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Everything posted by Vardy.3592

  1. I've had a similar idea in the past. There should be an upkeep cost once a tower/keep/castle reaches T3. This could be just to ensure dollys keep coming in. If they don't then something would happen to the structure (downgrades or takes damage for example). This would give a counter to bunkers as it gives camps more importance and forces people out to defend them.
  2. Twenty days and it will have been three years since the original post. Alliances when?
  3. The commander tag needs to be more contrasting compared to the visual clutter ingame. Still get lots of people who need to use the party marker on the commander to be able to see them. To me this still shows there is a deficiency with the tags themselves where they are not meeting their desired requirement.
  4. You are missing the point of my message as well as not understanding the current state of WvW. Winning means nothing in WvW. Very few people care about being 'top dog'. Server pride has not been a thing for multiple years.All thats left in WvW is the content. That is ultimately why people transfer. They are looking for content.
  5. People transferring en masse are not the problem. That is a sympton of the problem. Adding more servers does not address it. Transfers happen for multiple reasons, but it boils down to two main ones: To move away from somethingTo move towards somethingOnce people understand the above reasons, we can then look towards working out a solution instead of bashing each other for transferring.
  6. Devs, if you read this, don't listen to OP.
  7. It's not just one set of players though, is it?Stop villainising one group without mentioning the rest. Two links ago we had the FSP and UW bandwagon. Both went full.Last link, Dzago went to Millers. Both went full.This link, FoW went from very high to medium and RoS went medium to very high. These are classic 'bandwagons', yet the only thing people talk about is WSR... The linking system is flawed because players can do whatever they want with it. There is nothing stopping us since the day it was implemented.Maybe we should stop blaming each other and look back to ANET and ask what they are doing to address this issue?We clearly aren't getting alliances anytime soon, so alternative methods need to be explored.
  8. We're all the victims here. I stubbed my toe last night and I just know it was those WSR guys that caused it.
  9. Players transferring is not the problem. It's the symptom, not the cause. It's about time we seriously considered deleting tier 5, thats either by deleting the now dead servers in it, or just going back to 3-server links.
  10. WSR were not the first in this linking to move and yet seem to be the only thing on peoples mind.Players on Dzago moved to Millers and the poulation update on the Monday after relinking showed the Elona/Millers link as both full.Lets also not forget last linking where FSP and UW were linked and both were also full at one point.
  11. Theres no point in asking ANET to fix this system as they clearly won't. History shows that the servers that don't get a link languish in T4/5 for the majority of the linking period (the exception being BB due to off-hours PPT and artificially open). We will see the same next re-links where the player population will deicde what they want to do regardless of what ANET implement because ANET refuse to use their powers to fix it.
  12. People ressing a downstate are not contributing to the fight and depending on where they are, they are also an easy target.
  13. I'd rather see them overhaul the world structures themselves and relinking process. We need to be realistic and start looking at deleting servers so we can get people into the ones that aren't already dead.The relinking process is broken because we, the players, can break it. As soon as the links are announced, we will do what we always do and move servers.
  14. Preventing players from using tactics and siege is a negative road to go down. It is a massive overhead for players to maintain a list for no real benefit. The suggestion is to not rely on siege and tactics in the first place. They are there to supplement the fight, not be the deciding factor.
  15. As of writing it is Tuesday, I'm pressing my skills right now in the hope they cast on Friday reset.
  16. @Simo.6819Please don't ping people unnecessarily.
  17. This tonic is no longer showing in my inventory as either locked or unlocked.https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Endless_Choya_Dance_Tonic From novelties panel ingamehttps://imgur.com/a/BnIMG34 From GW2 Efficiencyhttps://imgur.com/a/78Qoqqp
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