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Posts posted by razaelll.8324

  1. 2 hours ago, anjo.6143 said:

    No skill with fingers, no clue about skill sinergy, no clue about classes sinergy, no clue about rotation, no clue about kiting, no clue about map mechanics, no clue about conquest class roles, no clue about opening strategies, no clue about good builds for their classes, I mean, I have never see something like that in any other pvp in my entire life

    And where do you get you statistics on that if i may ask. Because to me it looks like you are over exaggerating a lot with your statement.


    But it might be a region problem.

    • Like 1
  2. 40 minutes ago, SexyMofo.8923 said:

    Get your eyes checked out.  You’re delusional. Bots and a wack matchmaking algorithm makes you think the game is alive when it’s been buried by this community for years. 

    Still you can queqe and in 2 minutes to get to actualy PLAY the game instead of waiting for 2 hours to find a group and doing nothing as it is in WoW atm

    What @Locuz.2651 was saying is completely true. GW2 pvp is much more active than the one in WoW currently so no he is not delusional , but just you being a bit too aggressive for no reason. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Aodlop.1907 said:

    Being a filthy Reaper main, I'd like to challenge myself for once and play a difficult spec, but I don't want to bother if, even when the spec is somewhat "mastered", it's still bottom tier and gets destroyed by everybody despite requiring three times more IQ to play.


    So, I have a few questions, if you don't mind.

    I've heard they have the lowest health pool, which is worrisome. Is there a way to be tanky with Weaver? How is the damage? 

    What are the strengths and weaknesses? Which build & stat combinations do you recommend? Which weapon as well?


    Thank you in advance.  Much love.

    Hi mate,


    I was necro main but from 3 weeks i play only ele mainly fire weaver and i must say that when you get use to it it is great fun and its a good duelist . Give it a try and if i can help you with something i will be happy


    Have fun!

  4. 51 minutes ago, msalakka.4653 said:

    That's not anything to worry about.

    For one thing, they rarely actually issue any balance patches.

    Second, they are busy juicing up the next p2w elites which need to be to PoF elites what PoF elites were to HoT ones.

    Lastly, they don't read these forums.

    P2w? Core necro is very p2w ...

  5. Hello mate,

    Core condi necro is very strong and fairy easy to play, but in order to get good you need to know your strengths and weakness.

    on my core necro i use scepter main hand and dagger as offhand and staff as second weapon.

    I prefer using dagger over warhorn because it offers condi transfer and more AoE condi pressure.

    Necro dont have any invunarability , block or immunity so its pretty hard for necro to avoid damage outside of the dodges which you have thats why i usualy try to keep distance from enemies and do damage from max range. All of your weapon abilities are ranged so you dont need to be in melee range to do damage. 

    Staff 4 and Dagger 4 are condition transfers , this 2 are very strong abilities against condition builds if they are used at the right time (staff 4 is unlockable). The other way to transfer condition from you to enemy is by your first hit after entering shroud , also getting out of shroud cleanse conditions and transfer them to life-force so use this smartly. Necro is most vulnerable right after leaving shroud because for 10 seconds you cannot go back in it and your main tankiness comes from shroud so try to aways keep your distance when leaving shroud and use Worm and spectral walk or your CC smartly and dont spam it if there is no need for it.

    That is the general advice which i can give you everything else is a bit mroe situational for example if you are fighting another necro which uses lich or a power longbow ranger you might want to take the poison cloud for utility because it blocks projectiles and so on. 

    If you want to do some 1 vs 1 practice i am up to help you out ingame so drop me a message in game and we can do some practice

    Good luck and have fun!

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Salt Mode.3780 said:

    Your first post to snipe down any complaints is a snark remark to anyone who is giving actual input to the game. You had only stated criticism after I had posted QUOTING this exact post of yours. 

    Next I never said or posted or even tagged YOUR name in terms of letting ANET be held accountable that is for all the white knights in the game trying to say everything is peachy keen. 


    All i claimed is that the game is not the doom and gloom which some people are trying to make it look like, and it can be enjoyed for what it is not for what it could be. 


    With other words anet should be held accountable for the problems which exist,but also credit should be given to them for all of the good things in the game. In my opinion too much people are  paying attention only to the problems and they over exaggerate them on the forums... 


    Beying toxic and arugant is not the right way to give feedback and too much people are using that way to give their feedback.


    my first post in this thread which you quoted was an answer to a question ”why should ppl play gw2 pvp" and i gave an answer with some positive stuff which makes me play pvp so it was not a try to strike down any complains , but to show that its not only doom and gloom and many people enjoy it for what it is.

    • Like 1
  7. 58 minutes ago, Salt Mode.3780 said:

    There is 2 types of modes in gw2 that is "PvP" one is sPvP which yes you don't need to grind and the other is "WvW" in which you don't need heavy grind just moderate unless you want ascended gear. 

    In sPvP instead of balancing classes and skill/traits they go on and removing amulets which is your "non grind" way of going approach to this game mode. 

    As far is not forcing you into any content technically their balance changes forces you to use other builds by REMOVING previous builds instead of actually balancing it out, that or completely destroying a class and telling you to play another class completely. 


    And you last sentence is the exact reason why things need to be addressed, yes GW2 is far from perfect and yes it can be improved a lot but not players like you who thinks ANET should not be held accountable for their actions. sPvP and WvW has been the same exact thing for the past 8 years, fact that there are more bots then players in sPvP shows that ANET fails to provide any real solution for it, again this has been happening for YEARS. 


    As far as game being stale yes it is stale, one of the biggest factors of PvP not being stale is on going balance changes to change up the meta, playing the same thing over and over for the next 4-6 months is boring as if a point capture based game mode isn't boring enough. Take WoW for an example, battlegrounds and ranked arena. 


    EoD isn't going to magically solve everything in fact its going to complicate things by adding new mechanics new traits and skills that are further on complicating the balance. If they can't even figure out what they need to do now adding more crap on top of this will make it even harder.

    Where exactly i said they should not be held accountable?



    I never said such thing and i would suggest  you to read my previous post and dont put words in my mouth which i never said nor claimed.

    Edit: here i will copy it for you to make it easier for you.

    "3. Bots , match manipulating , win trading and lack of actions from anet on that matter.

    4. Lack of development and expanding the potential which gw2 combat and pvp has. Different modes and e.t.c

    5. Rare balance patches and usually they are not very much in depth but more frequently just an "fix" which brakes something else"

    Here are few things which i hold Anet accountable for so please don't pretend that you know what i think, you dont.

    • Like 1
  8. 20 minutes ago, Casualconnoisseur.5936 said:


    Sure my "lenghty" forum post is pushing people away from the game they love sooo much lol.

    Its not the game that has problems its people like me who push others away from it!

    Shame on me!

    Also i never said that gw2 as a whole is unfun.

    As you can read  (at least i hope so) even in the first paragraph  i explicitly said "gw2 pvp" and not gw2.

    And don't worry. I already stopped playing gw2 pvp

    - so don't worry i won't push the 100 people away which love it so much!



    Oh, ok.

    I didn't now that.

    Seems it is just a question of time till people will flock to this awsome pvp mmorpg!


    Jokes aside - your right that fun is subjective (which i already said in my post) and that subjective observations aren't factual arguments.

    But i can use the low population of pvp as an argument since its a fact.

    So if its not about fun then please explain to me why else most people choose to not participate in pvp?


    Have a great day too!


    I dont know the exact reason , but if you are interested in reading my opinion on the matter i will be happy to share it.


    1. The game is getting older and older and generally the mmorpg genre is loosing population;

    2. Pvp in any kind of mmorpg is hard to balance and not balanced good enough as a moba for example so people which wish to do pvp only will just go in pvp focused game not in mmorpg probably.

    3. Bots , match manipulating , win trading and lack of actions from anet on that matter.

    4. Lack of development and expanding the potential which gw2 combat and pvp has. Different modes and e.t.c

    5. Rare balance patches and usually they are not very much in depth but more frequently just an "fix" which brakes something else

    6. Pvp has big learning curve which for a lot of people is not interesting
    7. Due to the competitive environment , toxicity and such 


    That is my opinion on why population is low, but even with all the problems mentioned above that does not mean that pvp is not enjoyable. It is for many people as my self and i play it for what it is not for what it could be.

    Even in World of Warcraft the PvP population is low compared to the population as a whole, because of a similar problems and even bigger balance issues combined with that youa re forced to do content which you dont like just to be competitive in the one you do.

    Thank you for willing to have a constructive conversation even when we have different opinions.


    • Like 3
    • Thanks 1
  9. 34 minutes ago, Salt Mode.3780 said:

    Everything you said was subjective dont use them as argument because what you think is the most "balanced pvp" and "best pvp" may not be for many. 

    I don't really know what you mean by "Gw2 respects your time much much more then any other big mmos" I mean is it because they aren't forcing you to pay a sub?

    In terms of class design and combat system is very dynamic and interactive there are many other mmorpg that can rival GW2.

    There use to be a good amount of build "diversity" but not anymore because they either take away things entirely or nerf traits and builds that causes it to be ineffective. 


    People that are complaining isn't complaining for no reason but they want to see genuine improvements to the game granted there are trolls. In terms of the PvP platforms it has been an issue for years, lack of communication. 


    Don't forget, ANET was the one who said they were going to do more frequent balance patches, they were the one who promised #Alliances. Simply don't deliver a promise you cant keep and if you keep it then dont leave your players in the dust for months with no news. 


    Stop trying to cover up their mistakes and let them own up to it. 

    I am not trying to cover up anything i am stating my opinion.


    Respect your time means that gw2 does not force you to go and grind gear in pve just to be able to be competitive in spvp and the opposite is also true. Gw2 does not force you to do anykind of content but lets you choose what you want to do thats what i mean by respects your time.


    Now please explaint to me how is that subjective?


    I understand that you have different expectation from the game and anet, but i dont and maybe thats why i enjoy their product and you don't. 



    Also please name 1 fantasy mmorpg with better and more balanced pvp


    And please dont get me wrong i am not saying that gw2 is perfect, its far from it and it can be improved a lot , but that does not mean that people dont enjoy the current product for what it is.


    • Haha 2
  10. 19 minutes ago, Crystal Paladin.3871 said:

     Wowwww typing a lengthy post on a forum of such an unfun game huh? If u find it unfun, please go play something else... Don't try to push others away from the game they love... Maybe PvP and balancing might need a hard lookinto by anet but that doesn't mean gw2 as a whole is unfun


  11. 6 minutes ago, Casualconnoisseur.5936 said:

    I mean why WOULD anyone choose gw2 PvP over another game?

    Sure, fun is subjective.

    But given the low population i think the answer is pretty clear:

    Its just not fun.

    The game has many extremly unfun mechanics, bad balance which often promotes extremly uninteractive builds/playstyles, relatively rare updates/events for PvP, awful matchmaking (in parts obviously due to the already low population) and a pretty steep learning curve for beginners (at least in my opinion) .

    Oh and as a bonus you obviously get the typical toxicity of PvP  (especially great if  such behavior is shown by "ambassadors" lol).

    So why wouldn't people just go play something else or invest there time into something worthwhile?



    1. If people want to play a mmorpg, gw2 has the closest thing to balanced pvp and it has the best pvp for a mmorpg,

    2. Gw2 respects your time much much more than the other big mmos and its very casual friendly.

    3.the class design and the combat system are very dynamic and interactive.

    4.Good amount of build divirsity and different mechanics which makes the pvp more engaging and interesting.


    Fun and unfun are subjective so please dont use them as argument because what is fun for you might be unfun for someone else and the opposite.


    Have a great day.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  12. 7 hours ago, Guirssane.7082 said:

    Why can't we just have 5v5 all the time? It's way funnier and better balanced than 2v2.

    5v5 is definitely better balased since the classes are balanced around it, but fun is subjective therefore not a valid argument. There are many people which enjoy 2v2 and want more pvp modes not only 5v5 conquest

    • Like 2
  13. 34 minutes ago, Axl.8924 said:


    WOW is more broken.


    Could be worse, could be pay to win. Some pvp games has you buy stuff from lootboxes and microtransactions in order to perform well on free to play, and here at least its cosmetic stuff.

    I left WoW because of that.


    Gw2 has interesting and engaging combat it does not force you to grind gear just to be competitive, the balance is much much better than in WoW imo, and as i said so far i love gw2 pvp

  14. 14 hours ago, bethekey.8314 said:


    Thanks for taking the time to respond.


    For projectile blocking, I was referring to Death's Charge. I'm surprised a Reaper player doesn't know this.


    6 seconds of stability (3 stacks, even) every 25 seconds is over 20% uptime. The stability is on demand too, not some proc, so it can be used at the right times. It also reduces all damage, and can be used for a fear. This seems like an amazing skill to me.


    Regarding Shroud 5, the typical shroud combo seems to be: Dash In, Quickness+Stability, Whirl for huge damage/get a dodge, AoE Stun + Chill, Autos. I'm fairly convinced nothing consistently beats this combo in melee range. If someone can't run away, they either:

    - Eat the Whirl and die

    - Are forced to dodge, still get hit by Shroud 5 because its range is bugged (I believe) or dodge again and have nothing left


    I agree, Consume Conditions (are others used?) is very interruptible. It's also extremely powerful and deserving of this.


    Not every class has the ranged burst Sic 'Em Soulbeast has. I posted that longbow range is broken right now, hitting well beyond its listed range, if you're interested.


    Roots are hard for every class to deal with, not a Reaper specific weakness.


    I agree, bursty and mobile classes can somewhat counter Reaper. I am still not seeing how it counters Reaper more than other classes.



    It is a pleasure to have a nice discussion with a nice person. Thank you for your time too!


    "For projectile blocking, I was referring to Death's Charge. I'm surprised a Reaper player doesn't know this." - i am sorry but i dont play reaper that much, as necro i play mostly core condi necro and i didn't know about the death's charge blocking projectiles , thank you for that i am happy to learn new stuff.

    "6 seconds of stability (3 stacks, even) every 25 seconds is over 20% uptime. The stability is on demand too, not some proc, so it can be used at the right times. It also reduces all damage, and can be used for a fear. This seems like an amazing skill to me." - as far as i know its 3 sec stability

    "Regarding Shroud 5, the typical shroud combo seems to be: Dash In, Quickness+Stability, Whirl for huge damage/get a dodge, AoE Stun + Chill, Autos. I'm fairly convinced nothing consistently beats this combo in melee range. If someone can't run away, they either:

    - Eat the Whirl and die

    - Are forced to dodge, still get hit by Shroud 5 because its range is bugged (I believe) or dodge again and have nothing left"

    This really depends on what you are against. For example a good guardian can use his blocks to avoid the shroud 5 after dodging the shroud 4, warrior can use his CC defensively or full counter if the warrior is spelbreaker and use his greatsword to kite the reaper, ranger can use roots to dont let the reaper come close or if its a power soulbeast he can use his mobility to avoid reaper and so on. My point is that this is very situational and it really depends on what you are against but most of the classes has a way to avoid reapers dmg (this here in my opinion comes down to personal skill). Thats why reaper is decent but not great in 1v1 and shines more in group fights and when he has a support to help him with his sustain.


    "I agree, Consume Conditions (are others used?) is very interruptible. It's also extremely powerful and deserving of this." - true

    "Not every class has the ranged burst Sic 'Em Soulbeast has. I posted that longbow range is broken right now, hitting well beyond its listed range, if you're interested." - mesmers is another example deadeye too.

    "I agree, bursty and mobile classes can somewhat counter Reaper. I am still not seeing how it counters Reaper more than other classes." - since reaper has no blocks , invulnerabilities , immunities reaper does not have that much options for avoiding damage, no evade frames. Shroud drops relatively fast for reaper even when you dont damage it and reaper is most vulnerable right after leaving shroud because of the reason pointed above it can be bursted down quickly since its also cloth armor user.

    Important things when playing against reapers is to avoid trading damage , because thats how necro siphon life and also gain lifeforse from curtain abilities , kite /block/ivun/avoid  reaper during shroud and burst them down just after they leave shroud and the classes which are best in that in my opinion are thiefs , mesmers and rangers.

    elementalist is countered by reaper because of the chill application which is the strongest counter to elementalist's playstyle in my opinion also maybe warrior is also countered by reaper because of the many stunbreaks.

    Guardian and revenant i think are a bit more situational, depending on builds and the current situation and so on


  15. 58 minutes ago, bethekey.8314 said:

    I don't have a particularly strong opinion on this, one way or another.


    But I see a lot of comments that dismiss OP's points with:

    - Reaper gets tossed around (apparently more than other classes?) @Shao.7236@Shrapnel.7249

    - X is stronger @Aodlop.1907@razaelll.8324

    - Learn to counter it @Spellhunter.9675@Halikus.1406


    Can you all go into detail about these?

    - From what I've seen, Reaper has decent access to stability when it needs it (i.e. in melee). It dashes in, projectile blocking anything, AoE stuns, and does such high damage the enemy's main concern is to get away. Holo has a slightly similar style (darting between range and melee), but had its stability removed.

    - Saying X is still stronger is a terrible argument. Things can be overpowered at the same time and they don't necessarily need to be fixed in a particular order.

    - PvP improves when people learn how to play. Don't just say learn. If you took the time to respond, teach.

    Thanks for your question mate. 


    Projectile blocking comes from poison cloud. Only that ability can block projectiles and its on fairly long cd also since its utility it cannot be used in shroud. 


    Stability reaper does not have much stability uptime but a good amount of stunbreaks . Worm is a very good "o kitten button". Spectral walk is double stun break and port and pulsing condi cleanse. This 2 abilities gives a reaper very good possibility for kiting when focused. Another stunbreak and dmg reduction is spectral armor it also helps with the shroud management if you damage him during spectral armor uptime. Shroud 5 which has fairly long cast time and can be interupted or dodged. 


    The healing abilities of reaper are on fairly long cd and have clear animations and can be interrupter, if you manage to interupt reapers healing he is pretty much death. The damage on reaper autoatack maybe need just a little bit tuning down since it can hit pretty hard but outside of that and maybe lich autoattack i believe reaper is in very good spot(strong but not OP)


    With a sic em soul beast you can pretty much kill a reaper from range before he even have the possibility to get close to you. Roots also are hard to deal with as reaper.


    Reaper dont have access to any kind of block or invunurability so basically classes with a lot of burst damage and mobility (to avoid reapers burst) are very effective against reaper.



    Edit: excuse me but i cannot go in more depth at the moment because i am traveling and writing from phone.

    • Like 3
  16. 1 hour ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

    You can pretty much choose anything you want at that point, anything but deathly chill and dhuumfire is viable in all  game modes and depends on how you want to play, the build is there to show you how necros can effectively stack all those things in a single meta build


    -1200 range unblockable aoe - check

    -900 range burst on target with no travel time - check

    -600 range dash on 5s CD- check

    -600 radius CC shout- check


    You can change the staff for GS and get different effects but the "I go through walls pull when it is a ground targeting attack, which somehow thx to a mix of dev bias and kitten balance can go even up walls from the ground...meanwhile all ele ground targeting skills which work in a similar way, shockwave , get interrupted by wall and certainly can't climb walls because " kitten it you can't be necro" bias


    But hey we have also skills spinal shiver  that can hit people for 10k dmg while eles in full zerk amulet hit for like 2k dmg on a staff skill while having 1/10 of the sustain of reaper ..always because " kitten it you can't be necro" bias



    Full zerk staff ele in PvP...meanwhile necro with an offhand boon rip skill deal as much dmg alone..lol what is balance? Let's ask these anet devs who main necro.


    In the end you have a game where a pvp mode can be full of the same class and people still claim that is balanced...lol

    Mate i play ele, necro, guardian, ranger and revenant in spvp so please dont start with the personal attacks just because i disagree with your opinion. Thank you in advance.


    Reaper dash is avaliable only in shroud outside of shroud it does not have dash. Axe can be dodged easely same goes for sword skills. Tempest has planty of stability to counter fears and weaver has evade frames for dodging crucial abilities and also has invunurable abilities. I agree that there are specs which need some nerfs (scourge , holo for example )and others which need some  buff (core ele for example) but i just dont agree with you that reaper is OP. If you want to have a constuctive discussion on that topic i am up for it, but if you gonna just start with personal attacks just because i disagree with you then the conversation is pointless.

  17. 26 minutes ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

    Necros have access to 1200 range unblockable AoE....a 900 range axe attack that hits like a truck.....a 600 range dash on a 5s CD...a 900 range GS pull that pass through walls...can have access to perma swiftness if so desired and shouts with a 600 radius.


    It's all fun and giggles when you play against some silver necro with 50 hrs on him...far less so when you face an actual vet using his necro. Let me see you kiting when you're almost perma chilled/crippled or fear lock in place



    Reaper cannot have all of this things at once , they are distributed on different builds so you have tradeoffs. While holo is much more well rounded and has answer for everything so yea dealing with a good reaper can be hard but dealing with anykind of class controlled by a good player is not an easy task. I sujest to focus on the builds/specs which are really problematic at the moment as scourge or holo.

  18. 8 minutes ago, Ivarian.9018 said:


    Don't worry, people are going to take a break in 2 or 3 months to try some refreshing PVP experience when these new MMO's will be released this summer in the West. Then sadly, the only discussion we will be left with in this forum is how Anet missed on capitalizing on the massive PVP potential their game had for years with 0 competition.



    I heard that before too... we will see what will happen. For me gw2 offers unique experience and i am loving it so far.


    Dont get me wrong, my point was that raging like that on forums will not change anything, so imo its better either to try and give some constructive feedback on what you think need to be changed or just have a break , because game is for having fun not to stress out even more.

  19. 4 hours ago, mistsim.2748 said:

    I quit last year for over a year during the 3v3 season. Double Scourge stacking barriers. Rip.

    This game is Rez Wars 2 and Necro Wars 2. At this point, I just want necro to be deleted from the game, and that's not even hyperbole. That's what I want the most. To be rid of this kitten. At this point GW2 PvP gives me ptsd. 



    Man you need a break in my opinion. Instead of crying for necro to be deleted in every single thread, just take a small break and relax.


    Necro will not be deleted and you know it. Also asking for a entire class to be deleted is not okay so if it frustrate you so much just take a brake.

  20. 6 hours ago, periphery.5421 said:

    You might think this is true but you don't have many choices especially as you ascend. Certain professions are completely unplayable. The ones you play happen to be decent, save for Berserker. 

    Try playing an Ele, it's complete and utter trash. Plenty of people are brainless and talentless, so they pick the same mesmer one shot build/other builds. Certain builds have unreasonable healing and self sustain at no cost to damage. 

    I'm just glad I uninstalled the kitten after getting too invested. 

    Ele is not unplayable i am doing well with both tempest and weaver, if you mean core ele only i agree

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