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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. I find it difficult to believe that you spend most of your gaming time swapping tools across all 46 characters. It's simple to open the hero panel, make 3 sets of double-clicks and then close it. Anet doesn't need to change it.
  2. Sounds a lot like tempest.
  3. Also, you don't need to drag tools into shared inventory slots. Slot some regular tools on the toon, and then simply double-click to swap them.
  4. Yes, I read it. And I believe that things are working as intended. This helps fuel sales of gems for shared inventory slots, something I don't believe Anet would want to stop.
  5. That's what shared inventory slots are for. Players won't need to store legendaries there once the armory comes out.
  6. But I did quote you. Verbatim. You said "However, there is a solution. Extend the existing pet system." To which I said that Anet ought to fix the pets first before doing anything else with them. I never said anything about pets getting a bigger role. How about you quote me saying that? You can't, because I didn't.
  7. Until the game shuts down due to lack of revenue.
  8. I think it would be a bad idea. Why would Anet want to reduce their revenue?
  9. What was the topic of this thread again?
  10. This just proves my point. You would limit yourself to playing with people who type in your language instead of being accessible to every player on the map. True, it would improve your experience greatly, but that isn't a reason to make such a change that may well have an adverse effect on the rest of the player base. I think that Anet would agree which is why I don't believe that this would be implemented.
  11. I disagree. Significant is very subjective. Adding more languages might, in my opinion, further segregate the player base which would reduce social interactions to dedicated groups whereas the limit of current languages forces interaction on a larger scale. In my opinion, this would not enhance the experience. Good luck with your request.
  12. Just create a new character, then. That amounts to the same thing, no?
  13. People have been clamoring for land spears for quite some time. The forums search feature would reveal the numerous threads on it.
  14. Anet isn't lazy. It's a business decision. Apparently, they don't believe that it would "make significant improvements" to the game.
  15. Yeah, perhaps you should read your own posts then?
  16. So many people seem to know how Anet built GW2 and the ease with which their individual desires could be implemented at little to no cost. 🙄 So many also seem to know how to run a business for profit when, no, they actually don't.
  17. So, then, people find out which countries are "cheaper" and use a VPN to connect to that country to make their purchases? I'm sure that would help ANet's bottom line.
  18. Have to fix pets first before giving them a bigger role with any profession or build.
  19. I think that for many players, the lack of trinity is a huge reason for playing GW2. I, for one, hope that it is never implemented in GW2.
  20. Is jade green not a lighter, more vibrant hue of green?
  21. I have no experience with how WoW works, so I'll let others chime in on that point. Other MMOs I've played all have maps sectioned off. /shrug Anyway, good luck with your suggestion.
  22. OP might be interested in this post about the upcoming livestream:
  23. Yes, it has. You can find those threads using the forums search function.
  24. As much as I don't want housing, it wouldn't surprise me if it were in EoD. I'd guess, if so, that they don't want to give away all of the surprises at such an early date.
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