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Posts posted by zeyeti.8347

  1. 2 hours ago, coinhollyc.8190 said:

    Basically PvE ele mains are saying, I don't want to give up sceptre (which is cleary a damage weapon for eles) cause I don't wanna try use dagger or staff kind of thing. Instead of actually letting the sceptre be what it's supposed to be, they want having this meme healing skill on water trident remain. 

    So just tell me what do u use then for main  hand with warhorn ? dagger ? healing on dagger is a bigger meme than scepter , we took scepter cause it allow combo field for might , and has the few option to heal at 900 range , scpeter was the least worst to take . Now we can still play staff , but we loose earth boon extension and might/fury share from warhorn then , not any good reason to play healtempest anymore , might has a long duration on overloads ? ofc , but f1 overlaod is a 180 wide aoe , expect your group to stay stacked in that 8 secs ... If they want make scepter a dps weapon , ok , but then give a good main hand healing weapon too , warhorn heals are too cluncky to rely on ... Also ele players expected a less cluncky way to provide alacrity , that adds to the steaming pot more ... in pve regards if that pactch goes on ele will be even less played that it is actually reaching absurd numbers .

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  2. You play tempest heal with warhorn , now what will you take as main weapon ? i guess nothing . And MMo are supposed to be sociale interactions , so if you want social , you dont pvp or wvw , i only play pvp and wvw when i lack salt on my pasta , but after 10 minutes i am overflowing with salt . At least pve mobs are polite , when you beat them , some of them says : good fight ! never heard that in pvp , most like : you cheater , you killed me , enjoy report ... blablabla... and ppl dancing on your body cause their live sux so much , that they feel like having accomplish something huge . Thats pvp ! allowing people hidden behind a screen to play "the bad boy" and "thug life" as they are complete trash irl. Being a bit sensational here , ofc i had sometimes really enjoyable ppl in those modes but if i have to cut the % (personal experience) i would say 25% polite and courteous and 75% of punchface little kids.

    7 hours ago, Markus.6415 said:

    Huh... thanks for telling me, I had no idea. Gotta stop playing the biggest part of the game then.

    Literally ! ty .

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  3. So we stuck with dagger for healtempest ... great , and staff ... just how do you maintain might with staff ? fire overload with that tiny 180 aoe pulsing might ? no ! so stuck with dagger and its amazing heal belch water 2 heal for almost 1600 hp in a cone of 400 range in front of you ... amazing ! And still the f u ck ing cluncky way to provide alacrity ... proves once more that anet is unable to balance ele properly , just what are our range healing option now ? water signet ? cool that make 1 . Ice bow ? love having my main healing tool on a 60 sec cd ... thats a no ! You said you will read forums to see some ideas there you go :

    - Make alacrity from aurashare - the trade off will be to play water as a dps , other healer have literally no trade offs , so i dont see why we have to choose between alacrity and elemental bastion as healers , as i dont see why we have to choose between transcendent tempest or alacrity as a dps. that will solve the problem of consistant healing (you will heal your sub after an overload , givng them auras if you wish , and all the other source)

    -Make soothing water a 15 secs duration , that stays at 15 sec till we leave water , it's very frustrating to have this healing pulsing 10-7 secs depending the timing you go off water. Remind firebrand has sharing f2 virtues passiv , mech has increased régéneration effectiveness and barrier passiv pulsing from mech every 3 secs (providing alacrity passively btw ...) why can't we have those Qol as ele , i mean scepter changes are good for dps for sure , and even scepter is played condi , i see no condi damage modificators ... but thats not the point here.

    52 minutes ago, Infusion.7149 said:

    In PvE scepter condi weaver has been relevant for well over a year. See 2021 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1IMNi5_yulQ

    What is relevant is the % of ele players in endgame mode , so no scepter is irrelevant , why should i play a 900 range squishy class when i have 1200 ranged class with more hp more survivabilty and even less complicated rotation ? reminder https://gw2wingman.nevermindcreations.de/popularity thats relevant ! but i guess you talking more pvp and wvw , i am talking engame pve .

    healtempest was already the bottom healers and in this patch they are narrowing our options ... if your idea is to make weapons oriented in very specific roles as you do for scepter (i dont think condi scepter will attune to water btw , so the change on scepter water trident are oreinted for pvp and wvw , not for pve , clearly !) give us a full healing weapon then , i dont know , staff maybe or ... yes sword , the changes to sword weaver are just cringe , so make sword a healing weapon , so we can stay in the nonsense state... knew i shouldn't have watched the live ... if that stays like it , time to look after another mmo.

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  4. 6 minutes ago, Frayze.4620 said:

    Again, why aren’t you posting this in the Ele forums where A-ArenaNet if they ARE looking for ideas for ele will be more likely (I assume) to look for suggestions for ele. 
    And B-be more likely to receive feedback from fellow ele players discussing the positive and negative results that such a change might make?

    Thats done , many times ... and way before eod came out ... i remind even a post who has fade away cause it was before the forum changes ... but for my own sanity , i think i should take a break , i am off , also i see Obtena writing i dont want to read , "you can play whatever you want , nobody says you had to play how the meta must make you play, ele build still exist (but are irrelevant to me), ... and blabla..." anyway you have fairly good points , and true this a engi forums and 50% of my post are off topic , sorry .

    • Thanks 1
  5. When a class is .. wait no ... an e-spec represented a 27% in 2 endgames modes (where there is 3 endgames modes) and another whole class (3-especs) is less than  4% , there is a problem thats all . If anet doesnt care about a spec doing so much with so less effort , why did they nerfed catalyst who was doing uber damage , but with an amazingly difficult rotation ? Thats what we call lowering skill floor. And that kind of mentality ends up as mobile trash "game" with auto leveling to  level 200 in 3 hours by just a  button press , if thats what ppl want , oke , but they are ppl who also want to be rewarded when they play challenge , and actually it's not the case.

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  6. 3 minutes ago, Frayze.4620 said:

    Ok, you have edited your post but you did say previously in all game modes, hence my reply to you.


     And again, If ele is too difficult for the majority of players to actually play, then the problem ISN’T that mech IS possible for them to play. 

    I can, from personal experience, state that a large percentage of mech players also don’t perform to where the class is capable of performing. Sometimes drastically underperforming. I don’t know whether this is a gear issue or what, but it does indeed happen. Yes, it is easier for a mech player to get good results with less effort. If that speaks to you, that’s great. If you want that type of gameplay, that’s great. Mech also has huge flaws though. I would consider myself a” reasonable “ player. I’m not great, but I’m pretty good when I try. Mech has an incredibly low skill ceiling. Yes, the skill floor is low, but so is the ceiling. Yes, I can mess about with other skills than grenade if I want to try and make things more interesting, but as you say, why would I deliberately hurt my own dps if that is my role in a group setting?


    I made my own idea at how ele should be reworked in pve :

    - give catalyst a 1 pulse quickness from jade sphere (with the trait and get rid off the -10ù damage dealt)

    - rid off the energy , make jade sphere ammunition type skill and blend the cooldown for every attunement 

    - just increase elemental empowerment to 100% instead of doing that at 10 stacks

    - tie the alac to aura share , or just aura on you , allowing elemental bastion for better consistant healing or transcendent tempest to work while providing alacrity 

    - give access to fury on tempest , so we arent locked in air traits just for fury ( water , arcane , tempest !)


    tempest is not difficult to play as healer , there is just a lot of things missing , cluncky boon apllication , lack of healing avaibilitys , boon range too small (make provide 25 might on a 600 range , ele provide it on a 180 range , can use warhorn 4 fire , but that implement no staff for healing , so less healing , other classes have no such trade offs)

  7. I will just say , wait 2 weeks to see the next balance patch , ele "should" be in the spot , cause it is one (if not the most ) underplayed class in pve endgame .

    And i am also a "previously" ele main , class is hard , not rewarding for the effort you do , you are super squishy if you commit fully to a specific role (like dps , boondps), a lot of traits dont synergize well with other (clean condi in fire ,... pyromancer puissance being one the weirdest/useless trait of all the game ,..) can talk an hour about ele , but i wnat to keep my sanity , but there is a  lot to "puk" about , wait 2 weeks , maybe it's gonna shine ...

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  8. 6 minutes ago, Frayze.4620 said:

    Ok, as I said I don’t play ele and I want trying to distort anything. I was saying what I thought was the case so thank you for the corrections.

     On your second point, sure, but the recent “attention” from Anet to mech has been to nerf it in two different ways so I don’t know how that can be construed as positive bias??

    i Will take issue with your saying “in all game modes”. I mainly play WvW and certainly there support/cleanse ele is NOT underperforming. It is in an incredibly strong position, helped in no small part to the huge nerfs just given to another engi spec (again, not saying these weren’t mostly justified, they were although i do think they want too far with Sneak gyro). Whilst I don’t play spvp I also believe it has a couple of strong builds there as well?

     Again, don’t exaggerate. it doesn’t help you to build a strong argument at all. It just puts people’s backs up and makes it harder to believe other things you say that ARE true. Yes, ele isn’t in the best place, but you simply can’t say they are terrible at everything everywhere because they just aren’t.

    Thats another debate i dont play neither pvp nor wvw , skills/traits are completely different int those 3 modes , i am specially pointing out endgame pve , where ele is non existent , sure i know that the tempest support alac is pretty strong in  wvw puddle against puddle ... but i am not talking about those modes , if ele had at least one played build in pve endgame , it would be alright but https://gw2wingman.nevermindcreations.de/popularity and i can say that the % of what that graph is showing is my feeling , i clear all that content (except ht cm) weekly ... so i can tell. And yes it is terrible at all place , only a few % of the already few % of the people playing it are exceptional with it , like finding a four leaf clover growing on another four leaf clover.

    • Confused 1
  9. Yes you can clean condi in fire , but thats the only trait that has a purpose as healer ... the other trait are for dps ... and no barrier playing earth is only for you ... and what you are saying is what i am asking for , the problem i have with the mech is that it seems to take all the attention from anet , like saying : "omg the AA rifle was doing less damage than the skill 1 from grenades , thats not what we intended" , ... or "there is a bug with the AA so we reduced the cast time of it from a 1/4 sec instead of going up 1/4 sec , ..." omg , anet forgot there are non mech players ? 

    And sorry to say you that but i was an ele main i know the class traits by heart , i tried every possible way to play the class , and actaully it is underwhelming in any kind of gameplay , efficiency wise ofc. If you dont play the class you can't see the flaws , try your metabattle builds in endgame content , and prepare to cry... it works if you play with amazing good players who dont need healing at all , but try it with  average players , and prepare to read "wtf are you doing healer .. , where are the heals ? "... and blabla..  theory vs reality , and reality hurts !

    • Confused 2
  10. 41 minutes ago, Frayze.4620 said:


    This variant of Catalyst can provide https://metabattle.com/wiki/images/thumb/1/1a/Quickness.webp/24px-Quickness.webp.png Quickness, https://metabattle.com/wiki/images/thumb/9/9f/Fury.webp/24px-Fury.webp.pngFury, 25 stacks of https://metabattle.com/wiki/images/thumb/c/cb/Might.webp/24px-Might.webp.png Might, https://metabattle.com/wiki/images/thumb/4/4b/Protection.webp/24px-Protection.webp.png Protection, https://metabattle.com/wiki/images/thumb/7/73/Resolution.webp/24px-Resolution.webp.pngResolution, https://metabattle.com/wiki/images/thumb/1/17/Swiftness.webp/24px-Swiftness.webp.png Swiftness and https://metabattle.com/wiki/images/thumb/4/46/Regeneration.webp/24px-Regeneration.webp.png Regeneration to their subgroup. It can also provide a small amount of https://metabattle.com/wiki/images/thumb/3/3f/Vigor.webp/24px-Vigor.webp.png Vigorand https://metabattle.com/wiki/images/thumb/c/c3/Resistance.webp/24px-Resistance.webp.png Resistance.



    Tempest is capable of providing permanent uptime of https://metabattle.com/wiki/images/thumb/c/c4/Alacrity.webp/24px-Alacrity.webp.pngAlacrity, https://metabattle.com/wiki/images/thumb/9/9f/Fury.webp/24px-Fury.webp.png Fury, https://metabattle.com/wiki/images/thumb/c/cb/Might.webp/24px-Might.webp.png Might, https://metabattle.com/wiki/images/thumb/4/4b/Protection.webp/24px-Protection.webp.png Protection, https://metabattle.com/wiki/images/thumb/4/46/Regeneration.webp/24px-Regeneration.webp.pngRegeneration, https://metabattle.com/wiki/images/thumb/1/17/Swiftness.webp/24px-Swiftness.webp.png Swiftness and high https://metabattle.com/wiki/images/thumb/3/3f/Vigor.webp/24px-Vigor.webp.png Vigor on their subgroup, and offering more healing than Druid - Boon Support Healer.


    Two builds for ele that offer both healing as well as a large amount of supportive boons. Are they exactly the same boons, no, are they all very much desired by any raiding group, yes. 
    You are absolutely right about the barrier though, and this is something that personally frustrates me as it leaves little build diversity between HAM and dps/alac builds.



    Ok see my point , i dont want specifically the mech to be nerfed , but ele need an overhaul to be able to compete , actually there is 0 benefit from taking ele over mech , and you can see it in endgame content in wich , there is almost 0 elementalist being played. And not only ele : thief , DH , Holosmith , ... and many others need a good rework/buffs.

    Aslo the build you point ou with dagger has very little heals , dagger 2 is uber weak in term of healing (feels like a sub version on a cd from medkit AA) and you have to rely on utilitys for healing  (with the amazing 60 sec cd ice bow .... not to mention you need to drop it when some boons start fading away ...) you have warhorn 4 and 5 , blast 3 in warhorn 5 but again that cluncky adn has little range

    same goes for the catalyst meta battle : what are your healing option out of water ? the cluncky water greater elemental , who goes where he want with no option to call it back ? (pointing out mech's mecha) , ice bow again ? water signet ? underwhelming in comparison off a healmech , druid or firebrand , you dont ask yourself why you never see those build played , i've tryed them in real situation , and i can tell the flaws... you just droping some builds you found without even trying them , i can do that too ... but i agree on one thing being afk with staff and just AA must be one of the top healing skills of the game ... sadly ...

    Fact is ele is not played while it can (in theory) do the same role compression as engi :

    - very difficult dps : weaver / holosmith

    - dps quickness : catalyst / scrapper 

    - Heal or dps alac : tempest / mech

    But oen is not played at all and one is played at 27% in endgame . flaws.

    Sorry if you can feel like i am attacking you , but that really not what i ment to do , i am so pissed that ele has 0 loves in this game , that the typical mage class is in fact an underwhgelming brawler , a cheap healer , and a very punishing dps class , with 0 benefit.

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  11. 19 minutes ago, Frayze.4620 said:

    I didn’t say anything about the same efficiency. I said it can do the same with a much more complex rotation.

    oke so you can maintain fury , prot. , vigor , régéneration , 25 might , swiftness , alacrity , give stab and aegis on demand while procing barrier (on your own !) at the same time ? while healing , sorry i forgot 🙂

    yes yes take your time on the raid golem and searching onto the wiki i am on holydays i have all the time i want . just you know i want proof not just i did that and that , as my profil says below , i trust what i see , theory or guessing is like politicians talking brassing some air to me

  12. 8 hours ago, Frayze.4620 said:

    do you want ele to be able to do the same with a much more complex rotation (which it absolutely can)

    I would happily debate with you on that , like i said in a previous post , just tell me tempest do the same as healmech with the same efficiency , i have numbers and ratio in mind ...

  13. 11 hours ago, Kuma.1503 said:

    Increasing boon uptime helps, but doesn't necessarily solve the issue. 

    For an example of why that is the case, look at quickness Warrior. They can burst out 12+ seconds of quickness at once with one skill and 0% boon duration.  That lets them use their other skills reactively, which is good. 

    But that quickness is tied to their stability. Meaning they still have to burn their stability off CD, which is a very powerful effect to be wasting. 

    This is my own observation, but quickness generation works best when it isn't tied to important resources like stability, aegis, healing, or crowd control. (Mech gets away with it on Crisis Zone because they don't need it to maintain alac.)

    It works best when tied to to other offensive boons like might and fury. That's how it works with Mantra of Potence and Barrier Burst. 


    Warrior also give a LOT of their quickness in one go. Which is fine when everyone is always stacked together in a ball, but causes problems when players are periodically spreading out. FB and Mech give out little frequent bursts of boons, so if someone misses an application it's no big deal. 

    If you give all of your boons in one go, missing one or two people is a lot more punishing. 

    Things get more nuanced from here, but that's beyond the scope of one response.


    Problem with warrior is you need two banners to do that , so it really hurt your damage , if you want to play alacmechdps you can go full offensiv on your utilitys , taking signets who passively increase your stats . it's the mechanic off the class who generate alac not ultilty skills.

    A good thing to increase or rework on warrior is "martial candence" , making it in a certain way it can provide quickness to a subgroup in a larger extend, but there again warrior is gonna fall into the catalyst controversial , stacking up to  4 skilled bladesworn with that could simply generate quickness with 0 trade offs.

    It's indeed very hard to balance .

  14. 7 hours ago, Frayze.4620 said:

    I get the feeling that what you want isn't either of those two. What you want is for mech to be able to do nothing but mediocre damage. That's it. Oh, but at the same time please make ele much easier and yet be top dps.

    Just tell me when i said mech need to be nerfed to the ground , i am pointing out his strong points , neither i asked ele to be top dps , i asked for a decent healtemp. And for the mech the damage should be proportional of the players input , if you are almost afk it's not normal hitting a 25-28k bench.

    The healmech has flaws too , i know , not super strong heals (but heals available 100% of the time) , and lack long ranged heals ... but thats all ... . dont tell me tempest has a lot of long ranged skills , if you play dagger or scepter / warhorn it's pretty underwhelming , and playing with staff really handicap your boon generation not telling the non existence of barrier generator (but thats ok , ele dont need everything , but it need a positive change) .

    the vidéo is talking about having skills that need you to press off cooldown to maintain a specific boon , ele has the same flaws , you turn around attunements/overloads to maintain boons , strapping off the chance to attune to a specific attunement or overload for a specific situations (ex: attune to earth for stab , but attune to earth to maintain prot. , aftershock for prot. uptime , but stab wasted , going water to refresh soothing water effect but burning healing ripple heals when it is not needed , overlaoding just for alac uptime ...) 

    • Confused 1
  15. 5 hours ago, Frayze.4620 said:

    So...the way that alac works on mech is, in your own words, perfection. So let's say that the devs give ele a one-button-press alac giving utility skill. Will you then decide to NOT play it because 'OMG ele noob class with 1 button alac' ? You can't have it both ways. Anet have stated that Li builds WILL exist, whether you like it or not. So...do you want ele to be able to do the same with a much more complex rotation (which it absolutely can) or do you want ele to be able to be able to do the same, but in a much easier way (which would by its very nature reduce the complexity of playing it).


    I get the feeling that what you want isn't either of those two. What you want is for mech to be able to do nothing but mediocre damage. That's it. Oh, but at the same time please make ele much easier and yet be top dps.

    No , the way it works on mech is in a constant flux of alac , it is only 1-2 secs of alac max per pulse , but it applies so many times that it never stop , on ele you have to wait for your overload to be ready , it's on a 5 sec cd , then you have to wait your overload to finish , it's a 4 to 2 sec cast (without or with quickness) and very sensitive to damage cause no dodge allowed , and you cant use aftershock for aegis while overloading (yes you can use it before , but still , this skill is on 30 sec cooldown , you have to attune way more than that timing) .

    If the ele does it with more complex , more skillfull way , well it need to be rewarded , and i see no reward at all , all seem cluncky to me , the only good point is strongs heals , but they are not constant and lack availibility , where druid , mech , firebrand have maybe less strong heals , but they are way more available than those from ele (and iam not sure , druid has maybe stronger heals now , in avatar if you spam 1 and 2 you heal like madman for 15 secs ). If you have a skill healing very well but can't use it only 25% of the time , due to attune mechanic and is locked behind an attunement you use for boon uptime (soothing water here ) his availibilty will only be defined by chance ... , and the other have skill 50% less efficient but available all the time , so it is stronger than the previous one (from the ele).

    The changes on tempest heal for example , should allow him to pulse alac while overloading , or blend alac with auras (not necerly when aura on allys , but why not when you have an aura allies in a x range receive x sec of alac) make the boons trough overloads more ranged (not the area of damage from the overlaod , the boon apllication area , those are on a 180 range ... thats very little , mech give alac with a 600 range skill , and apply barriers in a 360 range , thats double the area of the ele ....) , give ele a way to choose bastion of elements and alacrity generator both , that will also open a path fro dps/alac tempest with "transcendent tempest" and allow a more constant "on demand" healing , soothing water is also a boring thing to use , attuning to water for the only purpose to refresh this unqiue boon , and still this thing is weird , it's a 10-7 sec duration and refresh to 10 sec every 3 secs ... what ? i have to put my mouse on the boon , see when it is at 10 sec and go out of water attunement that precise moment , talk about cluncky ...

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  16. 1 minute ago, Alcatraznc.3869 said:


    Except he said at one point that Mech works very well because it doesnt have to spam its skill to grant alacrity, therefore you can actually use the skill you pick for their true utility whether it's damage CC or boons. 

    If anything what Anet should understand from this video is that support spec needs a rework so that you take a skill for its utility and not because if I combine this skill with this low CD with this trait I can maintain my boon.

    indeed , all the boons comes from the bot , passiv and active skills , so they don't take a spot in your utility skills , allowing mech to be super versatile , just like firebrand who has 2 utiltys and elite free spot to choose , i hope the balance in few weeks will really take this in consideration

    • Like 1
  17. 13 minutes ago, Kuma.1503 said:

    The entire premise of that video is the same thing I've been saying for ages. 

    Builds that force you to spam your skills off CD are badly designed. There's very little benefit to designing a build like this. 


    The four main points are:

    • It does not take skill to spam buttons off CD
    • It makes a build less flexible and forces you to "waste" your utility. 
    • It's not fun being forced to spam your skills off CD
    • Builds with this flaw are inferior to builds without this flaw. 

    HAM, FB, and Alacrigade are all well designed supports because they have the ability to play reactively. Instead of investing all of their utilities towards maintaining 1 boon, they have freedom to use those utilities skillfully and reactively. 

    He goes further to say that, this reactive use of skills is good for the game because that's where the true skill of the game lies. It takes awareness, knowledge, good timing, and resource management.

    Builds like Quick Scrapper and Specter technically have high APM requirements because of the skill spam, but they do not necessarily take more skill to play because you aren't reacting to anything or using your buttons intelligently. People don't like playing quick scrapper or heal specter as much as HAM and FB because of this flaw. 


    He states that, HAM actually takes a lot of skill to play because  of this reactive element, it would be better to bring other classes up by allowing them also use their skill reactively.

    Bringing others up means we promote skillful gameplay, good skill timing, and reactive gameplay. Bringing Mech and FB down to the level of scrapper, specter, druid, ect. means we promote mindless spam. 

    The only real benefit of nerfing them in that way is that it reduces powercreep. 


    Promote skillfull gameplay, nothing else to say ! One simple way to get rid off the problem about the classes you mentionned up (scrappy , specter ) is to simply increase the boon uptime of the main boon they generate , allowing specter to use the well for stab when it is needed and not to upkeep alac , and scrapper to maybe take another damage utility , or use the explosiv gyro when we actually need cc or use the def. gyro when ppl are taking damage.

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  18. 53 minutes ago, Mell.4873 said:

    He has to click the turret skill himself this by definition makes him not AFK (which is why he uses Engineer as appose to Necromancer). The YouTube name is a bit of a troll and even in the video he states that the Necro players are truly AFK.

    dont know exactly the single turret duration , it isnt specified in the tooltip , i know the ult is on a 60 sec duration , but still , you can go afk while your mech can target mobs when they deal damage to you or him , so he can be afk even if no turrets are around . In this video i really feel like he is making a sorry excuse , to prove he is not really afk , while he could be.

    • Confused 1
  19. Hope too , thief is one of the less played class in endgame , only sees sometimes specter , or deadeye on kite qadim 1 or pilar for qadim 2 , almost like anet designed those two bosses for this e-specs so we are happy we can play it efficiently ... but thats really not enough , i hope a redesign for specter alacrity with more uptime on alac , and not be jailed to use 3 wells off cd for alac uptime (bad design when you have a well granting stab...) , deadeye or daredevil sharing quickness with a good dps should be really fun to play.

  20. For those who think we are making things up , even teapot admitted mech is OP in his own way and completely obscur the other specs , specter was indeed a good example , locked into 3 wells uses for alac uptime , while mech do it afk and has all his boons blend into your bot with 0 player input. Not even talking about pew pew mech , it's about supp mech here , who is also OP , kitten .... we really luv...hate mechs .

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  21. 1 minute ago, ZeroTheRuler.7415 said:

    You clearly have not read the whole thread. I stated the below after the stream. Also not to mention the fact they said 'role' and not 'class'. If a daredevil or deadeye trait enhanced a skill like haste perhaps the idea is still workable since it would be separated from Specter.


    yes , sorry indeed didnt read all the topic , but making another traits working with another trait from another traitline sounds a bit weird , maybe it's just me , but then they should simply add a trait that give quickness ... let's say whenever you dodge on deadeye , instead of bending two traits together , wasting a trait uses for something else , and again sorry i readed your second statement and i know now my first paragraphe was pretty useless 😁.

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  22. Sorry but that won't happen , anet stated clearly that no class should be able to provide alacrity and quickness both , while haste only give a small amount off quickness and you can't provide quickness 100% uptime on your own , remember a class who was able to provide quickness baseline : players stacked up that class and where doing optimal amazing dps , while providing quickness to each others with 0 concentration and 0 trade offs , conclusion : that class was nerfed to the ground and loosed about 33% of damage when you wanted to provide the same role. 

    As one said above , having a core class providing alacrity or quickness to 5 people , even in small amounts , is bad design , cause you know elites spec from that class are never gonna provide the other boon , look at ranger :  ranger is never gonna have a quickness sharing build , unless they remove alacrity from spirits .

    But yes "haste" is pretty useless skill , should need a rework : something like you attack 15% faster (cumulate with quickness) for 5sec .

    6 hours ago, Lithril Ashwalker.6230 said:

    honestly if playing dps spec you should be able to provide quickness for yourself rather than relying strictly on others if anything that way they can provide the other necessary boons, it may prevent quickness being applied on all of the non dps classes but in the end the dps increase should be for those only doing dps...

    Don't forget that quickness is also essential for healers/supports , it's not only dps increase , it's also support increase , having your heals/boons skills launching 50% faster is a big deal.

  23. Yes , thats a weapon we forgot almost about guardian , and by definition the hammer is a bad weapon , only class who can play it are guardian , warrior , untamed , catalyst and Rev . And it is weirdly designed in those classes . I agree , i would also like a rework on it for guardian , i personally never plays it , could go support or offensiv , both idea sounds great , make skill 2 jump more ranged with some adding effects or heal on impact , adding some boons to the 3 rd skill long range for allies , skill 4 could transform your target into a living projectile damaging the enmies in his path (a bit like berserker wild blow used to be) make the 5 skill area a pulsing damage or heal , not just a "you shall not pass" skill.

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  24. 59 minutes ago, Vilin.8056 said:

    Read his youtube title.

    AFK = away from keyboard , ... but the mouse .... 

    Anet just give us a nice costume weapon brawl that can interact with afk players like the flowers , i would happily spend hours taking them to a tour and drop them from a cliff 

    The guy from youtube vidéo called me a troll ! now thats personal , i am pretty sure when he isnt doing videos he is afk too ...

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  25. Anyway we will look in 2 weeks whats in the devs mind for balance , they said mech was again in their spot , and i doubt they will up it , seem to be a nerf again , wonder why ....

    And Obtena you seem to really not get the point , neither i get your point to with the same sentence you bring on on every post about balance "theses HI build still exist , they never dissapeared " , no  they didnt dissapeared they are still there , but didnt get any change for a long time and now they are there ... lingering in mold and dust , for ppl like me they dissapeared , i personnaly doenst care about a complex build who has no range option to battle a boss who need sometimes to be ranged , that build for me doesnt exist it's my mind and you can think how you want , a build like that doenst exist forme  , have your feelings , i have mine , you dont have to say to us how to think , that this build or this mindset is irrelevant , we make our own choices and who are you to say that our mindset is biased , if i think a build is crap -> this build is crap for me , if someone wants to play it , well have it his way , the fact is i am just asking for something about ele , you can't deny this classes has more flaws than any other classes , just look the way alacrity works on tempest , just look the way quickness work on catalyst ... now look at how it works on mech ? i see flaws , i see perfection ... overpowered ... and complete unbalance (generate alac from your AA , and mech pulsing barrier every 3secs for 2 secs of alacrity ... with 0 players input ...) , i look at ele traits , gameplay , etc , i look at mech -> choice made after 1sec watching .

    And , yes i tell ppl to not play ele , cause the class is weak , even more for beginners , i already told some ppl played ele and thought of the basic mage class with long ranged stuff , poor guys .... they switched to another one and even in open world it's day and light , ....this class have flaws that need to be adressed , mech is overplayed -> it needs a look and know why it is so much played .

    And i am up to discuss weakness and "adavantages" (barely see one) playing ele in regards to other classes . i have 5k hours on my ele , tryed every spec , every role possible i can tell the flaws .

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