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Posts posted by zeyeti.8347

  1. 13 hours ago, Lynx.9058 said:

    Y'know, everyone complaining about mechanist needs to see some comments from the other side.  These are taken from reddit comments:


    I get the feeling that streamers and posters with an agenda are viewing top-geared mechanist builds as the standard, when that's clearly not the case.  When you have some posters running rampant crying that "Mechanist autoattack is doing 36k DPS!", while the vast majority of actual players aren't even getting half of that while obviously working in more than just AA spam, it creates a false narrative, and these people scream the loudest on the forums in order to get their way, where the devs and reps see this as valid feedback.

    "The squeaky wheel gets the grease", as the old saying goes, doesn't really apply when the wheel isn't squeaking nearly as much as the neighbor is claiming.

    Yes ofc if you run minstrel build you cant reach 36 k thats obvious ty captain obvious . Point is in pve open world where everything is cute and rabbits and poneys , you will not ever see the difference because the time your mech aim at a trash mob your pew pew rifle already made it a bloody puddle 3 times , done some maths , the mech (the robot not the player) will loose aproximattively 30% crit. damage and on regular builds (exotic or acsended zerk) lowering the crit damage who is +- 230 % with fury , it means your mech will still be at 190-200% crit. damage , question ? If no one talked about this nerf would ever see the difference , i dont think .

    People on reddit who complain not reaching 36k are solo players ofc they are not reaching those numbers , they have not 25 might , perma fury etc etc... those numbers are done on 5-10 man instanced endgame where you have supports giving all the juicy boons. 

    But i have a great news for you , no one solo is able to reach 36k playing solo (only vindicator dodging and killing a neutral rabbit , or touching 5 mobs at same time) , and if you are not top geared , how do you expect reaching those numbers with green stuff ... Ofc this is done on top geared players (skilled ? should say lazy like i am)

    36k is mech with two hands , 32 k is with one hand and 28k is afk toilet . Want some proof ? there you go -->

    Was able to make a delicious irish coffee while i was doing that , writing has no data or proof , here is data !!! If i can achieve that afk , i am able to achieve that in a raid boss encounter . 

    Failrly good point is Catalyst was doing 45 k on a very hard rotation , and catalyst stacked together with full dps stuff could maintain might and quickness , it was nerfed to the ground cause this class was played by 0,1% of the player at this level , so why not nerfing something that 33% of the player choose for endgame and that have great mobilty , cc , some boons share , and perform very well with minimum effort ? We have 9 classes each with 3 elite specs that mean 27 e-specs to choose , so why is one of them played by 33% of the players in endgame ? Dont tell me that 33% of the people in gw 2 has disabilities .... thats rude ! and is also a lazy excuse !

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  2. 19 hours ago, Hashberry.4510 said:

    These issues are related to domination of the pug scene. I think you are supposed to form your own group to handle this, no?

    Ofc , and what do you want me to do ? say no mechs , so i can force player to not play what they want and see my lfg  empty for hours  ? i say healalac , dps , or alacdps , and guess what comes : 1,2,3 mechs , we tried a dhuum cm run , and failed a lot of times , then we got a full team of mechs , just a scourge , 7mechs and 2 scrapper for quick, and made it , because mech can safely put out tons of dps while doing mechanics , have  a tp (wich is also a freaking op passiv) try that when you play a bladesworn or a weaver. 

    The solution was to put the other e-specs to the same level to mech , but anet choosed to nerf it in the future so... it's the easy solution , but still a solution. Why do you think 33% of the player choose to play mech in endgame content , because it's op as healer , as support and as dps .

    I know it's never easy to have something  and then get it taken away , i played catalyst before the pacth , so i know the feeling of your class getting ripped apart to bits , being completely useless now , what should i do ? play it again as dps , do a sweathy rotation while also looking at mechanics , and seeing a mech afk dealing more damage than me ...

    No way , i am the kind of player who only look at efficiency and like performance , so i am stuck playing mech , cause i dont want to be uneffective. With all the hours i played endgame i've only seen a couple of times people cutting trough the dps meter of the mech , 80% of the time a mech player is above , and when you see a weaver player doing his best ,trying to beat it and then next boss coming back as mech , you know there is a problem.

    What ?  I am an elitist scum ? so i dont have the right to talk about balance ? I think i have a good knowledge of the game  , i have 12500 hours active and beated almost all endgame content , i tried every class of the game in every version possible , how does it come i always choose mech ? you will never see me talk about pvp or wvw because i dont know a thing about those modes , i know my place ! But for pve stuff i can safely say i know more than a lot of you , no offense there everybody can make his point , but people who never touched engame content are arguably less suited , cause they lack understanding of other class or dont know a content who take all your energy to beat and all the knowledge you can have and mastering your class tools , and mech atm has a lot of tools , almost all , just need a a quickness share and there we go , the game is recalled mech wars or guild mech .


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  3. On 9/19/2022 at 6:09 PM, Kuma.1503 said:

    Anet is going down the route of removing trade-offs from elite specs. Mechanist currently has the harshest trade-off in the game. 

    If you talk about vindi getting his 2x dodge back , ok . But for the rest "harshest trade off" not at all , a trade off , is something you loose to compensate in another category (less heal - more damage , etc) , while i understand the whole especs traits are around your mech and 0 around your character , what you win is absolutely higher than what you loose, if mech could share quickness instead of alacrity , scrapper , qfb , harbringer and herald are dead.

    But your idea of sending the mech into the sky , allowing you to use the toolbelt again is quite a thing , i franckly hope to see that after the nerf for less passiv gameplay , but lets face the fact who's gonna replace a utility who increase your damage at +10% for some chicky kit. Signet should also be standardised , +180 power , +180 condi damage , instead of +10% damage flat.

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  4. Sorry to bother everyone with that , but one think i can see now , is that most players who want mech to stay like that are not endgame enjoyers , may sound like a spy but the most of you dont even use a kp.me account (no offense here , everyone play the game at his own level , no worries) and people complaining about mech (like me) use it and i see pretty kitten high Leg. insights and Ufe , so guys understand that we endgame enjoyers are tired to see only mechs team (in pugs and in a lot of statics) having something so easy to play , while you have other specs with less hp , less armor and stuck to melee underperform (and i talk about real content , not the raid training golem , everyone is op on the raid golem training) while you have an afk pew pew near you melting everything easily and make arcdps bug , is not normal at all .

    In the better world , but thats an utopia , anet should separate instanced content endgame and open world/story mode , like they did for pvp and wvw , that sound crazy i know.

    And for the balance part just look at the mech role , he overperform in every role , as dps , as healer , as support (one of the best alac/dps with great alac uptime , like no other spec has) and look at the others , just tell me whats the advantage to take a druid or a htemp when you have a healmech , thats obvious . And for those not convinced i will be happy to discuss whats makes one and another more powerfull/efficient than the other. 28k (33 with 1,2 button press) afk on the dps pew pew , and 25 might , fury , alac and 2500-3200 barrier 100% of the time support part ... afk too , tested , thats an abberation !

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  5. Wow , this is why i hate pvp , salt , insults , etc ... people are hidden in their room , safely looking at the pc screen and so they can afford say anything their twisted minds wants , things they surely will not let out Irl.

    I understand the feeling , if it would happen to me , i would also be confused ... then pretty angry.

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  6. nerfing the mech is not gonna bother the most of you doing pve open world stuff , instead of killing a trash mob in 1 secs , you will kill it in 1.1 secs , the nerf here is for endgame content , if you run raids and cm strikes you gonna see mech mechs mechs everywhere , and thats not normal . And for what i heared it's the mecha bot who's gonna get the nerf , loosing 50% ferocity from your own char stats , it might sound big , but the mech is literally part of 33% of your damage , so it will not lower your dps so much.

    And for people who say mechanist is hard because you have to manage your bot ??? you have a magic button who send it to the air and an afk mode for it , just think of the trouble necro minions master or ele with elementals have then , no command at all those summons just do what they want .

    The whole point is , it's not normal such an easy build can deal as much damage (even more) as a build who need a perfect rotation , like bladesworn , holosmith or weaver , and for those who think i lie > https://gw2wingman.nevermindcreations.de/popularity And thats an issue ! If mechanist stays like that , class diversity in endgame is gone , like it is atm.

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  7. You are on my bl , dont overuse your keyboard for nothing , i dont talk to people farming forums points instead of playing the game.

    11500 messages ... thats the number of hours i played the game , see the difference ? 

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  8. 57 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

    I don't know why. I don't care. It has nothing to do with the point you continually attempt to argue with me about. 

    Something not being the best doesn't prevent you from playing the game with it, in whatever content you want to play. That simply depends on choices you make on who you play with and how you play. 

    I mean, what you are saying is absurd ... people can't play how they want unless it's the best? I'm going to let you think about why that's utter nonsense. HINT: MOST of the builds in this game are not the best. 

    You are not a hardcore player endgame thats obvious , so we wont understand each other , you never had the same experience i had with the endgame content , and i still wonder how you came out of my block list , but no problem back to it immediately , stay in the carebears world , "everything is equall , vindicator dps is meta , htemp is played a lot , and whatsoever your ego provide to your brain..." and i know i will never see you on the game , unless you message with an alt , what would be obscur , like you had something to hide , anyway i dont care see ya never ...

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  9. 35 minutes ago, infant.8175 said:

    @zeyeti.8347 you can play heal tempest in normal t4's  specially if you want to introduce newbies to fractals it can easily carry the party also you have a meta option with power dps alac tempest gameplay wise its not that different you just replace decent green numbers for decent red ones . 

    Ty but if i play with noobies i prefer playing ham or hfb , ham pump out crazy barrier and hfb has tons of aegis , tempest has one aegis every 30 secs , and thats all ! 1stack of stab agaisnt 5 stacks of stab , no barrier vs tons of barrier . Sorry i take 0 fun playing something who is undoubtedly weaker as dps and as healer than others specs , and i dont talk about the horryfying way the tempest give alac ... 1 dodge or 1 cc taken , and cya no alac for your party for 10 secs ... no way. And then you have ham pumping it afk and hfb droping might on critical strikes ... those two are too powerfull atm , and either anet nerf them or make other supports at their level , or it's a no go for me.

    Htemp being meta has been my wet dream for ... well , when did hots raids came out ?

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  10. 12 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

    Whatever I want. 

    Again, if you want to play healtempest in many encounters and you can't ... it's because of how you choose to play the game. Being inefficient and other classes doing something better doesn't prevent someone from playing how they want. If you like healtempest, you can play it, even if it's not the best. 

    And why can't it be the best , i mean less hp , less armor , huge skill cap , we are far from a ham who can provide 25 might , fury and alacrity 100% of the time AFK ! And it should not be the best , but at least at same level at the others , have you seen how you provide alacrity and might with a tempest and how you provide it with a  ham ? ( pretty obvious : might generator for tempest is on a 180 aoe range , and ham is on a 600 ... yeah you can use warhorn 4 fire to extend might , but that mean you have to stay in that small aoe of fire for like 4secs and still it's 20 might not even 25...) why do you think ppl choose mech in endgame content , 33% of playerbase , cause it's fun ? no , cause mech is a freaking monster )

  11. 35 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

    OK .. that doesn't change what I said. If you can't play how you want, it's because of choices you made that prevent you from doing so. That's true for more than just Tarir meta and soloing

    Cute , i wonder what class you play to make such statement... and what kind of content you do? Maybe forum stalker that suits you .

    And as i said i want to play healtempest , but i cant in many encounters , cause it's inefficient and has some classes who do the same job better . So why not admit that if all classes have +- had the same efficiency  would be great ? so people can choose what they want to play and not being blocked by the disgusting "be a burden" feeling or some part of the community not allowing sub meta classes/e-specs , and thats what anet wants paradoxally , by removing the 10  target from certain skills and the unique buffs , they want all classes providing +- the same efficiency , and we all know it's far from that though .


    I admit i coud play Htemp in some encounters , but i know i will not be as efficient as a hfb or a ham , and people who say it is as efficient , well sorry for them , but they are blind and i will be happy to converse everything the htemp does can be done way better by a ham or a hfb ( i know htemp has rebound , thats his only gold ticket , but thats all...)

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  12. On 9/22/2022 at 4:48 PM, Obtena.7952 said:

    Maybe that's true for you; an unfortunate consequence of choices you have made. It depends on how you choose to play. I play anything I want ... community has NEVER stopped me.

    Joining a tarir meta or playing solo doesnt count , or maybe you talk to your own ego and you agree each others on your own statement , as if you see yourself as a whole community. 


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  13. 20 hours ago, Obtena.7952 said:

    Anet making changes to builds and specs doesn't define what is competitive; That's determined by players who propose what the meta builds and team comps are.

    Ofc as always you are on your fanboy cloud talking to yourself like you only represent a community on his own , Anet buffing the mech rifle didnt made it top played class , ofc noooo...... thats because snowcrow (those freaking elitist players , yuuuukkk .... sarcasm here) made a build of it , stop nonsense i was trying rifle the day they changed it , and my mind was clear "this thing is gonna be a freaking monster !! " and guess what , i was true .

    So as i said up , anet sure says you can play anything you want , but the community wont allow you , and even if your statement make any sense you can just go further ," i want to play necromancer alacrity !" well you cannot ! it's physically impossible .

    So carebears world once again doesnt exist , game is unbalanced and some class have 0 loves , while others take all the kisses , vindicator is a good example of it , a useless class in endgame , while it is fun dodging from a trash mob to another trash mob with a sigil of stamina , but thats all , class is fun , but enefficient . 

    Also you should spend a little bit more time in the game than on forums .

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  14. 2 hours ago, Obtena.7952 said:

    Part of the answer: because this game allows people choice to play how they want

    So you mean i can play naked with my 2x dreamer renegade power just to annoy people , spamming f3 for juicy poney shower , and do 0 dps , and if people kick me or dont want me on raids , i should report them cause "they didnt allow me to play what i wanted" 

    It's nice to dream , but you know someday you need to wake up , and take a cold shower to open your eyes to reality .... i know what i said is pure trolling , but if you have a single brain cell working , you should see my point , example : a guy on low kp wanted to join a cm fractal run as chrono , guess what he was at 8k dps , and instantly got kicked . So yes play what your want , but only whats meta if you want to do endgame content (by meta i mean something who provide the minimum at his rôle )

    2 hours ago, Obtena.7952 said:

    But still ... even if it has to be competitive, it's not a forgone conclusion that DPS is the way to do that

    Thats true , there was a support heal/alac build but anet destroyed it be removing alac from ventari , so i think you need to review your definition of competitive. The game allow you to play how you want , the community , NOT ! 

    To the OP dont worry , anet gonna make 2x dodge on vindicator , lets just hope it will be decent at dps and not depend only on the size of your target.

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  15. What anet need to do is look in depths core traits , utilitys , skills from weapons and reajust some and completely rework some , can state you some very good example :

    -lightning flash : while mesmer and engi has there tp on a 20 sec cd , why has ele a 40 secs cd ? and less range ! 1200 vs 900 range

    -pyromancer puissance : a trait who decrease your stacks of might while you go out of fire or overload fire , ... just ... wtf is this trait supposed to be ? an april fool joke ? just make this trait an option for condi , like +10 % burn damage and increase further the effectiveness of sunspot 

    -elemental shielding : give 3 sec of prot when you give an ally any aura ... yeah anet , could use some numbers increase ... doubling it or making this trait proc barrier on auras shoudl be way more effective


    And the list can go on , but i think nobody want to read further more.

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  16. On 9/17/2022 at 11:14 AM, Markus.6415 said:

    Since we lost the heal on Aura I'm taking the "Soothing Power" trait instead of the aura share in the water traitline. So it's important that you keep that buff up as long as possible. But I'm on your side on that, everytime yout leave water attunement it can get risky. Still wishing for some barrier application through earth.

    Ofc thats why it isnt played a lot , i would go tempest heal 100% of time if it had the same capacity as Ham or Hfb , but it has not .

    Too many things not done very well on it , you can overload water ... but you will loose soothing water effect , unless you slack in water few sec , which you dont want cause you need to overload fire for might uptime and earth for prot. uptime , and what ele lack the most is consistent healing out of water , i wont talk about ice bow , having a sustained heal for 20 secs on a 60 sec cd , berk...

    "elemental bastion" was a key part for ele to go heavy on heals out of water , and the freaking ugly way to apply alac ... other spec pump out alac like there is no tomorrow while ele has to succeed his overload making the first sec of the combat with no alac at all and very sensitive to interrupt/damage/dodge . Just no ! I dont think many players have lost the taste of playing ele it's just that ele is too poorly "well" designed (trade off , etc) as others have no trade off at all. 

    I really want to play it ! But first i want it 100% as efficient as the other heal support (1.73% played in raids and 2.42 in strikes , non existent in fractals . why ? cause it's bad compared to the others , thats all ! make it better and ppl will play it )

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  17. Well , great news , anyway Cmc can't do worse than the previous huge patch (the banner nightmare and the ele meta defining joke)

    Hope for the best .

    And yes , Dondarrion , every water type weapon/skills traits , will become Op now , eager to see omega buff to ele water traits and water attunement 😁

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  18. They should add a "horde" e-spec where you can use your two pets at same time, with skills f1 f2 f3 for 1st pet and f4 f5 f6 to pet 2 , it seems broken a bit , but hey if engi mecha stays like this , any buffs/changes will not be seen op .

    23 hours ago, Beddo.1907 said:

    I prefer to think about it as a possible chance for pet improvement.
    Also Mech was made from scratch, from animations and model to dps and utility, with a mindset that if it's not strong enough, the entire espec fails.
    Ranger on the other hand uses old pet assets and uses the pet as a portion of it's kit with alternatives so if the pet is too strong it's a problem and if it's too weak: "Oh no. Anyway." .

    Mechs may be made from scratch but your "pet" do 33% of your job ... so not sure about this espec fail , just try it solo atacking with all buffs : it does 12k/damage alone . Not to mention his passive barrier/alacrity pulse who do half of your job passively when you are support , so in terms of design it is indeed a fail , cause too strong (at least in endgame content) , but in terms of efficiency its a blast .

  19. 17 hours ago, Yellow Rainbow.6142 said:

    Raid and fractal is not everything this game offers. BTW, yes I am blocking you. I don't play with elite either. Carry me or not. Full legendary weapons, armor, trinket, sigil and rune here 🙂

    True , there is strike missions too... . Just dont forget that "elite" people may be toxic (not all of them) but those elites are also the same people who made the guides , videos and allowed less elites and actual average players to make builds , follow mechanics of raids strikes and fractals , so spit on them if you want , but dont forget what they brought to the community , every society needs "elites" as games with redoable endcontent need.

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  20. On 9/8/2022 at 7:08 PM, anbujackson.9564 said:

    I'm pointing out the illogical thinking that nerfing the DPS solves 'too many mechs'. I don't really care about the people that hate mechs ... that's not a problem worth solving. Just because something 'concerns' people, doesn't mean it's a problem that needs to be fixed and if it IS a problem that needs to be fixed, it has to at least make sense. If most of the people using mechs are doing it because 'easy' or 'stacking effects' ... then changing it's DPS is irrelevant.

    Yeah sure Obtena , if my mech will perform 15 k instead of 30k afk , i will still play it .... (why the hell can i still see those message from someone who quoted you . Block doesnt work on quotes ?) . We will see if it gets nerfed , if more ppl will play it , then again you will take your trump card , and say "it doesnt matter what ppl play" , and i say it will go lower and lower on playerbase if you lower it dps , i sure will not play it anymore . Yeah , today if you play sylvari mech or sylvari virtuoso you are in a great spot for harvest temple cm (some ppl will know what i talk about) but yes play whatever you want guys , i am pretty sure if you play minstrel warrior dps , everybody in raids will accept to carry your a** . The world of carebears doenst exist Obtena , snap out of the dream , equality in gw 2 class is like in our world , it doesnt exist ! ... actually ...

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  21. In pve the rifle isnt as broken as ppl think , it's the mech who is broken , playing full power dps with the good traits allow your mech to bench +- 12k/ damage , doesnt that remind you of a certain ranger pet , hint : same face as the stranger thing monster 😛

  22. Yeah lightning flash , you talk about the skill who port you away from a 900 range and deal mosquito damage the area you port to on a 40 secs cd ... , just look at "blink" or "shift signet" both are on very lower cd (20 and 25  i think) have 1200 range and breakstun ... and shift signet has incredibly powerfull passiv effect . dont need to point you out what the problem is here .

    Just compare the might provider from ele and mechanist or hfb , mecha have a 600 range aotomated might provider : his robot attacking ....Hfb spit out might with mantras , give might when crit. and staff 4 who even with his nerf is one large op healing skill (easy to interrupt ? you are an hfb if you dont play with stand your ground ...) Ele has a 180 area pulsing might provider , yes you can extend boon with warhorn 4 fire , but you have to stay in that little 180 area to have yousrelf 25 might and then  share it ... how overlly complicated can it be , choose auto might provider , or the weird complicated way ? My problem here is any way you look ele providing something , other class provide it easier and better. Only trump card the ele has is rebound .

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