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Everything posted by Vardy.3592

  1. Would like to have the original functionality back. This has broken years or accepted defaults.
  2. Workaround is to change your bind for Mount Ability 1 to also have spacebar. From my own testing this will return the pre-patch functionality to all mounts except for Skyscale. This will break your ability to fly.
  3. Someone should tell ANET about this, as if it was not allowed, why did they allow it?
  4. So transferring server is also then match manipulation?
  5. Sad news for the KISS community. He was a large personality in EU WvW as well.
  6. yooo can you stop snitching on my road to UD 💀
  7. Be part of the solution problem, not part of the problem solution.
  8. Guys, we're clearly not trying hard enough. A WSR thread that hasn't been deleted within a day. Is it us whos slacking or the mods?
  9. WSR is very evil server perma spawn kill with big norns and asura with disgusting skins, they block peoples and throw toilet paper at us
  10. If you're relying upon tactivators to win, you're gonna lose.
  11. Anyone else only getting low tier loot from MarkBecks?
  12. I'm 100% emoting on your corpse ingame when I see it now.
  13. If you want to improve the situation, spend your effort in wvw and not the forums.
  14. Please disregard this topic as a legitimate suggestion from the wider WvW playerbase.
  15. I'm not sure this has been asked on here yet, but... Alliances when? Communication when?
  16. I watched The Wolf of Wall Street again this week.I'm not sure whos had more drugs, Jordan Belfort or OP.
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