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Everything posted by Dotveg.5108

  1. Can't say I know for sure, but I would assume that SoTO mastery points work just the same as Central Tyrian points; as in, as long as you can't spend them, they are taken into account and awarded to you, yes, but you can't make use of them until you own any expansion pack — in your specific case, it wouldn't be any expac, but SoTO specifically. The closest example I have of this is hitting level 80 for the first time as a free player, earning the relevant mastery point, and then only being able to use it if your account is upgraded to a paid version. Take what I'm saying with a grain of salt though, I'm definitely not sure if that is in fact a universal rule. But it would make sense to me.
  2. I'm definitely not proud or happy with what I had to do to even get some modicum of response, honestly. Two support tickets, posting here every other month, spamming reports in-game. The only thing that got this even remotely close to being fixed (and I'm still waiting to see if it is come next patch) is when I told the very professional customer service person in front of me "come on, mate, don't give me the generic message, just give the guys who can fix this a nudge and I'll quit wasting everyone's time". I don't know what's going on out back, but it's iffy alright.
  3. Got some lovely news from Customer Service last night: they're aware of the issue and working on it. There's hope for us yet, Synergetics enjoyers.
  4. The best part (not really) is the back-and-forth CS sent me on. "We can't refund this since the purchase is too old, report the bug in-game and on the forums." So here I am. One year of reporting this on and on and on and on. Might send it to CS again. I don't expect any difference now, but maybe if I'm annoying enough, who knows. Not going to harass the poor CS staff that can do next to nothing about it, but hell. The lengths I have to go to. I mean seriously, how hard is it to do the exact same thing than what's already been done to literally all other skins using the same rig? At this point, I'm starting to think somebody at ANet's getting a kick out of this, waiting to see how far into insanity I'll drop before they finally release a fix. They must know, right? They have to. I mean, even Mukluk joked about the skin being bugged, and compared to me, he's like, Guild Wars Jesus.
  5. Can you believe it guys? Janthir, just a month away. Janthir is in a month! Woohoo! I am so happy about this information. Janthir! Just a month away, oh wow. Can you believe it? Janthir! Just in a month! It got here so fast! Janthir! Just a month away! And still no Cyberscale fix in sight.
  6. Okay? We're still talking about Zojja here, right? Just- just making sure. I don't know which person with antisocial personality disorder you're referring to here but uh, yeah. I mean I agree with your points there but you're extrapolating.
  7. I respect your opinion, but I'd like to add just one thing, respectfully: dislikable is highly subjective. As a person on the autistic spectrum, I liked Zojja's snappiness and struggle to belong with the "normal" people of Destiny's Edge! I loved to see her thrive in the Tower, and when I met Isgarren and Dagda, two super-clammed, super socially awkward and easily interpretable as arrogant, pedantic and downright rude characters, I had a genuine moment of "Yup, I get it. That's your people" for her. I won't drown you under a character study since you don't like Zojja, but I just wanted to share my two cents with you. I liked her writing, which also means I understand why you didn't. I don't necessarily think there's much of a lesson to be learned other than you can't create a universally loved character, and that's totally fine. Hell, some people despise Canach when I find him hilarious. I'm glad we don't all like the same things, otherwise the world would be extremely bland.
  8. I like the honesty in this post, felt like it was needed. Nice reading of the room, sincerely. I like the fact that you acknowledge you did overshoot, tried to go too big, and ultimately missed the mark with SoTO's narrative — definitely a problem that came with the territory, since GW2 is to some extent KNOWN for its grand scale, so having to tone it down definitely was and probably still is going to be hard. Admitting where you stumbled is incredibly rare with other studios taking the high road instead. I appreciate you serving us some humble pie. I don't have much in the way of complaints. You've pretty much summed up all the issues I had with SoTO which I feel is comforting. Of course, lucidity only goes as far as your actions will take it. I appreciate you're telling us you've learned some valuable lessons; I'll wait patiently until next week and forward till release to see the results of those lessons for myself. Keeping a healthy dose of skepticism until I see the real deal. Just a smidge. 😌 [EDIT:] Oh, hold on, I know what to complain about! Please make your QA tighter going forward. I'm still very upset you haven't fixed the Synergetics Cyberscale fireball animations to this day even though those have been broken since day one of SoTO. If you're adding functionality to an already existing mount/piece of equipment/other, make sure ALL aspects of it aren't broken and be reactive, please. This isn't exclusive to SoTO, but I feel it's been particularly worse this time around.
  9. Hey, could be worse, at least it's not asura eyes. Or asura cape scaling. Or charr clipping. Or warclaw chain pulling (although that's fixed since they tweaked its numbers). I mean I don't get it, just like you. Used to be, Pre-SoTO, a minor bug like this? Poof, gone next patch. The chubby dragon jade bot comes to mind, or even the gyrocopter. We're nearing a year of me making a fool of myself whining about something that takes as little effort as importing the animation already made using this mount's rig to another skin of the same model. Why is this taking so long? Why the radio silence? Why the sudden obsession with adding more cyber cosmetics only to ignore one of the first three? I'm just tired. Tired and upset. I was excited to get this skin when it came out. I saved up just for it. Now I can't even look at it without being upset that it's just not up to snuff with others. Maybe it's the autism speaking - probably - but it even took out a bit of my enjoyment of the game not to be able to use the one skin I really love without knowing one of its features is totally bugged. I spent more money on this chunk of buggy pixelated metal than if I had bought standard SoTO. Leaves such a bitter taste in my mouth. Now. I'll let this rest for good. Can't seem to shut up about this mount as soon as the thread gets attention. Excuse the theatrics.
  10. One more patch and yep, it still ain't fixed, despite having contacted customer support, made multiple in-game reports, posted on the cosmetic issues thread, and kept this thread going since the first release of SoTO. Skin was more expensive than Secrets of the Obscure, silly me for assuming a simple bug that's not present on all the other skyscale skins would be fixed by now. The worst insult to injury is that you keep releasing Synergetics Cyber skins lately but insist on ignoring the bugged Skyscale. I'll ping @Rubi Bayer.8493 one last time and I'm just going to call it quits. This is getting absolutely ridiculous at this point.
  11. Another major update, another post to say that yup — it ain't fixed! See you after the post-processing update! 🥰
  12. I can see this happening fairly easily, actually. I wouldn't say the current arc is about "the war on Eparch", but rather "Peitha's (mildly succesful although extremely brittle) attempt at revolution", which definitely leaves the door open to more Kryptis story, even outside of Nayos. We even already have somewhat of a precedent for this in the form of Lazarus/Balthazar leading to Path of Fire after his big reveal during LWS3 – self-contained shouldn't mean the storyline as a whole can't be fueled by each expac's events. Anyway, lotta words to say "here's hoping and see you in 3 months" I guess.
  13. Ahai there. Glad there's a topic to share opinions on the expac — here I go. So far, it feels like everything that has been going on in Nayos did not require our intervention — that is fine, this is a world of its own, and we are effectively interlopers butting in on a political situation that basically completely goes over our head. I don't mind that the Commander has been relegated to Wayfinder, and as such, is being looked down on by a mightier-than-thou secret organization that is basically used to play Gods without anyone questioning their morals outside of the walls of the Wizards' Tower. There is absolute hubris in the way Isgarren is treating the problem of the Kryptis insurgency, and definitely room for a very messy failure, which I still hope will be the conclusion to this arc (as it would be the only way, in my opinion, to link the former storylines with this one, and force the Court to interact with the rest of the world, as the Kryptis issue blows wide open and Tyrians all around realize the Dragons were just the tip of the iceberg). The past couple updates have felt like an introduction; a build-up, if you will. We're not going to defeat Eparch, far from it: we are faced with a conflict that is much bigger than us and we can barely comprehend it as outsiders. Peitha herself seems to struggle with the fact that this will not be an easy victory, and what happened by the end of Realm of Dreams comforts me in the idea that we do not know who we are truly facing and what they are capable of. I sincerely hope the Kryptis storyline will not be over by the next major release. A magic hungry, gluttonous, seemingly all-powerful tyrant that consumes the very magic keeping his world alive should absolutely not be thwarted off within a single chapter — definitely not if he is supposed to be a long lasting threat to Tyria itself. As much as I understand the need for a more formulaic release schedule, please do not forget that quality should always come before quantity. Do not rush this story off stage, it deserves time to develop.
  14. The main problem with this event comes from how janky the eye hitboxes are, and the fact that the grenades, for some reason, turn into loose foliage to feed hungry Kryptis upon dudding, and they're not even involved with this event.
  15. If I'm not mistaken, those are linked to two different wizard Bastion banner cape achievements.
  16. On the one hand, yay, more Convergence bosses. On the second hand, boo, another wyvern. I hope we won't get a third one for last patch but eh, who knows.
  17. Happy Canthan New Year one and all! It might be the year of the Dragon, it's still not patch day for the Cyberscale. Here's hoping the next major update brings the adaptive animation and sounds to this clunky fellow, as well as the other skyscales missing them. 🥳
  18. While I am happy everyone will get to enjoy a Legendary Relic even from crafting one single Legendary Rune, and I absolutely do not mind having to unlock new gimmicks through gameplay (as long as they were not already linked to how runes formerly worked as that would be a little bit unfair), I do also think that those who crafted more than one after the initial announcement should be compensated proportionally. Since craft progression is no longer on the table and backpedaling on that newly made decision would anger those already unpleased with it even more as well as those who aren't, how about a tiered achievement for crafting all runes with different rewards based on how many made? Make it retroactive for those who've made them expecting the Legendary Relic, with increasingly enticing rewards — choice of account-bound legendary starter kit at 6, maybe? Account-bound infusion at 7? Just spitballing —, and not only will you have pleased current rune owners, but you will also give an incentive to future crafters into going the extra mile and gearing up even their aquabreather, just for extra shinies. Anyway, release is one month away. Plenty of time to think. Those upset have good reasons, and it's important they're heard out. This is a good decision, but it does deserve a bit more polish, which is definitely why it's been put forward so many weeks in advance.
  19. Add something that removes players from the equation and you're not playing an MMO anymore, you're playing a singleplayer game which happens to be online with the possibility to replace your own characters with other players. I have played an MMO that does this, and everyone plays alone, with five alt characters, never interacting with anyone but themselves. The devs wound up creating single character servers in order to have people play the game again because of how ridiculously barren it had become. Guild Wars 2 has tools to find groups. Most of the content can be run with random players at the click of a button. Open world PvE, WvW and PvP don't even require you group up to play with other people and you will always find others to do things with. I guarantee you adding GW1's system (which, by the way, is not at all an MMO as even ANet themselves point out) over to GW2 would kill the player population. And I'm not even going to touch on the subject of AFK-botters. Plain and simply, hell no.
  20. Pretty sure they messed up the implementation of the tail swipe noise for the new bird skins and made it global instead. Hopefully this'll be fixed soon-ish.
  21. Aaand yep, not fixed. Listen, I understand the focus on making new mount skins instead of making one of the previous ones work 100%, but the effort's been made for all the other skins — this overlook is starting to be rather obnoxious, especially since I've tried bringing it up through almost all official means several times since SoTO's release. This is also a paid skin, I'd like to be able to have it working with the entirety of the game's content after having paid for it like any other skyscale skin owner. I sincerely hope this isn't going to be another Warclaw chainpull animation situation. Sorry if I'm sounding a little entitled, but mount skins aren't exactly cheap. I'd like to be able to enjoy what I've paid for like everybody else.
  22. Wintersday patch coming in less than 24h — I don't want much for the holidays, just to be able to use my skyscale like before. Could we perhaps know if the team is looking at this, @Rubi Bayer.8493 please?
  23. Well as a matter of fact, there is news! You'll be happy to know that the Cyberscale is still not fixed. 🥲
  24. Hi, holo main here. I'm just making this topic to vent a little bit, because I'm super tired of having to guess when I can or cannot interact or pick up stuff while using holoforge. It's so frustrating, it keeps breaking my flow, and it's impossible to guess when it's going to happen because it's not even consistent across the entire game — on top of forcing me to sacrifice a chunk of my gameplay if I'm supposed to grab stuff, yet the forge gets in the way of that. Worst example of that I have in mind, right now, is the Jade Maw boss. Not only do I have to keep hitting things to do my job, but I have to constantly be wary that the Maw might target me, which means I have to deliberately never use my forge if I don't want to die because I dare press F5 to use my elite spec. Please, please take the time to get rid of this outdated restriction. It's already done in more recent areas of the game. Allow us holosmiths to grab stuff when we're just playing our class the way it's intended. Heck - do it for all classes that have a transformation-based skillset that does not remove their hands. I don't expect a tornado to grab jade chunks or whatever, but stop punishing us for playing the game how we're meant to due to something that has been fixed now, and just needs to be applied everywhere it's needed.
  25. Heyo, Been bumping my thread about it for a while and still no fix, so I'm just going to add this to the pile and hope this has some form of impact. The Synergetics Cyberscale Skyscale skin does not have fireball animations, target tracking or skin-specific roar sound design when spitting said fireball. This issue has been here since the first release of Secrets of the Obscure and has yet to be fixed.
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