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Witch of Steam.5138

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Everything posted by Witch of Steam.5138

  1. This seems to only happen in Gw2, so I'm certain it's not a bug with my actual mouse ( or a dying bit of hardware) But I've noticed that Not only does My Mouse stop Drag+Dropping things randomly in the INV, but while I'm playing, occasionally it'll snap to one specific spot on my screen. Towards the Right hand side, about Midway up. And I'm wondering why It does that spot specifically.. What could Possibly happen to make this occur, or why. I can't even reproduce the INV issue with any accuracy . as the moment I start testing to see if I can reproduce it, my Drag+ Drops, Stack splits, and more just.. work fine.
  2. I've been noticing textures acting strange in My game lately. I run Dx9 ( dx11 Is nothing but screen tearing for me ) And I've been noticing textures Reloading at odd times, and some delays in loading assets That , though usually not a major concern, has me a little bit worried. What's the verdict here? Just Business as usual for this update , Or do I need to clean cache / verify my files / something like that.
  3. All you people talking about The Equip people have are Missing the point by so much you're in different Time Zones from the location of the Point. The Point is : There are known, Now documented, Memory leaks and Optimization Problems of a large scale In the Game The Point Is Not : people have bad PC's or Wrong hardware.
  4. Preface : My Hardware is Fine, My files are Fine, My computer can handle everything else in the game with Minimal issues. Other people have Reported this issue in Spades. This is a Game-End Issue, One that's been around since EOD launch, and has yet to be even Remotely Addressed, Much less Looked into. EOD maps still generate persistent RAM leaks , requiring you to restart the game in order to resolve it. baseline is that Visiting Any EOD map will add 5% To My RAM usage. Which is persistant and carries until I shut down the game and restart it. I can go from 50% RAM usage ( With Discord and Chrome in the background ) to 60 Immediately In some cases, and it's particularly Harsh when Visiting Arborstone for any length of time. The bottom line is that something is still broken in these maps, has been since launch, and has remain unaddressed all this time.
  5. it's the extreme RNG of the matter. Honestly that's the Only legendary I had any such problems with overall. trust me on that. others are generally less RNG dependant if I remember right
  6. Issue persists, For me it happens in the late nights / early mornings now But other people are saying it's still an ongoing problem.
  7. Ever since they Fixed the Login bug (NA servers) there's been intermittent Bursts of extreme input delay. These bursts can cause anywhere from ~ Half a second, To full Seconds worth, of Input delay , Making any kind of Content a crap shoot. I've seen complaints about it in The Labyrinth, in Guilds , In Map chats, across All gamemodes, and in some of the discord servers I'm in. And it seems to be related to The NA servers , as someone connecting from the SEA region has no issues playing here ( or, no more issues than usual , might I say ) I will pre-empt any Would-be IT professionals by saying that My ISP is fine, my PC is fine, And No, it is not, in fact, an isolated issue.
  8. I see it in The Isle of Reflection And pretty much Every EOD map
  9. After Even more experimentation it seems that Both EOD and POF have these issues. With POF causing Smaller overall memory leaks. I'm beginning to believe one of the recent updates broke something and They just haven't been informed about it. Or that people tried to inform them about it but as per the usual were Met with a Host of " AkSHUAYLLY itsh your computer " despite Dozens of similar experiences across multiple different setups
  10. Reporting in from 5 hours later STILL having intermittent Input delay and massive ping spikes.
  11. Small update, as I'm doing some testing There's definitely something causing a Memory Leak in EOD maps. Even leaving EOD maps for several hours does NOT reduce the memory usage by much. So if Anet could Kindly look into making sure their game works first, before caring about shiny skins , that'd be pretty nice.
  12. I have never seen Something more demanding to my system than These maps. For starters, something about those maps SLAM my memory usage, more than Literally every other region / situation in the game. Full WvW Zerg Blob Fight ? 35-38% RAM usage. Massive, Busy RP event in other maps? 30-32% Usage. Literally just existing On the Isle of Reflection / New Kaineng ? 37-42% memory usage . And that's nothing to say about the GPU insanity as well. How is it just standing on an island somehow uses MORE gpu than sitting in the middle of a massive cloud of Glowing particle effects and Flying skills. There's definitely Something wrong with the optimization of these regions that , As far as I know, Needs to be looked at or addressed. The content should be accessible to players without worrying about lower-end PC's bursting into flames and Dying Because you want to visit a Guild hall.
  13. Gotta say , as someone who Runs Routine CM's on this Fractal : It's fine It requires a Bit of a Learning Curve, You have to know your class, Your Group Composition, and what you're bringing / will need to bring before Blindly rushing in. It's not a Fractal You can Gorilla Smash to peices like the rest. Nor am I saying that's what you're doing. I understand that you're frustrated, I get that, I've been there too. But you can learn it, And you can overcome it. It's not obscenely Difficult, There's just peices of the puzzle that haven't Clicked for you yet.
  14. From what I can tell : the Anet devs that Play WvW Prefer and Admire the Unbalanced Boon-balling and Constant washes one way or another. They do not seem to want, nor care, about ' balance' , or anything that might bring about more interesting or engaging Playstyles. Their history with updates to the gamemode itself ( like that proposed change to give more rewards for having more people involved in the Blob ) Seems to Back up this claim.
  15. - You still have to set Environmental Graphics to ' Low ' or Risk freezes and stutters Frequently. - There seems to be something causing a memory leak in that Map . Gameplay on all other maps rarely brings my memory usage above 65% , with the average being about 60% as it decreases over time , However, spending 1 cycle in drizzlewood causes it to linger at 65-67% , regardless of how many map switches or how much time I give it to ' Mellow out ' As of yet there appears to be Zero indication that Anet is even remotely aware of the problems the map seems to have with simply existing.
  16. Dx11 Is pretty much just " enable Aggressive Screen Tearing Mode " for me.
  17. The " Nyquil Meta " As I've dubbed it Is the Dubious And Soul-grinding Tedium of fighting Nothing But Boon-ball Zergs with Spammed projectile Reflects. It's a Meta that renders Most ranged Builds completely Useless , and when it comes to Zergs, this means about 85% of your damage Output. It leaves you with a handfull of Staff Ele skills, a Revenant Hammer skill or two , A handfull of Necro skills ( And staff if you take unblockable Marks) , and Maybe Ranger Longbow 5 , which is somehow more potent than the Arrow carts. So Instead of Blindly complaining I've considered some things that MIGHT Help against the Slow Rot that's consuming what's left of WvW : - Buff Arrow Cart Damage. While very simple on the surface, this would actually go a very long way in dealing with the Blob issue.. Arrow carts as they are may as well be a suggestion instead of a weapon .. Sensually whispering into your enemy's ear to " maybe back off please... if you feel like it " . Injecting some power into the Siege would maybe make them a little more useful than the Team Benchwarmer.. As well as Not affect the small-scale very much. Arrow carts really only come out when there's LOTS of people to hit. - Decrease Concentration Effectiveness in WvW. This would probably be the magic Bullet for both Boon Blobs And That pesky Celestial roamer problem. I can't really see too many downsides to this , So if you know any that aren't " But my Gank Buld won't be as strong 😞 " Let me know! Trying to do some brainstorming here. - Increase the strength of the Guild Auras a bit.. This would give a slightly stronger edge to defending groups and incentivize More WvW related upgrades for Guilds. It would also encourage claiming camps more , as suddenly there's an extra benefit beyond getting that +5 Supply . The issue would be that this Might make defending too strong in some cases, depending on how much of a buff it's given. Other ideas or suggestions would be nice. Because we certainly don't see Anet coming up with anything.
  18. You eventually get used to Anet ignoring anything beyond Human. Is it wrong? absolutely. Will it keep happening ? Absolutely.
  19. Keep in mind humans in this universe Were dumped into Tyria by Random Mist Aliens Immediately carved out a Place in the world by committing mass genocide against the populations that were in this world to start with. Then Nuked themselves when they Lost Ground to reclaimation efforts.. Twice. ( Orr, Ascalon ) So humans in this game are very interesting ... in that they're the absolute worst
  20. So why is this a thing Now I used to run North Drizz without issues all the time.
  21. I did some digging around and COuldn't find it anywhere But Drizzlewood north has been notorious for a while for hardcrashing people's Clients ( And games) Due to some graphical .. something or other that's been happening. I wanted to know if it was safe to farm drizzlewood or not beccause that's my primary Mystic Clover Source.
  22. It's a pretty simple bug that's very easy to recreate As Mechanist, Use your Rifle Jump ( Default 5 ) Voila! Your mech now becomes unresponsive and Dissapears until You Rifle Jump again. it's a strange and Actually somewhat obstructive bug
  23. Whereas this is true it would be really nice to have ear jewelry for asura That doesn't come at the cost of any and all mobility of their ears.
  24. The Point I'm trying to make is that it was Designed with Nothing But humans in mind. It's the first accesory i've seen that can't even fit with itself. I'm not saying " Humans are impervious to Changes " I'm saying " Humans are the focus and forefront of many cosmetics Without Fail, Often to the immense detriment of 4/5th of the Playable Races."
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