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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. I can't see how this relates in any way to communism
  2. How about no? As has already been stated countless times, the forums do not represent a significant portion of the player base.
  3. I would prefer resources be spent elsewhere.
  4. That, or there are players like me who like the outfits except for one part. Usually shoulders. There are quite a few that I would have bought, but didn't like the full outfit.
  5. Outfits take less resources to make and can be produced more frequently whereas one armor set can take up to 9 months to make (as we've been told).
  6. Wonder how convoluted a change would be to the code to implement such a request?
  7. Just because something might become acceptable (wrt grammar) doesn't make it correct. Take the debate over the Oxford comma, for example. Or, the liberal use of the "apostrophe s" on words that don't show possession at least here in the US where such things are relatively prevalent.
  8. Yeah, insulting your opponent is a great way to win your argument. Maybe the very small minority who post on the forums are out of touch? You have no factual evidence to support either side of the discussion. No one here does. So, to imply that this request is made by a majority is a false premise to even start a conversation.
  9. What majority? The forums represent too small of a sampling of the entire player base for any threads to be considered the majority opinion of all players.
  10. I wish that I could up-vote this a lot more.
  11. They will never implement this suggestion for the reason that you provided.
  12. Are we trying to make a free to play game more free-er? Some threads are asking for more ways to give Anet money (subscription) whereas this one seems to want Anet to pay us to play?
  13. You may get more traction in the Mesmer forum instead of General Discussion.
  14. Anet can't win. Players: We don't want armor sets in the GS. Please make them available in-game Anet: Armor sets moved to in-game; outfits created for GS Players: We hate outfits. Can't mix/match. Want armor sets in GS instead Anet: Introduces piecemeal armor in GS Players: Why are armor sets in GS? We want them available in-game!
  15. Outfits were pretty much a direct result of the player base crying to Anet for in-game rewards. Armor sets got moved from the GS and were replaced with outfits, which are easier/faster for Anet to create and (we might presume) bring in more income. Armor sets were relegated to in-game content to appease the vocal crowd.
  16. And you believe that a subscription based model would help improve gameplay rewards?
  17. They don't need to know every possible choice. You're exaggerating to make some kind of point, I think? It's called Market Research. I'm sure that Anet has professionals in marketing and finance who study the industry and can help guide the direction of the company for the most financial gain for their shareholders. They would be in a much better position than any mere player on the forum to know what model works best for them. EDIT: Oh, and Anet was trying something new until the parent company shut it down. Check the forums search for Layoffs to read up on that.
  18. I'm never on the loading screen long enough. I only have 11 toons from which to choose, so it does make that selection not take very long, especially if I'm hankering to play my main.
  19. We can't know that for certain. This is one of the problems that I have with people asking for the subscription model. There is no guarantee that such a model would change things in the game that they want changed.
  20. I agree. This current iteration of grinding isn't doing much to hold my attention.
  21. There are quite a few DX12 threads already. You should be able to find them using the forums search feature. I also seem to remember a Vulcan thread or two. You could search for those as well.
  22. It's not for lack of effort by some, though https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/95386-premium-subscripton-concept-20-usd-earns-you-20-usd-gems-and-in-game-bonuses/?do=getNewComment https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/94982-i-would-play-gw2-more-if-it-was-a-subscription-based-mmo/?do=getNewComment
  23. So is buying gems on a monthly basis completely optional, which likewise would not affect F2P. There is no reason to change the current business model.
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