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Everything posted by GrayHawk.7560

  1. Happily for the upcoming week - 1. Rev 2. War Then probably Engi or Ranger.
  2. True, still I think it may be a bridge too far conceptually. In every way possible Asgeir would make more sense than Svanir if they wanted to go the Norn route. I guess we'll find out soon enough in a few days but the speculation is fun nonetheless.
  3. I agree totally. Svanir is also pretty unlikely as, given GW2 's over arching story and all, I can't really picture the commander electing to channel a corrupted dragon champion.
  4. 100% what I would be thinking. If Anet hadn't said they were going to try tie the elites to Cantha Asgeir would have been the first legend I would think of, I mean we don't have a Norn yet and as far as legends go, the dude (with the help of the Spirits of the wild and Jotun scroll) defeated a Legendary dragon champion, stood toe to toe with an elder dragon, was the first person to injure one, single handedly saved his people, established their new capital and had to sacrifice his personal beliefs to do so. His story is pretty kitten epic. I doubt Jora, firstly she was a hero in GW1 second she was nowhere near as impressive as Asgeir. The only reason they would go Jora over Asgeur would be the female representation. There's also a chance the Rev elite won't be Canthan themed since we already channel Shiro who is essentially and arguably the most influential Canthan legend as it is. Aesgir with a Spirits of the Wild mechanic could be interesting icon wise, everyone has been assuming the eye or mask are Rev but imagine that's a red herring and the animal face icon is the Rev icon....
  5. Shiro is the "Assassin" stance, his stance's attacks are full of blinks and evasions, there's nothing preventing more warrior type stance, probably focusing on things like stab, CC etc. If it's Asgeir though it would probably lean into the spirits of the wild, mechanically not sure how Anet could choose to use that but it's an easy option for a legend selection perspective, as a character he would make sense as well feat wise.
  6. Norn have a couple of non villain options one of which is Jora though that's doubtable. A contender however could be Asgeir Dragonrender (retconned to use a GS instead of sword and shield).
  7. Despite the two above views on Archemorus and Viktor being opposed I actually agree with both for different reasons and think both are compelling arguments. I had also brought up either or both of them on the old leak thread that got deleted. I think they have the potential to be retconned to a degree but I actually think the two biggest factors acting against them are- 1. That including them without Vizu would be strange unless the focus is more on them as champions rather than the deed of killing Shiro 2. More importantly, they're humans. This alone goes against the trend Anet seems to go with for legends. Anet seem to try link each legend to a different race/creature. As a result I doubt we will get any of the humans, Archemorus, Viktor, Vizu, Togo etc. Its more likely we will get a Tengu, Oni, Norn, Asura, Forgotten etc. The closest we would get to a human IMO is a ghost like Adelburn but a) it's unlikely that Rytlock would ever channel Adelburn and b) the foefire had 0 to do with Cantha. The most left field could be something like Razah since he's referenced in the Exordium lore and could add some interesting mechanics. Still unlikely since it didn't really do much legendary and I doubt we will get a GW1 Hero as a legend.
  8. All this plus the red and blue matching Rev's weapon tool tip colours and you know the whole slamming sword into the ground a-la Rytlock and the whole foe fire / mist flame/energy thing.... very unlikely it's going to not be Rev...
  9. The Mistward armour isn't actually black, it's Pitch, Abyssal Ice (and Cherry). Even the skill stops are more very dark blue and red though black isn't incorrect either. Given the dodge animation colours the black shades red and white would probably be the most accurate but as RabbitUp said above Rwv gets a new colour with each spec and the glowing hands of different colours sort of throws off fashion wars a fair bit. Personally I match my colours more to the theme of the build I'm using. Eg my power support / openworld herald leans more into blues, silvers and the Glint pallet of colours (for crystal type looks), thematically I also see power / support herald as the more heroic 'Dragon Champion' type trope than dark edge red and black. My condi specs lean more into those colours and my core specs stick to the black red and greys. My Renegade uses more of the fiery orange type pallet than red and more charred / dark greys than black
  10. ANet has already released the Rev elite image with the greatsword? Not 100% confirmed to be Rwv but it's essentially guaranteed... plus there was a weapon leak... so?
  11. Not disagreeing but keen to read it again, which patch notes were these?
  12. In fairness, I get missing it on Twitter but you're quite active on the forums and there's literally a 7 page thread on this and the Tweet gets shown on the bottom or side of the forum page so that's a bit bizarre. Anyway, at least you've seen the pic now I guess 🤷🏼‍♂️ On a side note, Shao, I cant easily find your stream details, everyone says you're excellent with hammer, I'm only having some mild success with it bit would like to improve, I play a fair bit more Hwrald in OW because of the movement speed so want to be good with our ranged weapon there (and potentially in EoD), please can I get the link? Even if its in a DM or whatever?
  13. Less skills as in kits replace your weapon skills with kit skills, bundles didn't work like that. I meant less skills compared to engie kits not Rev's in general.
  14. A bundle elite for Revenant would be awful. 5 bundle utilities? That would be like a full kit engie with less skills and no toolbelt ... no thanks. The only way that that could remotely work is if our F2 or F skills become bundles that augment the rest of the utilities. The whole bundle mechanic also doesn't work with GW2's more dynamic gameplay.
  15. Not all new players are alike. If you are both enjoying and having some success with Rev in PVP go ahead and play it. As one of the posters above said, that is the advice given to people who have done no research into the game and its systems. If you are having success go for it. The only reason Rev is considered somewhat complex is the energy management system and legend switching. If you can get used to both then no problem at all. Rev can be an incredibly powerful and forgiving class with the right gear, is among the best professions in the game for open world and is desired in all other content. You certainly can't go wrong playing it. There is another thread a bit further down "How do you frikkin play Revenant" or something similar. There are some excellent tips in the thread to give you some hints to keep improving and having fun with the class.
  16. Seems to be causing a bit of chaos 🙂
  17. I'm definitely not one to be calling for Ritualist but if we do have anything related I don't think it will be Togo, there's more chance of it being Razah, Razah would also be very interesting thematically but I have no idea how they would incorporate his shape shifting shtick into the utilities. Could be pretty cool though. As a slight hint for why this may be possible, look at the Lore entry for Exordium.... "Explorers venture into the Mists, and sometimes the Mists venture back. Though far less sentient than the Mist-being Razah, Exordium takes some joy in adapting to its wielder's needs and expectations." Also I'm now daunted by the fact that I may need to actually craft the kitten thing since it's thematically perfect for a Revenant. Maybe our GS gets the trident treatment after all?
  18. Interestingly enough there seems to be a bug with Engineers after the last patch, apparently if you right click a Holo's F4 a pet name change box pops up. It's leading to a lot of speculation that Engi is getting a perma pet (probably golem). Sorry know this is the Rev forum but seems on point.
  19. There is some really excellent advice above so I won't regurgitate it unnecessarily. Rev is one of the worse choices as far as boosting goes because there is quite a lot to get familiar with energy management, legend swapping, F2-F4 abilities (where applicable), weapon swaps etc and there is quite a lot of nuance - - one example is with on swap sigils, they proc on both legend swap and weapon swap (subject to their cooldowns) this can have many applications; - another consideration is your goal. Rev more than most locks itself into a defined roll because you have to choose the appropriate legend for said roll. They all play a little differently; - Rev has some interesting advantages/synergies, one eg is the on swap sigils, another is that you have 2 heal skills, 2 elites etc. They are generally balanced around this though. In general there are a few commonalities with each legend that will help broadly simplify them. Each legend has at least - -1 upkeep skill (unless it's Herald, then you have 6). These upkeep skills have varying upkeep requirements of between 1 and 6 energy 'pips'; - 1 PB AoE/AoE skill which has varying effects; - 1 stun break; - 1 hard or soft (or both) CC skill; - 1 movement skill or skill that affects movement; Sometimes these overlap so it's very important to read tooltips. Due to Rev not being able to switch utilities, very often its utilities are overloaded or have multiple applications. Traits and their interactions with energy are very important to understand. For eg there are traits where you heal for each pip of energy being upkept, gain extra energy for swapping under certain thresholds etc. On core Rev your F2 gives you 25 energy in addition it its other benefit Rev auto attacks a lot.... get used to auto attacking. Because of the limited energy pool Rev doesn't spam its skills unless it's for short bursts. More often than not energy will be used either on utilities, to set up a burst, for CC or for the burst itself. Rev works more on a skill priority system than on a rotation. Get used to auto attacking in conjunction with an upkeep skill at first. Eg for open world to practice - on core Rev in Shiro/Jallis, if using sword just to get used to what you are doing at first, turn on impossible odds, auto attack till energy drained then swap to Jallis, turn on hammers auto till drained swap back etc. Get used to the pace and kill speed and you will get used to when you can and can't use a skill. Rev hits kitten hard when built properly. Often on trash mobs you can blink in and burst with eg Sword 5-2 or 5-4 or 5-4-2 and the mob will die. If its a longer fight then you would start with a burst CC combo the move to your upkeep/auto chain rinse and repeat. On Renegade you can do well enough in open world running around pressing 3-2-1 on shortbow then auto until your energy refills unless you need CC. Your energy is also spent on Ice Razor+Dark Razor then autos with F2 thrown in for might when solo / F4 when properly geared and in a group. For condi - Mace 2,3 Axe 5,4 to blink turn on Demon Stance elite and auto. Underwater Trident's effects change depending on your legend so pay attention there. Kala can't be used underwater, Glint can. Mallyx, Shiro and Glint are all very strong and trident's 2 and 5 do insane damage. Just some basic beginner tips, hope they make sense and help a bit. (Typed this on my phone so excuse weird spelling or formatting)
  20. I don't play healing Rev at all so this is just a genuine question because I would love to learn but wouldn't playing herald and ventari fix a lot of those shortcomings? Save for stab of course but there is the bonus of extra boon duration, prot and regen? Downside would be the loss of alacrity, a fair bit of damage and break bar hate I guess (which are all huge concessions). (Again genuine question, I have no idea on this)
  21. All that being said and given the prominent blue flames / mist energy it would be fun to have the fire icon that looks like super saiyan hair and Rytlock's kamehameha from the 2015 trailer as a skill (I assume like Holo's elite).... Before anyone thinks I'm being serious I'm just playing on this one. For funsies here is the link for anyone who hasn't seen it
  22. Personally I'm just using Talon as an example because he was one of the more recognisable names as far as Tengu's go. As far as Talon does go however, he was a staunch ally of Togo's (who a lot of people want as a legend) , was a leader of the Angchu and was part of the original peace summit. At the summit he assisted Togo's escape as the summit was an ambush to kill him. Talon's actions eventually lead to the peace treaty with the Angchu marking the end of the two century long Tengu Wars. He was also the original warrior trainer on Shing Jea and as I surmised, the prominent colour of the Greatsword being the same as the warrior's colours could be a hint at a Legendary Warrior Stance (since we have both Demon and Assassin - making Kanaxai difficult unless they call his Reaver stance or something) Those actions alone are plausible to justify his inclusion in a world where we channel Kalla for doing something similar. Other Tengu options could be - Either of the Honorclaws (Swift or Soar), Swift lead the Angchu and was a Warrior/Necro so could have some fun mechanics, his daughter Soar was also an Angchu leader and was an assassin trainer being warrior/assassin. Talon's as yet unnamed descendant that led the exodus, unification of the Tengu tribes and establishment of the Dominion of winds. As to why Tengu in the first place, I'm not saying they would be the best choice or even my first choice because they aren't but - 1. Many people wanted Tengu to feature more prominently in EoD 2. They were the guardians of the celestials and part of the We no Su trials 3. They are a warrior race which would be fitting if we do get a warrior themed spec 4. In GW2 lore they are said to have ancient lost knowledge of the elder dragons 5. They aren't human so still fit in with the multi racial/entity legend theme
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