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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. As a very casual OWPvE player, I don't have a lot of ascended anything that I've crafted. A few weapons here and there because I liked the skins for them, certainly not for any 5% boost because I really don't need that in OW. As such, the process for obtaining items with research notes pretty much locks me out. I'd rather not spend my limited time in-game crafting ascended things just to trash them for notes. I can more easily farm other currencies simply by engaging in the regions where they can be found. Over time, I can acquire enough zone currency to pick up whatever I might want from the map vendors. This makes a lot more sense to me as doing so causes me to actually engage in game-play on various maps rather than spending my time at a crafting station. I feel that I really don't have this option when it comes to research notes.
  2. So, you have ten accounts with maxed out character slots? That's over 700 characters. I'd imagine that you are a clear minority with regards to this type of request.
  3. Actually, the bottom line is will people spend enough money to justify the investment of resources.
  4. Are contested WP really an issue now with mounts?
  5. Has it, though? Proven to be a success? Where's your backing data for that statement? I certainly haven't seen many players using these outfits. Not sure by what metric they would be called a proven success.
  6. Perhaps too many are converting gold -> gems then? And this gold sink is to encourage more cash -> gems instead?
  7. No, but using data from that site to make broad statements about the entire user base is fallacy. Sampling of a player base on a website and Wikipedia are entirely different things.
  8. So, how exactly then, does the proposed idea work for hijacking and dropping players elsewhere?
  9. The poster said to hijack and drop the players somewhere else. That doesn't seem voluntary to me. However, if you want to do this, then you take the chance that someone will report you and you will get sanctioned by Anet. It's up to you. Good luck.
  10. It is not intended to hijack another player.
  11. How am I defending it? Egad! I told people to report it. How is that even remotely defending it?
  12. The person who posted the suggestion flat out advised using a mount not in a way that it was intended. I doubt Anet wanted players to use the siege turtle to "hijack" other players.
  13. Yes. Yes, they are. Which is why they should be reported. And no one here knows that "nothing gets done" because Anet doesn't make that information public. Maybe a GM has whispered them and found them to be active, if not moving. They might well be within the letter of the law, so to speak, when it comes to being at the keyboard. I don't know. You don't know. No one else in this thread knows.
  14. Good luck with that. If you want to risk your account, be my guest.
  15. Right. Everyone cites that source, but it is nowhere indicative of the entire player base since players must opt-in to it.
  16. Regardless, that is the official stance from Anet. Grief these other players at your own risk.
  17. 1600 gems would probably be the correct price point judging by many other items.
  18. Suspected bots? Report and move on. Do not recommend hijacking them as that is considered griefing and is actionable.
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