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Inculpatus cedo.9234

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Everything posted by Inculpatus cedo.9234

  1. Do be aware, due to high volume support ticket resolutions are taking longer than usual; anywhere from 1-3 days to 2 weeks+. Again, good luck.
  2. You can't submit a ticket in-game; only a Bug Report that will garner no response. Support Tickets must be initiated using the web-form found on the Support site page. Good luck.
  3. The Guild Wars 2 Tech Customer Support Team accessed via the 'Support' link above/below. You can 'Submit a Ticket' for assistance. Good luck.
  4. Have you tried a -repair of the client?Have you tried discussing the issue with the Tech CS Team?
  5. At this time, the only way to turn it off is to unlock Masteries in either Heart of Thorns, Path of Fire, or perhaps, one of Living World Season 3 maps. Good luck.
  6. How do you create a squad without a commander tag though? The same way you create one with a tag. Press P and click on "Create Squad". It creates a squad with no commander. When I do that it makes me a commander automatically. Here you go: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Squad#Creating.2C_joining_and_leaving_a_squad Good luck.
  7. You can contact the Tech CS Team via the 'Support' link above/below and 'Submit a Ticket' for assistance while you wait for forum responses. Good luck.
  8. You can post the first, and only the first, part of the Crash Report here on the forums; someone may be able to help.Else, you can contact the Tech CS Team via the 'Support' link above/below and 'Submit a Ticket' for assistance. Good luck.
  9. In the future, you need only post the very first part of the Crash Report. Nothing glaring shows up; you can contact the Tech CS Team via the 'Support' link above/below and 'Submit a Ticket' for assistance. Good luck.
  10. If you post the first part of the Crash Report from 'Show Details', someone might be able to help. Good luck.
  11. Then, you might want to contact the CS Team via the 'Support' link, and discuss the issue with them. Good luck.
  12. I often get this as well. A tiny little me (or maybe it's just a small part of me) takes off while the camera stays in place. I can manuever the tiny me, until i can no longer see me (I've always forgotten [until now, after reading this thread] to use the Mini-map to continue controlling the tiny me). I also have trouble loading assets, sometimes, in areas, but they eventually load. I had the same issue in the Demos, though not as often.
  13. Have you tried a -repair of the client? Instructions found in the Knowledge Base accessed via the 'Support' link above/below and 'Search - Repair'. Good luck.
  14. The Mastery XP bar won't move until you spend your Mastery Points, and move on to another track. The bar doesn't award Mastery Points; only Achievements do. A quite easy Achievement is 'Rein in the Raptor'; have you done that simple quest for the associated Mastery Point? Good luck.
  15. Since the API is down, I can't really tell, but....are they able to be sold? Perhaps, you could recoup some of your costs that way, if so.
  16. Since that link will soon be obsolete, I will copy the text here: Chris Cleary If you are still having problems, try adding this to your GW2 Shortcut Target:-assetsrv that doesn’t work, try-assetsrv can do this by right clicking on your GW2 Shortcut and adding the above text to your Target field. For example your target should look like this:“C:\Program Files (x86)\Guild Wars 2\Gw2.exe” -assetsrv me know if that works
  17. Here's a list of some Mastery Point unlocks: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mastery_point_unlocks#Crystal_Desert_mastery_points Whenever you achieve a Mastery Point, a big pink-purple star appears in the middle of the screen that you must accept. Are those showing up when you think you are being awarded?
  18. Fun for some, less fun for others. /shrug Fortunately, there are more Mastery Points than required for the tracks. = )
  19. That pass is looking better and better! Perhaps, players can acquire it in another manner soon. :wink:
  20. You will have to wait for the Billing CS Team to respond. Make sure, if using a card, to click the icon corresponding to the card at the top. Good luck.
  21. How odd that your post, Chris, is not showing up on any of the Dev Tracker features. Another bug, I guess.
  22. Well, Celestial was the white of preference for some time. You can look on the Wiki and other sites to view all the available dyes. Good luck.
  23. So they did. I've never followed any of them, so not really familiar with what was and/or wasn't. I did read a bit of this forum's thread, and saw new and returning items suggested.
  24. I think the Sticky is for all suggestions for Gem Store items. Just like in the old forums.
  25. Yes, they use the same password and email address, but logging into one doesn't log you into the other. If they did, we wouldn't have to log into 'My Account' when we were already logged into the forums (or the game).
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