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Posts posted by zeyeti.8347

  1. 9 minutes ago, Kodama.6453 said:

    That's not true.

    Let's take a look at thief, for example. Thief in core has access to 6 different stunbreaks to chose from: blinding powder, shadowstep, shadow portal, infiltrator's signet, haste, roll for initiative.

    Core engineer also has access to 6 stunbreaks to chose from, but 3 of them are placed on the utility bar and the other 3 on the toolbelt: elixir s (utility), elixir u (utility), utility goggles (utility), rumble (toolbelt), superspeed (toolbelt), healing mist (toolbelt)

    Mechanist is literally the only spec in the game which has less options to chose from for stunbreaks than it's core class. You get access to shift signet and crisis zone and new stunbreaks, but you lose access to rumble, superspeed and healing mist. You trade 2 new stunbreaks for 3 old stunbreaks.

    All other elite specs (with the single exception of specter, since for some reason it didn't get a new stunbreak on a well) gain access to 1 new stunbreak while losing none of their core stunbreaks.

    You can't argue with "but ranger doesn't have a toolbelt either!", because these other classes got all these features located elsewhere (be it weapons, utility skills, or other stuff). Engineer got balanced around spreading their effect between the utility bar and toolbelt bar.

    All you  say come to a price just play pmech and look what he has in his kit , a port away who clean 2 conditions + breasktun , constant passiv healing doing nothing (as usuall) , a thief if he wants to go all out dps , doesnt use blinding powder , nor shadowstep , pmech has all that blended in his kit , you choosed a weird example , thief with ele are the two lowest spec played in endgame content ...

    Ele or completley busted in WO playing celestial , ofc wouldn't a  pmech being unkillable playing celestial ?

    What i mean with all the selfsustain the easiness and the dps who is high enough for the input of players , need more ? i think not ! A better change on the devuff stats for mech ofc ... And for your information snowcrow doesnt hold the pmech in viable builds anymore , but it is still played ...https://snowcrows.com/builds/engineer/mechanist/power-mechanist not me saying it , pros saying it.

    what do you want ? to deal 32k afk , and it will be a 33% play rate again ?

    • Confused 5
  2. just tested iam a 24k camping fire on weaver 1-2-3-4-5 , and used some utiltys , i tested pmech , iam at 32k with 1-2-3-4-5 using rifle turret and busted signets 


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  3. 3 minutes ago, Sindust.7059 said:

    If you use condi tempest or staff power weaver while camping fire attunement, you get similar results for similar input. Just because you can play a more complex rotation, doesn't mean that the LI version isn't comparable. You only need the difficult rotation to get to 40k, and you can do that on ele. But you can still get 30k with whack-a-mole in fire attunement, also ranged, and with better AoE.

    i would really like to see an ele using 1-2-3-4-5 doing 30k on a moving target ! ... it is funny if those build exist why is ele played at such a low rate 

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  4. 6 minutes ago, Kodama.6453 said:

    It all boils down to the problem I was already pointing out the moment people suggested an elite spec which replaces the toolbelt with a pet here on the forum.

    Giving up the entire toolbelt for a pet is a stupid idea.

    The toolbelt holds tons of important functions for engineers. One of our healing skills is located on it (med kit), half of the core stunbreaks are on it (slick shoes toolbelt, thumper turret toolbelt, elixir gun toolbelt), many hard hitting damage abilities are located on it (rocket turret toolbelt, rifle turret toolbelt, throw mine toolbelt, etc.).

    What we get from the spec has to be worth giving all this stuff up. It needs to compensate for that loss. And to achieve that, stuff needs to get pretty ridiculous. Crisis zone, for example, is a hilariously bloated ability looked at in a vacuum. But it is needed because it has to make up for stuff like the missing stability from toolbelt, the missing condi cleanses from toolbelt, the missing stunbreaks from toolbelt.

    Now we have this mess. Mechanist has to be busted on individual skills because the trade off of giving up the entire toolbelt is just stupidly harsh. If you try to replace a highly complex and customizable mechanic like the toolbelt with a way simpler mechanic and want both to be equal in power, then the simple mechanic will have absurd power levels.

    What you all stated all other specs miss it too .

    Stun breaks ? you have shift signet ! Crisis zone is an aberration ! and sovort 

    I really thought mech special utilitys would have been orders like ranger has , bu now go on changing something that give you a +10% damage boost for nothing , what utilty skills increase your damage for 10% 100% of the time ?  it is designed to be Li , and so it needs to do Li damage , toolbelt and utiltys should have added more depths into the robot , especially with this garbage IA .

    Tell me just which spec has a breakstun , 550 healing/sec , 1200 range almost same dps as melee , amazing cc , all this Qol come to a price , "meh" damage.

    • Confused 4
  5. 6 minutes ago, Eekasqueak.7850 said:

    Ele is a weird comparison to make for alac because alac tempest needs some major qol overhauls to be really viable. They made the awful choice to tie alac to overloads and it's extremely unforgiving so it isn't going to get much use. 

    completely agree , but ppl here are comparing eles to mechs so it had to be stated . Mech is not i na bad spot , it is in the spot it needs to be , an easy build for starter with 0 need of comprehension and weird mechancis to maximize the effectiveness of the build, don't dare compare that to a catalyst or a weaver , just read how Elemental Epitome works , so don't compare a hello kitty rotation to a starcraft 2 grandmaster apm.

    All mechs trait for pmech are very simple and straighforward , i see even ppl asking why the 2x 15% crit. chance isn't stated in your buffs ... thats says long on the level ... and complain because theyr inner self trust they are only on a 75% crit. chance while criting every time ...

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  6. 13 minutes ago, Sindust.7059 said:

    Only people in your imagination want it to do 40k. As I said before, before november 29th it was in a good spot, it was already doing LI damage on the LI build (not the grenade build which is not LI as it's just as complex as virtuoso or power soulbeast with that rotation, both of which are also ranged btw), but it was actually fun to play, because we didn't have to babysit the buggy mech. Not any more.

    It is still played at 20% by the data , something had to change on the mech , the performance was too high for the input , they choose the weird debuff on mech passive stats from players changes , i personnaly thought they would change shift signet , because lets face the truth , tell me wich signet in the game does so much ? +25% speed , all your boons to the mech , breastun , port away 1200 range ... etc etc , also remind you the emch is the only one who has busted signet like that , +10% damage , +10% condi damage ... etc , while all other signet are just + xx in this stats , it was made to be LI with such a bad design and overbusted signets , if they added cool utilty skills like ranger has for pet orders like , keep your position , or sickem , ... that would make it more inetsreting to play , but no .

    Mech rotation is 1-2-3-4-5 endpoint , no skill ceiling , no interaction with traits , and as i said , if it is in a bad spot , why is literally 1/5 player choosing it for endgame , i see you comin , because he has an alac/dps/support build ? so do ele has but it less than 3% played , mech is too easy to play for the result it does , before the patch i feeled like cheating playing it , ppl asking how do i deal so much damage , while i was using rifle turret and pressing off cd rifle skills , every raid i made was literally a cakewalk , was feeling like tarir meta ... , while drinking some tea ofc . before the patch , at his peak it was a 33% played , what did you expect ? next step was renaming the game mech wars 2 .... if this nerf didnt occured , all other specs needed to win a 20% damage boost ... the higher the rotation the higher the damage , the lower the rotation the lwoer the damage .

    Ofc they can readd the cool triple round shot for rifle , but the damage need then to be nerfed then , and i am for a removal off the mech debuff when away from the player , thats literally the good design part of the mech , being a moving boon beacon , but that will coem witha  price , what will you say if all signets are now normal signets adding +180 power instead of +10% damage ? because all others profession have this sort of stuff , only ele has garbage signet , the only usefull being burn signet with 180 precision ...

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  7. I like how ppl compare the ele rotation against the pmech rotation , you should try filming your keyboard , one class can be literally played blind with a two button keyboard , and the other need another pair of 5 fingers and a very good undertanding of how it works .

    What have pmech to worry about ? range? 1200 range 90% of his dps with mech afk on the boss baby ! rotation ? 25k half sleeping !

    damage ? you heal for 550 secondes without any support helping you ! breakstun , teleport ? shift signet my friend ! 

    Oh yes dps is not 40k , omg for a two button pressing class it should do 40k you think , thats absurd , the dps he does now is equall the effort the player put in his rotation , non existing ! 

    Pmech is a LI build and it should do LI damage , if it goes back to what it didi before 32k afk , all squads will be filled with emchs again , and bb diversity in the game 

    https://gw2wingman.nevermindcreations.de/popularity , yes ofc ele is performing very well , and nobody plays mech , ouin ouin , sure fact .... mech is more played than ele whole 3e-specs , ppl lie , numbers don't .

    what i can understand is the weird buff the mech looses when he is too long away from the player , with the dumb IA pets have , thats a bad change indeed.


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  8. thats the problem with ele , you have very little room for survivabilty , changing a single trait or adding non optimal stuff to your gear will impact your dps , as for catalyst , only on very static fight , don't forget you have EE buffs increasing your stats for 1% , i get this is why catalyst is more sort off as a bruiser , but that need a perfectly good rotation , you can add some dragon gear (not full) i don't think it will impact your dps a lot , if it is only few pieces , but again you will need to change an utilty skill for signet of fire to compensate the loss of précision .

    one tip someone said (and i tried it) is to have the greater earth elemental up , his skill immobilize in area and thus give you two EE stacks per target , helping a lot keeping 10 stacks for 2x bonus (the cd is 15 so it is the same as the EE stacks duration) as i think the Fiery Gs is not a big dps increase and is very lackluster to use.

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  9. It has an initial burst very high , so in fractals encounters like 99 and 98 cm , it's pretty good , cause all those fight have phases where you can replicate your initial burst .

    but yes on fights who last more than 15 secondes , Dh fall deep on dps for most players , re-adding the +20% damage on f1 skill instead off +15% could help a bit , doenst know why they changed that .

  10. 15 hours ago, Obtena.7952 said:

    OK ... and that's not a problem that Anet needs to fix because if someone DOES want to play that, they likely have to create their own groups of accepting players to do so and every players has that capability. 

    You think Anet needs to work on heal Vindi because it's low popularity indicates bad design. They don't, because not everything needs to be as popular as everything else. You call it 'half-baked support'. That's OK, because not everyone playing a non-DPS build wants to be filling multiple support roles.

    There is no need for everything to have equivalent performance, especially at the level of highest difficulty. This isn't about Anet ensuring everyone is equal; it's about giving players options for different ways to play. You and the OP shouldn't base your premise for class change on a small fraction of group content relevant to an equally small fraction of players who can't think beyond their own limited approach to playing the game ... unless of course you don't really care about people listening to you.

    I agree not everything can be equall , but there is a limit at what can be usefull and what is literally garbage tier , if you don't look about performing you cannot understand my point , and it's ok , neither i understand yours .

    My point is to look at what need to be erwork , you need to look at numbers , if a class isn't played in such and such content , then their is a little bit of work needed to be done on it 

    just look a druid , it wasn't played , they made few changes (mostly Qol and some huge buffs) and it is back to a fairly ncie 5-6% played in endgame content , what did they change ?

    - staff AA and skill 2 targetable on allies 

    - avatar skill 2 with no cast and very low cd (1sec)

    those two small changes made it back , and as i personnaly play it now i can enjoy that long range uber healer , see no need for very big changes , just emitting ideas here , as i know anet look at forums , and take sometimes a step back to think .

    Another example is previous huge patch , ppl where complaining about weaver having literally no buffs , a lot of ele players where angry cause it really needed some buffs to be competitive , and anet made those change it was a +10% damage and a+5% condi damage flat , so emitting ideas in the forums could actually help the balance and keep a meta changes in the game , you on the other side help not a lot , you have flat ideas , little understanding how the game works in the endgame , and if you do prove me i am wrong show me some data , i do't care about blabla , if you want to see mine , just kp.me me , and you will see that i have a good understanding how the endgame works , i don't like throwing myself flowers , but i can tyalk about what i know , i will never say something like that about wvw and pvp cause i am garbage at those two content , my philosophy is know your stuff then talk about it .

    And even a little part of the community is doing the endgame stuff , why bother about OW ppl who won't literally notice a single change , everything work in open world , you can play your healvindi , minstrel longbow warrior , and sovort , yes you could play it in endgame content , but i don't know you , but i doesnt like the feeling of being a leech or a parasite in my squad , providing nothing in the squad. The meta changes doesnt affect OW a single bit , cause 3/4 of the ppl doesnt care about efficiency , to prove that just run arcdps on meta events and look at ppl doing 2-3k damage/sec , they don't care , so balance is mostly adressed for pvp , wvw and endgame content , don't tell me that the regular mech player OW noticed his robot stats where 50% lower because his mech was 360 range away from him for more than 5sec ... and just emitting dieas again , you just saying the same as usuall "this class is played" yes at 0,1% rate , does it exist though ? for me , no , but free to you to think the opposite , you seem to preach a non change of the game and go on agree every change anet made was good , remind the banner rework on warrior ? that indeed was good (sarcasm off) i must put it cause you seem to lack to notice sarcasm , sorry.

  11. 5 hours ago, Serephen.3420 said:

    Iget your desire for wanting to play vindi as a healer but it's original design was no more focused on being a healer than weaver. Not impossible but not ideal. It was intended as more of a hybrid/bruiser going back andforth between damage and healing, probably had pvp/wvw in mind more than pve when it was first made.  Now, for better or worse  they removed the forced flipping of skills. Giving the illusion that it's a purist spec. 


    It does leave a good question, what is to happen regarding future specs. Will they all just be damage dealers? Since now with 3 each most professions have one of each role covered. Will they make more alac/quick specs? Then what does that mean for current ones? That is perhaps an issue created with making elites too general and broad, rather than hyper focused. 


    I suppose that is a challenge we'll have to see how Anet tackles in the next expansion.

    Was not me wanting it , but i kinda like the idea , in today gamer mind in gw 2 a healer m-u-s-t provide alac or quickness , if there is no source of it the class won't be played (or on very niche scenario , or by fancy ppl trying a challenge), even with calculation about a dps increase from support trading off concentration because vindi can give 1sec + boon uptime every dodge people will not adapt their stuff cause just one guy want to play healvindi or vindi support, imagine ppl not having leg armors and having to trade off deviner stuff for berserker stuff just cause one guy want to play healvindi , need to be realistic , that won't happen , i personnaly won't do it even if i was full leg.

    I just think it could be nice to have such a healer increasing boon uptime , very few changes could make it good like alacrity on dodges , etc ... the dodge heal and the dodge +1 sec boon exist , but nobody use it .

    i just said it could be nice to do that , just an idea .

  12. Hello, 

    I find just the runes of firebrand being sufficient ,  if you really struggle , you can just change your utilty food (Toxic) or normal food (Plate of Eggs Benedict) to add more concentration  , also you can spam your healing to proc Liberator's Vow , it is on a  7sec cd , so with alac use it whenever it's up and it will give quickness . 

    For the rest it will mainly depend off the players you play with , is the alacrity good enough , do they stack often , those are things no one can see at the start.

    • Thanks 1
  13. 21 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

    The answer as always: make your own groups

    And wait a whole day your 1/10 squad "healvindi , providing no alac , no quickness , w5 at dhumm" fills up , ... yes i like waiting ...

    if you ask ppl what they want to play in endgame , there will certainly not be a lot of healvindi ...

    As i still wonder who plays healvindi in OW 😏

    you maybe can play and not feel like a parasite in your group cause you get no value out of your class , but that i a no-go for me , but as always do the game how you want , we are in a forum and each time someone appears and say it would be cool if this class had this or this ... you come in and say , "this class doenst need that to be played ..." so why is ther no healvindi in the game , why in my 8000 hours of play didn't i saw a single healvindi ? but it exist , yes ... maybe soemwhere in a lonely place hidden ina dead map OW a lone healvindi i killing lvl 6moas to get his chcken meat for power food , yes ...

    you have more message than i have hours played the game , thats says long on how you take the "game" , you actually "farm" the forum , ... i let you there watching your own button belly , cya ...

    also watching every reply to you being negative is quite funny , you must be very lonely in your own world , maybe you are that healvindi farming moas .

    • Like 1
  14. All you stated up comes with tardeoffs

    Staff ? great , no boon extension , no fire warhorn 4 for fury might expend , how do you maintain might in that case ? with your tiny 180 aoe wide overload fire ?

    burst heal ? ofc , but heal access is a mess , Ham has medkit (weak heals but 100% of the time) , Fb more burst heal and access right now with tome rework , druid has burst heal for 15 secondes with his avatar on a freaking 1200 range , and decent heals with staff

    rezzing ? if you take staff only (not counting the waterfall when you start rezzing almost useless while youc an take long range instant rez) , Fb has a signet who instantly revive 

    And alacrity is the worst ... no need to point that out .

    it is weirdly enough , very well designed , because of those trade offs , you have to choose between what you need , but it is bad because all others healers have 0 trade offs .

    It is not coincidence Hat is the less played healer in the meta . While i agree it is fun ... but thats all.


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  15. 6 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

    OK ... The fact is that there is nothing about the design of the HTCM encounter that would pre-determine a group that contains a healvindi to fail. 

    I mean, you're pinning your whole argument that the game tells you what to play based on ONE encounter that's designed to be the most difficult in the game. That's rather absurd as well ... but I'm sure you didn't think of that or it's just convenient for you to completely ignore all the other content in the game. 

    But I mean, if you still want to argue there is a NEED for Anet to change a bunch of builds because of the most extreme content in the game would be harder to complete successfully, I'm sure you have a compelling argument there. 😆

    The true is this content exist (as you proclaim healvindi exist) and as many ppl and don't do OW , cause it bores me , so what we ask is just for some classes to have the same loves as others , we talk about efficiency , but you are more on the "fancy" side of the game trying the off meta things and think you are geniuses , because you playing something fancy , no that makes you ******* .

    So stay in the fancy stuff , i play how i want . with efficiency !

    And It's YOU who asked why not htcm , i rolled you all the mechanics , and then you argue that it's just on that content , yes on that content you will in 99,999% of the case  fail 

    And as i said before you talk a lot for someone who don't want to show what he has done in the game , culture is like marmelade , the less you have the more you spread !

  16. Well , i have to make a whole mechanic overview ..

    Htcm is very dps oreinted as the area in the middle grow up pretty fast you have dps each dragon in a certaina mount of time , so having a healer who don't give alacrity nor quickness will hurt it a lot 

    green mechanics : need at least 6 ppl (2per green) inside or else its a wipe (you can go full invu. but you will have a debuff of -25% damage dealt) , usually the two healers take the green far away (need a teleport , not a mov. skill , cause aoe fill the area , vindi has none).

    Red taregeted area : again a mechanic who need the two healers to runaway from the group to dispatch a deadly red aoe .

    If you look at how the fight is designed , your healer choice is the healmech , why ?

    - while you are away , your mech can stay on the group and dispatch boons (even with the -50% boon duration nerf)

    - you have a port who is also a breakstun , on a fairly low cd (for the mechanics up*mentionned)

    -you have a group breakstun in your kit needed for zhaitan phase , cause this one make a huge aoe (whole map) who is undodeable , unblockable , that deal insane damage and fears everyone (cannot be stab. , need a breakstun)

    Vindiheal lacks all of that.

    I really get your point , thats was the sellign point of the game , "play how you want" but it is fairly different on last endgame content 

    With the dps increase , a vindiheal in most raids should do , but it will be a burden and act like a "parasite" not filling his role , raids have standarts , as strikes , as fractals , you could play Hat or healvindi in fractals , but yoru group will suffer YOUR choice , there is a reason ppl choose hfb in fractals , but yes some fancy ppl like to try and hurt themself playing something else

    As a lot of ppl it get on my nerves when i get stunned 5 times in a row , cause i play with a Hat and not a hfb.


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  17. 2 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

    No the game does not decide for you what builds you can play, even in HTCM I have no doubt that if someone find a group that lets them, they can play healvindi. 

    yes sure ... but this group will never succeed then ...

    Again it's a point of view , i have mine you have yours , but you can't deny profession preference in the game and the huge gap n % class played.

  18. No actually it's the game who decide how you play , just try htcm with a healvindi , you will see the problem , in OW you can go whatever you want , everything works , celestial warrior , condi catalyst , druid dps , healscourge dps , firebrand power , etc ...

    The last content anet made for endgame make you more and more decide to play something efficient , so it's the game who "pushes" you how to play and which class to select.


  19. 2 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

    Hey, as long as you can find a group that will take you (or the build even exists in the first place) ... fill your boots. I'm still right. There is no game mechanic that requires any build you want to play to have equal standing with any other. 

    I am pretty sure people will accept my healvindi on HTCM ... but i exist like a rabbit wherewolf.

    I prefer bet winning on lotto than that ->

    2 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

    as long as you can find a group that will take you


  20. 2 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

    There is no build in the game that needs to be changed in order to play it. 

    Good point i am bringing out my healwarrior in raids ! and my condi vindicator ! and my alacrity healscourge .

    jokes away , i got your point , but a build who isn't efficient , for me , doesnt exist 

  21. 14 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

    Except that's a extreme and unlikely scenario that something 'will never be played' and that's not necessarily a problem anyways. That's just sensational rhetoric to make an issue people have with a specific build appear larger than it really is. 

    It could be played , but it needs change to be played , and franckly i would really like the idea of a healer who heals when he dodge (hello firebrand) and give boons while landing like ironman , that could be fun , and i persnnaly think it doesnt need a lot of changes to work , it has already nice healing trough ventari , the boon extension (even if i made fun of it) could be really usefull , just need better boon access , especially alacrity or quickness.

    i am just saying in terms of endgame content there will be always some classes way more powerfull than others , but that doesnt mean that what is bad need to stay bad , i reaffirm that something so weakly played , lacking popularity , is simply badly designed , the boon extension exist on the dodge of vindi as the heal exist , so they need to work on it .

    Atm the healvindi is a halfbaked support 

  22. 8 hours ago, the krytan assassin.9235 said:

    Ele is in quite a decent spot atm in my opinion compared to last year. 

    For PvE:

    Lack of uptime on alac uptime on HAT is mostly a skill issue (you can easily get some self stabi and you can stack up to ~200% alac uptime if you use overloads on cd (which can help you out whenever you've got no time to finish an overload).

    If you can properly play cweaver or cata you're in the top 2 dps in like 90% of the encounters

    Qcata is actually pretty decent right now, especially when used as an defensive boon support (perma protection, resolution, vigor and aegis every ~12 seconds. 

    Even staff pweaver is pretty decent right now. Very easy rotation and can bench like 35k i believe. 


    For WvW:

    2 very powerful roam builds atm (hammer and sc/f cata). 

    Nerfs to stabi and boonrip almost always result in staff Weaver getting a relative buff. Very strong in pug groups right now and has some usage for guildgraids aswell. 

    Htemp quite popular aswell atm. Has gotten a big healing buff on elemental bastion aswell


    For PvP:

    Hammer cata, sc/f, tank temp are all in a great spot atm (and fire Weaver is also pretty decent). 


    That being said, ele unfortunately still has quite some long lasting problems that makes the class kinda awkward on specific boss/WvW encounter. 


    I can recommend trying out PvE spellbreaker for any ele player that likes to play power sw/d Weaver and is looking for another class/is fed up with the current state of the elementalist. Spellbreaker quite literally is everything the ele community has asked for atm. It has: similar dps & playstyle to pweaver, amazing breakbar damage, lots of surviveability, access to some amazing utilities & elites (defiance stance, shake it off, MoD, rez banner), can easily switch to quick (provides easy reliable quick uptime), access to perma stability at the cost of only a small amount of dps, provides meaningful Boons as dps (you dont even need a dedicated Qdps if you're running 4 spellbreakers in a party) and to top it off its probably the best boonrip ingame. Spellbreaker is quite literally pweaver on steroids. It outclasses it in almost every single possible way atm. 

    Yes compared to mech that can give 100% alac uptime , fury and might almost afk , as the player said you just below , you can be permanently under stab when you overload , then you have no vigor for the group , you can give a good chunk of stab to your group playing earth , you can maintain fury playing air , but thas it , just look as Hat has to sacrifice a whole traitline for just one boon!

    In OW we don't care about that but in endgame isntanced a half baked "healer" can't do , you see some druids , you see "some" (lol) healmechs and some firebrands , you never see a HAt , it is in a bad spot and sure some people enjoy it , but there is a difference between enjoyable and efficient , i enjoy playing catalyst celestial in OW , should i bring that to raids ? i don't think so , ...

    The problem with the alac generator has been discussed a lot of times , when you have all other classes literally puking quickness or alacrity like no tomorrows , and ele lockdown into switching attunements as fast as he could to counter the 5 secondes for the overload to be ready and then channeling for 4 secs... just look at others healers ... i don't need to point it out , Hat is the worst healer of the game , and for the dps aspect , it is fine for a little % of the players , numbers don't lie https://gw2wingman.nevermindcreations.de/popularity if it is in such a good spot it should be played more , no ? why is there still a 20% of mechs players , why is firebrand and druid more than double played than hat ? 

    hat need a smoother access to alacrity , and not just a trait saying you gove alacrity , endpoint ! other healers have alacrity/quickness access with a bonus , ex:

    -mech gaining an op skill that give stab. , prot. , aegis , alacrity , area breakstun , condi cleanse , and make some tea and cookies for the squad at same time

    -druid : bonus on hp sacrifice for all spirits 

    -herald : bonus to passiv duration after use

    -and sovort ....

    Hat should be ok if all other support had the same shenanigans as others , but his alacrity was just throwed at him like a  rock , while other healers has no sacrifice to do in term of support , Hat laso looses bastion of elements , a key trait for healing ... too much to sacrifice for a bad result , all others healers are more efficient .

    You say it beats the druid ? druid has one fairly good selling point , it has amazing long range healing , as for the most endgame content now need your group to split , so play as Hat and what do you use long range healing ? yes ice bow AA , on a 60 sec cd hahahaha. And for alac spirits can be maintained alive 100% of the time with your own heals and you just need to take 3 of them to have 24 sec of alacrity on 15 sec cd , and the alacrity is on a 1/2sec cast , and if you are interrupted , you can relaunch it right after , too bad overloads go full cd if interrupted , huh ...

    And yes , if my squad is running 10 reapers , i don't need quickness too , and if my squad is running 10 mechs i don't need anything at all in terms of boons , and if poneys could fly men will not need planes anymore ...

    And yes ele is maybe doing better than last year but adding cherry toping on a t-u-r-d cake doesnt make it a dessert , ty !

    spec has less hp and less armor , is difficult to play and should be rewarded proportionally of that , and you know it isn't the case.

    Numbers don't lie , it is with his 3-especs combined the less played class of all the game in endgame (with thief).

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  23. 1 hour ago, LadyKitty.6120 said:

    For starters, Kitty doesn't really need FYIs as she knows the build system quite thoroughly and she usually maths more than she plays (after all, she's done quite a bit of build pioneering). Anyway, guess Kitty needs to elaborate...

    Glint F2 is indeed +20% BD that bypasses the normal cap. And it has a +3 when used. But. +20% is only up when you have it active or for 6s after consuming with 16s CD after consuming which means 10s gap without that buff if you ever consume it. As such, there's only a few cases where it's worth it and doing so means not being able to share it reliably. The extension after consuming mainly covers for that a bit but it's nothing more than compensation if it's used for the passive effect. (Using it on QuickHerald is more understandable since it needs to Consume anyway and 3/10>20%.)
    But as such, there's not that many cases where it actually adds to boon duration over squad as to get full benefit, Herald's boost needs to 1. be reliable (Can be costly opportunity-wise) and 2. have other booners (as Kitty thinks she mentioned in previous post) for all 10 to adjust their gears for more healing/attack power. Including your and the other sub. For healers, that means swapping stuff to Magi's (Or Marshal's or Zealot's or Minstrel's) which essentially means legendary gears or former "Kitty's bank".

    So, compared to pogo stick HealVindi, not very impressive boost. Although HealVindi does have the problem of there having to be existing stacks to extend but that wasn't an issue when Kitty playing HealVindi when it was a thing. But that's why margins exist anyway.

    And so, when it comes to spirits, at golem, typical squad would get about 13k DPS boost from Frost Spirit if all (Boon)DPSers were power. Comparing the same numbers to Kitty's earlier calculations, guess what? The lowered boon duration requirement from running HealVindi+2 Boon DPS+2 DPS would also give about 12-14k DPS boost for whole squad. But doesn't even require everyone to be power which is a bonus. So after doing the math, it does seem like there would actually be even more reason to use HealVindi today than there was to use a druid before in Healer+QDPS+ADPS comp (excluding mechanics-reasons but those don't require druid these days or the other sub's healer can be alacdruid to cover those stuffs).
    And for clarity: for the math Kitty used Druid/HVindi+QDPS+ADPS+2DPS / Healer+Boon DPS+3DPS comp with DPSers doing 38k, Boon DPSers doing 25k and healers doing 3k each which are what mediocre metabuilds do at golem atm.

    And for the last part: please don't even hint at the horror that was Power VoE Vindicator. Kitty played it once as Power Alac Vindi and that's one of the few builds she didn't get to work even decently 'cause it spent too much time in the air without doing enough damage landing and didn't have enough time to hit stuff for DPS.

    To be more serious: It's not just "1 or 2 concentration pieces". 50% BD is 750 Concentration. From stat set with 4 stats, minor stats from all gear pieces give 633 Concentration. If you add concentration food on that, that's almost 50% Boon Duration.
    In other words: With Heal Vindicator, a boon DPS that would need full Ritualist's and boon duration food could use full Viper's with DPS food. Inversely, a pure Condi FB could be a full quickbrand just by couple trait and utility skill swaps and if you provide them with some sussy consumables that boost Concentration instead of Condi Damage. Power Engi just needs to pull out a hammer and put on Scrapper DPS build with one trait change. You can tell any warrior to just take Banner of Tactics+Banner of Whatever and they can Quick DPS with ease (there's even some room for them to delay the banner if rota requires). So, need to change habits and learn a new rota? Mostly less than in having to adjust rotas during boss fights anyway so shouldn't be a big deal anyway (unless you've literally pressed 1111111 before and on alac mech or Quick Bomberscrapper, even that works with HealVindi).

    Oh sorry i forgot about druid sun spirit , giving each squad member a 2 stacks of burn each few sec , point is nobody plays healvindi , and don't tell me that the hardcore players haven't already tried your strategy , but ... no healvindi in the whole game , and just try to come into a squad and say you will heal as vindicator , i bet you know what will follow , an instant kick ... also boon extension from vindi is on a freaking 240 aoe wide , druid was played for a reason and healvindi is not played for a reason , it's not me saying it it's the stats ! https://gw2wingman.nevermindcreations.de/popularity i bet that the 1,84% vindi players are playing heal ... no , only solution is to add alacrity to vindi boons . 

    And plz stop talking a bout kittens , that make your post awkward 😂

  24. On 12/29/2022 at 3:31 PM, LadyKitty.6120 said:

    Boon extension on Herald being better isn't effectively 100% true. Many healers over-cap the effective boon output already without that extra 20% and since Boon DPSers and healers take care of boons, in typical comp there's only 1 other player who truly benefits from that +20% of Herald's: the other Boon DPS. But even then, having specifically QuickHerald to allow the other sub's Boon DPS to run lower BD (and usually can't run 0% even in that case) is even more restricting that running Heal Vindi which does allow the 2 Boon DPSers in its sub to use DPS gears with some boon traits/skills to bring full quick+alac (in other words, pretty much anyone of suitable class can bring the boons so even most DPSers can change to Boon DPS without issues). Heal Vindi doesn't set ANY requirements for the other sub like fully utilizing QuickHeralf would. And considering that people occasionally use Heal Scourge which has only Might to offer, Kitty fails to see why Heal Vindi would be any more issue.

    Besides, have people already forgotten about old days of druid+QB+AlacRen combo? Also required healer+QuickDPS+AlacDPS (latter 2 requiring BD gears) and people even wanted such comp most of the time so Kitty fails to see why Heal Vindi would be any harder esp. since it actually makes having Boon DPSers easier.

    Cause the healers you mention have access to those key boons , only vindi heal has none of those , and for your information the herald is a double boon duration amplifier , +20% duration when passiv is active (on 10 peeps) and a +3 sec when used (on 5 people) .

    Also , even if vindi could have access to alacrity , he lacks other boons , he can stack up might and prot. actually , and his dodge who can heal and give barrier has not the boon extension , those end traits are weirdly designed , the only good one is the +15% damage.

    Herald has good damage for a support with so many boons , and it is not so far to also become a good healer , cannot be compared to vindi heal , no wonder there is no build listed for it endgame pve .

    What you said on the comp. druid +Qfb+ren was only taken cause the spirits were a great addition to a whole squad , people can say +5% damage was nothing (from frost spirit) but +5% damage on an entire squad is huge ! just imagine your 6 dps are benching , let's say... 15k , a +5% , do the math thats worth it , now that druid can give alac , the composition will always be the same in most cases : 2 heals giving alac or quick , 2 dps/support adding the missing boons from the two healers , rest dps . No place for a heal without alacrity or quickness , neither a dps , with some weird boon extension dealing sub damage.

    you want vindi heal back ? he needs to put on alacrity , no one in the squad will want to adapt their builds and habits , removing 1 or 2 concentration pieces of armor to add minimal damage change , and have a useless healer ...who extend boon from 1 seconde each time he flyes to the air or have a dps loosing a big chunky +15% damage . Stil , it could get some use to play it dps with boon extension on encounters where boon sharing is hard (like Harvets temple cm), but in 95% of the case , it would be useless , healers and support dish out boons like a machinegun.

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