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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Again, then advocate for changes in the existing format rather than changes in other formats.
  2. I want a shark fin back piece to go with my swim suit
  3. Then advocate for casual dueling in the modes where it already exists rather than modes where it doesn't. To me, this is more of a community problem. Anet provides modes for dueling which many believe have been neglected. I don't PvP or WvW, so I can't say; however, if that is the case then the players in those communities should be rallying to get more attention to those modes. If dueling were such a thing with a lot of popularity, then Anet might throw more resources at it. As things stand now, it would seem that Anet would prefer to spend their resources where such would generate the most return (read: profit). It's a business decision, pure and simple. So, if you want dueling, then make a solid business reason for it that doesn't negatively impact the current iteration of the game modes. One might just have to consider that dueling is not all that popular in GW2 and maybe find other games where it is.
  4. Don't forget huge shoulder pieces, too! Ones that stick waaaay out in the shape of lightning bolts or such.
  5. Yeah, don't forget about tails for non-Charr, too.
  6. There already exists a game mode for dueling. Seems that is not so popular as open world PvE. Maybe there aren't as many GW2 players who want to duel which is why the population in PvP struggles? Maybe Anet realizes this and caters to the group that brings them the most financial return? Why, then, incorporate yet another dueling mode when it would appear that a sizeable portion of the player base prefers not to duel?
  7. There is a lot of confirmation bias in many of the replies in this thread. Some games aren't meant for some people and not all games are meant for all people. I tried FFXIV and WoW and neither of them appealed to me whereas GW2 found it's niche in my gaming choices. /shrug Are there elements that are done far better in other MMOs than in GW2? Certainly, however for me I found that GW2 did a lot of things right that other games just didn't.
  8. No need to give them additional methods to do so, though, especially when dueling already exists in other formats.
  9. I'm not sure that I can agree with your statement. Nothing requires you from using mounts in any current areas with the exception of PoF.
  10. This was addressed years ago. They kept the name because of the franchise.
  11. Adding mounts to a game that didn't have them? Sure Adding dueling to a game that already has it? um.... why?
  12. Perhaps their data shows that WvW type of game-play is not as popular as some might think and to maximize profits they need to appeal to the PvE crowd?
  13. For things that have had multiple threads posted about them, yeah, sure.
  14. 1. Still, it goes against the ToS. People should use the search function and contribute to existing threads. 2. That assumes that there is a problem. Apparently, ANet doesn't believe so, else they would have rectified it. 3. Again, you could have used the search function to find the previous thread(s). I doubt that the Devs have the time to cull through the forums and read multiple threads on the same topic over and over. That's why there is a stickied QoL thread at the top of this very forum. 4. See #2
  15. I recommend that you read the ToS for posting on the forums as repeated posts on the same topic go against it.
  16. Topic has been discussed quite a bit on the forums. Maybe try the search feature next time?
  17. Why, then, do we need beauty contests? Society should just declare one man or woman as the most beautiful and leave it at that.
  18. Only support can answer your query. Have you submitted a ticket?
  19. Right. I agree that there probably isn't enough potential return on the investment of resources to make it worthwhile for Anet to implement.
  20. It wasn't intentional. I was just using the other poster's verbiage.
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