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Everything posted by Datriman.6714

  1. When convergence being the supply for essence that it is, waiting for another day isn't an option for most. And my point is exactly that "Randomness" isn't so random when I keep getting the same boss.
  2. I don't know how this happens but ever since Umbriel was added I keep getting him over and over, with the last three weeks being almost only Umbriel on convergences. I think I had Sorrow once. And of course it keeps failing, because, well, Public. TBH I like the challenge Umbriel brings into convergences but having the same fight every time is annoying and Umbriel needs better structured groups than most other ones. It also doesn't help instanced content has no system to deal with AFKers.
  3. Blue texture problems are wide spread and happen regardless of upgrade to windows 11. You can see thread about it here.
  4. This issue appears in every meta event in any map I played in, the more players around the faster it happens. Today it got to a point the game crashed when I tried to take a screenshot using the in game PRTscreen support.
  5. This is happening everywhere in pve too whenever there are a lot of players. every meta ends in blue graphics and crashes eventually.
  6. The way the wizard vault missions are designed revolves around the expansions people have. Not everyone has the same expansions so essentially everyone get different dailies. I help new players a lot who mostly do not have the same expansions as I do and having different missions than I do. Also, targeting my attention to maps my friends cannot enter is useless. Why do I have to go to SOTO for dailies and weeklies when I don't want that? Please return a system where everyone can do the same core dailies and weeklies and meet new people and stop pushing us to content we don't want to do at the moment. If you want people to go to dead maps please update the content and we will go there without the need for daily and weekly missions. Also, the new system totally killed the feeling of community doing the same missions as everyone like the parties we were having at JPs with PINK. Let us go back to dailies we can share with friends regardless of expansions please.
  7. Add F2P the ability to chat in squad / party when in squad. I do a lot of new player low level boss trains and this is ridiculous. They cannot communicate with others. The squad is moderated by the squad commander and if anyone misconducts they can be kicked out, so there is no reason to keep them out of being able to communicate in squad. GW2 is all about community and this is a QOL upgrade that will help people get into it.
  8. I feel exactly the same. Very disappointing. The one thing I can show off about GW2 to non-gamers is the EOD music behind the scenes video. this is the first package GW2 failed to deliver on music.
  9. The choice of the dailies is terrible. Too long missions. Some of them take way more then an hour.
  10. TBH, I don't understand why you are taking down any class defining skills from Scourge only for alacrity. Boons > conditions- Gone revive allies from the dead - Gone Horrible for the class.
  11. I would love some more uses to the home instance. Since I spend more time in their home gathering materials than in guild hall and having several guild that I do not relate to their trophies, I would love to be able to decorate my home instance using scribe items or something similar. Also a library for collected books as mentioned before. Some place to show off trophies from collections. There are too few home services other than gathering nodes. Would be nice to have other crafting stations aside of the cooking station.
  12. I know some of you do not like the work around of removing the DPI checkbox, but for now the solution I use works out pretty well for some people. 1. go into options and uncheck the DPI scaling 2. in the display options set interface to larger 3. in the chat options - little cog above the chat set the text to large. it makes the ui close to the DPI scaling with a bit better resolution. I live with that untill they fix the issue.
  13. No preview and no hero panel when you use 4k is a game breaking problem. You agreed to beta test DX11 so that comes with it. and you still have the option to turn that off. I'm not as tolerant as you to poorly tested code. I can understand bugs in events, quests, collections' npc behavior and any other in game oddities that really can't ALL be tested prior to every patch. This is a basic error that broke the game's most basic UI functionality. It's even a commercially disaster since I can't even preview things on the gem store. What it tells me is that Anet did not fully test the ui fix they made. It seems, so far anything to do with 4k screens and dpi scaling is not tested well by anet.
  14. My in game character name is Idindooit or Shogox Pinelover Datriman.6714 Please save number 90 for me. Thanks
  15. looks like they are going to have another "this is how we fixed the crash" post.
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