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  1. Will there be no fix? Will be disappointing if I have to miss the expac launch due to consistent connection issues.
  2. I don't think VPN as solution should be normalized. It is unacceptable to force players to use VPN just to make the game playable, when the FAQ states "use at your own risk" Network Connection FAQ – Guild Wars 2 Support This is a problem for only a portion of the playerbase yet it should be seriously addressed by Arenanet. For us players, the best we can do is to submit ticket and make it obvious to them that this is a problem.
  3. https://imgur.com/a/Y6arp8Y Above is the link to the screenshots for the maploadinfo loadout. All three are in the stuck state. It didn't load or loaded but stopped halfway or not sure what happened. All three screenshots were taken today. None of the maps were successfully loaded. So it is still happening as of the time of this post. I connected from SEA region though, and you can see from other threads that we have serious ping issue. I am surprised this happened within NA.
  4. Seems the moderator have taken notice, but no clue will it be seriously addressed. This problem constantly happening since long time ago.
  5. Same issue with me. Are you guys connecting from SEA/OCE region? I used the -maploadinfo function. It either stuck at 0% or 100% yet never progress. Only started 2 weeks ago.
  6. Please do not require us to park alt in Homestead in order to have a copy of them appear there. There are a lot of usage of alt parking outside of Homestead, but I still want to see them there.
  7. Please make it work like Scourge as well. To have both ranged cast and the tempest to be the center of AoEs, at the very minimum, just the boons pulses.
  8. The Celtic inspired race (if any) in GW2 is actually the Sylvaris. Look at their names: Caithe, Riannoc, not to mention Caladbolg (or Saladbowl). But please do add more hairstyles, facial hairs, tattoos options. Definitely not enough option.
  9. https://imgur.com/a/nZUHdUr Come join us for fun and giggles. @Rubi Bayer.8493 Please make /flex emote for ALL races. And Norns can have 2. 😝
  10. To be honest, after testing, the spears are kind of.... underwhelming......
  11. My guess is because Jade Bot is tied to EoD, so as a baseline they have to make the housing bee a stand alone, in case the player did not purchase EoD. But nothing should stop Anet to include the usage of Jade Bot and its skins as a bee replacement if you have EoD.
  12. Why is it bright jade bot green? Mace got the green right, spear green however, should be given to mechanist instead of ranger.
  13. I have this issue that Abyssal Blitz sometimes produce 3 mines, sometimes 2 mines. Does anyone else have this issue?
  14. I forgot about the ICD, but you get my point. The healing amount is trash. It was much more strategic play with giving Aegis on demand before the nerf. ----------------------------------------------------------------- The whole mantra design had been more of a punishment than benefit. Instead of final charge to be a big plus, it punishes player that use final charge with CD and cast time. Now, removing the cast time and auto CD only alleviate the whole punishment. The idea should be that final charge of mantra gives big benefit to FB instead. My proposal is to tweak Grandmaster trait of FB to add benefit when final charge of Mantra is used depending on the trait, similar to Firebrand relic. Stoic Demeanor : Add create small bubble that block projectiles when final charge of mantra is used (3 sec). Quickfire: Add refresh tome pages when final charge of mantra is used. Loremaster: Add increase outgoing healing by 10% for 5 sec when final charge of mantra is used. This would add a strategic play for FB to situationally use the final charge of mantra, instead of just spending them when CD is up. The additional effect is up to debate, but the idea is to make the final charge of mantra situationally beneficial for FB.
  15. Spear 1 Definitely this. Spear 1 is so weird. The cone is fixed at the start, however there is delay because of spear animation swing, hence if you move during the animation, the cone blasts behind you. There is almost like an invisible cast time on it. Solution is to speed up/streamline animation of the swing and the blast so that it is instantaneous. Spear 2 As people said, the movement is slow and janky. There are multiple solution towards this. I prefer to make it a faster leap and area targeted. At the minimum (although not preferable), there is something similar, which is Warrior Staff 3 (also slow in my opinion). Similar but instead of dash and cancel, it is a simple area targeted skill. Spear 5 Symbol is important aspect for healing builds and Symbolic Avenger. It needs to be on a lower CD. Overall for a support weapon, the healing output is questionable and Illumination mechanic kinda fails to deliver its benefit.
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