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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. This wasn't answered already in one of the other build template threads?
  2. Too much effort for a very niche audience. I don't see Anet developing this type of content for a very select group. Their resources are better served creating content for a much larger majority of the player base. Personally, I know that I would not go to such a map and neither would the group of players that I socialize with.
  3. New ones will be cool or not based on individual perspective. I think the PoF ones were better than HoT ones. I preferred those over the HoT ones.
  4. hmmm.... a fair amount of that is highly subjective.
  5. Have you tried LFG? Have you looked for a guild that might help?
  6. (sigh) There are numerous threads about future expansions (or lack thereof) that yet another thread really wasn't necessary.
  7. It's a little late in the game as the system is in place (it's been slowly downloading to our client for some time now) and they're only looking at tweaking things prior to the release near the end of the month.
  8. Dulfy used to be really good about posting videos of equipment and stuff whenever it came out. Maybe google search the item + dulfy and see if you can find what you're looking for?
  9. People keep tossing around the word "dedicated" without defining it.
  10. I prefer to not inject real-world politics into my fantasy world.
  11. More long hair styles for females (well, I suppose males, too?) that don't comb over or have half of the head shaved.
  12. Since vertical progression seems to have been made with the mastery system, I don't really think that a level increase is warranted.
  13. Thread already exists. Please use the forums search feature.
  14. I don't think that many of us want to turn GW2 into every other MMO.
  15. Well the backlash against Ascended gear was enormous and they still added it in. So it wouldn't surprise me if they added another tier of gear or increased the level cap. Yeah, but that was some time ago.
  16. I play OPvE and druid CA is basically worthless for me. I wish that any changes would address this play style at some point. /me shrugs
  17. I really like this map. Pity it's in a unnecessary episode. And yet, I always see players running around in Siren's Landing.
  18. Isn't this what LFG is for? Also, there have been several hero threads which already speak to why these most likely will never be implemented.
  19. Items in the gem shop are only as valuable as the buyer perceives them. If 90% of the gem shop were priced too high, then players wouldn't pay it. It's perfectly possible for the vast majority of a playerbase to perceive an item as overpriced, only to be irrelevant because a select few have enough spending power to make it a commercial success.That is a valid point, but one we can never prove one way or the other. Unfortunately.
  20. Items in the gem shop are only as valuable as the buyer perceives them. If 90% of the gem shop were priced too high, then players wouldn't pay it. There are very few things I've actually bought gems for (instead of gold -> gem) because I don't agree with the prices. Fortunately, there is nothing in the gem shop that is required to play the game
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