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Posts posted by Gorem.8104

  1. I guess the issue here is that, Warrior right now is already pretty ruined with some of the worst and outdated skill sets the game has to offer. I look at Warrior utilities and wonder exactly what they were thinking, so many of them are terrible or have been nerfed for some reason. Its not wonder so many go after signets cause the actives ones we have pale is comparison to other classes. And then we also needs ones like the Precision sigil that must never be used to get higher crit rate that other classes do not need. 


    How can they already make something as low as Warrior, lower? Surely the only way is up, right? 

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  2. 7 hours ago, Vayne.8563 said:

    Which is why they're at 2 gold 8 silver right now, I guess?  

    This ALWAYS happens.  Kneejerk reactions cause instance panic buying, quantity goes down, price goes up.  Cooler heads prevail, prices come down.


    And at some point the new strike missions will be in the game and there''ll be more mystic coins again.  Honestly this sky is falling stuff gets old after a while.


    What? Did you even read anything or understand anything? What even is this complaint? 
    We are going from a lot more then 10 coins, to 10 coins per week to only people who own EoD and also do strikes AND also spend EVERYTHING on coins which is the exact amount you get to transfer to clovers only from the one single source. 

    So there will be thousands of less coins in the system unless EoD has other ways to earn them, and the rest will be spent for more expensive clovers.  If nothing else changes the best way to play GW2 will be to buy multiple accounts and spend your time just logging into them if you want to craft legendries. 


    If nothing else changes, I am expecting coins to go above 3gold each when EoD drops, unless of course they keep manipulating it by injecting fake coins into the system with dev accounts. 
    They are trying to remove all incentive to do old content in favour of the new, just like they did with Dungoens, which killed that content off. Unless the people defending this decision like yourself want all old game modes to die? How dare people play the game differently then you do, right? 

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  3. Ya know, if Druids might becomes 5man and spirits are removed/changed to boons or whatever, it will remove druids from any game mode. It will be the final blow to the spec. They need to keep their unique effects and be made mobile. It will only be bad for the game if all the classes are the same, that sounds really boring too. 
    Knowing Anet as of late, what on Earth are they doing? 

  4. 7 hours ago, Avatar.3568 said:

    I think I found your problem you are using wilderness survival but not it survival utilitys and not the middle grandmaster traitline 

    Every survival utility will give you 2 condi cleanses and you traited already that your heal a survival ability procs so you get 4 cleanses. Investing into beastmastery will last middle traitline will give you condition cleanses on your pet swap (additionally you get quickness with the pet merge) 

    I changed your build a little bit, you will still do posion dmg and that your traitline procs but you will get 8 condi cleanses, 4 on your healskill, 2 on quickening zephyr and 2 on pet merge (lesser quickening zephyr) with the zephyrs you also gain 2 sources of quickness 


    I hope you can enjoy it and it will help 


    Edit: nvm I watched the wrong build but I still gave it condition cleanses so you can use it


    That is what Sigil of cleansing is for on weapon swap, usually you have it on both weapons but I've not really been needing it as Dolyak stance already removes the noticeable ones and the damaging ones are not even noticeable. If you need to cleanse, weapon swap. I changed my daggers just due to those reasons but yes if you have it on daggers as well, its fine. What you did there was nerf the specs dps by over 25% and lost the better heal that gives more regen for a trait not needed. You also nerfed the specs sustain. 

  5. 3 hours ago, Forgotten Legend.9281 said:

    Quoted from the blog: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/guild-wars-2-end-of-dragons-strike-missions-balance-and-rewards/



    Also to mention, there are 4 strikes, and they are designed for 10-player squads.


    Will these be required for the story?


    1) Anet has slowly learned over the years, (from Zhaitan story mode dungeon) that people want to be able to solo the story without being forced to group up. LWS2 feedback indicated that people didn't want default hard mode story episodes (imo, offering story instances a hard mode as a reward for completing normal mode is totally fine, and i recommend it). IBS showed that Anet wanted to offer season 1 style, map-wide events, but repeatable, scaleable to allow people to solo the instances for the story (these are known as dragon response missions, or DRMs)


    2) with the Fractal community, many groups get together to do Challenge modes, and many Fractal groups like to speed-clear the fractals. the same can be said for strikes, after awhile, those familiar with them won't want to do normal modes for lack of rewards. this will cause problems for people trying to do the story in the future. People already complain about toxicity in raids, strikes, and fractals. those people will riot if they are forced to deal with that toxicity for STORY.


    so, please give us more information about how these 10-player strikes are integrated into the story. will there be solo-modes for the story like Zhaitan dungeon and DRMs? Or will we be forced to group up for the story?

    Considering IBS is a thing where they put public instances as your story instances (which was so dumb) till DS, it looks like its going to be like DS where they are as lazy as possible and use Strike missions inside the story but you solo in them for easy lazy story content, so that we all can experience strikes. 
    When did they get so fixated on strikes anyway? 

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  6. 11 hours ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

    "Mystic coins are too common, let's  take away ways to get them"

    -said no one ever.

    I mean I don't do CMs anymore, but coins were a big deal with that, and I'm not going to arbitrarily switch over to raids or w/e just to get them.

    Exactly, considering Mystic Tribute is a thing, everyone I talk to was hoping EoD would only add ways for more coins to drop, alleviate the problem a bit, make things go smoother and not take years to accomplish. 
    Instead this patch will do the opposite and make the coin generation be less then what we had before EoD hit WHILE making Clovers cost more coins. Wut. 

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  7. On 2/11/2022 at 7:46 PM, Dareus.3091 said:

    Hi there!

    I would like to preface this by stating that this may come out as a slight rant and I wholeheartedly apologize for it in advice. My point is not to ruffle any feathers in this amazing and helpful community, but there is just something lingering in the back of my head that I need to let out.


    My MMO journey actually began with GW2 shortly after its release but I could never really get into it so I switched to playing SWTOR (spoils you with decent storytelling), and then moved on to WoW (spoils you with decent game design). However, with the state that WoW is in, I have decided to give GW2 another try, and behold, I have finally reached the max level, and quite frankly, enjoyed the base story and the overall experience of exploring. 

    Heart of Thorns was pretty enjoyable for me as well, as it reminded me a bit of Mass Effect storytelling and there were rarely systems that made me slam the desk. Same for Living World Season 3.

    Afterward, Path of Fire was kind of okay-ish (yay mounts!) and it has improved the combat style of HoT in which I felt as if I am constantly cc-ed whenever I have decided to inititate combat. 😄


    But... What in the name of the flying spaghetti monster happened to the game design before Living World Season 4? 

    It feels like I may be in a minority here because from what I saw on Reddit and here on the forums, most of the players actually despise the older content and prefer the new one. How come? The systems of S4 are ridiculous (the "stealth" chapter LOL) and the story is a mess. I am playing Revenant and my character is totally shocked when he has to go through the Mists portals... Now I am at the fifth chapter, which is a chapter before the final one, and I am supposed to do "fetch quests"?? I mean... Huh? There is a huge tension of a big battle and my character is wasting time running between places for different things like an Uber driver.

    Worst thing is that I know the spoilers for the finale of S4 and that makes everything that S4 is trying to be all the more irrelevant. And if you will wonder why I am even playing through it knowing the spoilers, well, I have 30k achievement points in WoW, I am a completionist, so of course I have to bother with finishing everything I can in GW2. ^^


    So, my questions are... Apparently at some point a lot of developers left the company - was it before the development of S4 and could that be the reason of the experience of the chapters going downhill? Is the Icebrood Saga the same when it comes to the systems and story?


    I truly am sorry again for this wall of text. As a WoW refugee I am just desperately trying to like the game and don’t get me wrong, there are tons of things I love, just had to get this off my chest. Please do not burn me, we are all entitled to our opinions, if you disagree, that is completely fine. 🙂 

    Honestly to me, after the personal story, lw4 is the best story the game has, or rather, its only true good one. IBS was terrible, lw3 had its moments but that entire section where my charr character swore his life away for some information easily gained elsewhere leaves a sting in the mouth, lw2 is fine but old now and the achievements make you hate it (Seriously Anet, fix that, don't make me sit through those Centaurs once more, please). Did not get to experience lw1. 

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  8. 1 hour ago, Dadnir.5038 said:

    True, personally I don't see this announcement as a good one. The warrior is losing the only niche were it's currently "competitive" with this change.

    Exactly, If they make Classes too similar like has plagued other mmo's to their detriment. What will Warriors bring? Why every bring a Warrior over a Firebrand? Banners at least allows Warriors to have a niche at all, remove that niche and... 

    • Like 1
  9. I'm gonna laugh so hard when they somehow make everything worse for Warriors like they always do. Banner rework? Watch them remove banners entirely instead of what we expecting and then we can finally stop being a bannerslave.. oh wait. 


    I mean, if they actually do something good for Warriors for the first time in years? That will be a pleasant surprise for sure, but given their track record. 

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  10. 11 hours ago, Devson.8203 said:

    Would You mind sharing Your build?

    Sure can!: 


    I'm not full asc myself yet, but had great results when I was trying out the spec in full exotics. End goal is that for gear. Hizen uses Dagger+Torch for his swap and Iboga for merge and uses Moa stance over Poison trap. I changed to this just because Poison trap is just so good with this spec, and since I had ground aoe through that and the spiders merge abilities it free'd up not needing Torche's effects. Allowing for shortbow use - which is great to have should you need to range a mob or hit anything from a distance, also great to have quick access to shortbow five for finishing off or putting a great dent into any Bar. 

    Since you apply taunt, slow, immob, cripple, and can daze/stun when needed I have never once had an issue solo breaking any bar in the game quickly. You always stay merged, pet being out makes you weaker as merged you have a constant passive heal from beastmastery and of course its multiple buffs. Dolyak stance up whenever you are in trouble or to stun break as it makes you take massively reduced damage as with your dodge rolls, you have protection and it up at once. You constantly have Regen on you, and of course, constantly heal on every single poison application. Combo fields stack with Vulture stance, so Poison field applies 3 Poison to up to 5 targets, allowing for 170x5x3 heals every tick it does. (usually always end up on full health against multiple targets, great get out of trouble ability for harder places or boss fights). Basically while Vulture stance is up its extremely hard to die, great opener with SOTP, cause of its instant 25 stacks of might. 

  11. On 12/24/2021 at 8:26 PM, medivh.4725 said:

    This doesn't look fair? How many flesh minions or swamp things on me. I want to fight player, not NPCs 


    I just find Necro the funniest class in the game, that they can get away with so much, being one of the most broken classes in this game, that had all its counters nerfed. They meta so unless you play meta classes, you will lose against em' 

  12. 3 hours ago, ShionKreth.1542 said:


    It IS sounding like I shouldn't have too high expectations for a core class... which is a bit of a shame, but that's neither here nor there. I am like 50-60 points into spellbreaker, which definitely did elevate it from core warrior. Revenant is still core and seems pretty darn strong anyway; thief is only level 55 or so. I'm about 80% of the way through unlocking soulbeast, but for open world I like having the pet active - perhaps I could entertain trying untamed... though it seems a little complicated. Thanks for your input, either way. 🙂 

    Ah I see, well if you want to have the pet out then yes you should have to deal with less dps and less sustain 🙂 That goes more so for Untamed as its the least pet dps spec we will have. Its rather unfortunate but Anet really doesn't want to deal with the bad pet ai and balancing 

  13. 6 hours ago, ShionKreth.1542 said:


    I also enjoy the ranger class fantasy. 🙂 To answer you, I think it's the lack of sustain and almost complete inability to cleanse, without a significant enough upside to balance that out, that I feel is lacking. Of course, it's very possible I'm just not properly utilizing all the resources at my disposal, since other ranger players are clearly managing somehow. As far as I'm concerned, it's equally likely that it's not right for me, or that I just don't 'get' how I'm supposed to play one properly. I understand no one can answer that for me in a forum post, I just wanted to hear from other rangers who understand what each class does what we offer and what I should expect. 


    For Cleanse, Sigil of cleansing works fine with Dolyak stance covering anything to do with stuns or slows. Trailblazer Condi SB is incredibly sustainable, just watch Hizen's YT vid on the ultimate Ranger build for open world for good examples, either use that spec or make your own around it like many have 🙂

  14. For open world and solo'ing all pve content I just use a modified version of Hizen's build for Condi SB for max healing with poison. Poison trap/ Spider Poison ground based effects both are essential full heals. Duel dagger allows for constant application as well and swap to Shortbow for any ranged assistance. Beastmastery means when merged you also are constantly passively healing. You end up with so much sustain its hard to die against legendary bounties as long as you are merged. Fractals easy to solo. 
    Never play core Ranger in any content, it is 100% weaker then Soulbeast. 

    Only main issues with Condi SB is aoe effects which those 2 poison fields and the beast aoe do help with, but for single targets condi shreds through them and its hard to die even in exotics without infusions. 

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  15. 3 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    The metas and bounties will be the hardest part now that the rush is over, but LWS3 and LWS4 have rotating dailies on the maps. Just do those maps when they are dailies and you shouldn't have as much trouble. Otherwise keep an eye on the LFG tool for impromptu groups, or even better make one yourself.

    What I ended up doing, Needed bounties to finish the achievement off  so just made a group and kept going till they were all done for everyone, great way to both benefit yourself and others 

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  16. 1 hour ago, Pati.2438 said:

    @oscuro.9720 the point is.... warrior were not played in pvp as it Was in pve. In pve all you were doing is spaming dragon trigger as often as you can. In pvp your more playing around that gunsaber Auto attack Chains, its 2 and 3 skill and of course the axe pistol to do decent damage. Dragon trigger Was more used for cc. 

    How ever again anet decided to do a Patch for pve ...... the joke here is. Those pve Patch killed bladesworn right before it drops ingame cause they overnerfed dragontrigger damage (hard nerf for pve) and at the same time they give dragontrigger stability while cast it and remove the stability off flowstabiliser. So in the end they made it week af in pve (another bannerslave crap spec yays) but also killed it in pvp (no stability in pvp out of dragontrigger and that one doesnt see use aside of cc). So gg anet and no love for warrior again lmao.

    Oh yeah I was so hyped from the first beta. Finally FINALLY we had a competitive pve dps spec, that can also have great sustain for open world farming. Finally a dps spec that allows us to top boards and be something other then a periodically dying banner slave as the necro stands in all the fire not dying. Then Beta 2. Nerfing Flow stab and its damage by over 20 thousand per second and making it somehow worse to play, while also removing a lot of its sustain and weapon swap interactions. 
    I did call it of course way back before we knew about Bladesworn, it was good in Beta 1, so it was nerfed into the ground. If its bad, it won't be buffed. I so wanted them to surprise me but of course they were 100% predictable from beta 1 - 2. 
    Essentially, the next balancing patch is what determines if its a playable spec at all or even worse. 

    • Confused 2
  17. Yeah didn't we work it out during the beta test that in pvp environments, never use DT? I just remember that everyone found you just did more damage auto attacking. 
    Not to mention you can jump over DT attacks because they designed them poorly. 
    hahaha I can see this spec being dead on arrival depending on how they've balanced it, honestly its one of the only specs I was looking forward to after the first beta as I want to play my Warrior again. Please EoD, be kind. 

  18. 9 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    When they do the alleged post EoD balance [Promised (TM)] I'd like to see Healing Signet changed to this:

    Healing Signet:
    Passive: 344 (0.05) healing per second (no fcking splits 344 isn't even that egregious...)
    Active: Heal for 2330 (0.5). Gain Resistance, Protection, and Resolution for 6s.

    In the Defense traitline I would add an effect that causes Resolution and Resistance to cleanse 1 condition when applied or expires/stripped/corrupted/stolen, 1s icd per boon ( meaning that Healing sig would cleanse 2 conditions, then 2 more if the boons run their course. If they are stripped immediately no condi would be cleansed).

    Yes I buffed the scaling on the active use. Yes, I did not put a split there. Yes, I know what I did there.


    Hah if only, that would require them to put "buff" and "warrior" in the same sentence, might get someone fired. 
    Cause that's not even that strong still compared to other classes accesses to these things yet would be a great boon for Warriors. Decent heal and some nice boons to help after using it as you lose the passive, a great panic button. 
    Seems like a lot is riding on what the balance patch does. 

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  19. 1 hour ago, Fueki.4753 said:

    Sadly, I can't link something that doesn't exist.

    If Arenanet had planned anything for sPvP, or at least that sPvP still is "on the table", they should have dropped at least one small sentence. But since they didn't, it's quite obvious that there's nothing in the planned future for sPvP.

    I wish pips were a more dynamic system. Even something simple as one pip for each 50 points your team earns and one pip for each top statistic you earn would be better.

    Look at that, you already thought of a better system then the game has in a comment on a forum post than the Pvp dev team could think of since the pip system was introduced.

  20. 2 hours ago, ixon.2496 said:

    What annoys me most is the disparity in pip gains, especially when farming for ascended shards/legendary armor. 


    18 wins can fill up the repeatable byzantium track. It would take 60 losses to do the same, 36 or even 40 id be fine with. But every loss thats out of your control is costing you major progress, time and effort.


    Its no wonder people get so toxic when they have no say on who they have on their team.

    Even worse if its a 500/499 loss and you get what, 3ish pips to their 10ish. One point difference and its either a time loss or a time save by hours. Like once you realise that a 500/0 loss is the same as a 500/499 loss its not hard to realise why people afk at spawn or bot. If the losing side could still work towards more rewards even if they lose pvp would be so much better.  

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  21. The best unfair nerf was when they changed Resistance. Which nerfs Warriors without them even having to put Warrior in the notes, Healing signet going from protection against all conditions to just non-damaging conditions with no buffs or anything to its duration like they gave other classes, like Anet just forgets Warriors exist. 

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  22. 2 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

    Yes: Kasmeer froze in front of Balthazar and allowed him to nearly kill Marjory. She suffered severe burning injuries. They supposedly worked it out afterwards, but things have never been the same since. Oh, and before that, Marjory went off on a dangerous solo mission without telling Kasmeer about it - that did not help, either.

    I really don't like their portrayal a lot of the time, though. The whole relationship has been way too cliché: lesbian couple, one dominant, the other shy; calling each other names of endearment (honey, dove, etc) 24/7 in front of everyone instead of their actual names; one appearing unhealthily dependent on the other; working through the issues in their relationship in front of everyone when there are other important matters at hand; and, of course, all the constant drama and doubts, geez...

    As a gay woman, I was thrilled at first, like you, to see a lesbian couple in an RPG. However, the writing for them has been subpar - something that can be said for most of the other Destiny's Edge guild members as well, I guess.

    Unfortunately, that is usually how they write them in media, so they can be "praised for representation" even if in real life, no one acts like they do. So that, if you say anything against it for say, bad writing, you get attacked. Look at your reactions already in 2hours. The people saying its good are the ones which it doesn't represent and the people who it does represent, get confusion reactions. Like I'm BI, but the last thing I want to see is BI characters, cause I know they will only exist purely for PR reasons cause writers think its a get out of jail free card. 

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