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Everything posted by Buzzbugs.1236

  1. More semantics. Gameplay and player impacts change all the time. But you're telling me if we had some more players on the same map, suddenly the entire gameplay and it's systems collapses under the weight of it all? You have to be kidding me.. The sole reason map instances exist in the first place is because of performance. GW2 came out in 2012, for 2012 computer hardware and was on DX9. It's antiquated and it shows the age of the game. How is that so illogical to you? You don't think Anet originally wanted to have as many players in a single map as possible? Of course they did! It was one of the major selling points of the game, to have BIG cooperative battles seamlessly with other players. But in reality the limited engine and hardware of the time forced a compromise, and that is why we have instanced maps. You are just making things up now to try to justify it's continued existence in the game because that's what you always do because you don't like anyone questioning the status quo. Or you just like to argue with anyone who gives feedback on the game. Either way you're wrong.
  2. Gameplay is not a reason when every encounter in the game can automatically be scaled to the amount of players. 500 players or 50 players? It makes no difference when the boss HP can scale to it. You are ignoring this fact on purpose. Secondly, you mentioned performance reasons. I literally included in my OP the question if technical upgrades to the engine could open up the possibility of more players on maps without performance issues. We had an upgrade to DX11 already, so we know more improvements may be coming in the future. But you inconveniently ignore that also. But arguing with you is pointless because you are only here to disagree with me since you turn up in almost every single thread that I post in just to reply to me and try to shut me down. You are targeting me and trying to gaslight me constantly.
  3. I must have no understanding because the way you think makes absolutely no sense to me. GW2 becoming a more seamless open world MMO without needing to taxi to other maps constantly to find other players somehow makes the game worse, according to you. It would ruin the game so badly you would hate the game. Is Taxi'ing to other instances your favorite feature about GW2? Try to help me understand. Thanks.
  4. It's ArenaNet's fault for their boring encounter design. If people are being lazy and afking that means they are bored, and I don't blame them. Pressing 23456 on the keyboard for 30 minutes while watching a health bar % Slooooowly tick down from 100% is mind numbing kitten.
  5. So now I'm a flat-earther because I don't entertain the idea that the GW2 economy is real enough to justify sitting here acting like an armchair economist while conducting speculation on the value of Gold and Gems and arguing about inflation? Guys, it's a game, it's not real life. Time to go outside maybe ?
  6. This never-ending defence of GW2 from this community is astounding. First you all tell me I must be new to the game. Nope. Then you said it must be my gear/build. Nope again. Then you said I must just suck at the game. Big nope. Now I can't cook irl? I bet I'm a far better cook than you are. But that's just besides the point I was trying to make, isn't it? This forum man..
  7. Finally. I think you're the first person who said anything about it not being technically possible. Almost every response in this thread has been contrary in nature and tried to make the argument that the loading screens are a preferred thing (from a gameplay perspective). +1 for calling me deranged, though. I'm making a list of all the things I get called here for giving feedback.
  8. Now we're comparing Gems and Gold to Bitcoins and blockchains?? Oh lord in heaven please save me 🤣
  9. I like sPvP but it has it's own problems. The only purpose of this thread was to share some impressions of WvW from someone coming from a long background in sPvP. Surprise surprise, WvW has it's own problems, too. Albeit different ones.. Yet you're here trying to deconstruct it all and now you're once again telling me there's no problem with the game, it's a me problem. Where have I heard that before? 🙄
  10. If you want to blame someone for this don't blame me, blame Anet for designing the entire game around a rewards framework. Everything you do in the game has rewards tied with it. It creates a mentality that everything you do is motivated by a carrot on the end of the stick. Just look at the zergs in WvW and pretend the commander tag at the front is the carrot and they're chasing it. That's a sad kittening image.
  11. I'm not. I already said the mode seemed mindless to me because it's all about zergs taking towers and the castle getting flipped every 5 minutes, and that there's hardly any defence effort to speak of. Just farm farm farm... I was only looking for another avenue on playing the mode that would be away from all that, but it seems I would be sabotaging my own rewards in doing so. So my only option is to join the zerg or get out. You're trying to gaslight me again.
  12. I have had plenty of player encounters. But they are ultimately unrewarding. In sPvP if I hold out against another player on a node, we get to keep that node and it makes a noticeable difference to the outcome of the match. What is the outcome from me defending a camp for 5 minutes from a deadeye only for a zerg to show up right after and take the camp in 10 seconds? Everyone in that zerg is getting far better rewards than I'm getting. So what is the point of doing that for any reason other than personal amusement when it achieves nothing?
  13. Because as it stands unless you follow the zerg for hours or solo ghost-cap and kill doylaks continuously the rewards are terrible compared with sPvP. And doing those things are incredibly repetitive and the zerging is especially mindless. The whole thing is a grind fest under the guise of a siege and defence mode, there's no substance to it at all. At least sPvP mode is exactly what you expect it will be going in.
  14. Well I did as you suggested and contested a camp from a deadeye. I got 0 pips for the effort. Then a red ball of invaders showed up and took the camp in 10 seconds anyway. Worthless mode.
  15. So you suggest I camp a location for an unknown amount of time waiting for someone to turn up? What are the rewards for doing this useful activity? 2 pips an hour? 😅
  16. I will, tyvm. Enjoy your toybox mode with your toy catapults and stuff 😅
  17. I ran around as a solo roamer. I ghost capped, killed doylaks, and ganked a few players along the way. But in the end it wasn't very satisfying. Maybe if killing players caused them to drop 1 of their equipped items, that would make it a little more spicy. Instead I spend a few minutes dueling someone and they drop a spike worth 16 copper https://wiki-en.guildwars2.com/wiki/Spike
  18. The GW2 community cannot stand for feedback about the game, that much is clear. They're even opposed to less loading screens, which I didn't expect. But then again maybe I should have expected that? And once again you want to turn the thread upside down and make it about ME, because you're obsessed with shooting the messenger all the time and trying to antagonize constantly. I just can't with this forum..
  19. You mean you never home cooked your own meal before? It's very difficult to get the exact same result twice. Even if you follow a recipe, there will always be slight variations. But if you're just using whatever ingredients you have available to you at the time, you will get widely different results. So to continue my comparison of the GW2 story to food (SotO in particular), what we're getting is the equivalent to a meal from Mcdonalds. Mass produced generic content for mass appeal and consumption. But not every story in GW2 is like this. ArenaNet has deviated before, so we know they can do better.
  20. "More loading screens in my MMO is good because it means I don't have to play with others" Why are we playing an MMO?
  21. Yes, really. I do think most players these days see extra loading screens as antiquidated. Look at any review for The Sims 4, or more recently Starfield. Expectations from gamers is changing. GW2 is coming up to 12 years old now and these extra load screens go a long way in showing it's age. You already need to go through a loading screen between each and every map. To have extra loading screens on top of that is just going to turn off some new players. Nobody likes loading screens, NOBODY. I can make that statement with confidence. And so the less we as players are interrupted by loading screens, the better.
  22. Yes. How many times do you want the exact same story told to you? But then again people love going to Mcdonalds to eat food that tastes the same every time. So what do I know? What?!1? You mean you don't like the pseudo fictional United Nations deploying themselves all over the place in Tyria and acting like the worlds police that always know best??? 😁
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