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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Agreed. I have been ganked in WvW more times than I care to count that I hate that mode. Could I work to get better? Probably, but I want to play a game for entertainment, not as a second job. I get it that this mode is entertaining to some players (especially those who gank me!) and when I choose to go there for a daily, I do so with the understanding that I am placing myself at that mode's mercy. For me, I have never experienced a fun time or cool people when I've been in WvW.
  2. Maybe this is by design? Maybe they want us to be in guilds (thus the name of the game?) where guild mates could help with goals like these?
  3. For using a modified template DLL to re-enable templates. I've been using ArcDPS without any issues. Please see https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/90489/people-being-permanently-banned-for-using-arc-dps-with-template-code-still-in
  4. It doesn't make money so its not a priority.. Hmm.... new gem store item. Change logon screen for 800 gems per each screen.
  5. Playing Devil's Advocate: they once said there would never be any mounts at all. Did they? I thought they said that they didn't have plans for mounts, not that they would never implement them.
  6. Heh. Actually, I pointed the other cape thread at this one and asked for it to be merged.
  7. Chat and TP limitations don't prevent anyone from playing the game.
  8. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/55950/open-world-duel-option-yay-nay-who-cares/p1Naturally a thread in the PvP forums would be mostly "yea" to the idea. Almost all of the threads in the General Discussion forum have said "no". If you want to be factual, maybe tally the yes/no posts from ALL of the threads?
  9. Sorry, but that's a subjective point of view. I almost exclusively use the jackal as my primary land mount and don't find it pointless at all. For me, it is much easier to control than the raptor and does better on hilly terrain. Why not fly over the land instead with your skyscale? I agree it's subjective, but so is the argument that flying invalidates all or most mounts. Others have said here that they prefer the controls of some mounts.It's my preference not to, is all. I'd rather not over-fly content all of the time.
  10. Sorry, but that's a subjective point of view. I almost exclusively use the jackal as my primary land mount and don't find it pointless at all. For me, it is much easier to control than the raptor and does better on hilly terrain.
  11. How do you know ArenaNet is desperate for cash...do you have inside information on their finances? Last I saw they made decent money on a quarterly basis, so I highly doubt they're desperate for cash. I think you may have mis-read me? I didn't say that they were desperate for cash; rather, that they desperately want cash. Subtle difference, to be sure.
  12. I assume they mean custom arenas which require purchased tokens iirc Ah, maybe so. Thanks.
  13. Maybe it's by design to tamper the economy? If players farm for a bunch of gold, then when things go on sale they have the resources to easily convert gold to gems. This prevents players from purchasing gems with cash ... cash that Anet desperately wants.
  14. I don't have a bunch of toons (only 11 I think?) so I really don't stay on the logon screen all that much. I usually know which ones I plan to play as the client is loading or updating. Still, options for the logon screen would be nice.
  15. Which map use for dueling costs money? I'm not aware of one?
  16. That's what opinions are. Just because you believe that what Anet is doing is "wrong" doesn't make it so. Others are more than free to counter that opinion. At the end of the day, though, Anet is going to do what they believe is best for their investors regardless of the forums.
  17. It would be nice to have a toggle to select a screen from all of the ones released.
  18. If they were against it, they'd have never allowed arc as a stop gap. My theory is that they didn't want templates when they implemented raids. When Arc appeared, they reconsidered it but wanted them on their own terms. They allowed Arc until they could figure out how they wanted to implement "official" templates (which is also why there was the agreement to terminate Arc when that happened). Again, this is just my take.
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