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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Just be sure to stay within the boundaries of what is acceptable: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/65546/policy-dual-or-multi-boxing
  2. I wonder the percentage of players in GW1 who did use it?
  3. I haven't felt that the NPCs provide enough to be worth the time and effort of rezzing them.
  4. Why another thread on the same topic? https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/89344/equipment-templates-offer-less-for-those-that-have-invested-into-the-game-more-legendary-issues
  5. I prefer PoF to HoT, but the anchoring and aggro ranges are overmuch, in my opinion. Some of the post-PoF LS maps did a better job with this issue from my experience.
  6. Play holosmith and stay in forge mode with PBM
  7. For me, heroes in GW1 were extremely useful as I really didn't game with too many others. In GW2, the map content isn't instanced like in GW1, so I have less need for AI assistance that heroes could provide.
  8. I read the announcement yesterday and, to me, it really seemed that the devs were more interested in opening dialogue with the competitive communities and not so much with open world. Might just be my interpretation. Regardless, I think that it is a good start.
  9. I understand. Just wanted to make everyone aware that there are more targeted discussions in those other forums.
  10. There are existing discussions on this in both the PvP and WvW forums.
  11. Agreed. I only play my druid for the utilities and almost never use the avatar. I find it practically useless in OWPvE. I think that, with the release of raids with HoT, the elite specs that came out then were more geared toward raiding content. Just look at how the HoT specs played more prominent roles in raid builds (pre-PoF) than core for the way that their skills, utilities and elites were geared more toward group content than solo content. Just my opinion.
  12. This is pretty much a subjective thing. What works well for some may not work well for others, or you. Most posts I've seen here on OWPvE is that it is extremely easy. Being a very casual player, I find open world content challenging enough in the expansion maps, but not impossible. I don't run meta builds and don't solo champs and I manage to get by well enough for my style of play.
  13. You may have better luck posing this question in the Lore forum.
  14. Sure it's P2W as you get a competitive advantage from it. It's just not a P2W microtransaction which is why no one complains about it.This.Especs buyable from gemshop would be p2w microtransactions however(even if there would be nothing "micro" about them). To win what, exactly? Or is this strictly in the sense of the PvP/WvW crowd?Oh, are you suggesting that "p2w" cannot exist in PvE environment?Yeah, I think so. I mean, is there an end-game goal in PvE that one can achieve at the expense of other players? How can I "win" GW2 and you lose?
  15. I often use my ranger main for daily events just so that I can be sure to tag something with the long bow (and no, I don't use barrage or kb)
  16. Yeah, less than a week before release I really don't anticipate that this will happen.
  17. Sounds more like a new game than an expansion. This game evolves, and dev just added new things that they said “not possible” before like mounts system, so I’m confident those thing can happening in next expansion When ever did the devs say that mounts were not possible? I keep hearing this but my recollection was that mounts were not considered when the game was launched. I don't remember them saying that mounts were not possible.
  18. It's a matter of etiquette, I think. Players with mounts shouldn't "mount-kill" during daily events. Often times, I throw up a mentor tag and make that request in map chat and, believe it or not, it does cut this down considerably.
  19. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Envoy_Scytheorhttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Envoy_Scythe_Staff_Skin
  20. I'm sure everyone learned from the experience..............I love your optimism
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