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Everything posted by samsar.9152

  1. Canthan themed map for WvW would be nice. 🙂
  2. Or how about 20k gold as 10th anniversary gift. 🙂 🥳😇
  3. I'm fine with that as long as it is not tedious and frustrating stuff like for example Hidden Arcana story part was. I almost got mad when I had to do it again for Seasons of Dragons.
  4. I would like to get cool infusion. 🙂 (Most of cool infusions are super expensive or gated behind challenged content).
  5. Getting legendary sets from any game mode is huge time investment you have to do. Good for you if have 3 legendary armor sets. That doesn't mean tho all have or can have. I have 1 legendary armor set and I have 20k+ hours in game. I had really huge problems to get for example into raiding to get my first legendary armor set. The spent hours in the game has nothing to do with that what equipment or other stuff you should have. To get back to topic, the armor looks amazing. Especially if it have glowing animation or something. 🙂 I'm personally not very big fan of capes unless its glowing or animated in other way.
  6. I'm more likely that All strikes All welcome personality. I have done strikes and even raids successfully with "All welcome" chill groups. 🙂 Worst thing is that role and equipment entry happens in WvW too. The only result was I kinda lost my interests to do WvW after I got my Conflux legendary ring. "Gatekeeping" is not good thing in any game mode. Not in pve and not in wvw.
  7. I agree with this, just because, water combat in the game is really bad in general.
  8. They maybe should either remove strike mission requirement from the turtle collection or change the item to easier strike mission than Kaineng Overlook. For example Xunlai Jade Junkyard is much easier if you just take cc skills and avoid the AOE attacks the boss do. Kaineng Overlook strike mission in general is not very casual player friendly and requires people to understand many of the mechanics, for example numbers or where to stand when facing the boss so you don't just "facetank" all his attacks and die. Without understanding the mechanics it is easy failure and some players can find it frustrating if all they want is to get that item for turtle collection.
  9. Nah. No need to re-work it. Emboldened Mode is perfectly fine as it is now.
  10. I see portal trolling often at Drakkar too in Bjora Marches, leading players fall to their death when doing minibosses. It is sometimes really annoying. Please, do not use portal at all if your only purpose is to troll with it.
  11. I disagree. Its not dead. Far from it.
  12. Soo Won is easy if the map is really organized. But it takes so much time to prepare for everything that its so much easier to do something else. So yeah... I agree.
  13. Not anything personal but... as reaper main I just hate to read how everyone says how kitten power reaper is. Its so heartbreaking. Go home and let ppl play what they want to. I'm going to do so. It is still better than any 2k dps bearbow rangers.
  14. That and also... EOD strike rewards you can get only once per week while IBS strike rewards you can get every day. Thats maybe also the reason why there are more IBS strike groups than EOD.
  15. Yeah. That was much of gems (1600) but I still bought it because I wanted it. 🙂 Its so cute. 🙂
  16. And also the same thing happening than with raids. Ppl do them with guildies and/or with discord community because EOD strikes are mostly close to raids in terms of difficulty.
  17. This! Or ping stack of bananas, potatos or something other stupid stuff when they ask for LI or KP. 😄
  18. I'm happy I have found the really nice and friendly community to do raids and raid training. No need to LFG. 🙂
  19. To be honest I would like to see the group who can beat HT CM in 10 minutes. 😄
  20. Sometimes I find it big rest to be able to do stuff also alone. Whiners and toxic ppl gives me huge headache when doing for example instanced group content where you have to do stuff together and teamwork is keything. I loved to do for example dungeons alone in Guild Wars 1 with heroes.
  21. I think they don't because that infusion is super rare loot.
  22. I have found certain normal mode strike mission encounters like Whisper of Jormag, Boneskinner, Kaineng Overlook and Harvest Temple harder than many easier raid encounters and bosses.
  23. I would like to join. 🙂 I have been in some raids and I like them. 🙂 My character is Nadia Darkmoon. 🙂 I have 48 characters but I mostly play her. 🙂
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