, and quite a few others, are of the opinion that the direction with the Feb patch was a good one. Whether everything SINCE then has been done well..... that's another topic.

    As multiple polls here, and player numbers in PvP have shown, its not "just me". In fact quite the opposite, its just
    enjoying the new patch. We have had multiple polls about the february megapatch since. The best it had was 55% voting that it was
    , 45% that it was good, and that was right after it came out. Now? Its somewhere between a 66/33 split in favour of pre-patch being better to 75/25 in favour of pre-patch being better. Sure, there is a loud minority, including you, that believers the february patch was better, but the majority of players think its significantly worse. Its why player numbers went into an extreme downwards spiral right after it was implemented.

    And I have no idea how much of a pretzel you have to twist your brain into to arrive at the conclusion that longer cooldowns = more spammy.

    Its not terribly complicated. Spammy isnt about how often you can use it, but if you use it off-cooldown, or not. Sure pre-patch cooldowns were shorter. But you couldnt just use them off cooldown. You had to wait for the right opportunity to use them. If you didnt, you died. Now? Damage is so low that both mistiming cooldowns can't really be punished, but also you just straight up cant wait, your damage is already low, delay it more and you might even fail to kill with a +1. So you use everything off-cooldown. Thats spammy.

    Too little ppl vote in this poll to use them as a reference and also they show that ragnar is not the only one which enjoy it so your claim is not very correct in my opinion. Dont get me wrong i dont pick a side because i never played before the patch but the claim "
    enjoys after patch" is simply wrong

    Actually, for the approximate population PvP has, the polls had enough people voting to be possibly representative. Now granted, you could argue that forums inherently have a bias, but typically that bias is in favour of those who like the game, since the others just, yknow. Leave. But again, thats not the only reason we know. Playernumbers dwindled.

    As for that, I just used his hyperbole and turned it around. Its not meant to be literal, it wasnt meant to be literal when he said either.

    Usually the people on the forum are the one which have a problem with the game and complains....

    This is a popular misconception. Usually the people on the forum are the ones who are engaged enough to post here. Sure, a fair few will complain, but ultimately theyre still playing the game, and they still care for the game. The people who have enough problems with the game that they leave? Well, they left. Theyre not gonna be posting here, or participating in polls. This is a huge section of the population youre missing in the polls, and they would all be posting on the overwhelmingly negative side. IF they didnt leave.

    I didnt said they are not engaged, i said they have problem with the game and if you check the posts you will see that the majority are complains for something, so no its not misconception. Also there are many many people which are posting here without even playing the game and they said it by their own..

    Also the population of the pvp and the game is much much bigger then 200 ppl poll so that number is too low

    Polls don't need to have as many participants as people involved. You don't poll all 300 million americans, you usually poll a tiny fraction of that. Statistics help here.

    I didnt said all need to be involved but when less then 1% of the population is involved in a poll it makes it irrelevant

    also on the poll which has most ppl voted 200 + the % was closest.

    Anyway my whole point was that you dont need to exaggerate the poll results to "nobody enjoys the pvp after the patch" because that is not the case

  12. @UNOwen.7132 said:

    @Khalgir.3862 said:Sure, remove the Trapper Rune and give DH good survivability.

    If you think DH is lacking good survivability then you're playing it wrong

    Do not really have any troubles as a power coreguard vs DH on g3 and p1. Rangers just obliterate the DH.It is now just about stealth and kiting; that is the only reason why they are good. If you remove it, then the only option is to go with Valor, but you will have your damage deducted.

    So, the DH will need to use "defensive" traitline to get more sustain at the price of it's damage? Are you serious about even thinking to complain about that?

    It's because playing the game is too hard. Most have been conditioned to think they can survive forever while doing insane damage. We've come this far just to have more useless complains. It's "slowing" down the game to remove damage that instant kills.. Wow who would have known, but when we had instant kills there was no build variety at all outside anything that.. You guessed it, could survive forever and do insane damage.

    Wdym, ever since the february megapatch, the game has been the easiest it has ever been. Just turn off your brain and spam off cooldown. The lack of damage means you cant ever be punished for any mistakes, and worse yet, because of the lack of damage, spamming everything off cooldown
    is not even a mistake
    . And no, we had great build variety pre-patch. Its now that build variety is severely lacking.

    It's always lose/lose with the devs and I feel sorry for them.

    Its not though. The february megapatch, and every change afterwards, was just a mistake. They could've just not made the megapatch. Or after seeing how overwhelmingly negative the response was, they couldve reverted the whole thing, admitted it was a mistake, and gone back to the drawing board. That wouldve been a "win" as you put it.

    No, that's just you. You and a handful of other loud voices have been waging this crusade, but I, and quite a few others, are of the opinion that the direction with the Feb patch was a good one. Whether everything SINCE then has been done well..... that's another topic.

    As multiple polls here, and player numbers in PvP have shown, its not "just me". In fact quite the opposite, its just
    enjoying the new patch. We have had multiple polls about the february megapatch since. The best it had was 55% voting that it was
    , 45% that it was good, and that was right after it came out. Now? Its somewhere between a 66/33 split in favour of pre-patch being better to 75/25 in favour of pre-patch being better. Sure, there is a loud minority, including you, that believers the february patch was better, but the majority of players think its significantly worse. Its why player numbers went into an extreme downwards spiral right after it was implemented.

    And I have no idea how much of a pretzel you have to twist your brain into to arrive at the conclusion that longer cooldowns = more spammy.

    Its not terribly complicated. Spammy isnt about how often you can use it, but if you use it off-cooldown, or not. Sure pre-patch cooldowns were shorter. But you couldnt just use them off cooldown. You had to wait for the right opportunity to use them. If you didnt, you died. Now? Damage is so low that both mistiming cooldowns can't really be punished, but also you just straight up cant wait, your damage is already low, delay it more and you might even fail to kill with a +1. So you use everything off-cooldown. Thats spammy.

    Too little ppl vote in this poll to use them as a reference and also they show that ragnar is not the only one which enjoy it so your claim is not very correct in my opinion. Dont get me wrong i dont pick a side because i never played before the patch but the claim "
    enjoys after patch" is simply wrong

    Actually, for the approximate population PvP has, the polls had enough people voting to be possibly representative. Now granted, you could argue that forums inherently have a bias, but typically that bias is in favour of those who like the game, since the others just, yknow. Leave. But again, thats not the only reason we know. Playernumbers dwindled.

    As for that, I just used his hyperbole and turned it around. Its not meant to be literal, it wasnt meant to be literal when he said either.

    Usually the people on the forum are the one which have a problem with the game and complains....

    Also the population of the pvp and the game is much much bigger then 200 ppl poll so that number is too low

  13. @UNOwen.7132 said:

    @Khalgir.3862 said:Sure, remove the Trapper Rune and give DH good survivability.

    If you think DH is lacking good survivability then you're playing it wrong

    Do not really have any troubles as a power coreguard vs DH on g3 and p1. Rangers just obliterate the DH.It is now just about stealth and kiting; that is the only reason why they are good. If you remove it, then the only option is to go with Valor, but you will have your damage deducted.

    So, the DH will need to use "defensive" traitline to get more sustain at the price of it's damage? Are you serious about even thinking to complain about that?

    It's because playing the game is too hard. Most have been conditioned to think they can survive forever while doing insane damage. We've come this far just to have more useless complains. It's "slowing" down the game to remove damage that instant kills.. Wow who would have known, but when we had instant kills there was no build variety at all outside anything that.. You guessed it, could survive forever and do insane damage.

    Wdym, ever since the february megapatch, the game has been the easiest it has ever been. Just turn off your brain and spam off cooldown. The lack of damage means you cant ever be punished for any mistakes, and worse yet, because of the lack of damage, spamming everything off cooldown
    is not even a mistake
    . And no, we had great build variety pre-patch. Its now that build variety is severely lacking.

    It's always lose/lose with the devs and I feel sorry for them.

    Its not though. The february megapatch, and every change afterwards, was just a mistake. They could've just not made the megapatch. Or after seeing how overwhelmingly negative the response was, they couldve reverted the whole thing, admitted it was a mistake, and gone back to the drawing board. That wouldve been a "win" as you put it.

    No, that's just you. You and a handful of other loud voices have been waging this crusade, but I, and quite a few others, are of the opinion that the direction with the Feb patch was a good one. Whether everything SINCE then has been done well..... that's another topic.

    As multiple polls here, and player numbers in PvP have shown, its not "just me". In fact quite the opposite, its just
    enjoying the new patch. We have had multiple polls about the february megapatch since. The best it had was 55% voting that it was
    , 45% that it was good, and that was right after it came out. Now? Its somewhere between a 66/33 split in favour of pre-patch being better to 75/25 in favour of pre-patch being better. Sure, there is a loud minority, including you, that believers the february patch was better, but the majority of players think its significantly worse. Its why player numbers went into an extreme downwards spiral right after it was implemented.

    And I have no idea how much of a pretzel you have to twist your brain into to arrive at the conclusion that longer cooldowns = more spammy.

    Its not terribly complicated. Spammy isnt about how often you can use it, but if you use it off-cooldown, or not. Sure pre-patch cooldowns were shorter. But you couldnt just use them off cooldown. You had to wait for the right opportunity to use them. If you didnt, you died. Now? Damage is so low that both mistiming cooldowns can't really be punished, but also you just straight up cant wait, your damage is already low, delay it more and you might even fail to kill with a +1. So you use everything off-cooldown. Thats spammy.

    Too little ppl vote in this poll to use them as a reference and also they show that ragnar is not the only one which enjoy it so your claim is not very correct in my opinion. Dont get me wrong i dont pick a side because i never played before the patch but the claim "nobody enjoys after patch" is simply wrong

  14. @Psycoprophet.8107 said:

    @Marxx.5021 said:Not allowing class stacking would improve match quality. In ranked there is also no reason to allow switching classes before match starts other than match manipulation.

    This is what I've been saying. I've also advocated for a brief drafting phase before match start, after which builds get locked in. Class stacking, and being allowed to switch to a third of one spec is absolutely ridiculous.

    I disagree, having neither would kill this games pvp so fast. First of all u push players off their preferred class if class stacking is removed unless its up to matchmaking to never pair players together of the same class, or do we go by spec? Lol. Wait times be longer id assume.Lastly changing class to better counter the enemy composition is a smart and calculating tactic that really doesn't scream unfair imo, that said this would have a less negative effect to the games health than removing stacking of classes, especially if players still atleast still had the option to change specs and builds pre match.

    As far as i know the current match making system is taking classes in consideration and trying to prevent to much class stacking (4 of same class in same team for example) which is pointless because when you enter you can switch your class at the moment.i am against spec locking, but i am for class locking and not beiing changed after you enter the match lobby

  15. @Sifu.9745 said:

    @Sifu.9745 said:The game has to be fun in the first place! With removing more and more Amulets from the game, we get more balance and very boring/limited playstyle options. If i really want a 100% balance game i would play chess! Why don't you remove certain Amulets from Ranked PvP only and leave them alone in unranked PvP? It's already stupid enough that we can't play PvP with our own gear with our own stats.

    Or just copy some rules form World of Warcraft PvP system, for god sake: casual Pvp in WoW you can play whatewer build you want with whatever gear you can get. No one cares if you play a tank, healer, ranged, or melee dps. Hardcore PvP (ranked Arenas) you have additional rules, for example healing reduction or dampening:
    "Dampening is a stacking debuff applied to all players in the Arena every 10 seconds. Each stack of Dampening reduces all healing and damage absorption by 1%. If neither team has won after 20 minutes, the Arena match will end in a draw."
    Can't you just copy paste something similar instead of going lazy mode and removing Amulets all over again?

    "lazy mode" "you should copy other devs"

    Removing more and more Amulets is lazy mode and totally unproductive. Do you really want to play PvP in GW2 2022 with only Berserker and Sinister Amulets left? I don't think so. Without Mender Amulet i can't find a way how to play my Elementalist any more. Is just way too squishy. Copying ideas from some other games is still better then removing Amulets. If Anet doesn't know how to make PvP a better experience they should copy some ideas from other games. Removing more and more Amuletes from the game is not the right way. Less builds, less way to play as you want to play. I don't mind if they remove some Amulets from Ranked arena, as long as they let Unranked untouched (Bring back ALL amulets in Unranked). We don't need that kind of "balance" in unranked PvP. They can also create some new PVP maps for 10 vs 10 or 15 vs 15 players, whitout Amulets, just bring your own gear and whatever stats you want.

    There is nothing wrong to copy ideas (no need to reinvent something if it is already invented). But dampening is not an idea which would fit conquest mode, so it is not the right idea to copy.

    Dampening is targeted for healing in a game which has dedicated healer roles and also it only works in Arena deathmatch not in battlegrounds.

  16. @Avatar.3568 said:

    @Grand Marshal.4098 said:To successfully counter a Mirage, you need plenty of things as warrior. At least 1 source of resistance (ideally one that will be applied, before you get inflicted with blind), then probably a Revenge Counter to copy the conditions on the enemy mirage without missing the hit (since you already got resistance, which will refresh on revenge Counter), Balanced Stance or Dolyak Signet for the whole bombing operation activated (preferably Blanced Stance) to tank all those nasty dazes, Defiant stance as a heal for when everything elses runs out (while you are no scoping Arcing Slices on the node) and a good old Rampage for when you run out of heals. Stomp for some good area denial should be used as well.

    But ofc you burn through all your skills in like 10 seconds xD, if you want to contest the node and get +1 help. Also these skills take away a lot of your dmg potential which could be used for Frezny, Bull's Charge or Signet of Might active.

    This won't kill the mesmer unless you outplay them while you survive. You just need to bunker down and wait for someone to take the pressure off of you, preferably some Power Herald bursting the Mesmer down.

    Maybe try not to use your skills to facetank everything, than you might see some land against the avarage mirage

    Problem is, above G3 one doesn't just play Mirage casually. They are usually very well trained in what they need to do. I've seen Mirage & Thief combos bursting people down even. Chasing the Mirage as a warrior isn't the best move, considering your role as a sidenoder imo. But I may have approached this too much from a defense perspective, you are correct.

    If Plat is for you not casual, than I have to say are wrong, there might be max 200 people atm that are not playing casually

    Excuse me but i would like to ask you , what is your definition of playing casually and how did you measure the number of players which dont play casualy?

    Thank you in advance!

    That's the number I estimate, from playing ranked, at's mat's (EU) and teapots tournaments, from the past year 2020 till current state, there are some na players included but I do not know that Many on na.

    From this max 200 are probably 20-30 that are rly rly good.

    @Grand Marshal.4098 said:To successfully counter a Mirage, you need plenty of things as warrior. At least 1 source of resistance (ideally one that will be applied, before you get inflicted with blind), then probably a Revenge Counter to copy the conditions on the enemy mirage without missing the hit (since you already got resistance, which will refresh on revenge Counter), Balanced Stance or Dolyak Signet for the whole bombing operation activated (preferably Blanced Stance) to tank all those nasty dazes, Defiant stance as a heal for when everything elses runs out (while you are no scoping Arcing Slices on the node) and a good old Rampage for when you run out of heals. Stomp for some good area denial should be used as well.

    But ofc you burn through all your skills in like 10 seconds xD, if you want to contest the node and get +1 help. Also these skills take away a lot of your dmg potential which could be used for Frezny, Bull's Charge or Signet of Might active.

    This won't kill the mesmer unless you outplay them while you survive. You just need to bunker down and wait for someone to take the pressure off of you, preferably some Power Herald bursting the Mesmer down.

    Maybe try not to use your skills to facetank everything, than you might see some land against the avarage mirage

    Problem is, above G3 one doesn't just play Mirage casually. They are usually very well trained in what they need to do. I've seen Mirage & Thief combos bursting people down even. Chasing the Mirage as a warrior isn't the best move, considering your role as a sidenoder imo. But I may have approached this too much from a defense perspective, you are correct.

    In p1/p2 noone has any idea what they are doing btw

    This is pretty much the thing, people do not know how to play the game mode, even in p2, there are at max mechanical good but do mostly not understand what to do, where to go, or if I can leave the person or not(for real stomp or cleave is mostly better than, any sneaky rez)Respawns, outnumbering, leaving the fight are words that most people do not know. I wouldn't say that I know exactly where to go but I at least know the basics

    And what is your definition of casually playing?

  17. @Avatar.3568 said:

    @Grand Marshal.4098 said:To successfully counter a Mirage, you need plenty of things as warrior. At least 1 source of resistance (ideally one that will be applied, before you get inflicted with blind), then probably a Revenge Counter to copy the conditions on the enemy mirage without missing the hit (since you already got resistance, which will refresh on revenge Counter), Balanced Stance or Dolyak Signet for the whole bombing operation activated (preferably Blanced Stance) to tank all those nasty dazes, Defiant stance as a heal for when everything elses runs out (while you are no scoping Arcing Slices on the node) and a good old Rampage for when you run out of heals. Stomp for some good area denial should be used as well.

    But ofc you burn through all your skills in like 10 seconds xD, if you want to contest the node and get +1 help. Also these skills take away a lot of your dmg potential which could be used for Frezny, Bull's Charge or Signet of Might active.

    This won't kill the mesmer unless you outplay them while you survive. You just need to bunker down and wait for someone to take the pressure off of you, preferably some Power Herald bursting the Mesmer down.

    Maybe try not to use your skills to facetank everything, than you might see some land against the avarage mirage

    Problem is, above G3 one doesn't just play Mirage casually. They are usually very well trained in what they need to do. I've seen Mirage & Thief combos bursting people down even. Chasing the Mirage as a warrior isn't the best move, considering your role as a sidenoder imo. But I may have approached this too much from a defense perspective, you are correct.

    If Plat is for you not casual, than I have to say are wrong, there might be max 200 people atm that are not playing casually

    Excuse me but i would like to ask you , what is your definition of playing casually and how did you measure the number of players which dont play casualy?

    Thank you in advance!

  18. @Marxx.5021 said:Not allowing class stacking would improve match quality. In ranked there is also no reason to allow switching classes before match starts other than match manipulation.

    i agree with that at 100% changing class before the match start is not good for the game in my opinion. It allows the matchmaking system to get shunted and manipulate the match

  19. @JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

    @razaelll.8324 said:Thanks for the response, but i am looking for builds which counter thiefs, not for thief builds. I personally dont like thief playstyle and dont want to play it much

    Thiefs is the only class which i feel hopeless against in 1vs1 , ofcourse i still have a lot of things to learn , just its very very frustrating for me when i have to fight against thief because i feel like thief is very uninteractive with all of the ports and stealth and casting abilities from stealth. I tryed thief my self just its not my class i never liked stealth classes in any mmorpg.

    As more build get nerfed, the less builds exist to counter other builds effectively. Right now the only build I run is onslaught reaper, and I just make do with it as best as I can against thief...but against a good one, they will zone you out, bully you and eventually you will die. The tools to counter them simply don't exist anymore on the class in any effective measure.

    Yes i feel like there is not much counter play to thief, but i am way too unexperienced that's why decided to ask for advice

    Best way to not die against a good thief is to know how to kite really really well. No port zones, LOS zones and really the top notch ESL jump spots is your best bet for not dying to thieves.

    Against bad thieves, a good way to counter them via mechanical playstyle is to outsmart them by luring them into a range where you can out dps them (reaper auto's will devastate them if they get to close to you). With a ranged thief like Deadeye or P/P, you really can't do much other then to avoid dying (waste their time) until they decide to leave you alone as you aren't worth the time.

    I use Axe/Focus and Dagger/Warhorn for my reaper set, where the axe2+dagger2 is a good ranged burst against a bullying thief and normally it's enough damage that they will at the very least disengage if they are hit by it. By the time they recover from the ranged preassure, i will be in shroud to DPS them when they try to burst...again this will normally force a thief out of melee range and abandon their attack on you. Keep up the pressure from ranged and melee (while kiting) and they will eventually either leave you alone, or they will die because they got greedy.

    Before the mender/marshal removal i used a core necro build with blood and darkmagic and axe/focus and dagger/warhorn just to be able to outsustain thief so he just leaves me alone, but that build is less effective now, thats why i decided to give sic em soulbeast a try which can 1 shot thiefs, but if you dont land the one shot the thief will just kill you and the thief has a lot of tools to avoid the oneshot in 1vs1 situation

    I guess i have to get better at predicting thief's damage and kiting (using terrain and mesh)

  20. @Axl.8924 said:

    @razaelll.8324 said:Hello guys,

    I am looking for advice, please let me know builds which counter thiefs.

    Thank you in advance

    There are many S/D thief power D/P ETC as for strats, you want to look up some videos on twitch or godofpvp. Vallun there was a nother guy too.

    Thats how i learned. I found out from vallun that deadeye also can work. He had a build i don't know exactly whaat it was, but he had good escape with stealth he had rifle Not sure what else, prob bow for escapes since he would jump away.

    Thanks for the response, but i am looking for builds which counter thiefs, not for thief builds. I personally dont like thief playstyle and dont want to play it much

    Thiefs is the only class which i feel hopeless against in 1vs1 , ofcourse i still have a lot of things to learn , just its very very frustrating for me when i have to fight against thief because i feel like thief is very uninteractive with all of the ports and stealth and casting abilities from stealth. I tryed thief my self just its not my class i never liked stealth classes in any mmorpg.

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