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Everything posted by rainhelm.3827

  1. This is a great direction to take condizerk. Just the flurry change alone puts a smile on my face.
  2. Condizerk has playability issues, 37K would be okay otherwise. Playability and versatility is ultimately what matters for crushing majority of players and crushing majority of their playtime at that too. For Powerzerk... I think its already fun and playable, it just needs to bench higher.
  3. Title. There are a lot of costumes that either serve as a disguise or whatever for certain story parts and these sometimes even seem to have race specific variants, so what I'm trying to get at is, if you went through all this effort, why not make these unlockables, let players keep them? As an ESO refugee this was a thing I really liked about that game and how they handled disguises and other quest related outfits. I think this is one of the ways you can make some of the existing content more relevant for new players. There is a certain type of joy in unlocking these kind of things via gameplay and not just buying them off of the gold/gems I farmed.
  4. Talk about wasted developer time. Why add special effects to banners when what needs to be done is gut them all out of the game? Warrior deserves real abilities that they can interact and make plays with, not glorified boon dispensers.
  5. Condizerk does like 2k above powerzerk with raid buffs, against a dummy golem that does not move or do anything at all that would cleanse the conditions applied to it or move it out of the ground AoEs that condizerk is so dependant on. Which if you actually played a condi spec at all instead of acting like you know anything at all (which you do not), you would know practical DPS differs heavily from dummy parses and power specs in general are much more practical in general gameplay where condizerk would need 10 button ramp-up for a mob that powerzerk would delete in a single button. You don't even understand what is being complained about in here. You are just complaining about other people because they are not complaining about what you are, with practically nothing of value to add to the conversation. Good job.
  6. Just skip berserker and never look back at it. It doesn't matter what numbers it pulls with raid buffs its just a broken mess that they will never fix. You'll thank me for this. Play vindicator or whatever if you want greatswords so badly. If you want warrior and GS combo so badly, consider spellbreaker. But even so what makes spellbreaker great is the hammer-defense synergy, so by running greatsword on spellbreaker you're throwing away what makes it great to begin with.
  7. Here is a better question to you then, why longbow then? Why doesn't the condi spec have a viable melee weapon combo? Why is it forced into longbow? That is the sole reason the spec doesn't have access to warrior's sprint, a partial reason to why sword and sword 2 is so useless because it doesn't serve as a root break and sword in general has %25 less movement speed than a power berserk running around with axes. If I'm making all these annoying trade-offs to make the ranged condi weapon work, why am I not even allowed to make full use of its range? Don't you see the problem here? That I don't even have a choice in the matter?
  8. Realistically speaking needing to stay in berserk (to be a viable spec) is the core problem to begin with. Lets say berserk abilities give their uptime benefit on use rather than on hit/stun-break, now If you're going to let me stay in berserk indefinitely at basically no risk of ever letting it end early, then what is the point of berserk button to exist? You might aswell put me permanently on berserk at that point. Don't you see the issue here? The design itself is flawed. Berserk should have just been a spec that replaced your core F1's with empowered ones without the need for going berserk and the F2 should have been more about damage steroids and other benefits. Even most of the traits are straight up useless because they give benefits like invulnerability or health return when entering berserk, while the playstyle is all about minimizing the amount of times you need to enter berserk.
  9. ESO's group finder works because I queue as a fake-tank, taunt the boss, give you fat heals while also doing triple your DPS. In other words, no it does not work and its a horrible example. Its literal proof why the ''holy trinity'' of dps/tank/healer is literal trash design. If you ask me, GW2 should have sticked to adding more fractals. While fractals have some annoying mechanics like AR the content itself is well designed and teaches good habits, forcing players to do teamwork, coordinate, pay attention to mechanics and do a little bit of positioning/dodging while at it. Its just proof you can have a fun yet challenging dungeon experience without the need for a ''tank'' or a ''healer''.
  10. Ideally speaking, berserk needs to be done with duration increase tied to barebones utility skills. This makes for a really fragile and frustrating class in PvE. The headbutt>outrage combo specifically should not be a neccessity to sustain good DPS. Because it can not be relied on. No player should be punished because of an unreliable mechanic that is completely out of their control. I should not be scolding or needing to educate my teammates that they should stop giving me stun immunity. Moving on, crackshot's passive condi effects should be given to longbow/harpoon by default, right now longbow/sword+torch is the only good weapon choice for this spec. The only condi warrior spec should not worry about their only viable weapon combo having condi damage by default. Why not have something that gives condi damage to other melee weapons there instead? bleeds or burning would fit greatsword, burn would fit maces or hammers. Some weapon wariety would be fun to have but I don't see any condi builds ever breaking that mold because it is simply not encouraged by the developers.
  11. Re-roll. Or listen to the clowns and play a condi zerker, enjoy spamming 10 buttons to ramp up your damage while the guy next to you one shots everything in their path while being significantly faster and tankier than you.
  12. I'm afraid I already invested enough of my time and no, I don't struggle as much with group content as much as I do with some of the bosses that exist in DLC open world zones. Fractal groups often fail because players fail to comprehend mechanics or they are gated by a stat-check (agony). I on the other hand, go try to do something as easy as defeating a champion for some hero points, and needless to say this so called ''meta'' dps build has trouble surviving basic mobs without god tier positioning/dodging, let alone a few attacks from a champion boss. After dying over and over and over again in maguma, playing fractals felt easier. Much easier. No I'd rather live in the fractals/raids than to bring this build to anywhere else. I'll have a crapton of boons/heals provided to me in those areas and won't have to spam dodge because the boss looked at my general direction. If anything doing fractals is the easy content where I don't have to worry about how god awful my spec is since other players can make up for it.
  13. This was eye opening and informative, thanks. I was already considering guardian as my next bet. I guess ı might aswell start it now and when (if) they decide to fix warrior, I'll give it a go again.
  14. I was just thinking to myself maybe I should roll some cele gear and meme around. Oh lastly, what should I expect from this november patch btw? I'm not very knowledgeable about development cycles for this game and I just play it on and off so if its some minor patch I'd rather give up hope now and roll something else. If its something big though, do tell me about it.
  15. Right, you would get to decide if I should play the video game I paid for. The complaints have been about a very specific portion of the game and its even posted in the correct section of the forums but I guess I can't help if you can't notice that can I? You should probably tell me for the 3rd time that I could shill some more money for bladesworn or play something else in case I didn't get your point though, that would definitely put me in a positive mood.
  16. I don't see you or these poor developers that are clearly trying so hard to improve my experience by refunding me the money I paid for the two expansions or giving me a free code for EoD so you can save whatever excuse you may have. My perspective is the correct one in the sense that I'll believe it when I actually see it. Telling me ''too bad you got trolled, pay more because I did too or play something else'' isn't even actual advice especially after I told you that I'm already aware of what my options are. I'm sorry, but at that point it stops being goodwill and reads more like toxic positivity. Its like telling a depressed person to ''just be happy''.
  17. Longbow auto having the auto attack burn by default would be good QoL for any kind of condi Warrior. But most importantly it would be great fun to be able to freely run warrior's sprint. If the developers goal here is to have variety in choices players can make, they should aim to achieve that by giving the player multiple strong choices, not by forcing their hand into a filler option so that they can have condi damage for their condi build auto attack. That is a cruel way of doing things and it only serves to frustrate the player.
  18. Firstly, I realize this is a genuine advice with goodwill behind it, but you must look it from my perspective. I have a policy of not paying money to developers who balance their games to maximize FOMO profits rather than building trust and goodwill with their existing playerbase, who might have wanted to enjoy the old content. I already paid money for the first two expansions so if they can't give my spec attention, then I refuse to reward that behavior. There is also no guarantee they won't nerf your playstyle into the ground when the 4th elite spec is out or they want a different FOMO class for that patch. This kind of balancing is exactly what made me stay far away from mobas or battle royales, its even more toxic in MMORPG's where time investment is massive compared to other video games.
  19. Why does this spec sacrifice EVERYTHING for passable Condi DPS? And the only source of mobility I'm apparently allowed to have, quickness, is tied to BANNERS? You're telling me I get movement speed if I sit next to a stationary object that is on a long cooldown? Groups love banners in raids so what? This is garbage design. There is more to your video game than raids. There is more to this game than standing still and hitting a target that is also standing still. You know this isn't even the worst part, its just the last straw but I don't want to rant about how dumb it is to spam a bunch of boring abilities(YES BANNERS ARE BORING) just for the sake of proccing their boons/quickness or spamming abilities that do literally nothing just to extend berserk duration so I can keep spamming F1. The heatbutt>outrage combo is peak failure in game design. Literally everything I do playing this spec is done to either extend berserk duration to spam F1's or to grant me quickness that I will not be relying on when I actually need the movement speed part. God forbid I used abilities for what they actually did rather than some lame passive that I need to have a functional build. This would be the part where I insult the developers but really, I'm the clown for spending money on your game, and I'm happy to tell you I'll not repeat that mistake ever again.
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