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Everything posted by Trebuidoi.4701

  1. Heavily reduce the duration of stab skills and make it immunity like resistance. Speaking of which, reduce the resistance spam.
  2. Well this is mostly due to us returning to standard match ups today. No carry over essentially. Unless they do a multi-week beta or just implement it (eventually) it's hard to say how it will change player behavior realistically.
  3. I think it is supposed to be accurate for cleanse. I have have not heard anyone say this either. They also don't list any current issues on their webpage, unlike Github projects. Target caps are still mostly 5 so it's not like pets/minions are skewing numbers I'd imagine.. If you have cited sources of information, I'd like to see. But I know there are still issues for the heal add-on and I'm not sure if it's still even being worked on. Several months ago the last update fixed cc/defiance break bar damage counting as heals. My biggest sticking point is that you need other healers' consent to share their data unlike arcdps. This is due to heals not being notified to the server that arcdps otherwise ping pongs back to the client. And I'm not entirely sure if the add-on accounts for over-healing and/or barrier yet according to the listed issues.
  4. I wonder if it will fix current issues as well. At the very least there will be less teams than current servers, so it will seem like more people are playing. The olden server merge basically. The only true way to fix stacking would be to deal people out like a pack of cards and limit transfers, but that would not go over very well.
  5. Viable and meta don't quite go hand in hand unfortunately. I tried to explain why Druid can be good, but it's ultimately the community that decides what is acceptable. My guild can understand I am a decent player on Druid and let me be in a party with a damage scrapper for example. They cover my lack of super speed and I cover the cleanse. But the pugmander is still stuck in 2017 and wants 3 fbs in his party.
  6. Not in the current meta sadly. Anet would have to do A LOT to shift attitudes towards the spec in general. It does give out a lot of boons (Fury, Might, Swiftness, Regen, Protection, and Stab [vigor if traited]), 2 group stun breaks, high burst cleanse, and the new Glyph of the Stars is really good with both options of use. Unfortunately, it also has a high skill cap compared to other cleansers and it's access to super speed is not optimal for zerg play and you also lose access to protection spam if you choose it. But most importantly, pug commanders aren't even using arcdps so they can't see that the druid in the "pve noob" thief/ranger party is the top cleanser 9 out of 10 times.
  7. My immersion was forever ruined with infusion stacking. Seeing thick and glistening male norn thighs in the new scale armor, doesn't even make me bat an eye anymore. Everyone could be wearing maid outfits shooting Dreamers, and I would still be more upset by the guy as bright as 10,000 suns swinging eternity.
  8. I wouldn't even say Celestial is the real problem for roaming. It's also the specs that just aren't fun to play against. I.e. Tempest, Catalyst, Herald, Dragon Hunter, Willbender, and Untamed. And the fact the number one suggestion for people new to the scene is to bring a buddy. Even Rifle/gs berserker becomes a lot more scary when he is free casting on you while you fight his 50% uptime invuln Catalyst gf. That's probably the real reason people run Cele and Dire. Until Xv1ing stops being fun for the groups, we won't be returning to the old days of just seeing people bow and duel with non-kittenous stats and reset ability. And bystanders actually just observing. So do what you got to do to actually have a chance in 1vx.
  9. I hope the next beta for alliances is soon. Or the next relink.
  10. If anything, Maguuma clearly shows which commanders/guilds can't handle being clouded. Which seems to be nearly all of them on my server this week.
  11. While a really funny video, the scrapper version was heavily nerfed with the Stealth Gyro change. Shame, that one seemed like the most fun.
  12. Sure it's a height problem? There are places in wvw where my max sized Charr's projectiles get obstructed by the air itself. The SW camp on the Alpine Borlderlands for one.
  13. The current system is bad because guilds can hop to and stack link servers and ergo the host. Alliances will still be stacked and devoid of content once the dust settles and it will be the guilds again killing the mode. It has a lot more to do with the community than the game or Anet. Fight guilds need to realize when you grow to a blob and "steal" players (your former content) from other servers, you get no (quality) content at the end of the day. You chase and farm people half as good as you, what fun. We need to foster a community that actually likes to fight near equal skilled players, not just stacking numbers and scaring everyone away. This is painfully obvious and apparent in the OCX timeslot on the NA servers. Perhaps for the next beta, you let guilds actually try to properly network and set up an alliance and see what happens? While there were a lot of people on for this event, I felt just as bored as last week.
  14. So you want to use 3 slots per party for support? FB for stab, druid heals, and a dedicated cleanser? I guess you might have a mesmer for utility as well. Now you have 1 person in your party doing damage. Glyph of Unity is a crutch for bad game design, if you aren't even trying to compete for cleanses, you are a waste of a party slot as Druid. Druid with Water runes and Equality instead can barely keep up with Vindicator and it heals just as much.
  15. We have been trying them out as cleansers/support as not many people seem able/willing to play Tempest. It's comparable to Vindicator in terms of support, but no where close to Tempest, either of them. I do think Druid is A LOT better than the average commander thinks, especially when all you have to do is check the food to see what each class is trying to do. Or just use arcdps and see who actually is under-performing with cleanses. That said, Druid is still being held back by Celestial Avatar, imho. Most of your bread butter tools are locked behind both an energy system and a form swap cool-down. For Druid to actually be great, one of those restrictions needs to go. Put a internal cd on the cleanse and stealth if need be. Also, Glyph of the Stars is probably the only glyph in WvW where it has similar, but different, value in and out of CA in a squad on squad fight. Alignment and Equality are much better saved for CA as that is your primary job to cleanse/support. TLDR; While decent, it's still too bursty and easy to be caught with your pants down in large fights.
  16. I would just rather have tickets on repeatable chests at the end. Reward the people that actually want to be there.
  17. Hey there! I recently came back to the game (Still need to do EoD) and I am also historically a WvW player. I'd kindly appreciate an invite as well, as I am looking to finally get around to more PvE things than just the open world!
  18. It is still happening with the Bearded Dragon Skyscale skin. While I won't complain too much as I got it for free today, it is very noticeable how it freezes the game for a few seconds when you first mount up. Basically like having the North meta of Drizzlewood everywhere I go now! XD (Should I laugh or cry, idk anymore) Edit: -but
  19. Ah yes my soulbeast manually tagging things with an axe to see what kind of loot they were bothering to get. All I see here is you accusing me of botting from simply investigating a group of 6+ necromancers all the same spec, standing together, and farming an area while not moving. How would anyone not be curious about what they were doing? Especially when it's the not the first time you have seen the practice. Also worth mentioning, I did not name any persons, associations, specific zone, or area of said zone. Nor have I even stated whether or not I even think it is ban worthy. This is not about mudslinging, but observing a phenomenon that is occurring in this game. That apparently hardly anyone gives a flying kitten about. P.S. The personal attacks are coming from you sir.
  20. Not once did I mention punishment of players. I am merely suggesting the current popular method to be looked at again by the staff and developers. And fyi since you went there, the American legal system is not perfect. The nation was founded on quite a few unjust laws and principles that have been rightfully struck down through the course of history. A law is not a just law from simply being a law. Rules can change, especially if it is for the betterment of society.
  21. Some of us have been playing since launch (or any extended period of time) and have only just started to participate on the forums. For any given reason. Should everyone link their API so you can verify whether or not we qualify to give any input here?
  22. I recently deleted my Human Ranger to make a Charr Ranger. Losing bag slots and character age sucks, but goddamn was I getting tired of 90% of my characters being Norn or Human. I think it's a great suggestion, but there have been some really great counterpoints and explanations.
  23. I don't have an old screenshot on hand, but it is just as bad in FFXIV with something like Odin. It's just that it doesn't have nearly as many large scale World Boss type events.
  24. Sometimes I also wish the gear system operated similarly to Spvp. It can be a real bummer or annoyance when your group has way too many of one class but you aren't kitted out in another to fill the hole. It may be easy to get exotics, but if am to play competitively on an even level I would like to be in full ascended gear first. And so the grind continues.
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