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Everything posted by Endorphin.9147

  1. I think the spectate idea would be fine if it was something that is recorded and saved that you can watch after the match has ended. I wouldnt suggest being able to spectate it live. That kind of thing gets abused easily.
  2. Hey i was in that match! Im surprised we won that tbh.
  3. My question is, why do we see people on beta characters playing things like meta cata build with normal weapons. This is what i like to call, being truly demonic.
  4. Make cata and only cata be able to use mounts in pvp. And also add being able to use them in combat. It would make rotating from nodes much easier.
  5. The trait doesnt even work for me, it doesn't even give the 10% dmg mod and it doesn't refresh stolen skills on cantrips. Also I cannot even link the skill in game
  6. @Terrorhuz.4695 @Waffles.5632 Dont worry. I understand the combo. I just dont really run into many problems with stab personally is all. Even if they do have it, moa lasts so long so you can just bait out the moa dodge skill and lockdown/burst after.
  7. Yeah true that makes sense. Most stab doesnt seem to last long at least. And power chrono has tons of boon strip in the shatters, so I never really ran into that problem. Usually what counters my moa was a random blind or they just move behind/beside me (it cancels it out XD)
  8. Why do people keep mentioning stability? Moa ignores that.
  9. Oh it does. Just there isnt a pvp population big enough for any form of matchmaking system in this game.
  10. 8 easy tricks / you'll never lose a 2v2 again! All the confused forum reactors HATE stealth. You wont believe number 6!
  11. If you have attacks you find are like that, stop moving and your character will turn automatically. I found otherwise yeah the line of sight problem happens if you are holding movement keys. Also if the enemy walks into or beside you at all, the LOS thing happens With the f1 and f2 skills you can stop, cast and there is a timing where you can about face and kite away during the animation.
  12. You can play less than minimum required games to never show up on leaderboard then play just enough on the final day
  13. I wouldnt mind having 2 seperate ladders. One for solo q and one for team/duo q. I would literally play both.
  14. I cant wait for this guy to be in my matches. I've always wanted gold 1s telling me how to play.
  15. They should rework stronghold into a GvG map or something
  16. But Mech is known as the best MMO class of 2022!! No way it would be bad right?
  17. The satire in the original post was pretty good. Also was funny seeing people who probably never touched the class before come up with balance/nerf ideas xd
  18. Yeah I could try that, the first time it happened I had to swap through a couple characters til one worked
  19. Turns out you don't have to be the one to click on someone who came out of stealth either, someone on your team can click and it can DC you and half of your team. Another thing that's been happening to me sometimes... I am not sure what triggers this specifically, but it wont let me back in the match on the same character I DC'd with sometimes. I have to character swap to get back in.
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