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Posts posted by razaelll.8324

  1. 50 minutes ago, The Ace.9105 said:

    The problem isn't learning how to play against them, it's sometimes there's no way to avoid stupid mechanics that are too strong in situation where you don't have something to escape the stuff that you can see but can't do anything about. If i had 100% of the time i get burning or immob a cleanse ready for that i'd use it everytime i get hit by stacks but the thing is, i don't have that 100% cleanse on every time and when i get hit by a lot of burns or immob at bad timing it's certain death that i just have to watch happening on the screen while not being able to do anything about it. It's like someone laughing at you while slowly pushing you off the ledge while your hands and legs are tied. 

    With the same logic if a spellbreaker catch you with your stunbreaks on cd you are dead. Burning and imob has counter play and as long they have counterplay they are fine imo. You cannot expect to stay alive if you are out of cds and couth on bad position imo. I am against removing mechanics just because they are unfun but they are not OP

    • Like 2
  2. 26 minutes ago, crewthief.8649 said:


    Necromancer Main

    I am necro main, but in 2s i play weaver, also i play guardian, ranger , warrior and revenant. But how that have anything related to what i said above?


    All i said is that there are some people which enjoy this mode, so maybe instead of demaning to remove this game mode it would be better idea to ask for adjustments to overperforming classes as engi and necro.



    Pvp needs more gamemodes in my opinion not less.

    • Thanks 1
  3. 2 hours ago, Aodlop.1907 said:

    Really? Maybe it's because I went with Blood Magic, but I feel like it's decently tanky. Maybe I made a mistake though?


    Isn't the staff a condi weapon? I thought Axe/Horn was better.

    No you did not made a mistake just scourge and core condi are even more tanky with blood magic. Reaper has the highest lifeforce lost per second during shroud and you cannot stay as long as core condi in shroud thats why reaper is just less tanky than it. 



    Staff is utility weapon. Staff 5 is fear , staff 4 is condi transfer and staff 3 is chill, it is very good also because you can make this skills unblockable with trait and also they gain good amount of lifeforce. Thats why it is used by condi ,support and power builds.


    Basically as reaper if you want better survivability you go for blood magic , if you want more dmg you go for spite.


    I personally started with blood magic first to get use to the spec,  positioning, awareness, kiting and when i got good enought with that i switched blood magic for spite for more dmg.

  4. 8 hours ago, medivh.4725 said:

    New pvp is *hit.
    3 rounds with tiny map 2 v 2 pvp the worse ever experience. People dying in seconds, how is that even possible. I never want to play it again, anet needs to immediately revert to usual 5v5 pvp and the usual pvp maps. Just freaking terrible

    Mate relax, its offseason, so it will end soon and the 5v5 will come back. Also there are people which enjoy 2v2 pvp too, so you are not the only one playing the game so please take it easy with your demands and maybe express your opinion as suggestion , Anet does not need to do anything , because this is just 2 week offseason and you still can play 5v5 in unranked or ATs if you dont like 2v2. The world does not spin around you.


    Have a great day and have fun!

  5. 5 hours ago, Aodlop.1907 said:

    You guys mention Necro, but you mention everything about Necro except Reaper.

    Is Reaper not that good?

    Hi mate, reaper is very good but its the squashiest necro build and a bit harder to play,your positioning is crucial in order to perform well. Thats why i recommend first trying core condi or scourge and then try reaper.


    I am necro main so if i can help to someone with necro builds feel free to contact me ingame i will be happy to share all i know.



    Have fun and good luck!


    Edit: most of the other people which posted here have much more expensive than me so i think they are right about holo, i personally never tryed engineer thats why i didnt suggested it.

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  6. 27 minutes ago, aaron.7850 said:

    Please dont recommend Elementalists or Enginners, they are too complicated for my personal taste.


    So far I had success with symbol guardian, but when I try other classes I fail miserably, maybe I am missing something.

    Hi mate, necro is the easiest class to play, either core condi necro or scourge. You can find the builds in metabattle.com 


    If you need any help about necro feel free to contact me in game i will share all i know about it and show how the builds work if you need.


    Have fun and good luck.

    • Like 2
  7. 38 minutes ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:


    Sic Em One Wolf Pack can't even pressure Prot Holo at this point.


    I've consistently been running into Holos that can "Face Tank" not dodge or counter play but "Face Tank" get hit with a full Barrage Rapid Fire Sic Em One Wolf Pack burst and only take about 30% of its life bar in damage. If the full ranged burst only deals that much damage, there is no reason to even attempt to go in melee against it. It will eventually kill you and you won't decap it before that happens.


    This is because people are stacking the multiple sources of power damage mitigation that is has. You have the shield trait that makes Protection -33% go to -40%, and then now with Resolution they can safely take the "Take less damage while in Forge" over the "Cleanse condi when leaving Forge". Then of course they can further push the limits here by wearing something like Scrapper Rune -5% or Dolyak or Resistance, on top of Demo.


    Scourge/Prot Holo combo is absolutely breaking the game right now. I don't want to hear anyone complain about Rangers until this ridiculous Goku & Vegeta eating sensu bean garbage is fixed.

    Why you quote me, i am not complaining about rangers, neither i claimed that ranger can burstdown prot holo.

    No one complained about rangers here, so i dont even know why you bring that up


    I also think prot holo need to be looked at since its the best duelist atm imo.

    • Like 1
  8. 8 hours ago, Crozame.4098 said:

    Thats prolly true, but maybe spite necro and condi scourge can force its off node 1v1. Regarding 2v1, I think thief + mirage can do it. sim-em SLB can pressure it pre patch, but prolly not after the sic em nerf. Then the counter is rotate~ 

    Sic em nerf is only for pve they made it 25%  which is the same in pvp from a while.


    If you talk about the last patch sic em soulbeast didn't get any nerf in pvp only in pve as far as i know.

  9. I share the same opinion, The more i play the game the more i like it. Already playing about 3-4 months and i keep learning new builds and having tons of fun in pvp. Dont let the toxicity of some people to discourage you. 

    I would love to see 2v2 and 3v3 deathmatches not only as offseason, in my opinion they are also very fun to play.

  10. 22 minutes ago, DanSH.6143 said:

    Mainly scourge, a support should also be a tank and a dmg dealer. 

    Hard to take this game seriously when 2v2 is literally 50% scourges.

    From the games i did this season i only faced 1 scourge and my team wont against it . I mean no offence but are you sure that you face so many scourges

  11. 1 hour ago, Mitsuruji.1796 said:

    Hi all. 

    So i've been playing guild wars 2 on and off past 8 years. Mostly off but came back 1 year ago. But that's not the point. 

    Whenever i play gw2 i play pvp and let me tell you all its the worst experience someone could ever have. People say league of legends is toxic i feel like gw2 pvp is even worse. The only time i actually have fun playing pvp is when there is off seasons of 2vs 2 and 3vs3. People tend to be friendly even loosing compared to 5 vs 5. Why not keep a permanent 2 vs 2 system. Even unranked. It's just unbearable to think of 5 vs 5. It's toxic, takes to long, people rage quit almost everygame, people flame everygame, matchmaking is atrocious, balance is atrocious. To many classes doing to many different things. 

    At least for 2vs 2 its fast, it's fun from my point of view i tottally understand some of you or maybe most of you dont agree, which is fine, but honestly i feel like the game should some variation when it comes to small scale pvp. I could go wvw and do small scale? Yes but its not the same thing of being inside an arena. Plus i dislike completly wvw. 

    Regarding 5 vs 5 again, im not a god tier player. I dont even consider myself a good player. Highest i got was plat 1 and im ok with it. I just cant deal anymore with all the toxicity and afks etc etc on that game mode. After a day of work you wanna login, have fun and have a good moment. Not going back to daycare and deal with all that kitten. 

    Just sharing my thoughs, not here to offend anymore so dont become a keyboard warrior please.


    I really support the idea for making 2v2 and 3v3 to be official seasons not only offseasons.


    I personally like 5v5 too, but i think more pvp modes will be nice!

  12. 7 hours ago, Ragnar.4257 said:

    2x scourge is pretty much just as annoying to fight as 1x scourge 1x supp-guard. Whereas, 2x supp-guard is an inefficient joke.


    Hmmmmmmm, what's the common denominator here?

    I dont have problems fighting against 2 scourges , but they are definitely more effective than double support guardian as you pointed out. But scourge and guardian is much better and harder to kill than double scourge in my opinion.

  13. 13 minutes ago, eksn.7264 said:


    Accessible might not be the right term, I meant more in terms of making PvP more new player friendly, better PvP tutorials, better marketing for PvP (I realize this one will never happen lol). I'm also for moving ranked rewards to unranked, even at the cost of reducing them a little bit. The thing is, for the majority of players, win traders aren't an issue at all, it's the bots. In plat we don't get them nearly as often but even up to mid gold, PvP is FULL of bots. This is driving a lot more players away than win trading ever will.


    It's also a little disingenuous and elitist (and I know you don't mean it this way) to label people who don't do ATs that much as "not wanting it badly enough". Again I use myself as an example and I know I'm not alone in this, I just don't care to find people to play PvP with these days, why should I be punished for this? That means people like me will have no competitive outlet to improve as players because people don't try hard in unranked, resulting in the game bleeding even more good players. And what do you do when there's no AT happening? Spam unranked? Even people in organized teams will get bored fast. This is not saying ATs can't be expanded upon, they totally could (like all content in this game really). You're also forgetting that it's arguably easier to win trade in ATs, why wouldn't people do it there too?

    Fully agree with you and i feel the same way , i dont want to be forced to search for people in order to get in competitive pvp ( one of the reason i left WoW) neither to be forced to pvp at specific hours becuase you cannot spam ATs but you can spam ranked pvp currently

    • Like 1
  14. 2 minutes ago, crewthief.8649 said:

    That’s all I’m saying, man. It needs to be looked at. 

    Maybe i understood you wrong, and excuse me if thats the case. if you mean that both of them need to be looked at i agree, but the thread targets scourge specifically and thats not correct in my opinion because scourge it self is not the problem but when you combine this 2 classes together 

    • Like 1
  15. 15 minutes ago, crewthief.8649 said:

    Data specific to Scourge performance when compared to other classes. In other words, win percentage, sustain data, etc., across the entire game mode. According to your premise, who is most responsible for that synergy, Guardian or Necromancer? I get that your position is that they’re complementary of one another, but is there one that is more responsible?


     Which quantifiable data were you able to glean from watching/participating in monthly AT?

    The thread here targets scourge specifically and i claim that the problem is not scourge it self but the synergy between guardian and scourge.

    Do guardian and scourge need to be looked? yes

    Which contribute more to that synergy? - in my opinion its 50-50 because they cover each other weakneses. Scourge lack sunbreaks (usually the support scourge use only 1 ), guardian has aoe stunbreak and stability  , scourge has low condi cleanse, guardian have tons of aoe condi cleanse. Scourge can support the guardian when he is out of CDs with barriers and can peal for it with CC (fears), scourge can port downed allies to it self and have very fast res, guardian can use ranged res. scourge can do massive boon corruption which helps the team to 1 survive and 2 kill easier their enemies.  Scourge does more damage than the guardian.

    Again please dont get me wrong, this composition need to be looked at for use and specially the res potential in my opinion, but as i said the thread targets scourge only and that what i disagree with

    • Like 1
  16. 5 minutes ago, crewthief.8649 said:

    Okay. So provide me with the data to support your position. You know who probably has that data? Anet. 

    Without actual data and/or statistics, this just boils down to the opinions of a couple people going off of their anecdotal experience.

    what data exactly are you looking for? 

    The data on which i base my opinion is AT tournaments and my personal experience in ranked and AT tournaments

  17. 12 minutes ago, crewthief.8649 said:

    Again, I don’t have the data (and I suspect that you don’t either) needed to either agree or disagree with your premise. I do however have enough anecdotal experience to at least suggest that it be looked at.

    isn't it better first to understand where the problem comes from instead of asking for something to be looked at when you dont know what exactly need to be looked at?


  18. 7 minutes ago, Leonidrex.5649 said:

    its 1 dimensional
    the way I see it is that whenever you play a class you will encounter an obstacle.
    a " wall "
    while playing most classes you have decent amounts of ways of dealing with the obstacle, and choosing the right one and performing it properly dictates your victory or defeat.
    Do you walk around it? scale it? teleport through?
    necro feels like no matter what obstacle you face its always bashing your skull against the wall and it either works or it doesnt.

    i am sorry but that is not the case, necro is countered by thiefs, by soulbeast and by other build of other classes.

    necro is very vulnerable after it leaves shroud since most of the necro survivability comes from it

  19. 11 minutes ago, crewthief.8649 said:

    The issue is this:


     For the game mode, a Thief in stealth is useless. A Scourge, on the other hand, is loaded with AoE and sustain that allows them to dominate a point. Thieves are a threat to decap but they are nowhere near the threat that a Scourge is in a team fight. Now, do I think Scourge needs a nerf? I don’t have enough data to conclude that, however, they do need to be looked at.

    That is what i am trying to explain a thief is a counter to scourge he can easely win 1vs1, the scourge by it self is not that good, the problem is the synergy between scourge and healer as core support guardian.winning a team fight against them is very hard because they can support each other very well and they can ress each other very easy


    Most of the duelist builds have no problem against scourge if it is alone

  20. 22 minutes ago, crewthief.8649 said:

    Well, I believe you can derive a credible metric using overwhelming consensus in some situations. For example, being hospitalized is widely considered not fun, but I agree, as a rule fun is largely subjective.


     However, I would posit that the purpose of balance in a video game relies upon what is fun as its central function. Feeling cheated, isn’t fun, and that is the basic premise of what makes something OP to begin with. If enough people “feel cheated” because of a cheap or cheesy mechanic, it will eventually be addressed in most cases.

    Getting damaged from stealth is the definition of cheap and cheesy mechanic in my opinion, but thats a mechanic which is essental for thiefs and their playstyle

  21. 1 minute ago, crewthief.8649 said:

    Right, but the trade-offs are not balanced properly to provide enough risk when compared against the reward. 

    i cannot agree with that.

    As i said previously scourge by it self is not  a problem in my opinion, but the synergy between scourge and core support guardian, and their combined ress potential

  22. 2 minutes ago, crewthief.8649 said:

    This game is all about mobility, and those conditions hamper that significantly. Risk vs. reward is precisely the purpose of a balance request. I mean, what makes something OP? Isn’t it that the risk vs. reward isn’t balanced properly? Like, shouldn’t there be some sort of trade-off for every class?

    ofcourse there should be, and necro has its tradeoffs and counters.

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  23. 8 minutes ago, crewthief.8649 said:

    Yes, you can cleanse. And then they’re right back. I know how to deal with them (I played one quite alot this season), but their risk vs. reward seems off to me.

    risk vs reward is completely another topic.

    You said that this conditions are "objectively unfun" but i still fail to understand where the "objectively" part comes from. As i said if they are unfun for you thats okay, but that does not make them objectively unfun.

    edit: "Truth-be-told, I think AoE in general is probably way too effective." i agree with that

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