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Everything posted by Endorphin.9147

  1. Welcome to the shadowrealms bro! Cursed queues are where its at and hope you enjoy your stay 🙂
  2. Other than some core specs, I think virt has never won an MAT on NA. Every other elite specialization has lmao. But I agree virt that is degenerate gameplay. The blade shatter's have clunky design which would be complete garbage without the traits backing them up to make inspi virt obnoxious.
  3. Awww. 😟 Sorry this is happening to ya, poor little tanuki! 😭😭😭😭😭 🦝 People really need to let the tanuki peepos play in peace!!! 🦝
  4. Well im glad someone else tested it so I don't have to XD
  5. I don't think top stats should be a big factor at all. There are players in matches where they could make crazy good plays and hard carry the game like that, but never get top stats. While someone else can just farm top dmg by hitting a bunker spec on a side node the bunker owns all game.
  6. This is like the first topic I ever agreed with you on. Nice job man!
  7. Surely that wont get abused by ftp bots. Surely...
  8. "Guys fight on pt" as the player typing is standing in 4 diff AoEs and dying on the node.
  9. I dont think he ever got banned. The guy's mom turned his internet off on him lmfao
  10. Problem about core is. Youre likely to buff elite specs while buffing core stuff
  11. Oh and if removing the aegis and port makes dragon trigger too weak rework them into a prot and a swiftness or something. I dunno
  12. Here is what i would like to see. -Remove most of the aegis from bladesworn. Remove especially on gunstinger and make it a small evade like shortbow 3 on thief. -remove barrier on unshakeable mountain and give it like 2 sec stab with a small icd. (Yerloqq had this kind of idea.) - make it so you can stow gunblade skills. -rework gunblade 2 so it isnt useless -dragon trigger... this is a big one. Redesign it so you can move around while in the dragon trigger mode. Remove the aegis and port. When you press and hold any of the slashes, it holds you in place for about a second or less and you do a "perfect zone" skill check like in lost ark where you release the skill within a certain part of the bar that fills up. It would make the skills a little more fluid and cut the root time down a lot while still making the skill have a tell to dodge it. - Then redesign the traits for dragon slashes that proc off of landing the perfect zone skill check. I am aware the dragon slash idea is a little out there though lol.
  13. If you are on thief save steal for DT or try to burn the aegis with something and keep watching for when they do or don't t have it. Sometimes ill even choking gas the dragon triggers. Other than that yeah.. dodge or walk out of range of it
  14. In order for blade to be strong but healthy for the game. Theyd need to actually redesign some traits and skills completely, not just number changes. If you ignore all the traits, it is one of the most clunky things anet has ever released. (Please let me be able to stow gunblade skills. Pressing Esc to cancel a skill is stupid...)
  15. If you were ccd long enough for 3 entire heartseeker animation to go though. I dont think it was heartseeker that was the problem...
  16. I feel like for you specifically, you wouldnt even see the stab and the long cd teleports be as much of a problem if aegis didnt perma reflect on you tbh. I dunno, if you see one, I guess you'll have to swap builds or something.
  17. I would be the type to run beserker amulet too. But thats up to you and what you're comfortable with
  18. Remove dagger mainhand and use axe. You already have a melee weapon which is your shroud. Axe pumps soo much more dmg while being at a range. You could run exposure, exploitation, or intelligence if you want more dmg. Battle does work good with your might trait in reaper. Changr the dagger trait in blood as well. The sigils on staff are fine though. Can put cleansing over any of those but what you got on imo is a good choice. Can run lynx or a pure dmg rune than what you got. Depends on if you think you need the vit or not.
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