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  1. Jade bot? Oh that thing, yeah. I know I have it somewhere but since I don't go back to Cantha I don't even see it anymore. I know it gives me some health and scraps kitten for me and that's about it.
  2. Q: Now that you've really got to experience EoD, what are your thoughts? A: Let's go back to to Tyria and the Desert and leave these crazy xenophobes alone.
  3. Well, ANet pretty much said the event is nearly where they want to have it so their side of the coin is pretty clear now. They will eliminate a "bug" that lets Soo Won bite more often than intended (I personally don't think it's a bug, it was just kitten design) and dish out the Void thing. I reckon that'll be it then.
  4. The thing is, they could make money with WvW; oh, and even make it more attractive to engage in with only a few tweaks, most of which have been mentioned here already.
  5. ANet should just roll it all back to Guild Wars Factions with us kicking the Luxons out of Kurzick ancestral territory.
  6. Yep, I just checked the poor house in Divinity's Reach. They're all Mesmers there.
  7. The last guy who asked a question like this got his thread deleted so you'd better watch out. 😄
  8. I meet a Sylvari every day at Augury Rock trying to Ascend so they're still around. Other than that I guess their "function" was accomplished once "Old Mord" got kicked in the teeth. I always thought they were created in a very shallow and not too compelling way, probably because they were destined to be discarded anyway. Maybe it's also because they don't have as rich a lore as the Charr, Humans and Norn do, because we know them already from Guild Wars 1. Oh yeah, and the Ewoks Asura, of course...
  9. We have full zergs of Rangers in full Shaman gear doing Crippled Shots only. At least that irritates the kitten out of our enemies.😆
  10. This is a good idea and while we're at it, ANet should offer a Guild World Event flag just like Tequatl, Karka Queen, Triple Trouble and whatnot so that guilds can do this event with their own crew and put it in their event schedules. You know, after all, this is called "Guild" Wars, no?
  11. Short answer: They seem to think that length = epic; which is a total fallacy. "The Rise Of Skywalker" is 2:22 hours and it's everything you DON'T put into a movie and hence it's the epitome of "un-epicness".
  12. I'm still hoping for a Kurzick/Luxon themed Borderlands map which is on the brink between the Echovald and the Jade Sea. Oh well, and if pigs had wings bacon would be more expensive...🙄
  13. The prep phase was excellent for levelling the new (and mostly useless) masteries but after that the entire meta is just an unnecessary time sink. Yes, you will receive the maximum of +10 chests for the prep bonus but only if you overcome Randomius The Great and actually beat Soo Won. I find it all pretty useless and I have more fun doing Chak Gerent -> Octovine -> Augury Rock/Doppleganger and then whatever comes next: Junundu, Pinata, Serpent's Ire or Maws of Torment. You get more loot, meet cooler people without the demand for LI and in general makes me think I actually accomplished something.
  14. You can buy an EoD skin for your warclaw. Isn't that enough? 😆 Seriously, I was hoping for a revival of the Luxon/Kurzick conflict but ANet botched that when they decided it's enough to have it as a duality spec for the new revenant. Wasted opportunity in my view...
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