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Everything posted by HonesltlyX.7164

  1. Update: I was able to get past this issue by slowing down my dps. It looks like Dragon Slash would cause the boss to skip a health threshold that triggers the transition. After slowing down my dps it transitions through the stages normally.
  2. This is more of a pre-emptive post for constructive feedback for Anet. My fear is that what we are currently seeing is a "beta" approach of sorts before Anet says okay we are gonna roll out this model for future upcoming maps. I'm just posting this while the it's at this stage so that in the event this is what I think it is to hopefully "nip it in the butt". I'm hoping anet will see this and take it under consideration. I have no problems with the primary exchange using raw materials. Just the research notes.
  3. Research notes has been a personal point of contention of mine. It is essentially a gold sink that needed to be done for legendary weapons and new Jade Bot features. I have been able to farm materials on my own and developed a reasonable routine to easy make plenty. However with the new map I feel I need to voice some criticism with regards to using research notes as a map currency. So for those who are unaware we need Mine Keys to open the abundant chest in the new map. This is nothing new. However, what is new is how we go about getting them. Instead of just farming them by completing events there appears to be a soft daily cap - I do not know if this is intentional and this may for all I know change in the future. However, there are NPC who do sell this key in exchange for raw materials. There is an alternative option to exchange them for...YOU GUESSED IT. Research notes and Karma. Okay ANET I get you are trying to sell us research notes, but as a map currency I think this is a terrible idea. I think you should be using imperial favor/writs in conjunction with Karma at a daily cap. Please don't force us to gold sink for keys. This is stupid.
  4. Experiencing a bug in the new Deep Trouble story chapter that is stopping the instance progression. During the boss fight there is no transitions to fighting mobs happening when they should. This will prevent the story instance from proceeding to the next stage. I have restarted the instance three times and have been unable to complete due to this same reoccurring. I am playing a bladesworn and I am dealing a lot of damage quickly via dragon slash. I suspect the phasing is causing this to happen.
  5. I found that ArcDPS was causing me to crash with the new build. Try removing any add ons to see if it helps.
  6. While you explained the reason for the changes in boons for warrior banners, I didn't see an explanation for why the banner mechanics themselves were changed. The previous iteration was simple and efficient. This iteration is not only inefficient it is also unrewarding. We lose our skills, we carry only one flag at a time, and we do not gain any benefits from picking it up and moving it. Can you explain why banner mechanics were changed? How soon can we expect this to be revisited?
  7. I am still using Dreadnought armor because nearly every armor in the game not exclusive to Charr looks absolutely horrendous. Especially in the helmet department. Having every armor in the game designed around just the human models is just laziness.
  8. I think I picked up more or less 28 masteries just by doing a combination of insights, meta's, and strikes. With that said, having a skyscale was a life saver for the insights.
  9. Skyscale wasn't designed to be a sprint grind. It's supposed to be a long-term goal. Unfortunately, it's so darn useful that everyone "needs" one and needs ones NOW.
  10. And again I will reiterate. The hints are too vague. They need to be more clear.
  11. Has nothing to do with exploring the game world. My words were "introduce". All the game has to do is point the player in the right direction.
  12. Right, "hints". I shouldn't have to rely a "hints" especially vague ones. The game should be able to introduce more clearly rather than me having to Google the item itself to find out what I'm supposed to do with it. Google should be used for the "how", not the "what".
  13. I agree, but only to an extent. The example the OP used with skyscale wasn't a good one as an entire guide would need to committed for just that. But, the game does a good job placing you on the path with Gorrik. With that said, there are some things in the game a player will never know about unless someone tells them it is there and unfortunately what you don't know, you don't know. For example, I just finished Mawdrey II after about 8 months of the items taking up space in the bank. I had no clue what it was for and I was afraid to just dump the stuff. Until I Google search I will not get on the path to it. Additionally, achievements are rather messy. The UI does need a clean up and we should be able to at least track achievements like we track objectives.
  14. The only long bows I have used was on Warrior and Ranger. I didn't like Ranger long bow because most of it's damage relies on skills 2 and 5 that are both channeled. I like Warrior longbow more because it does more damage and the burst ability is nice. Especially for condi berserkers. I like Ranger shortbow in conjunction with it's sword/dagger combo. It's fun to dance around the enemy, evading attacks and watching them melt.
  15. I can understand if you think HoT is hard, because it is hard to solo to this day. PoF is easier once you understand what the mobs attacks are and how to engage and avoid them. But, EoD is by far the easiest content to solo. I had little issues fighting mobs in EoD. This games combat is design to reward the player when they become more engaged in combat. By that I mean paying attention to their position, surroundings, and mob attacks. With that said, you need to be more specific about what makes the content too difficult for you. Which content are you referring to? What is it about the content that is making it difficult for you? Do you think it can be resolved, by either re-evaluating your build or changing the way you play?
  16. I can't in good concience support Activision Blizzard after the workspace harassment scandal.
  17. I have Herta. The rewards it generated isn't valuable most of the time, but it does drop something nice. I had it for 2 years. Still haven't gotten the golden drop.
  18. My own opinion on rewards. Coming from experience over the years in more traditional MMOs like WoW. When we complete content we actually received a reward that was beneficial to us in-game. Like higher rated gear. When a new expac comes out we would get access to higher levels and gearing to grind through. I know I'm gonna get some flack on this opinion, but I miss those days when we earned rewards and it felt.....useful. Not as a progression to an achievement that doesn't matter much and not because it's a nice looking skin. But because they boost my character stats even higher, or it has a inherent added benefit for some on my abilities. I know the game is horizontal. But, can we become idk diagonal? Not necessarily, vertical like traditional MMOs were, but at least access to a higher level of content and gear? Something useful for with in the game and not so shallow like skins and achievements that ready don't mean all that much to players not into fashion wars or completionist? The end game content as is gets really old really fast. The lack of good rewards in EOD just makes it worse.
  19. Yeah, gating a mount behind the DE meta was a terrible idea and it was basically useless to put a training area in EOD expac when players need to be level 80 to get there anyhow.
  20. Then what is this? https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Wedding_Preparation_Package
  21. I don't think a queue system for maps will work well, but I do see that maps caps especially for those with meta events is just too low. I've seen squads at 20 and the map is still full. I think squads of 20 or more players should have the option to be queued into their own map instance rather than the public's to make it easier. Especially if map meta's are going to be as difficult as DE in the future which would require a dedicated guild/static to get it done.
  22. I didn't even bother going for the turtle it didn't seems all that great to me compared to the mounts in PoF. I think it's designed to be a mount that can do a little of everything for newer players, but IMO vets who have all the mounts from PoF won't find much use for it.
  23. You can change the stats of Ascended Armor and Weapons using the Mystic Forge with mats, but you cannot change the stats on accessories. I don't think the feature was added to change the stats on those because you can buy ascended accessories in mistlock (except for the backpack).
  24. I agree, it's a shame that a piece of Destiny's Edge story is locked behind old content that is no longer supported or sought after. I would love to see it return in maybe more condensed fractal versions.
  25. Is there a wedding package or something in the Gem Store for RPers who want to get married in game?
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