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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. In past threads on this topic, it is usually because people want a "free" mount where they don't have to spend the money to buy the expansions to get one and/or take the time and effort to obtain what currently exists in the game.
  2. Isn't it in lore that humans came to Tyria? Maybe Tyria never had horses and the humans didn't bring any with them?
  3. Not everyone needs to be on a springer when this things spawns. There seem to be more than enough. Just walk in and press 1
  4. What purpose or function would a horse mount provide that isn't already covered by existing ones?
  5. Caveat: this is just my personal observation and experience.... Before getting to this map, I was concerned having read this thread about the aggro radius. I worried that I would struggle to enjoy the new content and was not looking forward to it. Having since completed this chapter and started well on my (casual) way to completing all of the skyscale collection stuff (which, IMO, is more than should have been required), I found that aggro radius to be fairly acceptable. Unlike other maps with similar radii, I felt that Dragonfall's mobs were less dense which made the aggro less annoying for me. Sure, I would still draw enemies in, but I have been able to dispatch them without having another group decide to cross the map to engage me. I would still ask the developers to consider the aggro radius of groups going forward and the impact that they have on the more casual of us players. This thread ought to be a point of focus for them. Again, just for consideration -- I'm not asking for wholesale changes. That's my $0.02 anyway, fwiw
  6. I don't like HoT and don't venture there. I give credit for the incredible designs of the maps and am glad that there are many players who enjoy them. Just because I don't, doesn't make me believe that this one expansion "ruined" GW2. There is plenty to do elsewhere without having to slog through HoT.
  7. T2F discussion is over here: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/76303/recharging-teleport-to-friend-misfire-design-choice#latest
  8. Note this isnt a boon or food buff. It is a point in time use item, there is no boon or buff that is being used up so it should not (and was not) be treated as such. Agreed. My point was that the underlying technical mechanic of the cool-down seems to work in the same manner as buffs.
  9. I would prefer them to focus on creating new content, not re-hashing old content for a sub-set of the player base.
  10. How can anyone know this? Just because people don't come to the forums en masse to complain doesn't mean that the majority of players have no issues with jumping puzzles. I would even dare say that the majority of threads in the forums about jumping puzzles are against them. I haven't played this latest chapter yet; however, my stance on jumping puzzles is for Anet to continue to produce them because there definitely is a sub-set of the player base that really enjoys them. I don't believe that jumping puzzles should be part of a LS chapter because they could be a skill-wall that some players simply cannot overcome.
  11. From what you're saying it seems almost like any other buff (food/banner) that gets placed "on hold" when you swap away from the toon or exit the game.
  12. There already exists a thread for these kinds of requests https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/348/gemstore-requests-new-items-items-offered-again#latest
  13. I feel the premise is flawed. The LS chapter has only been out for a day. Since the mount is time-gated, we can't know if there is a problem that needs a solution. Let's wait to see some fully traited ones.
  14. Those players with stacks of these .... you're not the target of the promotion.
  15. Sorry, but my experience is different and I don't farm. I actively play the game. Granted, I haven't tried the new map yet, but in PoF I often find it difficult to simply stop and look around or even get my bearings without something aggro-ing me from afar. I would like to have the opportunity to look at the landscape and surrounding terrain that Anet worked so hard to create, but I don't have that luxury when I'm constantly being attacked. So, yeah, it is an issue for many of us who actually play the game.
  16. Why, then, have different races? Immersion is a pretty big deal to quite a few players.
  17. With the current elite specs, HoT is super easy, really.Sure. For that tiny minority of players, that is. For an average player however, even now it's anything but easy. For the average GW2 player, finding their way out of their living room is hard.Let's just keep painting everyone with broad brushes. I am probably below the average as a very casual player and I can find my way out of my living room just fine, thank. you. Perhaps offering to assist those average players with the more difficult content, rather than insulting them, would better serve the game and the community?Many players I know are older and have other commitments in life (work, family) and cannot commit time to really learn to play GW2 with the efficiency and skill that you probably have. ANet, I believe, is well aware of this dynamic and continues to build their game in the manner which nets them the most profitability. The blow-back against HoT's release was very loud and ANet obviously saw potential losses in their revenue stream should they continue to make content at that level of complexity. Thus, the HoT nerf and the style of content that followed.
  18. Also, use of the forums search feature will show you many many many threads on this topic that have had this discussion. Please feel free to look through those.
  19. No need to make a new thread when there already exists a thread about capes on the first page of the forum. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/63009/cape-requests-merged/p1
  20. But did you read the thread? Check out this post: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/395736/#Comment_395736
  21. I keep getting the sense that this request will never really be satisfied. Anet appears to be content with the casualness of most of the game. Recall the uproar when HoT released prior to the extreme nerf?
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