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Everything posted by HonesltlyX.7164

  1. I think we have more than enough mounts now that covers most of what we need from flight to swimming. When turtle mount was released I wasn't too excited about it because I already have all of the other mounts that does everything the turtle does and better. (other than passenger which is meh to begin with). I think adding to existing mounts is better than getting yet another mount for something niche that we probably will never use.
  2. Do /crossarms on a charr character one of these days and they will stand upright for you 🙂. I do it all the time cuz it looks awesome.
  3. I have kept 2 level 80 boosters in my shared inventory slots over the course of my play time. I have never used it. I only used 1 recently with a new character slot. I plan on using it again to reroll my necro. Basically if you haven't used it you probably aren't going to. So just use it. Just do it and get it outta the way ans save your tomes for spirit shards or something.
  4. The first half isn't that bad imo. If you have a jade bot just get a filter. It's not difficult. The walls could be more destructible. It takes forever to get through them. My main gripe about Gyala Delve is the second half. It is too turtle mount centric. The turtle mounts speed and turtle reactor mechanic makes it feel like one big slog. Some feedback for Anet; in the future don't build a map meta around 1 mechanic that you need a specific mount for. Give players more fun things to do than run around collecting shinys in a unweildly vehicle. Indirectly dealing damage to a boss by completing events feels unsatisfying. I just wanna smash the boss in the face and occasionally perform a fun mechanic through a boss fight.
  5. As a player who mains a Charr toon. I cannot tell you how many times I get disappointed when armor even the latest ones look terrible on him. Please take extra time on the new legendary armor to make sure it looks good on Charr as well. I don't want to see another pixelated noseguard open face helmet. Make it fit like how the scrapper mask or the grinning tahkyun mask fits nicely over the snout. Leaving the jaw underneath open and a nice fit covering over the top of the face. It shouldn't look like a bubble for a head. Add resolution to the torso. Better yet add resolution to the whole thing. Give the leg a exit for the tail. I don't wanna be sad like I was sad with Warmth of Koda.
  6. In the stream they stated they made the change to Arc Divider because they wanted to give us more of an opportunity to do other things than watch us do 3 spins in a ling cast time. The problem I have with this is that the other greatsword skills are terrible and not really worth using incomparison to Axes for example. So they nerfed the best part of that for berserker and made it to another Arcing Slice. I don't think any warrior player complained about Arc Dividers cast time. They need to rework or buff the other greatsword skills to compensate for this change. Because as of now, all of the buttons pretty much suck.
  7. With the new patch coming up this Tuesday we will be getting some big changes to professions and how some applies boons. I have been going back and forth with a friend discussing these changes, speculating how things may shape up. One of things we talked about was gear stats. As professions will seem to rely more on rotations to apply boons rather than spam their utilities skills we may see more support builds add concentration to armor pieces to improve boon uptime. The problem I see coming up with this sort of change is that condition support builds will come out on top. The reason is because condition support builds uses to the Ritualist gear while power support builds uses Diviners. Why would that be an issue? Well it goes a little deeper. Because condition damage only needs expertise to improve dps, condition gear allows for more room to play around with other stats such concentration without impacting it's damage. With Diviners we also have concentration but power builds still need precision cap and ferocity in order to be on par with it's DoT cousin. For this reason I believe we will see condition support builds become more favorable in group PvE content because they will have boon uptime while retaining more dps. The only way I can see this issue fixed is to remove ferocity and add it's benefit to the precision stat. Removing ferocity as a gear stat will allow power builds to have more room to play around with other stats and I do not think that it would be harmful to add the slight crit damage benefit to precision when it is scaled properly. Ofcourse, this change shouldn't happen without some proper testing to make sure it's scaling will not break the game. We've been probably asking for this for a while. What are your thoughts?
  8. I hear you. I personally like the soft trinity the community uses right now. I think you may be looking at it the wrong way. It sounds to me like you want more viable healing\tanking roles in the game. Which is a valid desire. However, I think if we take that route then we would have to remove\nerf the inherit healing skills and dodge in the game for every profession. The only reason why tanking isn't viable is because we can rely more on proper positioning, well-timed dodges, and healing ourselves to mitigate damage. This would drastically change the way combat works in the game and the playerbase as a whole agrees that the combat system in GW2 is among the best in the genre because of how rewarding it feels to execute well-timed dodge and heal yourself. As opposed to just outright being punished because a tank failed to properly hold aggro on attacks that will hit you no matter where you are or who/what is in between. Or if a healer failed at properly healing a group. I hear you, GW2 is just a very different game. Lots of players love it because it is very unique in how combat works.
  9. I am having trouble understand what I am reading. Players has been pugging group content around alac/quick/heal/dps for years now. Ofcourse players would impose it on the community. It's fun and effective. Do you mean that they are AGAINST having a "Holy Trinity-like" system using the existing boons in the game? This is a first that I am hearing this. Most people I run end game content with are happy fulling a role in a group surrounding those boons. "A game that doesn't actively design around and bolster non-DPS roles like tanking, healing, mezzing will inevitably be overrun by the playerbase's overwhelming infatuation with hitting things faster and harder. GW2 has been slipping on this for years." I'm trying to understand what you are saying here? Do you want a holy trinity-like system? Or do you wanna just "hit-hard, go burrrr"? It seems like you wouldn't be happy either way.
  10. This maybe a bit of a stretch because I can only speculate to Anets larger plan. I think what they are trying to do is give access to these boons too all specs ahead of a LFG finder integration. Like how in WoW you can queue in dungeon finder for tank, healer, dps. Well maybe (and I'm just speculating) we are actually looking at Anet breaking ground for an entirely new LFG finder system that is similar which allows players to queue for ALAC, HEAL, QUICK, DPS and Anet may finally be able to balance content effectively around these boons. Again just speculation and it's a stretch. I'm just saying that this balance patch may open up a lot of doors for interesting stuff in the future. Definitely needs some ironing out though.
  11. Then why didn't Anet state that this change was made for improvements to PvP. The reason they stated for the change doesn't justify it. This is why I say Anet isn't aware about what Arc Divider is used for. In any case, Arc Divider is going to he useless for PvE if Anet decides to keep this change. No one will want to use it.
  12. You are still just viewing the skill through a PvP lense. Not PvE. It's fine if you enjoy playing a Power Berserker in WvW, I honestly do not know anyone that plays Power Berserker in WvW. But, try to see it through the lenses of PvE which the nerf is impacting the most. I am assuming this is where we aren't on the same page because I just do not understand how you can arrive to your conclusions. Perhaps it is a difference of opinion, although I have seen post of people with similar opinions to my own. This is a general consensus. You are the only one I have spoken to so far that seem to favor this change. The 3 quick strikes in succession doesn't feel slow. I don't know what use it served in WvW. But, in PvE it is mostly a filler. GS isn't favored for anything more than that. Lastly, it is incredibly easy now to get 100% crit cap on berserker with improvements to its crit trait lines in the previous patches. When you are in berserker mode and this is when Arc Divider can only be used, you get a huge increase in precision. Anyone who isn't crit capped on a power build isn't playing it optimally. This is true of every power build out there.
  13. ^^ THIS Arc Divider was not taking up space where we didn't want it to. It was doing what the warrior mains was using it for. Mob clearing and burst filler. Even with the power reductions I'd still use it. But, the strike and cast time reductions is not an improvement it's actually a nerf. There is a misunderstanding that power berserkers use GS as a main weapon. This is incorrect. GS was used soley for Arc Divider when everything else is on cooldown. No one is going to use this anymore. DO NOT REDUCE THE CAST TIME AND NUMBER OF STRIKES.
  14. It's not about numbers, its about usability. PvE power warrior used greatsword Arc Divider for a "burst filler" when Axe/Axe skills are all on cooldown. The problem with this change is that they reduced the cast time where it was actually fine where it was. The reason is because there isn't anything worth using in the greatsword skill set other than GS2 and GS3 while both Arc Divider cast time has finished and now on cooldown while Axes abilities are also still on cooldown. This is why I say that the change will drastically make the dps rotation worst. The GS loop was a great filler in a high intensity rotation that felt rewarding and satisfying to use. The damage I can understand, but the justification for the usability aspect isn't there. Whoever made this change doesn't understand the role that Arc Divider played in the power berserker dps rotation and hasn't had first hand experience using it. The post you highlighted also concluded similarly. "Concluding thoughts:While both DPS variants will probably do a similar and balanced amount of DPS, the new Arc Divider will most likely feel AWFUL to use, since it does way less damage than we are used to. For it to feel good to use I suggest increasing its damage coefficient by a bit and definitely make sure that it still has the same range as the last hit of the current Arc Divider to at least make it feel better than Arcing Slice (GS Core F1 Burst)." Where my conclusion differs is that it will feel worst because of the 2 strike reduction and cast time reduction. The only thing they needed to do was reduce Arc Dividers power coefficients. There is no need to make it into another Arcing Slice.
  15. No. Patch notes say "PvE". Meaning in all PvE content including strikes, raids, fractals, and open world. These is actual PvE game modes that exist in the game. "Arc Divider: Reduced the number of strikes from 3 to 1. Reduced the casting time from 1.86 seconds to 0.8 seconds. Reduced total power coefficient from 5.1 to 2.5 in PvE and from 2.112 to 1.82 in PvP." Going from a 3 hit cast time to only 1 hit at a far less power coefficient will drastically change the dps rotation for the worst. Greatsword contributed greatly to power warrior dps in those PvE content. Not everyone plays WvW and there is still a community that enjoys playing warrior in PvE.
  16. I agree. Class identity should not be compromised in favor of boon diversity.
  17. The crazy part is that last year's flop was also in June.
  18. I disagree they not only reduces the number of strikes but cut the overall power in half. It's not gonna be worth using.
  19. For warrior banners are now completely irrelevant in PvE now that quickness is taken away. The only reason quick warrior is ever a thing was because of banners. Now there is no reason to run it. No one in a group cares for the might, fury it brings if other support classes can do it better without making a group hug a flag in a fight. Why did you nerf Arc Divider? The three 3 strikes to 1 will feel just as bad as the Bladesworn Dragon Trigger 3 change. This will hit like a wet noodle and hurts the spec's fantasy by making it feel weaker than implied. Please nerf just the power coefficient and preserve the 3 strikes. It will feel much better for the class fantasy with the quickness changes to berserker.
  20. It appears that NA servers are down. Checked online and didn't see any technical announcements regarding this. Message on the game launcher says "Connection error(s) detected. Retrying..." Checked my internet connectivity its good. I had some friends try and they are getting the same error message and are unable to login to play the game.
  21. I know in the previous updates to improve Bladesworn Dragon Trigger so that it can do more ranged attacks, that there was a slow down in attack animation. Is there still a fix in the works to return the Dragon Trigger attack animation speed to normal? Was this an intentional change that was not mentioned in the update notes? Would like to hear some sort of response just so that our fellow warriors and I know what to expect going forward with this. As feedback I would like to see animation speed return to it's previous iteration as it feels more clunky with the way that it is now. If animation speed is planned on staying the way it is now I would like to see a buff to Dragon Trigger 1 melee damage.
  22. Who is the other NPC? I don't understand why we are getting two different rifles? Can we just get the same one from all NPCs?
  23. I kinda like it. It gives me that ominous omen of impending doom vibe that just shows up from time to time. It's pretty cool to me. Like that dark creature from Prince of Persia or Lobo Muerte from Puss in Boots.
  24. I think it is important to remember that Anet said this is going to be like this. Everything is going to be released in smaller chunks. So for me, I am looking forward to new content. However, I am not by any means setting my expectations high. Anet has a history of bad story telling in GW2. If I were Anet I would introduce side quest that can further explore the story without voice acting dialogue. Still, this is only the first story patch since EoDs release. Through the last year Anet has focused on making a huge effort on QoL, maintenance, and profession balance updates that were much needed - there is still a lot of work they have to do so don't take this response from me as they are doing great. They are trying and "getting there".
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