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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Welcome to Tyria, fellow ranger! I'm not entirely sure what you mean by using magic. You're still quite low in level at the moment. As you progress, more utility skills (7-10 on the bar) will become available. Your ranger can use Shouts to help him/herself and allies, or set traps to hamper his/her foes. True, some other utilities seem more "magical" (like summoning spirits or using signets) but I would advise you to try some of them out anyway as they might have more synergy with whatever overall concept you are trying with your character. Remember, pretty much any build works in open world PvE, so experiment and see what works best for you. I am an extremely casual player and I main a ranger (soulbeast actually). My build is far from optimal, but I enjoy what my character does so I'm happy with it. As for pets, there are a LOT of them in GW2. They typically fall into certain "families" or types of pets (see the wiki link provided in the post above mine). Again, I advise trying different things out with different pets. You just might find that something works better for you than the raven; then again, maybe not but you won't know until you try. Once you get the ability to swap weapon sets, you can have one set for ranged (long bow perhaps) and another for melee (sword/dagger maybe) which might help your ranger feel a bit more "warrior"-like. There are other weapon combinations that might suit you better -- again, experiment! Scroll through this subforum and see how other rangers have their builds and ask questions. We're usually pretty good at helping out, either here on the forums or in-game.
  2. Personally, I detest HoT and never travel there if I can help it. However, I give a lot of credit to the team for the design of them. They are truly revolutionary for an MMO and clearly have a large amount of the community's affection. What is great about GW2 for me, being a very casual player, is that I am not forced into maps that I do not enjoy. I'm glad that others enjoy them, though!
  3. Never underestimate the powers of the forums search.
  4. Wouldn't that change the entire concept of the mechanics of the class, though?
  5. Please use the search function on the forums. This has been discussed at length.
  6. In a game where everyone brags about how much gold is thrown at the players, I find it humorous that there are issues with the way point fees.
  7. Did this with my ranger before the early nerf. Was a bit harder then, but I took EoS at range and whittled him down. Was much easier the next time post-nerf.
  8. Turn this thread into yet another ToS debate, and it'll get locked.
  9. True enough, however, there appears to be a trend toward more difficult scenarios in the personal story which I believe ought to be something that can be done solo. Even us casuals should have a fair shot at progressing through the story line without raid-like mechanics. I am not saying story = raid .... rather, to some it is beginning to feel that way. Absolutely, optional content should have a variety of difficulty as the player base is so diverse but the story content shouldn't. At least, not as current trends appear to be.
  10. Lack of players is definitely due to the LW update that just hit.
  11. You're right about that. A new cap wouldn't take long to be reached.
  12. Lyta Quarren (my main) Daphne Quarren Naomi Quarren (in her Ebon Vanguard attire) Sirenia Quarren (probably my favorite photo of my toons)
  13. Yeah, I hear you. Still, I think it would be nice if after so many hours an account has that these minor annoyances would be disabled.
  14. Sirenia Quarren Lyta Quarren Katrina Quarren Brittany Quarren Naomi Quarren
  15. Reworked Daphne, my oldest character, to a druid over the weekend.
  16. I think the point is that one shouldn't have to...?
  17. My main, soulbeast Lyta Quarren. And like you, @Grey.3179, I always come back to ranger.
  18. I'll just reverse the thread's title: speedo or bikini no still And I hope it remains "no"
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