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Posts posted by razaelll.8324

  1. 20 minutes ago, Kuma.1503 said:


    I've had the opposite experience. Whenever our guild managed to recruit a newbie, or whenever hearing others giving advice to new players for PvE or PvP they generally recommend  hunter. 


    I'll try to resist going into a rant about class design in WoW, so instead I'll give a brief rundown. 


    In short, classes have been simplified substantially. Blizzard pruned a lot of skills and passives moving from MoP into Legion. Aftifacts were used to plug in holes and add depth. Then artifacts were removed in BfA, and since then classes are generally pretty barebones/simple. 


    The devs are well aware of this, and the general philosophy blizzard holds is that classes should be relatively easy to play (Ion has stated multiple times in interviews that he wants to avoid bloating classes back to MoP levels.) Instead, they focus on creating difficult content. Encounters in WoW can get very challenging, especially for new players. High mythic keys can be especially brutal if you miss a mechanic. 


    Mobility options have gone down for ranged casters (Rip shaman's mobile lightning bolt) so if you want to get a cast off, you will need to plant your feet and hope either there aren't any swirlies for you to dodge or plan around them. This gets a lot of new players killed. So many that it's become a meme among the playerbase. "Don't stand in the fire"


    Melee classes have full mobility while dpsing, but they can get screwed by swirlies and spread/stack mechanics that force them to drop all dps until the mechanic resolves. For them, the a common issue is tunnel vision/greeding. 


    Hunters, and especially BM hunters have neither of these issues. They are ranged so they don't get screwed the same way melee do by mechanics. They have full mobility while dpsing, so you don't have to worry about whether that swirly beneath your feet will kill you before you get off that long 3 second cast. 


    This makes doing encounters objectively easier on BM hunter than any other class. Naturally, the rotation is also simple (as are most rotations in WoW as of late) so that shouldn't consume much of your mental bandwidth. 


    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


    In PvP, Ranged face a different host of issues. 


    Getting off a damned cast when you're forced to roleplay a stationary turret while doin dps. "Okay now I'll get off my 3 second arcane blast--"


    Nope you got sapped by a rogue


    "Ok now"


    Nope, gouged by the rogue


    "This time for sure" 


    Stunned by the rogue


    "This time--"


    Lol interrupted. Have fun being locked out of half your spellbook.


    And that's assuming you only have ONE melee to deal with. Imagine you're getting trained down by 2 or more. It's a common complaint among PvPers that playing a caster in a team that won't peel for you feels like hell. Healers have it especially rough because they will get trained down due to how important a target they are, and if they don't get peeled there is nothing they can do. 


    Then, yet again, you have hunters. Even their casted spells can't be interrupted, you need to hit them with a stun or some other form of CC to stop their casting. They can kite freely while doing dps so melee can't simply train them down and lock them out of playing the game. And you don't have the fear of running thick into the heat of combat, you can pew pew safely from range. 


    If you're new to PvP and want to guarantee that you at least have an impact in each game, BM hunter is the class for you. 


    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



    tl;dr BM Hunter is the most widely recommended class to newbies, and is considered by most to be an easy (if not the easiest) spec to play.

    Exactly. As i said hunter were considered very hard back in vanilla, when you could not place your traps while in combat, you had to hardcast aimed shot and also controll your pet, but now hunter specially bm is one of the easiest if not the easiest class to play in both pve and pvp.


    As aways very well said and explained point Kuma.

    • Thanks 1
  2. 8 minutes ago, felix.2386 said:

    even in pve, its the same, stack and spam aoes and overload yourself with buffs with 100% up time, instead of saving the cds for the big hits and big moments,. this is just a joke now i finally realized.

    imagine timing protection for big hits(aegis has to go). or timing 25 might for certain burn phases. that would be so much more engaging and fun.

    I agree with you on that.

  3. 3 minutes ago, felix.2386 said:

    lol not exaggerating.

    GW2 pvp now require so little skill compared to core GW2.

    that if you are at least experienced in plat2, you can easily pick an class and compete at the same level as your main.

    you though it takes class skill, but there's currently no class skill, gw2 is now incredibly spammy and less thought with the current design and balance of the game, just not fun anymore.

    I understand completely what you mean, i wouldnt say there is no skill because if you compare a plat 2 to gold 2 player the difference is big, but there is a bit too much aoe spam.

  4. 2 hours ago, RedAvenged.5217 said:

    Anyways ranger is still b teir.


    if your a pleb and claim it’s s teir than necro must be sss.

    you’re kidding yourself at this point



    No no no, its S+++++ tier, just it is sooooooooo unbelievably hard to play ranger that noone can play it well enough, thats why you feel its b tier, as you said you never seen a good ranger so far, it is just too hard 

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  5. 5 minutes ago, RedAvenged.5217 said:

    You’re right I just wish I could say what you say without being a laughingstock. I guess ignorance is bliss

    Check again to who people are laughing

  6. 41 minutes ago, RedAvenged.5217 said:

    Right keep editing your rage post and you’ll be correct 🤔.

    bm is indeed ez but it’s always been so bad that it’s not worth mentioning, and it wasn’t considered good for the entirety of Azeroth and not at the start of shadowlands- but the shadowlands meta has turned in many crazy directions which is why a lot of people are quitting it so that’s my bad, but I was still right.


    meanwhile u are telling me all sorts of insanity about a subject where what you claim hasn’t been true for the entire 600 year history of the subject.

    Sure mate you know best... No matter that even 1 person didnt agreed with you, i am the one talking nosense(600 years history of the subject  😄)... Keep living in your dreamworld


    Looks like you become very agreeaive when you are wrong and dont want to acknowledge it , typical child.

  7. 34 minutes ago, RedAvenged.5217 said:

    Nono I’m pretty confident that weaver is ez, I don’t think anyone would claim it isn’t .


    But hey “your an engineer”. You wouldn’t understand weaver if it hit you on the head

    i think you should change our profession from a musician to a clown it suits you very well. keep on embarrassing you self mate.

    you were pretty confident that BM hunter is not a thing too, how that turned out? .... kids...

  8. 13 minutes ago, RedAvenged.5217 said:

    No top player would claim weaver is hard. Also your English is clearly not good, it’s like talking to a 3 year old grammatically and emotionally

    Haha so you ran out of smart words to defend your self and started attacking my english like a 2 year old mad kid... That speak for your self more than enought. You embarrassed your self enought mate.

  9. 32 minutes ago, RedAvenged.5217 said:

    It’s really just you in chat. You also said some hilariously dumb stuff .


    but hey I’m sure everyone agrees that fire weaver is hard😂😂😂

    when exactly did i specified fire weaver? ... man you are making fool of your self.

    also i never claimed weaver is hard, i claimed its harder than ranger and that top players claim that weaver has the hardest skill rotation ... maybe learn to read

    what dump stuff i said, please quite it

  10. 3 minutes ago, RedAvenged.5217 said:

    I did you just ignored it and some hilariously not accurate things about my comparison.


    being an engineer doesn’t change reality either. Everyone operates off the same rules

    you re the one trying to change the reality mate, thats why everybody disagree with you, but you still fail to see it.

  11. 8 minutes ago, RedAvenged.5217 said:

    It’s always the beta that gets and angry and finished with “you have no evidence”


    I think anyone who’s been on the internet for a minute already figured that one out

    yep everybody figured out that you have no idea what you are talking about.

    I am not angry at anything i am a engineer for me either you have proof of what you are saying and you can back up your claims or you dont have idea what you are talking about. 

    So far you didnt provided anything which back ups your claim except your feelings, which leads me to conclusion that you just dont know what you are talking about, simple as that.

  12. 2 minutes ago, RedAvenged.5217 said:

    2 of the most similar repertoires of any instruments in the world- would be guitar violin.


    who cares if u guys agree with what I say. We can go to a duel server if u wanna test my game knowledge.

    okay so you cannot back up your claim, everybody disagree with you, but who cares 😄 

    you made my day mate

    i am up for duels

  13. 4 minutes ago, RedAvenged.5217 said:


    thats the silliest statement I’ve ever heard- they are similar

    it is sarcasm if you didnt managed to see it. And no they are not.

    Dont you find it strange that not a single person so far agreed with your statement of ranger being "insanely hard" to learn? 

    I am staring to think that you are actually trolling.

  14. 21 minutes ago, RedAvenged.5217 said:

    I was able to match top 10 weaver after just making a character.


    weaver is insanely ez

    I think you are strongly over exaggerating here and i find it very hard to believe on that statement.

    I am wondering if weaver is that easy as you claim , why some of the top players consider it having the most complex and hard skills rotations?

    • Like 1
  15. 13 minutes ago, RedAvenged.5217 said:

    I mean I’m just a national champion level cello player and guitarist.


    cello is not hard on any level.


    ranger ain’t that ez, otherwise I think I would’ve seen good ones on my region

    And you think there are noo good ones in your region?


    So you are saying cello is easier pick up and learn to play than guitar?


    I guess violin is also easier than guitar?

  16. 8 hours ago, RedAvenged.5217 said:

    Yeah weaver the thing that basically farts out enough aoe and sustain around it to kill basically anything and barely get scratched is harder than ranger a class with very small burst windows and trash node control

    This comment makes me think that you didnt played weaver much.


    Am i right?

    • Like 1
  17. 6 hours ago, RedAvenged.5217 said:

    I think I mentioned ez to pick up not equal to ez to play.


    analogies help, guitar is an ez to pick up instrument it feels natural and everyone knows to hold it, but the most important part of the repertoire for a new player requires you to be able to play 800 notes in a minute. This is no ez task.


    if you wanna be good on ranger it’s not ez, heck a lot of good players end up doing terrible in ats as ranger


    edit: only really bringing up cuz I feel it’s a perfect analogy for this https://youtu.be/JP8R7JBu_UM


    guitar would feel ez to pick up like ranger but you have to learn that inhuman thing whereas cello would feel unnatural like weaver but you’d have to play something ez like



    When i say easy to pick up i mean easy to start playing the class, understands its mechanincs fast and play it at decent level.  So ranger is a new player friendly class with which a new player can learn fast and perform on decent level.


    Weaver takes more time to learn its mechanics and more time to practise it combos, as weaver you dont have instant access to all of your abilities and you have to weave to the proper attunement in order to get the ability you need, which means that in order to perform well enought with weaver you need to have very good awareness of your oponent and what you would need next, atuning to wrong atuments can cost you your life.


    The music example was not very relevant in my opinion, because cello is much harder to play than guitar on a decent level it takes more time to learn to play cello than guitar as far as i know.



    If you want to be a good player you have a lot things to learn  like kiting, positioning , rotations, compositions , maps, what other classes can do and what to expect from them, but this all stuff are not relevant to the class so they are not specific for rangers but to the player.


    I am wondering why do you ensist on that ranger being very hard? 

  18. 1 hour ago, RedAvenged.5217 said:

    So when I looked It up and beast mastery is way stronger rn than I thought, maybe as good as tbc.


    for all the other hunter specs, I believe what I said is spot on though

    For survival i can agree but for MM no, in my opinion MM is like in the middle of the pack, not very hard but also not easy as BM, so my point is hunter is not that hard as you think it is. Did you played hunter recently?


    Anyway i dont think this is the topic of this thread. On the topic i think @Kuma.1503 is right and ranger is easy to pick up for both pve and pvp


  19. 13 minutes ago, RedAvenged.5217 said:

    I have never meant anyone through all Azeroth or shadowlands that would recommend hunter to a new player for pvp with a straight face.

    Well you just did 🙂 many people recommend BM for new player because it easiest spec and it performs very well in pve and can be decent in pvp


    When you write easiest spec in wow in youtube you will se BM together with frost dk and dh.


    As i said hunter was much harder in classic when traps couldnt be used in combat and back then it was one of the hardest classes if not the hardest together with shaman.

  20. 3 minutes ago, RedAvenged.5217 said:

    Hunter was considered extremely hard during all Azeroth.


    it’s considered one the hardest possible things for a new player to play because of all the buttons.


    sry I’m pretty sure you are wrong on this, except for beast mastery being ezier- however it isn’t in the realm as ez as death knight nor half the other things they could play.

    Well i cannot agree with that. I played WoW since 2004 and hunter was considered hard during classic. At the moment its one of the easiest classes to play specially in pve, and BM is easier than frost Dk. Frost dk is the second easiest spec to play.



    The only hard think in pvp for hunter is positioning. But in SW they even gave the ability to shoot through walls ..... One of the most disliked abilities together with convoce

  21. 5 minutes ago, RedAvenged.5217 said:

    Since when is beast mastery even considered competitive? Ezier than the other 2 hunter specs probably but it’s not even a consideration in the meta


    I have a feeling you are talking about tbc though


    No i am not talking about tbc, and yes BM is not meta , that does not mean you cannot achieve high rating with it (2400+).


    MM hunter is not that much harder either, hunter in general is not a hard class.


    It was hard back in classic when you could not use traps in combat.

  22. 1 hour ago, Mythuleez.4372 said:

    Please make PvP great. You need to have 2v2 and 3v3 arenas all the time. I don't want to que up with 5 random people all the time in ranked brackets. Makes for toxic games. Also que same ranked players together. ( 1100 bracket, 1200 bracket ...ect)This seems like very normal request for PvP ranked system.

    I also wish they add 2v2 and 3v3 permanently.

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