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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Aside from that part, I found your reply to be well thought out.
  2. EDIT: This section of the forums is titled "Guild Wars 2 Discussion" so that's why I question the creation of this thread in the first place if it is only to praise the original Guild Wars.
  3. Regardless of the conversations in cities, I think that implementing an _automated _way to "mute" them would run counter to the concept/design of GW2 being an MMO.
  4. Really appreciate what you shared. I toyed with the tabs a while back, but never imagined the solution you have proposed. It is still a manual step but an improvement over what I am currently doing. It's ONE manual step to switch chat tabs (once you've set up the tabs). I doubt that this impacts enough of the player base for Anet to devote resources to making this change.
  5. I find fun in GW2 every day I'm playing it. The more instanced content of GW1, to me, made it more of a chore to find players to help participate and clear content which is why I believe ANet introduced heroes. Once heroes became a thing, many of the PUGS stopped forming. At least, that was my experience. Clearly, YMMV. ;)
  6. Queensdale (Taminn Foothills)Ludlow: I still don't get what you want me to do. You want me to make the ettins fight? Is this supposed to be hard?Krug: Me said already. You no listen. You stupid for a human.Krug: You help ettins work together to crush hoof beasts. Ettins not work good with other ettins.Ludlow: You mean "ettins don't work well with other ettins."Krug: Huh?Krug: You no make sense.Ludlow: I don't make sense? You leave half the words out of every sentence!
  7. Two cubs in Diessa Plateau (paraphrasing):Boy cub: There are no such things as ghostsGirl cub: Yes there is! Where do you think all of that singing is coming from?BC: From your buttGC: Ewwww!
  8. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/458/news-gemstore-items-new-returned-sales#latest
  9. Do a forum search for the many many many other threads that have been done on this topic.
  10. Glad to see that I'm not the only one doing this.
  11. OP, do you realize why they make them this way? Can you imagine the chore it would be to make helmets show every combination of hair style, color, ears, horns, etc... ? I get the complaint, but the time/resources just aren't there.
  12. There exists a separate thread for this discussion. OP brings up raid selling, i am fully aware there is a thread for raid selling.I just linked it so that others reading through this thread wouldn't derail the topic.
  13. Your anxiety is the reason why we should ban dps meters, got it.You misunderstand me. I have never advocated for either side of the issue. I only sympathize with how some have been adversely affected by the tool.
  14. Yeah, I know that I deleted several tonics before they made the switch because I saw no use for them. Wish I had kept them now, though. :(
  15. We never know. It's up to Anet. You may want to watch this thread for announcements, though.
  16. Why is this a new thread? This could have been added to the current one?
  17. The black hole of suggestions created to make us think anything we post there will actually matter...it won't. Cynical much? Not like posting suggestions/requests in the General area will guarantee Anet will pay more attention to them? My point was that the forums have provided us with an avenue for these things, probably for a reason. I would expect Anet would look there first for suggestions/requests. Just because we suggest/request something doesn't mean Anet will implement it. They probably don't have a dedicated person to answer every single one with a yes or no and reason for the response.
  18. I think that your example doesn't entirely relate. Most of the complaints as I understand them are about people using ARC to read someone else's DPS. If ARC were only for personal use, then your knife-wielding analogy would make more sense.
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