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Posts posted by Gorem.8104

  1. 11 pages later, is Anet going to address this or pretend it doesn't exist and not care? 
    I mean I know they already labled their fanbase as toxic players cause apparently all of us are both here and reddit so they apparently don't need to listen to anyone cause we are all toxic players on all sides, but still it'd be great to see them actually communicate more then once. 

    You can't say "open communication" if all you do is post one update post and then don't followup and pretend the entire playerbase doesn't exist. "we want to give you more info" THEN DO THAT. 
    One opening post does not count unless you are a whiteknight shill. Follow ups are what counts. Tell us "We have heard you and are instead going to do the logical thing which is to not nerf CM's are hard and bring the cost of buying clovers back to how they were" 

    its seriously not like we are asking for much when its what's already in the game and they are actively removing older content rewards to push newer content. The hardest 5man content GW2 has on offer is being removed and they are using excuses to get away with it. Could just imagine after this they will follow with removing daily fractals cause how dare we do any 5 man content right? 

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  2. On 2/20/2022 at 3:21 AM, Zebulon.1850 said:

    It's high time to remove the ability for golems to prevent capping of points. The abuse of golems to prevent flipping of camps has gotten much worse recently, I usually see 5+ golems at camps now.


    You shouldn't need a full zerg to flip a camp, that is just poor game design. 1 person shouldn't be able to stall for unlimited time based on just having golems at a camp.


    Not sure how to attach this image - but

    Example: https://imgur.com/a/MeMBJkK


    Edit - at the bare minimum, if a golem is disabled, it shouldn't count for capture points.


    Hahaha that screenshot looks awesome, that's some defence dedication. 


    Problem is though zones have a cap to how much siege can be there, so by doing that they can't really take other towers or defend keeps 

  3. It is such a bad idea to "Bring the player not the profession" while then making it so that we bring 2 groups that are exactly the same. 

    No matter what their needs to be a meta, if everyone can just do everything that sounds boring and all the classes will be samesame. Its fun theorycrafting and using different things for different outcomes. Its boring if all outcomes are the same. 


    These recent updates have been terrible. Interesting marketing for EoD. 

  4. The thing about Taimi is that with Jade tech, fully expecting her to be turned into a robot like Blish which then Gorrik marries anyway. Or maybe have their wedding on the day she's going to die. 
    It will be interesting if they do kill off Majory and/or Kas, since they are rather bland characters with no personality. We know that they are in this, and maybe that would be their shock value? 
    Most likely a random NPC we are introduced to and are supposed to like/fall in love with will die. 
    But hey, maybe this will also be the first story to not have a death? Imagine that. Its hard cause GW2 writers might have to think about something else for once! And seriously after Lw4 Aurene should be unkillable but with IBS she was basically killed off anyway as she just stopped appearing entirely, compared to lw4 where you find her in the zones and story and play alongside her. She became the worst kind of Ally of the champion, a dialogue dump that does nothing and did nothing throughout the entire story. 

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  5. 1 hour ago, lezbefriends.7516 said:

    Every story has someone die to make up for the feeling of the good guy always winning.


    Who will it be this time?


    I hope it's Braham. He will go meet his mother.


    The problem is, we all hope its Braham, that is why they won't do that, they only put deaths in as "Shock" Value cause GW2 writers suck at writing most of the time, I'm still amazed we managed to get lw4 even if that robot of course was their mandatory target. I could think of a thousand better stories for ibs that don't include their mandatory Charr deaths, cause there was many from the Charr story that die without even a word. And whats up with no funeral or anything, seriously IBS writing is SOOO bad. 

    1 hour ago, Randulf.7614 said:

    Well, braham is very unlikely even to be in it. We don’t always get major npc deaths. Did we get any in ls3 or PoF?

    Lw3 did have a death though not impactful and PoF killed a dragon that saved you, then you died anyway. 

    • Confused 2
  6. On 2/19/2022 at 6:24 PM, Arheundel.6451 said:

    Never thought I'd see this day....the Longbow was the main reason to play ranger, the best way to actually feel like a ranger in a fantasy MMO but now...kitten, the amount of reflect/projectile block/destroy is simply over the top. Not too long ago I was a lenient advocate of reflect, in good measure they were essential for the game balance but now.....it's perma reflect/block 24/7 to a point where not even Signet of HunT makes any difference, yes you can still pewpew the occasional baddie but 8 times out of 10, he will get ressed in a matter of seconds.

    You can still play longbow but given the amount of scrappers/FB, it's simply no worth it, waited years for a decent Legendary longbow and finally I had Pharus ....sad to see myself now forced to retire one of the most enjoyable weapons for this class, killing the occasional baddie is no worth it anymore


    Longbow still beats bad players, so it can still beat many people playing gw2. Its just not good against good players which there is less of. 
    Really though, the projectile hate came in with Path of Fire. What we needed was Untamed to have some intense unblockable abilities but alas, it does not. 

    • Haha 1
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  7. On 2/19/2022 at 11:28 PM, Gorani.7205 said:

    I welcome the "this should be baseline WvW reward rank progression" event. 😂

    I know right. Imagine playing wvw without Birthday booster, Exp booster, Festival booster and no amulet or Guild buffs. 

    it must take forever to gain levels or get reward tracks completed. This "bonus" should be the baseline. 

    • Like 1
  8. On 2/20/2022 at 6:04 AM, Cyninja.2954 said:


    Very well said. +1

    Not really, It really doesn't need to be the least rewarding activity in game. It might be the most fun for some but then that ends up being the only reason anyone does it. It would be great to have fun and be rewarded while doing so. Fact is, you can get nearly the same rewards as someone actively playing wvw whose taking keeps and towers, by just afk capping camps outside of spawn. 

    If anything, they need to largely improve the rewards you get for actively playing wvw. When you tick a defence event, it should knock a minute off the timer to your next tick. Taking a keep could be a full tick's worth, or half a tick, and a tower also be about a minute with diminishing returns if you keep taking the same towers/keeps to prevent farming outside of bases. 

    Look at that, I just instantly improved wvw Rewards for actively playing in a second of thought, quicker then Anet has done for years. AND I did not even need to nerf anything like they do with them nerfing siege use and wall repair so you can't get rewards for actively playing that way. 
    It is really not that hard Anet, no idea why you seem to be so terrible at this. 

    • Like 1
  9. So, instead of making pvp fun and bringing other classes power levels up to the level of the strongest, instead its still just nerfs upon nerfs with no testing involved as usual I bet. Cause all this will do is once again cause another meta with something else dominant. Will there even be any Scrappers once EoD comes out and they are all mechanists? 

    You guys really need a new balance team that can do better then only knowing how to nerf classes instead of idk, balancing all classes. 

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  10. 10 hours ago, aeris.5846 said:

    And clearly, CMs are only interesting with clovers. and so with MC. Without this, it's better to do Dragonfall (30gph), Drizzlewood (30gph + clovers), Istan (27gph), Bitterfrost (27gph), Auric (27gph) than CMs (30gph without MC). More diverse content (5 completly differents content on 7 days instead of mostly the same each day), no downtime to fill an LFG, no stress and blacklist because ppl bad, no training, no RA/omnipots/fractal god/ required, no bunch of ascended required, no 2-3 full builds required, and mostly the same time to run (~1h).


    Last I checked on Fast I saw Drizzlewood reaching 35 gold per hour due to the price changes, which makes it even more lucrative. If anything I'm amazed that was not their target for nerfs. Why spend all the effort, and time, and get good at the game when you can semi afk as a herald inside of camps with alt accounts logging in for daily login rewards, the more alt account heralds, the greater your gold production. Could just imagine 100's of gold per hour. 
    Or Fractals, which require effort and work and long time investment, require you to improve yourself and you can't afk it. You have to get good at the game with your class. Have to get geared and work, which is rewarding sure, but not as rewarding as just afking as heralds in open world and having many many accounts. 
    The only reason they are moving rewards from CM's to EoD strikes and not IBS strikes, is cause they want you to buy EoD cause their marketing team sucks. I bet if Anet actually knew how to market they wouldn't need to do stuff like this. 
    And please stop feeding the trolls, Izzy is obviously just here to derail and troll, better to ignore 🙂

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  11. 9 hours ago, ChronoPinoyX.7923 said:

    I don't exactly know what you're reading but from what I've read thus far, this is the ONLY topic about EoD that's actually more respectful in tone compared to everything else. And I say that knowing some of the people replying here don't even do Fractals in general yet they still agree that what ANet is doing regarding CM Fractals and taking away Mystic Coins is bad by design. 

    Exactly, I think it is cause people are being told by Anet "oh anyone who posts on reddit or here are toxic" without even doing the research themselves, as evidenced by Muk's latest video. I noticed all the ones getting upvotes are ones who are not toxic and offering constructive feedback with maths and facts. 
    This has been one of the most respectful discussions and yet is still being labelled as not just so Anet doesn't have to revert the change I bet. They seem to be using it as an excuse. 

    If anything threads like this just shows how passionate the CM community is, and unity most players have with their top end players, cause often the more experienced players help newbies through hard content or give them free stuff. There is a lot of good players in this game helping others, even an entire section on this forums for doing so. Why hurt these players with potentially thousands of gold loss over the years they stay playing? There is no reason to. The only reason to do CM's after a certain point was for MC's, now that use is being removed. This will stop people doing CM's entirely. 

    • Like 1
  12. WvW actually rewarding time played? hahahaha good luck with that. 
    As awesome as it would be for the many of us that only play WvW, the main issue with it giving rewards, that stops it from happening, is you have many wvw players who don't want pve players in wvw just farming rewards. 
    WvW essentially to them, needs to be one of the worst ways for economic growth, as it currently is. 

    WvW takes months longer to achieve something you can do in one, just one day of PVE. And AND you HAVE to have all the boosters active in wvw for it to even have a slight chance of giving something for your time. Imagine playing wvw without the Bday booster, and exp boosters from the event gobblers or Festive gobbler boosts and amulet boosters. Even with many boosters its still one of the worst ways to get gold/items. 


    Yeah let me play my entire weeks worth of time for the few mystic coins you get, or just make a second account and spend a second to log into that a day and end up with much more. 

    There's a reason it is as annoying as it is to keep participation up unless you swap camps or join a zerg. For some reason, as much as we all want rewards in wvw, there's this group that prevents it from happening. 

    • Like 3
  13. 14 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

    This sums it up.

    @Dareus.3091, they had a new headwriter for Season 4, and I, personally, think it totally paid off, because the previous season (Season 3) was - apart from some of the map designs - mostly awful (Balthazar, Lazarus, Livia, the Shining Blade all got butchered).

    Unfortunately, she had to go after an unfortunate Twitter incident, so a new headwriter took over - who did an excellent job... until someone decided that Season 5 (the Icebrood Saga) had to be cut short (obviously due to the suddenly announced 3rd expansion). So everything after Bjora Marches felt super rushed, and the ending was a complete disaster in terms of dialogue, story, and presentation.


    Honestly it makes IBS feel so weird. The main story about Dragons of Ice and Fire, has nothing on Fire really Prim wakes up, does a little dance, doesn't speak then dies. Meanwhile the only zone we have is all about Charr and has nothing to do with either Dragon, we are all farming Charr and ignore the existence of the dragon entirely cept for the end where we fight Frostgorge sounds boss we've fought thousands of times. (I Really feel like Drakkar shoulda come after this to make some sense to the fact that the war was still on even though we ended the whispers already, I feel like Drizzlewood coast was meant to be very different). And then Chap 5 just sort of happens. 
    Never gonna forget LW4's long fight with Kralk, our failed attempts and eventual chase into the fricken' mists with ghosts all banding together to beat the thing, bring him out of there with islands ripped from the mists and going inside the kill his heart after you make his body crystallise above all while fighting with Aurene the whole way and seeing her take part throughout the entire story flying above you and helping out. 
    Before just sitting out the entire next story cept for dialogue dumps. 

  14. 6 hours ago, The Boz.2038 said:

    I think the problem was concentration.

    Daily LLA and monthly login is 48 coins in a 4-week period for an "average" regular player. This type of player probably doesn't engage with any other content that rewards MCoins (why they chose the name Mystic Clover, with the same abbreviation, I'll never know, but it's getting increasingly annoying in these discussions). Maybe they do a fractal here and there, so they're getting, like, 50 a month.

    A fractal CM clearing player gets at least twice as many MCoins per month, and while the total mount generated on the game level is not "huge", the concentration of MCoins does get lopsided much faster. Maybe that was the thing that was bothering ANet? Cause just adding on top of that even more content that is intended to be raid-level challenging (in the raid-lite normal mode and full-raid with the CM) that rewards MCoins could even further exacerbate the disbalance.

    Another issue, and I think the one that really was the crux here, is that they didn't want fractals to provide clovers by themselves. A daily clear of fractals will reliably give you 2+ coins and very nearly enough relics to buy 2 clovers each day. No need to interact with the market to go from 0 to 2 clovers in 1 hour, each day, every day, reliably.

    Why shouldn't the hardest 5 man content the game has on offer, be rewarding though? And as you say, its not Gatekeeping at all as casual players already are getting everything they are getting, just slower. If you put in effort, and work, learn the game, get better, work on fractals, do the highest end game content, and its not rewarding to do... what was the point of all of that? 
    Is this a test? Are they gunning for the rest of Fractal rewards next? removing dailies from Fractals? 
    Since the actual amount gained is small in the grand scheme of things, it was hurting nobody for top end players to get more rewards, as all that allowed them to do was support the lower end players easier. 

    Seriously Anet, just please, revert the CM change and the double priced "Discounted" clover change and leave everything else and we'd all be good. 

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  15. This post sounds so... disconnected to what actually goes on in game. 
    Instead of nerfing rewards for doing the hardest 5man content the game has to offer, it is being removed and placed into 10man content that is found only if you own EoD. And please, even though I never do strikes I don't want to see a super easy mode given like WoW has with its LFG mode that contains bosses you can solo while blind deaf and both hands off the keyboard. 

    Doing the hardest 5man content on offer should be rewarding, now essentially CM"s are pointless to do after a certain point. Is that the plan? When content gets too old to just nerf it and abandon it? What new 5 man content is in the works after fractals then? 

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