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Posts posted by zeyeti.8347


    Just now, Kuma.1503 said:

    From my own experience playing it 

    The two biggest things that give me an aneyrusm on cata are Twin largos and Gorseval. The former because trying to CC means you go for a swim, and the later because spinny orbs + retaliation phase = death. 

    Still a better build than power weaver though!  (pls buff anet)

    Ha , i know the feeling , that weird design of skill 4 air hammer , when you get stucked , while in combat , in a wall is an amazing feeling ...

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  2. i am talking on raid golem , playing as catalyst on all content effectively mean you are almost 100% of the time melee ... with new content added you will notice it is not the same , and try playing catalyst with a staff... no comment about that , but indeed if you do 31k on all the content , i recruit you immediately ! And even still i am very focused on my rotation playing as catalyst , while playing mech i can just chill and achieve almost the same dps , in fact more cause i am 1200 range and can still achieve 26k just AA like a dimwit.

  3. 16 minutes ago, Kuma.1503 said:


    It pains me to say it, but Power Weaver just isn't good right now. It needs a tune up. You 're better off playing power catalyst. The rotation really isn't that hard once you get used to it. 

    Just swap into each attunement, drop your jade sphere, press 3, and then go 5 -> 4 -> 2. 

    Rince repeat. 

    Just skip air 4 and earth 4, and don't press earth sphere. 

    Once that is comfortably muscle memory, go ahead and add in the flaming greatsword at the end. 

    Then you can add in fire and water augment for a bit more dps, and you are golden. 

    Ty , but sincere apologies , it was a pun 😊, and i trained on the rotation you are talking about , it's no use i can't get over 31k . Why doesnt grouch provide  metrics or graphic of what he is talking about , no proof , no fact for me , and for my personal experience playing raids and strikes very frequently i can easily say that at this moment 25% of the squad is composed of mechs , ofc having mech support alac make this number a bit overtuned , but thats also a problem being a top healer and a top dps at same time ... not good design for me ... just like firebrands , good condi damage , amazing healer , one of the best quick/dps provider with amazing utility. When you are the jack off all trades the swiss knife impersonate and you have all other format off classes being not good at each of their respective roles... just look at catalyst quickness ... my god taking a trait that implicitely says "you deal -10% damage , but you...." idc i stoped reading after the -10% damage dealt , no other spec has that kind of trade off (thief with -5% damage on pistols i know ...).

  4. 2 hours ago, Obtena.7952 said:

    The "Funny" part is when those people pretend specs with more complex rotations that do reward them suddenly disappeared because of specs like mech. 

    They didnt dissapeared , they just looses 95% of playerbase , nuance . As for the reward , i tried my power weaver with sword and dagger on a raid ... i quickly switched to mecha , cause i had to make the laundry at the same time , and well you know power weaver need 2 hands and your 10 fingers to be played (you can aslo try with your nose that make you 11 fingers ) , mech just need your thumb finger. Whole ele class is not played at endgame (the whole 3 e-specs) and ele is not alone DH , Holo , ... Why do you think ? because it's hard ? because it's not rewarding (dps wise , support wise) no ! because both of those previous statement , and yes some people can do amazing things with so hard playable classes , but they represent 0,000.......0000001% of the community as the graph of wingman says (i am exagering , i know , but it is numberless close to the truth)i know it is impossible to have the perfect curve : 2,7777% of each core and e-specs played , but when you have one at 27% and some at 0,25% , there is a problem . https://gw2wingman.nevermindcreations.de/popularity And just a reminder , this graph is data , it's fact ! it's not a theory or a guess... "i guess the earth is flat ... " "no ! fact proves it is round , simpleton !"

    Obtena , still waiting on a showdown of your amazing plays on a weaver healer with trailbrazer stuff , play how you want you know... and let the other carry your lazy carcass , while you are underperforming in your role , i call those people parasite , or leech ! Play how you want in OW , endgame -> forget about it, or .. yes play how you want and as i said up , let the others do your job.

  5. 18 hours ago, Eponet.4829 said:


    It's even easier in Sandswept Isles. One of the bounties in the south-east spawns just barely out of range of the mob. I ended up drafting them for help a couple of times while doing my Seasons of the Dragon bounties there.

    Ty for the info. i'll note it in my daily roadmap. So you can use those afk farmers as pinata and complete the bounty , nice ! Can you just point out the POI or another point , so i know where they are "farming".

  6. Sorry didnt mean to be offensiv , and for the other skin achievements ,  it depends on your own standart , i think they are all pretty easy , but i understand people having trouble with puzzle jumps , i really ment the account share  , i ve done it many times for free (even for tribulation mode on SAB), and that was a proposition with no offensiv mean , but i understand that when you read me indeed you can think it is offensiv. But i really dont mean it.

  7. Oh well another ele bug , nice , we have evasive arcana not working on fire , the orbs on hammer bugging , what else ... I hope serioulsy the next balance patch ele will have some love , the whole 3 e-specs are finished with glue and rotten wooden plancks ... and i really want to keep it polite so i am not talking about core ele 🤢🤮🦨.


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  8. Your idea sounds a bit like path of exile ( i am thinking of the golem's elementalist skin swap ) , really sounds like a good idea , but indeed if they are gonna do that for the bot of the mechanist , they will need to add special weapons effect to other skills from other classes and... well the game is already a cluster kitten of colours , effect , explosion , so they will also need to add option to "regulate" those effects or else ... 


  9. Mechanist isnt relevant .... ofc it isnt , i never played engi before , because i like more "mage" type class , now that mech is around i just play it when i want to speedrun content , so maybe it isnt relevant TO YOU Obtena , but for the most people here it is !

    You can play how you want , is a wet dream , but a dream , just explain why some classes have 11600 hp base and others have 19000 base ? why some classes have heavy armors , and some light armors ? some traits and spec are too old and need a good review/rework and as manys says reaper mechanic is ok for the most of us , they should just bump up the ratio/damage . They are facts , we have new players changing from weaver to mech or virtuoso , and they all say the same :" my god it cut trough everything , and it's so ez to play , i will never touch my ele again" , i will record it enxt time i hear that ...

    Mechanist nerf didnt really occurd (lil buggy) even it lost a lil dps it is shown that players are now at 27% in endgame choosing mechanist , and before his nerf it was at mostly 34% , it's a 6% loss ! so people care about dps but no mechanics where changed just damage ratio, the rotation is still the same , maybe you are a strange one trying fancy/goofy/funny builds , but stop talking like you represent 100% of the community ... you are alone here , that should just give you a hint ... but narcissistic pervert , will never agree they are in the wrong , and you tend more and more to be one .

    And bring data so we can enjoy you playing a dead class wrecking endgame content , saying i am god 'son doesnt mean anything ... you can be everything you want on the internet , you just have to tell your own brain you agree each other ... facts vs theory ... who wins you guess ? Flat earthed ? 

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  10. Matter of taste i would say , i personnaly enjoy puns : taimi stating that rox and braham equall many marjorys and kasmeer , just for weight safety on a bridge , politely saying rox and braham are fat or chuncky.

    I think the game is taking it too seriously as opposed. 

    "I am The commander , i killed an army , a dragon , a god , and whatever evil entity is in front of me , i ...."

    "hey commander my chamber pot is dirty can you clean it ? " (veijhin palace for those who knows).

    Always make me giggle when i think about it.

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  11. On 10/21/2022 at 8:36 AM, CourtJester.5908 said:


    Thank you for understanding my point, truly. So many don't seem to understand that the reason why Ele's skills are so undertuned is because there are twice as many of them.


    I am also in the camp of wanting some degree of self expression and being able to trust that you can camp one or two elements and know you don't NEED to have twice the apm to pull off DPS on a very DPS oriented profession. I want the elements that I don't need cut out of my build so that the elements I am using can be tuned up and be effective.


    And yes, when I play a fire mage, I want to feel like I am *the* fire mage, not an impotent shadow of Firebrand, Scourge, or Condi Zerker. But that just doesn't seem to happen when you are toting around ten healing and protection skills that *no one would elect to take in a DPS build on any other profession*, but ANet and a lot of unimaginative Ele players insist on keeping.


    Again, my problem is not that this kind of job design exists. Weaver makes extremely good use of the concept. My problem is that *every* Ele spec is shallowly riffing on this concept while other professions do much more to change up their formula. Scourge, conceptually, doesn't need a shroud with shade zoning, so instead of trying to undertuned a bloated kit, it simply doesn't have one. Virtuoso doesn't need clones, so it doesn't have them. Bladesworn and a second weapon. Specter and steal. So why, after ten years and three especs, can I just cut out the attunement fluff that I am not going to use for a particular build? Why am I always carrying dead weight when other professions have the courtesy to prune it away?


    100% true . Another problem is the non weapon swap so you are stuck with your weapons skills , if somehow you want to go range or at least have the option , well too bad you cannot change your sword for a scepter in combat.

    Anet tryed it with the hammer with half baked semi range skills , but half of the hammer skills are melee , again the ele is meh-good in any role , but doesnt perform in any of them . We should be able do disable some attunements and have the attunements chosen getting buffed per attunements we dont use , or make very specific weapons for very specific roles :

    Look at staff for example , you have good healing skills in water , air is crap , earth is meh if you play condi hybrid , fire is good.

    you want to play dps with staff , well nice for you , you have one damage skill in water attunement the rest is for healer , same if you want to play healer , what stuff do you use in air attunement ? none ! oh yes you can clean criplle with air 4 , kewl ... and blast in air 5 to give ... swiftness ... wooohooo , who cares ?

    Engi at least have kits , so he can choose his swaps , attunements should have been like kits , utility you choose for swapping , but that will need an amazing rework that will never see the day , sob ....

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  12. 10 minutes ago, Westenev.5289 said:

    I both like and hate this idea. As someone who has done the clocktower puzzle, I literally can't undo it. The fun of the clocktower is that it seems endless and overwhelming because you don't know what's coming next - but once you find your own path via trial and error, it becomes a short cakewalk. The artificial frustration of waiting to make another attempt, I think, is what makes reaching the top for the first time so exhilarating.


    Yes and knowing that you are the only one alive , and there are 4-5 people at the start waiting and swearing you to fail so they can start over again immediately is quite a thing . But you get your karma backfired on your face when it happens to you .

  13. You can lend me your account if you want , and have trust ofc , but understand that the game needs a sense of achievement , if anet made stuff easy for disable person , people will mostly profit from it and use it even if they are not disable .

    for example , just look at the mech class , dont tell me this class wasnt disigned for disable persons.

    But for the account share , i am serious , i've done mad clocktowers for persons of my guild who are really not in the 'jumping puzzle mood' i will just take 25% of your belongings as payment , nah ... kidding 😏. If you agree after that you can change your password , even if i have the memory of a dead goldfish.

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  14. If you want some fun destroying those , in Istan you can try take a bounty and sometimes it pops to the left mid of the map in the upper caves , the bounty can be lured on a spot where they are many afk farmers , then take your skyscale and grab popcorns .

    their body stay there for  a while and i taunt them but no one ever respond 😭and port away after 5-10 minutes , so i can say : they know that what they are doing is not "very legit".

    There is also the trick with turtle mount , but most of them have auto loot so it doesnt work often .

    Another trick is to use the "bouquet of roses" novelties , you can , if the afk farmers use automated  attack skill 1 , make them fight in "costume brawl" , then use a costume brawl who has some grabs or pushes (like halloween axe or the choya pinata) and push them from the cliff. 

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  15. Hello , if you are about compressing time doing 2 things in one , i can advice you to take the leg collection for gen. 1 weapons  and the first 4 weapons of gen. 2 (it cost almost nothing for the 1st collection step ) , in almost all those collection there are part where you need to kill a world boss , do this fractal or this specific event , so while you play you will achieve some of those , even you not intended to do so . 

    Unlocking mounts can be very time expensive (and money for griffon) , but map completion will become a piece of cake.

    Masteries are account bound so unlocking by example glider lvl 3 will make it available for all your characters , very nice for mounts masteries.

    For endgame content the best is to join a training guild , today the powercreep on some classes is so high , the first raids you will try to do all the veterans players will be able to complete your lack of knowledge doing raids the first time .

    And final advice , dont forget that for unlocking elite specs for all your classes (allowing you amazing role compression in endagme content , if ofc you have the equipment for) you can do world versus world , you will win "proof and testimonies of heroics" , those can be converted into skill point for e-specs with a special merchant at your base in wvw , also it will complete randomly a hero point in the extension chosen completing at the same time map completion --> and so having stuff faster for legendary weapons.


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  16. should train on it or adjust settings , like try in "action camera" or if you play with a "fat" character , try it with an ausra .

    it's not hard once you get used to it , but yes i remember having trouble doing it the first time it came out.

    • Confused 1
  17. 12 hours ago, Obtena.7952 said:

    That makes no sense. What did I disagree with myself about?


    You say reaper should not have dps increase , but support tools ... and before "look at what it does and make it work with a team"

    so just tell me ? what does a reaper does actually ? or maybe i didnt get your point thats a possibility .

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  18. 11 hours ago, Axl.8924 said:

    In truth if it was a minor dps lost say you were at 37k and down t 36.5k i'd still play iut  maybe even 35k DPS as long as i can do enough dmg in the phsae to kill now once you start getting into lets say 6-10k Difference its simply too much for a dps class to have that little unless it offers some serious support to compete like i see eles still do some DPS while they heal and do it well but if you take away their heal for instance then no.

    Ele is a class who can do everything , but is average in everything in hands of 95% of the players 

    the dps need a terryfying rotation do be effective and is not hardly above easy dps classes 

    the heal is lackluster as hell , the way you provide alacrity is horrible and the boon range is way too small on overloads .

    Quickness/dps ? taking a trait that clearly say "you dealing -10% damage" no way for a dps class ...

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  19. On 10/5/2022 at 5:27 PM, Obtena.7952 said:

    The approach will be to look at what it does and make it work with a team.

    Even you disagree with yourself .

    what does a reaper does ? it reap , it damage , it take lives , it doesnt need an overall rework , not like elementalist , it just needs ratio up , lower cd , ... etc etc , it's just a dps , if you want to make it a support he will go to compete with all the others supports. 

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  20. Mech pew pew nerfed from 3-4 k damage wise , lose 5% of popularity , brew more air plz , facts vs theory 

    And a reaper , as his name let suppose , is a dps it doesnt need support tools , you think pew pew mech has support tools ? not at all , but the class is overly still played. And dont tell me that the 27% of the players are playing HAM ...

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  21. the way i play how i want is effectiveness , i dont care about a class doing a half job supp or dps , and i am not the only one , you are mainly opposed at all the people on this forum who still tell you thats the way they play , so what ? let the game like that ? let Elementalist , Reaper , Dragon hunter , and all the others useless classes be forgotten , cause only a minority plays it and is effective with it , Anet have a job , they have a balance team and their work is to do what all the people stated in this forum , you still maintaining that people won't care about dps , but face that mech has loosed 5% of popularity cause of the recent patch , who was only about dps , no mechanic nerf , no new interaction added or deleted . So many people care about dps at our level of play and will always take whats the more efficient , when some classes arent played it JUSTIFY an up of those classes, and sometimes it's as simple as dps increase numbers or ratio.

    And last you can tell what you want about the content you did , there is no proof you did anything , so i can tell i am a special force SAS no one can trust me cause their is no proof , you make me think of some politician , talk talk talk , brew some air , talk talk...

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  22. Stay in your world playing with wheelchair spec doing a half baked job , you are just telling that and that , no actual proof of anyhthing , but you not mentioning specific content means a lot of what you have achieved , not thats a bad thing , but when you are so clear about your statement you must know every aspect of the game ... All we want is raise up some classes , who are mostly not played , and a lot of us think that dps need to do more dps (as their name included ...) and support need more support , access to aegis stab , more reliable way to provide boons , just look at the exemple: healmech provide might in a 600 area range from f3 and AA from the bot , Ele provide might with overloading fire in a 180 hitbox range , can ofc use skill 4 warhorn to extend it , but is very sensitive to damage or interrupt while doing that , mech not , the bot cant be interrupted and is almost unkillable ... So they are flaws , and one easy thing to do is increase the boon range from overloading fire from 180 to 600 , as for reaoper , the axe need more damage , so he can have good range option , and mostly damage increase , as a melee having range dps at 1200 range completely subpar your dps is not a good feeling , we play what is effective , so we can argue to have most classes near a certain dps check , thats freaking logic .

    I dont know what you trying to achieve with all your logic , earning arenanet little pet points maybe , i dont know ...

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  23. 10 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

    Interestingly enough ... I've joined YOLO teams on LFG and I've played in groups that have picked up some pretty atypical builds, which is the whole point of teams with people that play how they want in the first place. 

    And what have you done ? as content ...

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